MTL - I Own a Garden with One Hundred Herbs-v100 Chapter 516 Looking at Tie Lanxin with admiration

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  After sending Ying Zhexu away, Baicaoshi returned to the bottom of the valley and filled the space with the dinosaur fossils with missing left claws and various books.

   Now she is the only one left in Medicine King Valley, if she returns to modern times, the inheritance will be cut off.

  If the book is useless, it cannot be protected. She will leave it to Yanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  In the sea of ​​consciousness, Plantaginis uttered a "ding", "Dear host, you can record the keel. A lot of points are beckoning to you!"

  Northern Qi Caoshi sneered, with a sly look in his eyes, "Enter the keel, so that you can bring me back to modern times? I'm sorry, lovely Plantago, I can't do what you wish. I still have important things to do."

   As she spoke, she strode out of the valley.

  Psyllium is about to go crazy, roaring in her sea of ​​consciousness, "Human, your words don't count, you can't do this."

  Baicaoshi ignores its noise, her goal is firm and cannot be interrupted.

  After meeting with Zhenyilou and Li Jianping, Baicaoshi got into the carriage, Li Jianping was the driver, and Zhenyilou rode a horse and headed south.

   "Empress, I heard that Yunzhao has a lot of delicious food, and fish stew has a special flavor." Li Jianping asked as a foodie.

  In the past, he still had the opportunity to taste the hot pot made by Baicaoshi, but now his status is so different that he can no longer enjoy it.

  Baicaoshi thought that when she first arrived in Yurong City, she met Pei Yuanxian, who invited her to go boating on the lake and eat fish stew. If they meet again now, she will only raise her sword.

   "Yes, Yun Zhao's freshwater salmon is delicious, you can try it."

  Li Jianping's eyes became brighter and brighter, "If there is fresh water, there will be salt water?"

   It was Zhenyilou who answered him, "We went down to Annan, set off from Quanzhou, and caught salmon at sea, which is very different from Yunzhao's flavor."

  Passing his belly, Li Jianping swallowed, "I really asked for it. I don't go to the village or back to the store. What food do I ask?"

  Baicaoshi put down the curtain of the car, closed her eyes and rested her mind.

  After traveling for three days, they arrived at Yurong City.

   Because Tie Lanxin had sent someone to deliver the letter before, Tie Lanxin knew that she would be in the future, and was already waiting at the gate of the city.

  The time is morning.

  Tie Lanxin is riding a white horse, wearing men's clothing and a cloak, looking heroic. Immediately behind her were a dozen soldiers in light armor, all of whom could be seen to be skilled.

  The moment she saw the real first floor, Tie Lanxin's eyes turned red, and she held back. Then she got off the horse with a flick of her robe, and led the crowd to salute, "Welcome to the empress."

  Baicaoshi opened the curtain of the car, with a smile on her face, "Lan Xin, don't come here without any problems. You have worked hard to manage the huge Yunzhao these few years."

   "Your Majesty handed Yun Zhao over to Lan Xin. Lan Xin didn't dare to slack off for a day. She could only work hard and work hard." When Tie Lanxin said, she was still looking at the first floor from the corner of her eye.

  Zhen Yilou held his head high, without squinting his eyes, but looked at the emptiness.

  After exchanging a few pleasantries, Tie Lanxin led Baicaoshi into the city.

  They did not go back to the old Pingzhao Palace, the first stop was the herbal cultivation base.

  The last time Baicaoshi came to Yunzhao, he and Ying Zhexu smashed the Yuluo Sect in one fell swoop, and took advantage of the chaos to deal with Pingzhao's son Tie Jin who had usurped the throne.

  Baicaoshi chose a place with a moderate altitude in Yunzhao to grow herbal medicine vertically, and also selected many capable pharmacists.

   "In the past three years, the base has flourished, and more herbs have been cultivated. The empress has a look, and if you need it, just take it away. It can be regarded as Lan Xin's kindness to your majesty and the empress."

  Baicaoshi had an illusion in a trance, she was like a senior official who came to inspect a place, accepting a report from a local official.

