MTL - I See The Galaxy-~ Ten minutes before the first class, you can go back to the classroom after you have passed it.

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Yu Xing sat down on the stool, the two of them occupying one side of the room.

What's good for dinner?

She began to ponder something in her head.

Look at the timetable for the afternoon, I can finish today's homework for about two periods of evening self-study, what do I do with the rest of the time?


Hey, I hope the chef of the restaurant can cook dishes that are not so delicate at night.

It seems that there is an on-campus cinema in the school? When are you going to take a look...

"How are you doing in your class?" Suddenly, Fan Xiangxiang said suddenly.

"Ah?" Yu Xing was stunned for a moment, pushed up his glasses, and looked up, "Me?"

Fan Xiangxiang was displeased: "Who else is here besides you?"

"Ah... I'm fine, our class..."

"Last time I passed your class and saw you copying homework for your class?" Fan Xiangxiang interrupted her.

Yu Xing paused and shook his head: "No. I wrote the answer on paper and let them copy it themselves."

"What's the difference?"

"Finish the question and then transcribe it on the paper. You only need to write it twice." Yu Xing made a two gesture, "Copy it for them, at least five times." She looked serious Emphasize, "Five times."

Fan Xiangxiang was furious when she heard it, and she was more angry: "copy what? I can't stand your cowardice! They are rich, so what? Are you going to be bullied for recruiting?"

"Well...I think it's good to be a little more stable."

"Safe and stable? I'm just cowardly, what are you talking about." Fan Xiangxiang mocked, "It's because you are like this that special enrollment will be looked down upon, can you be tougher? What's the difference? I should look down on these ignorant people! What about you? You are just like a pug, you don't want to be better than you can't hold me back?!"

Yu Xing snorted: "The pug is a little too old..."

Fan Xiangxiang stared at her for a long time, probably thinking that she was helpless, and turned her head fiercely and ignored her.

Yu Xing looked at Fan Xiangxiang's profile, thought about it, but still didn't speak.

Time passed quietly in the duty room, and it was almost time to leave, when the car horn sounded outside the gate.

A blue Sao Bao luxury car drove outside the gate, and someone from the security room came out to take a look, and the gate was opened immediately.

Which student is coming to class.

Just as she was about to look away, she turned her head and saw Fan Xiangxiang staring at the car, then suddenly grabbed the pen and the duty file and rushed out.

She reached out in front of the car and stopped the car.

Yu Xing was taken aback.

Usually, whoever drives in, the security guards and the teachers who are there occasionally will never stop them, but the electric gate only stops people outside the school.

In addition, those who can usually drive by themselves are all seniors and seniors who have reached 18. At present, the three years in school, the most annoying is the senior year. Not only for ordinary people like them, but also for other Lintian students.

There are many famous surnames in Sijiucheng, and some of them happen to be in this senior year.

Fan Xiangxiang did not know this.

This is inexplicable, Yu Xing looked worried, got up and walked quickly to the door of the duty room, without taking a step.

The electric gate gave way, and the blue car was stopped by Fan Xiangxiang who suddenly rushed out.

A security guard probed from the security room: "It's the school's car, all of which are in the third year of high school."

When she signaled to let her go, Fan Xiangxiang didn't seem to hear it, walked outside the cab, raised his hand and knocked on the window.

The car window was lowered by a third, and inside was a handsome face, the boy frowned: "Is something wrong?"

Fan Xiangxiang said with a stern face: "Classmate, you are late. According to the school rules, your class will be deducted points. What is your name? Let me register your name class."

Her expression was a "fine" style, sacred and inviolable.

The boy in the driver's seat was silent for two seconds, then turned his head and laughed at the person in the passenger seat: "Did you hear that she said she wanted to deduct my points?"

Yu Xing couldn't stand any longer, and rushed to Fan Xiangxiang's side.


Before Fan Xiangxiang finished speaking, Yu Xing covered her mouth: "I'm sorry, senior, she's new here!"

This might as well come up with another person, Shen Shiyu put his hand on the steering wheel and looked at her. The voice is nice... but it's too earthy, nerdy dress, lifeless, bangs as thick as iron, and the face can't be seen clearly.

Today is a good day, and the students in the day room compete one by one.

Before the sound came out, another slightly impatient voice sounded from the back seat of the car.

“…Would you go?”

Shen Shiyu turned his head when he heard the sound.

Clothes draped over her body, the person sleeping with his face half-covered did not open his eyes and frowned slightly. As he spoke, the clothes slid down around his neck, revealing that face.

The eyebrows and eyes are handsome, the bridge of the nose is high and straight, sharp and delicate, and the two thin lips have an unpleasant arc.

The coat he wears is hand-embroidered every stitch and thread, embellishing the edges of the clothes, the low-key gilt thread adds color, and it is not too heavy, and it is well preserved The overall sense of lightness, luxury and simplicity combine to bring out a different kind of casual and elegant style.

Like him.

Shen Shiyu knew that he was very angry when he got up, and responded, "Immediately."

Didn't see it clearly.

But when I heard the sound just now, I thought I couldn't let go.

Yu Xing clenched Fan Xiangxiang's mouth more and more and hurriedly said, "Senior, go in! She's a newcomer who doesn't understand, I'll tell her later!"

Striving to squeeze out a dumb, honest and begging smile, Yu Xing tightly covered Fan Xiangxiang's mouth, ignoring her struggles, took out the strength of feeding, wrapped her arms around her waist and dragged her Go back.

Shen Shiyu didn't bother much and raised the window.

Jiang Zhiyan in the passenger seat looked back and saw that the person in the back seat had opened his eyes.

Seeing him looking out the window, Jiang Zhiyan asked, "What are you looking at?"

Sheng Yi's peach blossom eyes complement her thin lips, and she looks especially good when she smiles, but at the moment she is slightly tired and irritable from not getting enough sleep, and her face is sullen.

"Nothing," he said.

The girl with glasses covered the mouth of the other girl and dragged her straight back. The one that was dragged had a shoe rubbing against the ground and was about to fall off.

Looking away from the girl's badge wearing glasses, the word "Yu Xing" flashed across her mind, lightly and without a trace.

Sheng Yi looked at Shen Shiyu lightly: "Let's go."