MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1735 The deity believes in how young friend Yang Fan is!

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Xiao Jinlong's entire body came out of the spirit pond, and looked at Yang Fan affectionately. The dragon's tail shook lightly, slowly approaching the direction where Yang Fan was, and no longer the state of guard and defense.

The little blue dragon saw his eyes straight from the side, and he blurted out the words "Fuck!"

"Fuck! What's the situation?!"

"How can this face change?"

"How did the little Golden Dragon, who had just looked on guard and would rather die than trade with a brutal guy like Yang Fan, suddenly changed his mind after seeing Yang Fan?"

"Although this kid Yang Fan does look very white and pleasing to the eye, your attitude has changed too quickly, right?"

The little blue dragon couldn't figure it out a bit.


It had just been persuading him in the secret realm for a long time, but Xiao Jinlong just disagreed, and his attitude was extremely resolute. As soon as he talked about it, he would turn his face away.

The result now?

After seeing Yang Fan himself, he actually said that when he changed his face, he changed his face. What's the matter with this kind and kind face?

Co-author, is this Xiaojin acting with him all the time before?

"Little friend Yang Fan is telling the truth?"

When Yang Fan approached, Xiao Jinlong changed his icy posture from a thousand miles away, looked at Yang Fan affectionately, and asked softly:

"A drop of spirit vein origin, in exchange for a royal rule Xiaguang salute, wouldn't it belong to the deity?"

Yang Fan raised his brows and grinned:

"I, Yang Fan, someone has always said one thing is true, and doing business is honest, reliable, and childish. If you don't believe this, you can ask the Blue Dragon to verify this."

At this time, the little blue dragon just came over, and was about to open his mouth to cheer, but saw the little golden dragon shook his head and waved his head, saying: "No need, the deity believes in the kind of little friend Yang Fan!"

Little Blue Dragon didn't interrupt, his face was depressed.

Do you believe that Yang Fan is a man?

Do you believe in a hammer? Believe it, it's obviously the first time you met, OK?

Although Yang Fan is indeed very honest and reliable, as a heaven and earth spiritual vein that has been cultivated in the shape of a dragon, can he be a little reserved and rational?

"What kind of Ecstasy did Yang Fan put on him? The deity was nagging with this little Jin for a long time, but the cowhide didn't blow, and they didn't believe it at all."

"It's good now, even the nasty words like'the deity believes in little friend Yang Fan's actions' are said, and the change before and after is a bit outrageous!"

The little blue dragon's gaze was suspicious, and he kept moving on Yang Fan and little Jinlong.

Could this be the bad luck of the son of luck, such a strong affinity and influence, I have never even heard of it!

Little Blue Dragon couldn't see the reason, and naturally took this bizarre phenomenon as Yang Fan's own luck.

After all, when it was in Zuowa country before, it seemed to be the same. It seemed that at the moment when it saw Yang Fan, it felt that this kid Yang Fan was particularly pleasing to the eye and could not help but be willing to believe that he was close to him.

"Since it's done well, don't just go blind here, hurry up! There are more than two hundred quasi-emperors waiting to break the realm!"

The little blue dragon urged softly, it was already a little too late, and wanted to enjoy the baptism of the rules of sunshine again.

You know, this eagle sorrow has just killed a fifth-level supreme alien, and now the blood is raining like a splash, and the spiritual power is so strong that it can’t be turned away. If you don’t hurry, you may have half a step. The Demon Emperor is about to break through directly.

Yang Fan nodded happily. Someone was so anxious to send him the source of spiritual veins, there was no reason for him not to continue.

Before in the Black Wind Valley, a baptism of the imperial rule can only be exchanged for a drop of the origin of the spiritual vein, but now, with a little golden dragon, the income has doubled directly, thinking about it, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

One person has two spiritual veins, and simultaneously moved out of the secret realm through the air.

When they returned to the ground again, the disciples of the sect who had stayed in the Black Wind Valley Ceng Ling Yu had been led by Da Hei and Xiao Hua into this eagle sorrow.

Just right.

The fate of the supreme fall in Black Wind Valley is nearing its end, and the concentration of spiritual power has dropped severely, and it is more appropriate to switch to the Eagle Sorrow Stream.

This is the Heavenly Dao opportunity benefit formed by the fall of the fifth-level supreme, whether in terms of scale or quality, it is far more abundant than the second-level supreme's fall in the Black Wind Valley just now.

Yang Fan appeared in front of the crowd with two spiritual veins of heaven and earth, and looked at the many disciples who had each entered the meditation practice, and couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

Although the chance of this supreme demise did not come to the human domain, but Laihao his main disciples were all brought over. With them, this chance was not a waste.

"Your apprentice Yang Guo's spiritual power runs for a week, spiritual power +50,000, and the percentage bonus of martial arts centripetal power is successfully stimulated, and you automatically get 100% of your apprentice Yang Guo's practice experience bonus, spiritual power +50,000."

"Your disciple Wang Zhe's qi and blood run for a week, qi and blood intensity + 200000, martial centripetal force percentage bonus is successfully activated, you automatically get 100% of the practice experience bonus of disciple Wang Zhe, qi and blood intensity + 200000."

