MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 12 I help my brother grab the dragon egg

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After saying this, Wen Yue was waiting secretly.

What he wants to see is that Lu Zefeng knows the true face of Jiannai, and then abandons him decisively!

After a burst of light, a group of people entered the labyrinth, but even here, Lu Zefeng didn't express anything to what Wen Yue said.


Jiannai next to her came over and asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

Wen Yue was a little nervous.

Lu Zefeng raised his eyes slightly and began to observe the terrain of the surrounding maze. When Jiannai came over, he frowned slightly and seemed to think for a while, and then said, "I didn't hear you clearly."

Jane was stunned: "Huh?"

Lu Zefeng: "When teleporting, there is a thumbnail map of the maze on the page, and key points."


Jane Nai and Wen Yue were both choked.

Wen Yue felt like she was about to vomit blood.

Jane Nai lowered her voice, approached Lu Zefeng and said, "Maybe he has something important to tell you, such as I'm a bad person or something, you won't worry about it?"

Lu Zefeng glanced at him and said firmly, "No."

Jane was moved for a moment.

Does the scumbag actually trust him so much?

Jane asked, "Why?"

Is it love? Is it a responsibility, or is it because of love?

Lu Zefeng glanced at him, opened his lips expressionlessly and said, "You can't beat me."


It doesn't have to be so straightforward.

But after saying this, Jian Nai understood what Wen Yue wanted to do.

Seize the opportunity to speak ill of yourself in front of men, do you want to be a demon or what? I'm afraid it's not because of the addiction of robbing men and becoming a habitual offender, right?

Jane Nai was robbed of Lu Jie by Wen Yue before, that's because he didn't know the game, and Lu Jie actually had a relationship with others, then it means that this man is not worth keeping at all .

But now...

It's really a fox on his face.

Jane Nai glanced at Wen Yue and sneered meaningfully.

Wen Yue noticed it, and he explained, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just reminded Brother Feng a few words, it's all kind."

Jenella long tail: "That's it~"

Wen Yue nodded.

Jane Nai hooked her lips, pulled Lu Zefeng's arm and said, "Brother, let me tell you, my mother taught me a truth since I was a child, do you know what it is?"

Lu Zefeng: "What."

Jane Nai smiled like a sly little fox: "There is nothing to be diligent about, either a traitor or a thief."

Wen Yue's face was a little ugly, and her voice was a little loud: "What nonsense are you talking about, I'm not a bad person."

"Oh, I didn't say you again, what are you excited about?" Jiannai seemed to be mad at him, and patted her heart with her pale hands: "I didn't say you again, your mouth It grows on you, and you can tell anyone you want to tell you what you want to say."

Jane Nai snuggled next to Lu Zefeng and did not forget to show her loyalty: "Unlike me, I only have my brother in my eyes, except for my brother, I abide by masculinity and never talk to unfamiliar men. ."

Wen Yueqi's face turned green: "You!"

Lu Jie finally couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Okay."

He didn't dare to say anything as soon as he opened his mouth, and came back.

Lu Jie was actually uncomfortable. After all, the person he liked confessed to other men in front of him, which somewhat stimulated his self-esteem as a man.

But he also understood that if he moved up at this time, he would only be hated by Jiannai.

Lu Jie wanted to try to show his leadership: "The illusion here is very dangerous, and the final boss dragon here is very difficult to deal with, and when this giant dragon is hatching cubs recently, it is more It's dangerous, because of a chance coincidence, I came here once with a scroll mission, and I'm fairly experienced here, all of you just follow me."

The other gang members responded and said:

"I don't know if the dragon has any cubs this time."

"If only I could get the dragon egg."

"No one has ever owned a dragon pet."

"The combat power is absolutely against the sky!"

A group of people started to get excited about this.

Wen Yue also looked at Lu Jie and whispered, "It's really great, Ajie, I'm a Muxian from the auxiliary department, and I haven't had a suitable spiritual pet to help me fight."

Lu Jie was silent for a moment.

