MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 41 I see

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The Spring Festival holiday is not long. In recent years, it is fashionable to go abroad for vacation.

Sheng Yi's elders in the family are conservative, and the relatives who are not particularly close are outside, and they have lived in China as usual. Qin Huai's family flew across the ocean early at the beginning of the winter vacation. During this vacation, Qin Huai was not able to attend their party.

It wasn't until the first week of the new semester was over that Qin Huaicai returned to China, and the next day after landing, he asked a group of friends who were hurt to come out to meet.

After the long-lost party, avoiding others, Qin Huai and Sheng Yi met again in private. The specific situation is unknown, the only thing known is that Qin Huai beat Sheng Yi.

At first everyone thought they heard it wrong, but they didn't.

Yu Xing was very surprised when he first heard the news.

The chat contents of Tong Youjing and Tong Youjing are refreshed quickly one by one.

Ritestad: [Can't you? Qin Huai beat Sheng Yi? ! 】

Tongtong: [It’s true! Jiang Zhiyan told me! 】

Litersida: [Why did Qin Huai fight Shengyi? 】

Tong Tong: [It seems…]

Ritesta: [Huh? 】

Tongtong: [It has something to do with you two. 】

Ritestad: [The two of us? 】

Tongtong: [As for the matter between you and Sheng Yi, Qin Huai came back and found out. The two of them seemed to be talking about something in private. 】

Yu Xing stared at the phone for a while, the second-hand news is not accurate enough, it is better to ask Sheng Yi directly.

Immediately click on his avatar, think about it, and make a phone call instead.

It will be connected soon.

"Hello?" The male voice is somewhat magnetic, a familiar voice.

"Senior." She asked straight to the point, "Did you fight with Senior Qin Huai?"


Just as Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Sheng Yi say, "He beat me unilaterally."

She was stunned: "...why?"

He said casually, "Nothing."

"Tongtong said it has something to do with me."

He paused for a moment, and said, "Tong Youjing is such a big mouth."


"It's really not a serious matter." Sheng Yi had to tell her, "After Qin Huai came back, I heard that I was chasing you. You didn't talk nonsense in front of him before, saying that you If he likes me, he will come to me and ask."

Why nonsense? Not because of him! Feeling sullen in his heart, but at this time he didn't care about sharing the blame, Yu Xing asked, "Then what?"

"Then I told him that at that time we had a festival and were entangled with each other, and accidentally used him as cannon fodder."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Almost. I have said everything I have to say, I told him that it was fake that I matched you with him, that you were forced to date him, and that you liked me to perfunctory him. ." Sheng Yi said leisurely, "Only now I am chasing you and you are unmoved is it true."

"..." Change someone to be a brother to Sheng Yi, fearing to stab him to death.

Yu Xing was speechless.

After a while, she asked, "How about Senior Qin Huai? How is it now?"

"Very good, I'll go home to eat after beating, what's not good."

"It's understandable for him to be angry..." In this matter, she felt ashamed of Qin Huai.

The warm yellow light in the apartment bedroom brightens the interior.

It's windy outside.

Yu Xing leaned on the head of the bed and sighed.

The phone rang, and Sheng Yi seemed to turn over.

"Don't just talk about him, it's me who was beaten, why don't you ask me?"

Yu Xing complained: "Being beaten is not what it should be."

"I'm the one who took care of all the mistakes, including yours, shouldn't you thank me?"

She whispered: "If it wasn't for you, how could I lie to Senior Qin Huai? Senior, you are the source of the problem, and the responsibility is yours!"

He chuckled softly: "... OK, whatever you say is what you say." He pretended to sigh, "There's no way, who made the junior girl my junior girl?"

She muttered, "It was your fault."

You should hang up the phone when you ask what you want to ask.

Just as Yu Xing was about to speak, Sheng Yi began to act a demon again: "To be honest, Qin Huai is very hard. Junior girl, my body hurts so much."

She raised her eyebrows: "What should I do then?"

"Why don't you sing two lullabies for me, schoolgirl? It's better to make a love breakfast tomorrow, I won't choose, cook a porridge, add some side dishes, and fry an egg, eggs are the best It's loving, if you can..."

