MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 69 Don't do this, teacher⑦

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The Yan Ge in front of him made Lin Rui feel very strange. He looked at Yan Ge, and there was an expression he was not familiar with on that very familiar face. Looking at Yang Ge's body under the expensive suit, he could even imagine the feeling of touching it. Lin Rui doesn't know what's wrong with him, he obviously likes Yan Yang, but why is he thinking about Yan Ge recently?

Yang Ge stood there waiting for him for a while, seeing that he was still silent, he said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave, I am very busy."

After speaking, Yan Ge turned around without hesitation, Eggy squatted on Yang Ge's shoulder and said, "Host, you are so unfeeling, don't you see the expression of the male partner?"

"Don't tell me that, I'm still mad."

Getting the school settled is only the first step, and then Yan Ge will find someone to delete all the posts about this matter on the Internet. There is a lot of gossip on the Internet every day. As long as this matter is handled in a low-key manner, people will soon stop paying attention to it.

Lin Rui returned home silently, and he was relieved that there would be no problem with his work. He was lying on his back on the bed, Yang Ge's indifferent appearance was always lingering in front of his eyes. Lin Rui stretched out his hand and patted his head, and said in his heart that he couldn't think about it anymore, it was you who said in front of him that he was just using him as a stand-in. They helped you regardless of previous suspicions. If you have a conscience, don't bother them anymore.

After doing mental training for himself, Lin Rui felt better, and he got up to make food to fill his stomach. It was only when I opened the refrigerator that I remembered that I hadn't bought food for several days because of my bad mood.

Yan Ge was also thinking about what to eat for lunch, and sometimes too many choices were a kind of trouble. He was thinking hard about his stomach when Jiang Jiang knocked on the door and came in and said, "Brother, do me a favor."

Yan Ge: "What's the matter?"

"Help me choose a ring." Jiang Jiang said to Yan Ge.

Yan Ge looked at Jiang Jiang silently for a while, stretched out a hand to cover his chest and said, "You don't have any thoughts about me, do you?"

Jiang Jiang also looked at Yan Ge silently for a while, and then asked him, "When did you become so shameless?"

Yan Ge was sitting in Jiang Jiang's car, Jiang Jiang said: "I want to propose to my girlfriend, don't you always claim to be the most tasteful? Help me advise, what kind of rings do girls like?"

Yan Ge was surprised, "You were single two days ago, and you are going to propose to your girlfriend today? Where did you get your girlfriend?"

"Actually, I have always had a girlfriend." Jiang Jiang showed a sweet smile, "We made an appointment tomorrow."

"...A netizen?" Yan Ge said, "You proposed marriage before meeting him? Do you know him?"

"I like her, what's wrong with the proposal?" Jiang Jiangdao: "And based on my conditions, there are not many people who can refuse, right?"

Jiang Jiang is indeed young and promising, and he is not ugly, but he ignored the crucial point, "Do you know what the other party looks like? What if she is fat and round?"

"No, I have seen her photos." Jiang Jiang smiled shyly, "She is very cute, I feel very comfortable playing games with her, and her interests and hobbies overlap with mine. My mother has already urged her I've been here for more than two years, and it's time for me to bring her a daughter-in-law back."

Yan Ge felt that it was unreliable, but on second thought, even if he was cheated at that time, he would be cheating Jiang Jiang, and it had nothing to do with him. As a friend, he should not prevent Jiang Jiang from receiving social education.

Jiang Jiang agreed to invite Yan Ge to dinner after choosing the ring. The two walked into the jewelry store, and the shopping guide first saw the clothes on them that were not cheap at first sight. Immediately knowing that the big business was coming, a circle of shopping guides gathered around the two of them.

"Sir, may I help you?"

Yan Ge pointed to Jiang Jiang and said, "He wants to choose a ring for his girlfriend, please recommend it."

"Okay." The shopping guide said, "Please follow me."

"These are the latest models. They are beautiful in style. Your girlfriend will definitely like them when she sees them."

Jiang Jiang, a straight man of steel, really doesn't know much about this kind of woman's rings. Looking at the row of rings in front of him, Jiang Jiang said to Yan Ge in a dilemma: "What do you think? Which one do you think is better?"

Yan Ge looked down for a moment, then pointed to one of them and said, "This one."

Jiang Jiang looked at the thick ring, touched his chin and said, "Why this one? I think girls might like smaller and more delicate rings, right?"