Wen Yue said that, in fact, it was even begging him.

But in fact, he wanted to give it to Jiannai.

He found out before that, Jian Nai is a pure nanny, more fragile than Wen Yue, a wooden fairy with some self-protection ability, and he needs the help and protection of spiritual pets more.

Wen Yue added: "This way, I can have a better living space when I'm fighting."

Lu Jie hesitated again.

Although it is more suitable for Jiannai, the interests of the gang cannot be ignored, and Jiannai is not a member of the gang. If it is given to him, it may also cause everyone's dissatisfaction. They have long been determined to win the dragon egg.

In the end, Lu Jie could only look at Jian Nai with regret, and said to Wen Yue, "If I can get it, I'll give it to you."

Wen Yue is satisfied and happy.

Jian Nai and two people were walking not far away, Wen Yue's voice was deliberately louder, a little happy and probably disgusting Jian Nai: "Thank you brother Jie, I will cherish the dragon egg! "

Jane, who was walking in front, rolled her eyes secretly.

He looked sideways at Lu Zefeng and encouraged him, "Engong, we have to do our best, we will definitely get the dragon egg!"

Lu Zefeng looked at him: "Do you want?"

"Of course not!" Jiannai played the role of the understanding little girl very well, and said quickly: "I think you are already very powerful, if you can get the dragon again If the cub is a spiritual pet, it will definitely reach a higher level!"

Let the scumbag and the **** Lu Jie kill each other first.

Jane Nai was satisfied with her plan and said to Lu Zefeng with a smile, "I will do my best to help my brother!"

Lu Zefeng was silent for a moment.

He could tell that Jane wanted that dragon egg very much.

Unexpectedly, even so, this person is willing to give it to himself.


Are you really being so sincere to yourself?

Thinking of this, Lu Zefeng used to have a touch of warmth in his icy eyes, he stopped and didn't go any further.

Jane looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Jie's other team also stopped, they saw Jiannai and the two stopped, and shouted: "Don't walk around, it's very dangerous here, just follow our boss. "

Even if they said that, Jiannai stopped with Lu Zefeng.

Lu Zefeng's palm was on the ground, his mental power was very strong, and his ability to sense how to find large prey after fighting in the battlefield for many years was unparalleled. He stood quietly for a while, then stood up Come and say with certainty: "In the east."

Jane was stunned: "Huh?"

"The dragon's nest is to the east, about two kilometers away from here." Lu Zefeng said in a deep voice, "We are going in the wrong direction now."

Others were stunned and retorted:


"This is not how the map appears."

"Brother Jie can't go wrong with the team!"

Lu Zefeng glanced at them lightly, didn't care, just looked down at Jiannai.

Jane said with a smile: "Then let's go east."

Lu Zefeng nodded.

They changed direction, which made the others a little bit overwhelmed.

There must be a reason for individuals to be together, we can't continue when they leave, just follow."

Others are a bit dissatisfied:

"Aren't these two here to make trouble."

"Just running around."

"Too bad for them."

A group of people scolded, but they kept up.

They walked to the west, where there was nothing but deserted, but after entering the eastern boundary, everything was different, it began to be filled with swamp fog, and from time to time there were fog in the fog High-level poisonous snakes and monsters are haunted.

This mist will make people lose blood continuously and slow down their feet.

Only Wen Yue of Lu Jie's group has a little healing ability and can detoxify.

Wen Yue released the wood spirit's blood-recovery protective cover. This cover can slow down the blood loss of a group of them, and can only resist a little poisonous fog, but even so, this kind of healing The ability of the department is also very rare and precious.

Others say:

"Fortunately there is Yueyue."

"Yeah, otherwise we'll be miserable."

"This place is really hard to get to."

Wen Yue is a little happy, he has always been sought after in the gang, he will look at Jiannai not far away, find that they have no hoods, and deliberately ask a high-profile: "You guys Do you want me to set a shield for you?"

Jane looked back and said, "What shield?"