"Senior." Yu Xing interrupted him ruthlessly, "You better wash and sleep, there is everything in your dreams."

With a snap, hang up the phone neatly.

She said that the responsibility lies with Sheng Yi, but she knew in her heart that she was wrong. Yu Xing sent a message to Qin Huai to apologize, thinking that he would be indifferent, but he didn't expect him to have a good attitude, and he didn't say bad things, and accepted her apology very calmly - probably beat Sheng Yi first, and he was already angry.

Tong Youjing came to her in the middle of class the next day.

Yu Xing was startled: "Run slowly."

Tong Youjing sat down in her front seat and said, "I just went to the third year of high school, and Sheng Yi was seriously injured."

She paused, "...very serious?"

"The face is hurt." Tong Youjing said, "I didn't expect Qin Huai to come to the real thing. The corner of Sheng Yi's mouth was broken, and it was blue and purple."

Yu Xing did not speak, but held a page of the book in his hand and did not turn it for a long time.

Tong Youjing asked, "Would you like to take a look?"

Eyes flickered, Yu Xing whispered: "What am I looking for, I didn't call it."

"That has something to do with you." Tong Youjing said, "I don't blame you, but think about it, Qin Huai has never done anything with Sheng Yi before, and this time he is still fighting On his face, he must be very angry! He is so angry, it will never be easy to attack, and I heard that Sheng Yi didn't fight back..."

Listening to Tong Youjing's words, Yu Xing couldn't help feeling that Sheng Yi was miserable, but he was still stubborn: "I won't go, he will be beeping and beeping when I go, it's annoying."

After persuading a few words, seeing that the persuasion could not work, Tong Youjing had to give up.

Soon, the bell rang and I went back to my class.

For lunch, a group of people gathered in the restaurant. Since Sheng Yi "returned from evil to justice", the corner position has basically become exclusive to him and Yu Xing. Fortunately, it was big enough. At that time, there were only the two of them. Now, with Tong Youjing and a few others, they can also sit down.

I heard that it is not as intuitive as seeing it with my eyes. After seeing Sheng Yi with my own eyes, Yu Xing knew that Tong Youjing was not exaggerating.

His face was indeed painted, with a piece at the corner of his eyes and a piece at the corner of his mouth, bruised and reddish, like a failed regional painting result.

The corner of the mouth is hurt, and it is inconvenient to eat.

She usually eats gracefully, but she didn't eat a few mouthfuls after this meal. He didn't make any noise that shouldn't affect the other people at the same table, but every time he was involved in the wound, he had to stop his chopsticks to rest for a while, and his brows frowned slightly, which was very pitiful.

Yu Xing didn't want to look at him, but he couldn't help it, his eyes always aimed in his direction, he obviously didn't want to see it, but he kept seeing it. Seeing the subtle expression of pain in his eyes, she seemed to be in pain, and the corners of her mouth twitched subconsciously.

The whole process, he didn't move a few chopsticks, and at the end everyone ate, and most of the portion in front of him was left, almost the same.

Yu Xing wanted to say something, moved his lips, suppressed it, and swallowed the words back in his throat.

Excuse me to go back to work after dinner, at the small intersection in front of the restaurant, Yu Xing and Tong Youjing parted ways with the three of them. However, before reaching the second year teaching building, Yu Xing did not go up.

"I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, Tongtong, go up first."


With a low cough, she didn't say anything, only said: "There is something else. Go back to the classroom, don't wait for me."

Don't wait for Tong Youjing to ask more, turn around and walk out.

Yu Xing took a deep breath, and really couldn't tell what he was thinking. Just thinking of the look on Sheng Yi's face, inexplicably not very happy.

It should be, but it is not.

Yu Xing has chest tightness, and at the same time she is more and more tight in her chest because of Sheng Yi's chest tightness.

…It became an endless loop with no solution.

As I thought, I hurried out of the school gate, went to the nearest pharmacy, and bought a box of spray and a box of Band-Aid. After paying the money, Yu Xing hurried back with the things.

Pass the second grade teaching building and go straight to the third grade.

When I reached the third year of high school, I hesitated for a long time, and didn't move forward at the corner.