"I don't know if girls like delicate ones, but I know they all like big ones." Yan Ge said, "The one just now is the biggest diamond among these rings."

Miss shopping guide: "..."

Jiang Jiang was deeply impressed by Yan Ge's theory, "Brother, you really understand women."

The shopping guide's cheeks twitched, what do you mean by really understanding a woman? Don't men like big ones?

Jiang Jiang excitedly said to the shopping guide: "Please show me the ring with the largest diamond in your store."

Lin Rui went to a restaurant that he liked but hadn't been to for a long time for lunch. When he came out, he immediately saw Yan Ge in the jewelry store opposite. Although it was across a street, even though it was separated by a glass window, he noticed it with such a magical glance. By the time he realized it, he had already come outside the glass wall of the jewelry store, and he saw Yan Ge picking out a ring with a man with a smile on his face.

When the huge diamond ring was delivered to him, Jiang Jiang was deeply attracted, and then he slapped his thigh, "That's all."

In fact, Yan Ge was still a little bit worried that Jiang Jiang would be tricked, and he would even gloat over being tricked, but he didn't want to see his friend get tricked, this diamond ring was not cheap. He said: "Do you want to stop thinking about it? If she doesn't like it, wouldn't it be a waste?"

"How could it be?" Jiang Jiang said: "You are right, how could there be women who don't like big diamonds?"

All right, since he couldn't think about it, Yan Ge stopped persuading him. He said: "Go and eat, I'm hungry, you can choose the restaurant."

As soon as she chose a seat in the restaurant and sat down, Eggy said, "Host, Lin Rui saw you just now."

Yan Ge blinked and said, "Really?"

"Yes, he looked unhappy and went to the bar next door."

Yan Ge frowned, and Jiang Jiang beside him said, "What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Don't you have a boyfriend? Call me to meet you some other day?"

"Oh, you are too late." Yan Ge said, "We have already broken up."

Jiang Jiang: "... so quickly?"

Yan Ge has always remembered what Eggy said about Lin Rui's unhappiness. He has solved such a big trouble, so what else is there to be unhappy about?

After eating absent-mindedly, Jiang Jiang was about to go back to the company. Yan Ge said, "Go back first, I have something to do."

"What's the matter with you? You broke up, why don't you take this opportunity to work hard?"

Yan Ge: "Get lost!"

There were not many people in the bar in the afternoon, and after Yan Ge went in, he walked around and saw Lin Rui. Lin Rui was sitting in the corner alone, drinking.

What does he drink? Yan Ge remembered that he was unconscious when he was drunk with half a bottle of red wine before, what do you want to drink in the bar by himself now?

It was only after a few glasses of wine that Lin Rui remembered the fact that he was not able to hold enough alcohol. He regretted it at the time, but he didn't know if it would be too late to vomit after drinking it all, and it was not good for his health.

He couldn't help but think of what happened with Yan Ge when he was drunk last time. Lin Rui, who had known his sexuality for a long time, hadn't had a formal relationship for so many years. It was conceivable that he was not someone who would indulge in physical desires. But the feeling of waking up with someone next to you is really addictive.

At this moment, a man in a black T-shirt came over with a wine glass, and said very familiarly, "Why are you drinking alone?"

Lin Rui frowned and was about to leave. The man said, "Bring me a drink."

Lin Rui said no directly, and the man said, "Then I can buy you a drink."

Lin Rui was about to leave, but the man stretched out his hand to pull him, "Why do you reject people thousands of miles away? Are you not lonely? You like men, right? What do you think of me? I can go home with you."

Lin Rui glanced at the man. It was undeniable that this man had a pretty face, but Lin Rui only felt offended.

Yan Ge saw the situation here, his eyes narrowed slightly, and just as he was about to stand up, a woman sat directly on his lap, "Handsome guy, alone?"

Yan Ge suppressed his anger and said, "Come down."

"Oh, it's so fierce." The woman patted her chest, not knowing whether it was because of fear or to make Yang Ge notice her good figure, "This is my first time here? I've never seen you before."

His nostrils were filled with the smell of women's perfume, and Yan Ge felt sad. He didn't even feel a woman throwing himself into his arms now. His sacrifice for work was really too great.

Yang Ge lifted the woman up with all his strength, and the woman exclaimed excitedly, "It's so powerful!"

The next moment, she was thrown to the ground by Yang Ge. At this time, Yan Ge went to see Lin Rui, but found that he was no longer in his original position. He was anxious, and hurriedly chased him out.

