MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 19 Ambiguous stealth

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The recording of this episode of the reality show alone took nearly five hours, from 7:00 p.m. Almost everyone outside is cheering.

Ruan Xiao and Cen Cen followed closely behind him, and when they came out, they were also sprayed with ribbons by the staff waiting outside the door.

"So did we win or lose?" Cen Cen, who was wearing a ribbon on his head, looked at Ruan Xiao in confusion.

Ruan Xiao smiled and leaned on Cen Cen's shoulder, "We came out second, and the points are still high."

Cen Cen looked shocked, "So Ziheng is not a killer?"

Xia Xiqing, who was standing beside him, smiled and joked, "It's me."

Cen Cen looked at Xia Xiqing in shock again. Ruan Xiao pushed Xia Xiqing, "Stop teasing Sister Cen Cen."

This push didn't matter, it just pushed Xia Xiqing into the arms of Zhou Ziheng who was standing behind, and his subconscious reaction made him reach out and grab Xia Xiqing's arm from behind, supporting him.

The tip of his hair brushed Zhou Ziheng's chin lightly, itching.

Xia Xiqing didn't expect Ruan Xiaoneng to push him down. The moment he was caught by Zhou Ziheng, he looked back at him in surprise. After meeting his eyes, he quickly regained his composure and said softly, "Thank you."

This sentence swept across like that casual hair tip, Xia Xiqing took the initiative to back away a little distance, and then continued to joke as if nothing happened, "Ruan Xiao, I really didn't see that you have supernatural powers and supernatural powers." talent."

"Would I say that I am a Mensa who relies on strength to advance?" Ruan Xiao stretched, "I have been tense in the inside, and now I feel very hungry when I relax."

Cen Cen agreed, "Me too, feeling tired and hungry, I didn't feel that before."

Zhou Ziheng made a rare suggestion, "Let's have a late-night snack after work."

"Okay." Ruan Xiao grabbed Cen Cen, "Let's go together, I want to eat hot pot."

Everyone was discussing the choice of supper in full swing. Only Xia Xiqing felt that something was wrong. His eyes scanned the few people present, and then looked inside the door. Finally, he asked, "Wait a minute... Where's Sirui?"

"Si Rui..." Ruan Xiao just remembered, "Ah! Si Rui was calling in the study just now..."

The cheers were too loud, overshadowing Shang Sirui's cry for help.

When everyone finally arrived at the study, Shang Sirui had already given up calling for help, and leaned back on the chair to look at the ceiling. When he heard the sound of the study door opening, he sat up straight suddenly, "You guys finally remembered me!" !"

Several people laughed together, Zhou Ziheng wanted to laugh too, but the way he laughed now was too inhuman, so he had no choice but to hold back and walk over to help Shang Sirui untie the rope on his body.

"No, Ziheng, you are too serious." Shang Sirui, who was sitting on the chair, began to complain to him, "It's fine if you handcuff me, and tie me with a rope."

"This room is like this as soon as we come in." Zhou Ziheng rolled up the rope and threw it aside. Looking at the handcuffs on his wrists, he remembered that he didn't take the key. Just as he was about to get up, he saw a hand handing the key to to their own eyes.

When Zhou Ziheng raised his hand, Xia Xiqing's clean and innocent smiling face was in sight.

It just looked clean and simple, he denied it again in his heart, and then took the key from Xia Xiqing's hand.

"He was not handcuffed when he came in." Xia Xiqing smiled, "Only I was handcuffed, worse than you, and my eyes were blindfolded."

"Wow... It's too difficult for you to escape."

Shang Sirui and Xia Xiqing were chatting, and Zhou Ziheng, who was half squatting, uncuffed the handcuffs without saying a word, which reminded him of how he uncuffed Xia Xiqing before. Shang Sirui's hands are also pretty, but to be honest, they are not as long as Xia Xiqing's, nor are they as white as his hands.

Why compare?

With a click, the handcuffs were released. Zhou Ziheng came back to his senses.

There is nothing to compare.

Unshackled, Shang Sirui jumped up and down a few times, one hand wrapped around Xia Xiqing's shoulder, and the other reluctantly wrapped around Zhou Ziheng's shoulder, "It's finally over." Several staff members stepped forward to help They took off the microphone on their bodies, and Xia Xiqing immediately felt relaxed, raised his hand and rubbed his neck, and saw Zhou Ziheng's back neck with a ribbon that hadn't been removed before.