I wanted to leave, but I felt it was time to go, Yu Xing went back and forth, hesitating in place.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and stopped a passing boy, asking him, "I'm sorry, could you please help me send this to Sheng Yi in Class 3 and 7?"

The boy's face changed slightly when he heard Sheng Yi's name: "Ah?!"

For fear that he would refuse, Yu Xing lobbied hard for a long time. The boy was embarrassed at first, and obviously didn't want to agree. Later, she had to report her class name and let him find her if he had any problems. After reassurance, the boy reluctantly agreed.

Seeing that the boy took things into the door of the third and seventh class, a big stone was put down in his heart, and Yu Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, run down the stairs without looking back.

I thought Sheng Yi would say something to her, but she didn't.

In the afternoon, the weather was calm, and Yu Xing took out his mobile phone and looked at it several times, but he did not receive a message from him.

She didn't know what she was waiting for, she just couldn't help it.

After a few times, I put my phone in my pocket and decided not to care about any news.

It's rude, I don't even know how to say thank you.

Qin Huai should beat him into a pig's head!

Forgetting this matter, after the afternoon class, I ate dinner alone with Tong Youjing. Only when I asked, did I know that before the last class, Sheng Yi and the three left the school.

She snorted, not interested in someone rude.

The evening self-study ended safely, and Yu Xing returned to the apartment. Just as I was about to take a shower and then turn on the light to read at night, my phone lit up and vibrated on the table.

Calling from rude people.

She picked it up slowly, answered it, and after a feeding, Sheng Yi said, "Come downstairs."

"What downstairs?"

"The apartment is downstairs."

She was surprised: "Are you downstairs in the apartment?"

He said yes.

Yu Xing hurried downstairs holding the phone, and saw a figure standing outside the girl's apartment in the distance.

She trotted over and said in a low voice, "What are you doing here at night?"

"I'll send you a book." Sheng Yi smiled and picked up a bag of things in his hand, "Tong Youjing didn't say you want competition materials, I asked a senior private teacher to make a list, well, it's all Let people buy it all.”

Yu Xing looked at the bag of books, and then looked at him, helplessly: "Why do you do it so much... Even if you deliver books, you don't have to come at night, if you are seen, you may not say anything! "

"Afraid of what?"

Yu Xing sighed and stretched out his hand: "Then give it to me."

He ducked, "So soon?"

"Or else?"

"I'm waiting for you here with a cold wind, so you don't want to talk to me for a while?"

Yu Xing didn't bother, he noticed his face, "Your face..."


She asked uncomfortably, "You didn't apply the medicine?"

Sheng Yi stared at her for a while, then laughed: "You mean...the spray and band-aid you sent?"

She pursed her lower lip without speaking.

He took out a band-aid from his coat pocket, "Here, spray on my car."

She said strangely: "Why don't you pretend?"

"It was the first time that the schoolgirl cared about me, so of course I wanted to keep it as a souvenir."

Yu Xing didn't know what to say.

"Really leave?" His voice was pitiful, "The corner of my mouth is broken, I haven't eaten much for a day, I'm so hungry..."

Do you want to eat? This man can really sell miserably!

Yu Xing stared at him for two seconds, then stared: "Forget it!"

After speaking, she turned around and left.

He walked quickly to the entrance of the apartment, stopped, turned around and looked, he was standing there with his pockets in his pockets, with a faint smile on his face, his eyes staring straight at her.

A little angry and a little helpless, Yu Xing gritted his teeth and said to him: "—You stand still, don't go first!"

Then trot upstairs.

Sheng Yi originally wanted to wait for her to go up, but when she heard the words, she quietly stopped in place.

Not long after, footsteps came, and Yu Xing went downstairs again.

She trotted to him and shoved the thing she was holding into his arms. It was a few bags of buns, and he was busy wrapping them in both hands.

"That's all I have to eat, I'll give you all, hurry back!"

She had a serious face and a fierce tone.

Like a naive, like a paper tiger.

Sheng Yi was full of buns and looked at her, this childish ghost, the paper tiger, made him feel extremely cute.

For a moment—

My heart sank and it was so soft.