"Your apprentice Wu Dao's spiritual power runs for a week, spiritual power +60,000, and the percentage bonus of martial arts centripetal power is successfully stimulated..."


Waves of qi and blood experience and mental power experience continued to converge in Yang Fan's body, and from time to time there were some trumpets who could comprehend the experience of the rules of the road.

Yang Fan didn't do anything, and the various cultivation strengths in his body were constantly rising and surging, refreshing.

But this was not enough. Yang Fan glanced at the two heaven and earth spiritual veins around him, smiled, and asked Erlong quietly:

"Two, are you ready? The transaction between us is about to begin!"

The little blue dragon slapped his chest, and the two long eyes were shining brightly, and said with excitement:

"I've been prepared long ago, as long as the deity is comfortable, there is something in the origin of the spirit veins! Enough care!"

The corner of Xiao Jinlong's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Xiao Lan Long contemptuously.

It's really a big tone. Even if you say such arrogant words as "The source of the spiritual veins is enough", are you not afraid of being robbed?

However, it is really curious how Yang Fan will make this deal with them.

Just relying on this supreme demise, the two hundred half-step demon emperors on the opposite side, and dozens of human warriors who have just entered the half-step imperial state, are afraid that few can successfully enter the true emperor. Realm?

If there are only a few emperors breaking through the border, the resulting avenue rules and the baptism of sunshine, I am afraid that it is not enough to satisfy it and the little blue dragon?

Just when Xiao Jinlong was puzzled and curious, Yang Fan finally had the next move.

First, the half-step demon emperor's cultivation base was banned, and then they used the chaotic realm to confuse their will and soul, making them work desperately to cultivate and break the realm.

After that, Yang Fan waved his hand and summoned the imperial sword in the sea of ​​knowledge. Apart from anything else, he hit the tiger roaring **** who was still there weeping and desperate.

"You used the Paoding Demon Sword Attack on the fifth-level demon emperor Huxiao Shenzi, ignoring 30% of the defensive probability and was successfully triggered, the attack was successful, and Huxiao Shenzi’s neck vertebrae were completely decomposed. Understanding further deepens, skill proficiency +20."

"You have successfully decomposed and killed a fifth-level demon emperor, Tiger Howl, by using the Pao Ding Jie Nidao technique. The enemy experience has been greatly strengthened. The strength of vitality and blood is +1500000000, mental will +5000, and skill proficiency +100."

"You used the god-level collection technique on the corpse of the fifth-level demon emperor Tiger Howl, and the collection is successful, the fifth-level demon emperor’s core is +1, the fifth-level demon emperor’s essence blood is +99, mental power is +50, and skill proficiency is +20. ."

"You used the god-level collection technique on the corpse of the fifth-level demon emperor Tiger Howl, and the collection is successful. The fifth-level demon emperor's flesh is +99, and the quality of the five-clawed golden dragon is +1.


"You used the spirit of the spirit source of the fifth-level Demon Emperor Tiger Howl, and the detention was successful, and the spirit source of the fifth-level demon king Tiger Howl was successfully intercepted. Spirit power +50, mental will +50, skill proficiency +20 ."

Finish working.

Shaking the Supreme Sword in his hand, Yang Fan whistled happily, feeling very good.

He lowered his head and glanced at the corpse of God Child Hu Xiao, who had lost his vitality, and whispered:

"You still want to become this commander of Divine Soul Curse, don't you know that this commander is a soul refiner, and what he likes most is to refine the beast souls of you monsters?"

After finishing speaking, he lifted his right foot and kicked it lightly, just kicking the corpse of Huxiao Divine Child to Da Hei's mouth. Da Hei made a very cooperative mouth, swallowing the whole body with one swipe.

Only then did the sound of the great road come slowly, rising brightly in the sea of ​​knowledge of Yang Fan and all the intelligent creatures around:

"The emperor is dead, the world is in sorrow!"

"The rainy days will come back to feed the world and everything!"

The blood rain fell again, and superimposed with the previous Supreme Blood Rain, making the spiritual power in the Eagle Sorrow Stream stronger.

After slicing the Tiger Howl God's Son, Yang Fan did not stop there, but continued to wield the knife and slash, successively beheading all the six true emperor great monsters in the white tiger clan.

For a time.

The rules of the avenue fluctuate endlessly, with blood clouds over the holy ground and blood-red rain pouring down.

On the opposite side, the two hundred great monsters whose cultivation bases were in the half-step Demon Emperor realm greedily absorbed and refined the spiritual rain that fell from the sky, and soon there were two half-step Demon Emperors who were already in their peak state. , Directly break the border and advance!


Spiritual power within a hundred miles of a radius continued to converge, the regular avenue in the void was agitated and shook, and two colorful rays of light that covered the entire eagle sorrowful sacred land fell vertically.

It's done!

With a smile on his face, Yang Fan happily watched Feishen dive into the regular glow, greedily absorbing the two heaven and earth spiritual veins of the great power in the glow, as if he saw the countless spiritual veins all voluntarily ran there. Come in his bowl.