Lin Rui was eager to get rid of the man's entanglement, and he felt bad when he came out of the bar, and the spirit of alcohol came up. Lin Rui walked to the side of the road and raised his hand to hail a car to go back, but he was pulled by the man behind him, and he fell unsteadily into the man's arms.

The smell of a strange man surrounded him, and Lin Rui struggled away from the man in shock.

"You can't drink so little?" The man licked his lips, and stretched out his hand to Lin Rui, "Why are you pretending to be serious? If you can't drink, you come to the bar to get drunk, isn't it just to seduce men?"

His hand was about to touch Lin Rui, who was on the verge of falling, when suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed his wrist. The man followed the slender white hand and saw Yan Ge.

"Gudong." The man swallowed, and said without temper at all: "What are you doing?"

"Go away." Yang Ge let go of his hand in disgust.

However, it was still too late, Lin Rui rolled his eyes and lay down on the ground.

"Tsk." Yan Ge knelt down speechlessly to help Lin Rui.

"Do you know him? Is he your boyfriend?" The man said without giving up: "Seeing him drunk like this can't satisfy you anymore, why don't you take me with you, my skills are very good."

Yang Ge hugged Lin Rui in the posture of a princess hugging him, his face was as cold as if he had just retrieved it from Antarctica.

Seeing the back of Yan Ge leaving, the man snorted unwillingly and helplessly.

Keeping this posture, his expression turned a corner, Yan Ge finally couldn't take it anymore, does the princess require too much arm strength to hold this posture? He quickly put Lin Rui on the ground, and rubbed his arm vigorously with a distorted expression. After rubbing for a long time, he felt better. He glanced at Lin Rui, whose body was still lying on the ground, and regretted why he came here by Jiang Jiang's car. He should have driven here by himself.

At this moment, a taxi drove over, Yan Ge's eyes lit up, and he immediately waved.

The car stopped in front of him, Yan Ge bent down to help Lin Rui, and said to the driver: "Master, do me a favor, he is drunk."

The driver helped Yan Ge to help Lin Rui into the car, and he was still wondering when he got in the car, "It's still early, why are you drunk at this time?"

Yan Ge was tired out of breath, and replied: "Because he is a fool."

After the car stopped downstairs at Li Rui's house, the real test came now.

The community where Lin Rui lives is an old community, the highest is the sixth floor, which means that there is no elevator, and Lin Rui's house is just on the sixth floor. How should I put it, this height is nothing to a young man with a good body like Yan Ge, but the premise is that there is no adult man on his back.

After sending Lin Rui home, Yan Ge didn't want to say anything or do anything, he just wanted to lie on the bed and breathe.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Yang Ge looked down at Lin Rui who was lying on the bed with a blushing face. He stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Rui **** the face, "You are really a tosser."

Who knew that this pinch directly opened Lin Rui's eyes. Yan Ge was taken aback, and said with a little guilty conscience: "I... saw you by chance, and I sent you back because I was kind and didn't want to see you being picked up by someone. I... went away."

As soon as Yan Ge turned around, his hand was grabbed.

This scene seemed familiar, the first day he and Lin Rui met was like this, he put Lin Rui to sleep.

When Yan Ge turned around, he saw Lin Rui looking at him eagerly, his eyes flushed from being drunk seemed a little pitiful. Yan Ge's breathing slowed down, and then he firmly pushed down Lin Rui's hand. He is a principled person, and he would never...

Lin Rui had a dream, dreaming that Yan Ge was back. They released themselves on the bed to their heart's content, and he finally lived a life of waking up someone sleeping beside him.

This dream was so beautiful that Lin Rui was awakened by the beauty. When I woke up, it was pitch black, and it was already night.

He rubbed his eyes in a daze, and suddenly felt sore all over, especially the unspeakable pain and numbness. Isn't this feeling...

The memory came back in an instant, he had a drink in the bar, and then a man in a black T-shirt pestered him, and then he didn't worry about anything.

Lin Rui couldn't help shivering as if being poured on his head by a basin of cold water. He could already feel the body temperature of another person beside him under the quilt.

At that moment, Lin Rui even wanted to scream, did he degenerate into a promiscuous **** who casually invites pao? Lin Rui lay stiffly on the bed, staring at the night with dull eyes, really wanting to beat himself to death.

The author has something to say: Good night~~~~~Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for [Mine]: 1 Xiaohei;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

37 bottles of ja; 20 bottles of the main attack party; 10 bottles at the beginning of Muchun; 5 bottles of cry;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!