He held out his hand.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Ziheng suddenly felt a chill, and when he turned around, he saw Xia Xiqing's hand stretched out to his neck.

Like a little tiger with bristling fur. Xia Xiqing held back a smile and said sorry, then took off the ribbon.

There's nothing embarrassing about it, he just wanted to touch him with the force of the ribbon on purpose, it was on purpose.

The slender fingers pinched one end of the ribbon, shook it in front of Zhou Ziheng, let go, let the ribbon slowly fall down like a feather, and finally lay at his feet.

The color of the ribbon is very eye-catching. Just like the smile on Xia Xiqing's face at this moment.

Zhou Ziheng was awkward for a long time, but still said thank you.

"you are welcome."

Why does this person always have such a light voice at the end of his speech? Like a flimsy cloud lying in the wind, unable to catch it no matter what.

The director of the program group came over, "We will record a sideshow after the end." He handed one of the cameras in his hand to Si Rui and the other to Cen Cen, "There are two cameras here, you can Divide into two teams to visit this house, which was built by our production team in two and a half days."

"Don't worry, director, I just want to take a look around too." Shang Sirui took the camera with a smile, pointed it at Zhou Ziheng's face, "Is it already on?"

"It's open." The director said and walked aside. Shang Sirui saw that Zhou Ziheng wanted to avoid the camera, so he immediately grabbed him, turned the camera to his face, and coughed twice, "Hi everyone, I am today's VJ and host, a member of HighFive, Shang Sirui !Hi~~Let me introduce, Dangdangdang—" He turned the camera to Zhou Ziheng's face, "Zhou Ziheng! Wow, Ziheng, your face looks so good in the camera."

Zhou Ziheng jokingly covered the camera with his palm, Shang Sirui struggled to get the camera out of his clutches, and turned to Xia Xiqing who turned to the side, "This one is our super invincible and smart Xia Xiqing, he was really shocked by his performance in the secret room I, if it wasn't for Xi Qing, maybe I would have won."

"So you are expressing your dissatisfaction?" Xia Xiqing smiled softly, "Your performance also shocked me, okay?"

"Hey." Shang Sirui turned the camera around and pointed at the entrance of the house, "Let's take a tour first."

After the recording was over, Shang Sirui was like a child who had been beaten with chicken blood, wandering around with the camera, Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing walked behind him, and only said a few words when they were caught by the camera cue.

When he walked to the study room, Shang Sirui was very excited, "This is where I was imprisoned by Ziheng! He handcuffed me and tied me with a rope!" His camera turned to Zhou Ziheng, "It's this handsome guy, he kidnapped me."

"Pfft." Xia Xiqing couldn't help laughing. Zhou Ziheng, who was slapped on the face by Shang Sirui with the camera, said calmly, "Who told you to lie."

"The show crew forced me to do that. I panicked to death, okay?" Shang Sirui was a little curious, "By the way, how did you find the last password? I haven't found it after searching for a long time."

"This is the room." Zhou Ziheng took out a flashlight from his coat pocket, "I found this flashlight on the sofa, and there are two key words written on it, study and turn off the lights..."

Before Zhou Ziheng finished speaking, Shang Sirui, who reacted too quickly, stretched out his free hand to press the light switch at the door, "Is it a clue that you can only see when the light is turned off?"

His hands were seized.

"Don't turn off the lights!"

Xia Xiqing was stunned, he didn't even realize the matter of turning off the lights, he saw Zhou Ziheng grabbing Shang Sirui's arm without any hesitation, preventing him from moving.

"What's wrong?" Shang Sirui looked at Zhou Ziheng suspiciously.

To be honest, Zhou Ziheng didn't expect that he would stop him just like that, that sentence was almost blurted out without thinking at all.

"What he means is that the machine is taking pictures. This should be taken without infrared..." Xia Xiqing calmly held Zhou Ziheng's wrist, the protruding wrist bone that exposed the cuff, and took his hand off. ,"right."

"Yeah." Zhou Ziheng quietly broke his hand away from Xia Xiqing's, "Let me tell you directly, after turning off the light, use this flashlight to shine on the four corners, and a digital code will appear, just crack one. "

"That's it..." Shang Sirui nodded half-understanding, and then sighed regretfully, "It feels like I'm missing a clue! Otherwise, I'll be the one who wins, so be so angry."