Wen Yue was taken aback.

Lu Jie responded quickly: "Aren't you going to lose blood?"

Jane Nai stood in the middle of the fog with a smile and said, "Yes, but isn't this just raising your hand and adding blood?"

For example, Wen Yue's protective cover can only function as a smile, the succubus can directly add blood, and the skills that keep you from dying are the magical elixir in special dungeons.

The people in the gang who were still praising Wenyue suddenly changed the way they looked at Jiannai.

Wen Yue's complexion changed, and she gritted her teeth secretly.

Just as a group of people were entangled in the poisonous mist, all complaining about going back to the west, an angry dragon roar suddenly came not far away, and the roar shook the earth, even The ground seemed to be shaking three times.

Lu Jie looked east for a while: "It's a dragon!"

The dragon roars, indicating that a player has found it.

A group of people did not dare to delay any longer, and they forgot if they wanted to go back to the west, so they went all out and ran to the east.

When Jiannai and a group of people arrived, they finally saw the whole picture of the giant dragon. It was a huge red fire dragon. When it stretched its wings, there was an image that covered the sky and the sun , The scales of the dragon's body are shining in the light, and the hard knife is invulnerable.

A group of players are also trying to attack the dragon.

But as the dragon flew up and rolled up the hurricane, it spewed fire and sent away a large number of people.

Lu Jie said quickly: "This flame and hurricane are both harmful, everyone pay attention!"

Jiannai stood far away, and already felt the surging heat wave and the huge wind, which made his clothes rattle a little, just felt like he was in an unbearable hell.

Lu Zefeng pulled him back: "Be careful."

Before Jiannai could react, the place where they were standing was hit by a boulder!

Lu Jie and a group of people also said: "The dragon egg is in the cave behind it, find a way to climb up, don't fight the dragon head-on, the illusion will automatically close when you get the dragon egg!"

When it comes to dragon eggs, everyone's spirits are excited.

Lu Jie gritted his teeth: "Everyone in the second team attracted firepower to hold it, and the others went to the cave with me!"

Everyone responded: "Yes!"

Compared to those players, Lu Jie's group can be said to be more well-trained, they are particularly difficult to deal with, and they also brought a lot of trouble to the dragon, it finally got a little annoyed.

These stupid humans dare to challenge themselves!


The boulders of the volcano fell down, accompanied by the flames of the dragons.

Jane Nai looked a little cowardly. At first, he was thinking about whether to get a spiritual pet or not. Now, in this situation, he just wants to be alive.

one sound.

Lu Zefeng looked at him sideways.

Jane's face turned pale, he covered his arms, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his fair forehead, and he snorted softly.

Lu Zefeng frowned, he stretched out his hand and said, "Come here."

Jane looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Zefeng grabbed his arm, the man moved quickly, nimbly dodging the flying rocks was a huge wave, before Jiannai had time to react, he placed him behind the volcanic rock: "In This is waiting."

Jane hurriedly said, "What about you?"

Lu Zefeng lightly opened his lips, and said the most arrogant words: "Slaughter the dragon."

Jane Nai watched Lu Zefeng leave, swords and swords not far away, a group of people were fighting **** battles with the dragon for 300 rounds, quite a kind of endless posture, no one could After crossing the giant dragon and reaching the stone cave behind, even Wen Yue and others were fanned by their wings.

The difficulty is unprecedented.

Everyone is gritting their teeth and insisting, even risking their lives in order to get the spiritual pet.

At this time—

Suddenly, the sound of the system machinery came from the sky above the illusion: [A player successfully arrived at the cave and obtained the giant dragon egg. The illusion will be closed after 30 seconds, all players please prepare. 】

Speak out and be quiet.

All the other players who were still fighting the dragon were stunned, and the dragon himself was stunned.

Not far away, Jian Nai, who was standing in the cave holding an egg, was also stunned. He stood at the highest point, facing everyone's eyes, smiled naively and scratched his head Say: "Sorry, I forgot, I still have random teleportable skills."
