MTL - I Really Don’t Know How To Practice-Chapter 16 Night Exploration of Xiaoqi Mansion

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"The one hiding behind the scenes is indeed the queen."

Han Xu heard clearly the conversation between Wang Qian and his son outside the rockery.

The majestic yet friendly figure of the queen emerged in his heart, but Han Xu still couldn't figure it out.

It was understandable to arrange the assassination before Han Luoling entered the city, but now that Han Luoling had already entered the city, it would undoubtedly be impossible to assassinate before the big wedding.

Queen, why take such a big risk, is it just to test Wang Qian's loyalty.

This is absolutely impossible.

As a general of Xiaoqi, Wang Qian was an official up to the third rank. Although he was not very big, he held military power, and as a Beijing official, he still had a certain status in the court.

Regardless of success or failure in this assassination, Wang Qian was close to death.

With the queen's scheming, she would never use Wang Qian as cannon fodder simply to test her loyalty, which is illogical.

"Father, the queen is going to trap our Wang family to death." Wang Ran is not a fool, and he can analyze many problems.

Wang Qian said: "But we have no choice. The ancients said that wealth and wealth are sought in danger. If this battle can be successful, the future of our Wang family will be bright."

"It seems that father has made arrangements?"

"In this battle, I will personally take action and use the private army of the government."

"But Han Luoling is now heavily protected by the Tiance Army, how difficult it is to kill her."

"For this big wedding, His Majesty set the venue for the ceremony at the Shenwu Palace in the east of the city for the celebration of the whole world. When the time comes, when His Majesty travels, the Tiance Army must accompany him to protect him. The manpower to protect Han Luoling will be reduced."

Wang Qian continued: "From Han Luoling's other courtyard to Shenwu Palace, you must pass through the Huancheng River. At that time, I will lead my own bodyguards and ambush her nearby. When she passes by, I will kill her with lightning speed, and then dive into the river and leave."

"Father's plan is absolutely foolproof." Wang Ran sighed.

"Now there is the only risk." Wang Qian said, "The master who can make the snow blade mad."

"Father, what that person used was really Xueren Crazy Saber?" Wang Ran asked in disbelief. In his opinion, Xueren Crazy Saber is a family tradition of the Wang family. Learn from others.

"I personally went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to see the wounds of those killers, and I can't be wrong, and that person's sword skills are close to perfection."

"Is there really such a master?" Wang Ran said in surprise, "If he has practiced the Xueren Frenzied Saber to perfection, doesn't it mean that he is a ninth-rank master?"

"That's right, but if he's just a person, it's useless even if he comes. I'll do it myself, and with my personal guards, I can kill at rank nine."

"By the way, you are in charge of investigating that person's identity. Has there been any progress?"

Wang Ran replied: "There is no progress for the time being. People who have asked Wanhua Pavilion have basically ruled out the suspicion. Even Xue Laogui has evidence of alibi."

"Father, do you think it could be Han Xu?" Wang Ran asked tentatively, "He is the son of King Han, so it stands to reason that he would not be a waste."

Han Xu was listening outside, and when he heard Wang Ran doubting himself, he couldn't help but praise his cleverness in his heart.

Then Wang Qian said: "The nine sons of Longsheng are all different. There are various signs that Han Xu is indeed a waste. Judging from his usual performance, he indulges in poetry and poetry all day long, and hangs around brothels at night, even if he pretends all these Yes, it is impossible for him to have other time to practice."

In fact, what Wang Qian said is not unreasonable. Cultivation is a difficult thing. In addition to talents and resources, it also requires great perseverance. Only ten years of persistence can achieve success.

It's like Wang Ran, who has shown outstanding talent since he was a child, and started to practice formally at the age of twelve, and he has only been at the third rank in the past six years.

Among the mundane, below the extraordinary, a ninth-rank warrior can be called a top master.

Ordinary people can enter the ninth rank after 50 years of hard work, those with higher talents can enter the ninth rank after 40 years of hard work, and those who are known as geniuses need 30 years to enter the ninth rank.

And someone like Wang Ran is considered a rare genius among his peers in the entire Great Wu Dynasty.

No matter how talented Han Xu is, it is impossible for him to achieve higher achievements than Wang Ran without devoting enough time.

However, Wang Qian miscalculated one thing, and that was the skill download system owned by Han Xu.

With the help of the kung fu downloading system, Han Xu doesn't need to spend time practicing at all, as long as he waits for the skills to be downloaded, his cultivation will improve by itself.

No wonder Wang Qian couldn't think of it. In this world, I'm afraid no one could think of this.

Listening to the conversation between the father and son outside, Han Xu laughed several times in his heart. The so-called insignificant development is the kingly way, especially with the lessons from the previous life, Han Xu firmly believes in this truth.

As a human being, you must keep a low profile, even if you have some skills, you must use them at critical moments.

And the uniqueness and concealment of the exercise downloading system provided him with enough wretched conditions.

As long as he does not show his strength, he will not be remembered by the strong, and when he shines, he will definitely be able to cover everyone.

After listening to Wang Qian's words, Wang Ran nodded thoughtfully. He knew that Wang Qian's conjectures were reasonable, but for some reason, he always felt that there was something wrong with Han Xu.

Perhaps it was because he couldn't figure out why he was forced into the lake by Han Xu's few words. That experience was the humiliation of his life, and the memory was deep and indelible. UU Reading

Seeing that Wang Ran was still frowning, Wang Qian said, "If you still have doubts, prove it with actions."

"How to prove it?" Wang Ran said, "His father is a king with a different surname, and his sister is someone His Majesty likes. It is not wise to take action against him now."

Wang Qian said: "You kid, you just don't know how to be flexible. Isn't the end-of-year assessment of Jiuxiao Academy coming?"

When Wang Ran heard it, his eyes began to light up, as if his thoughts were activated and his inspiration burst out.

He said: "What my father said is very true. The day after tomorrow is the end-of-year assessment. When the time comes, I will arrange someone to attack him and assess the ring. The students are allowed to compete. Even if he is injured by then, it will not be a serious problem."

"Be careful, don't make things big."

"Father, don't worry, I will arrange for a junior who has just entered the first rank. Even if Han Xu is really a waste, he can only cultivate for a while if he is injured."

"Okay, you can arrange this by yourself." Wang Qian said, "The big wedding day will be in four days, and then I have to prepare with all my strength. If there is no major event, don't let people disturb me."

"Okay, father."

When Wang Qian and Wang Ran came out of the secret room and walked away, Han Xu showed his figure from behind the rockery.

The father and son didn't know that Han Xu had heard their conspiracy clearly. Of course, they didn't know what kind of terrible monster they were plotting.

Han Xu launched the vertical ladder and left Xiaoqi mansion in an instant.

In the dark night, there was an extremely fierce murderous look in his eyes, wherever he passed by, passers-by would suddenly feel chills down their backs and break out in cold sweat.

"What a Wang Qian, what a queen, since you want to take advantage of my sister's wedding to assassinate her."

"It's okay, I, Han Xu, will come and play with you guys."