After filming the last room, the three of them came to the underground passage connected to the exit booth, which was directly connected to the external recording preparation area. The passage was very narrow, and Zhou Ziheng walked with difficulty.

Luckily there was a light, otherwise he just fell off...

fine? Why is it okay.

Zhou Ziheng felt it was very strange, he was getting more and more confused about himself now, it seemed that a villain had been forcibly living in his head, and he was talking strange things all day long, which made him a little insane.

Shang Sirui walked in front alone, walking very fast, and said the closing remarks of the tidbits to the camera. Xia Xiqing followed Zhou Ziheng very close.

The long and narrow corridor compresses the space together with the breath, and the air around him seems to turn into tiny particles suspended around the body, floating like plankton.

Suddenly feeling that the clothes on his back were being grabbed, Zhou Ziheng turned slightly sideways. Xia Xiqing didn't expect that this difficult guy would turn around so obediently. The moment he grabbed the hem of his clothes, he took a step closer and wanted to speak.

In this way, the distance was once again compressed sharply.

In the field of vision, the small mole on the tip of the nose suddenly enlarged, approached, briefly touched the corner of Zhou Ziheng's lips, then slid past like a meteor, and then moved away again.

Those tiny particles floating like glowing jellyfish suddenly stopped.

The air condenses.

In the not-so-bright corridor, Shang Sirui's childish words seemed to be gradually fading away in the background, while another voice gradually intensified.



Zhou Ziheng came back to his senses in a panic. He just wanted to retreat in a hurry, but he forgot that the place was so narrow that he, who was 193 centimeters tall, could not walk around at will.

"Hey, be careful." Xia Xiqing saw Zhou Ziheng's head hit the upper end of the passage, and was trying to catch him but failed. When he panicked, Zhou Ziheng's foot slipped again, and he fell to the ground.

Those tiny particles that were so nervous that they were still and invisible to others also fell rapidly, like a large jar of pearl sugar that fell from the sky, clanging on Zhou Ziheng's body.

Zhou Ziheng shook his head, trying to throw the illusion out of his vision.

It's really embarrassing to the extreme.

Hearing the movement from behind, Shang Sirui yelled towards this end, "What's the matter with you?"

Xia Xiqing responded immediately, "It's okay, Ziheng accidentally fell down. You go up first."

After speaking, he stretched out a hand to Zhou Ziheng.

Zhou Ziheng didn't even look at those hands, stood up by himself, and patted the ashes on his body awkwardly. When he turned around, he felt a pain in his tailbone, so he had to walk slowly while supporting the wall.

"It's okay."


"Pfft." There was another chuckle.

Zhou Ziheng felt uncomfortable in his heart, as if he was underestimated by others. He wanted to get rid of this awkward atmosphere as soon as possible and divert this disgraceful topic, so he coughed dryly twice, turned his back to Xia Xiqing and asked, " just now what to say?"

"You still remember." Xia Xiqing's tone was the same as before, as gentle and frivolous as the wind, which can stir up people's hearts upside down and cannot be calmed down.

"Will you tell me or not?"

His tone was quite fierce, and the tips of his ears were obviously red.

"I just want to ask... how did you recognize me." Xia Xiqing stepped on the path Zhou Ziheng walked step by step, stepping on his shadow, "It was after I entered the study room where the lights were turned off."

Zhou Ziheng suddenly stopped talking and was about to go out. He walked up the steps silently.

As a veteran in the field of love, Xia Xiqing is well versed in the language skills that should be mastered when flirting. If the other party does not speak, he can always keep the topic from getting into an embarrassing situation.

"I's because of the smell of perfume?" Xia Xiqing laughed, and stepped up the steps step by step, "So you're so sensitive to smell?"

Zhou Ziheng still didn't speak.

He climbed the last step, the air was noisy again, the staff talked to each other about their hard work, everyone celebrated the success of the first program recording, the voices of Shang Sirui and Cen Cen complaining to each other, and the sweet laughter of Ruan Xiao , and there are many, many voices mixed in.

Mixed with it was Zhou Ziheng's deep voice.

"I subconsciously thought it was you."

When I approached you and grabbed your hand, I smelled the perfume on my body, so I was even more convinced.

Xia Xiqing's last step stayed in the air for a second, and he was stunned together with his paused brain.


Landed on the ground, stepping on the last step. Xia Xiqing looked up at Zhou Ziheng's back. I'm afraid this person himself doesn't know, this unconscious ambiguity.

How lethal.