   In front of the training frame, Baicaoshi stopped. Because of the unique climate, the Cordyceps in the base grew very well. Although not as superb as Na Qi, it is already quite good.

   "Your base is comparable to Wanzhou."

   Tie Lanxin smiled, she knew it was a very high evaluation. "It's better to use the team left by the empress back then. Skilled craftsmen are all in place. If it doesn't work well, it will be my fault."

  After visiting the base, Tie Lanxin took Baicaoshi to Mengxue again.

  The special feature of this elementary school is that the content taught by the master is the twenty-four solar terms, which is the basic herbal knowledge.

"Yanjing established a university of traditional Chinese medicine. My Yunzhao is not as good as the capital of the country. I don't have the support of a large hospital, but basic elementary education can still be done, teaching children the way to respect the sky and love others. I often pay attention to what your majesty said about the great inflammation of health. Study it, and take it to heart."

  Baicaoshi was quite shocked in her heart. They all said that Shibie looked at her with admiration for three days, and Tie Lanxin had already learned the concepts of Kunming Academy and University of Traditional Chinese Medicine thoroughly. Looking at Tie Lanxin's subordinates, they are all proud of her.

   "Lan Xin knows how to keep pace with the times, very good."

   "Isn't this following His Majesty's footsteps? I am stupid, so I can only learn more."

  Humble and polite, neither arrogant nor impetuous, Tie Lanxin can bear these eight characters.

  After leaving Mengxue, Tie Lanxin took people to the business district again. There is a place in Yurong City that is similar to Wanzhou Nanshi, but the difference is that Baicaoshi has seen many people from Yunzhao's hometown here, and several of them are members of Yunshihui.

  Their costumes are different from those of Dayan people, and they are very distinctive.

   This time, even Zhen Yilou's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

  At the beginning, he worked with Mo Feizhan in order to let the people in Yunzhao's hometown live the same life as ordinary people, without being divided into three, six, or nine grades. At least on the surface, Tie Lanxin did it.

   "This is a big gift I prepared for the empress, I wonder if the empress is satisfied?"

  Baicaoshi looked at Zhenyilou and threw the question to him.

   Zhenyilou bowed to Tie Lanxin, very sincerely, "I thank you on behalf of the people in the old place."

  Tie Lanxin help the first floor of the real first floor weakly. It looks calm and composed, but its fingertips are trembling all the time.

   That was the person she dreamed of. During the three years of his absence, she endured bone-destroying lovesickness and gritted her teeth to do everything well. But today, she got his approval, what could be more gratifying than this?

   "Shinichi, the people in the hometown are also my people. If you stay and help me, we can do better."

   Zhenyi didn't speak, he didn't know what to say.

   Fortunately, Tie Lanxin was not entangled, "The Queen's journey was hard, and Lan Xin prepared meals at the house to clean up the queen."

  After being dragged around for a long time, Baicaoshi was already hungry. She is now a twin, and the little life in her belly is waiting to be fed. She said yes.

  The banquet was held in the palace banquet hall, which was elegantly decorated, and above the censer was a faint, pleasant-smelling incense.

  The meals on the table are also very elegant, all of which are Quanjufang's specialty dishes, but there are also two Yunzhao's seasonal dishes.

   "I used to go to Quanjufang, and I saw the empress's ingenuity, and I secretly wrote it down in my heart. Today, I draw a ladle according to the gourd, and the empress should not laugh at you." Tie Lanxin made a "please" gesture.

   "How come? It's your talent that you can comprehend everything well." Baicaoshi also praised it.

   Apart from Baicaoshi and three people attending the banquet, Tie Lanxin had only four subordinates. Unexpectedly, there is another one, Ruan Xinruo who was going to marry Tie Yu but was teased by fate overnight.

  A few years have passed, and the years have left more gentle and pleasant marks on her. She stepped forward and saluted Baicao Shifu, "See empress empress. Thank you empress for saving me in the past."

  One or two sentences have brought the relationship closer.

  Baicaoshi has only one sentence in mind, they are all talented people with long sleeves and good dancers.