MTL - I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times-Chapter 101 Taken advantage of

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Chapter 101 Taking advantage of others

 On their way to escape, Granny Zhang and Xia Daqing saw that Xia Youxin had money on him and lost his memory again. I originally planned to follow him to get some food and drink, and then leave after arriving in the capital.

It's just that the mother and son saw that Xia Youxin was so easy to deceive. Not only did they give them most of their food along the way, they also said that they would work hard to find work to make money to support the two of them when they arrived in Kyoto.

 Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing were not willing to leave this scapegoat at all, so after discussion, the mother and son decided not to leave at all. From now on, they would stay with Xia Youxin and continue to pretend to be his mother and brother.

 After the three of them settled in Wangjia Village, Xia Youxin has been working hard to make money to support Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing.

Lingchu stopped talking when he saw Mr. Liu and stopped talking any more.

So he glanced pointedly at Xia Daqing, who was still hanging in the air with his neck strangled, and then asked Liu, "Then how did Xia Youxin die?"

Liu gulped and hesitated for a moment.

 It was okay for her to tell her mother-in-law and husband that they were pretending to be members of Xia Youxin's family.

Although this is immoral, it is not a matter of life and death.

 Furthermore, these matters actually had nothing to do with her. She had not yet married Xia Daqing at that time. These things were revealed by Xia Daqing inadvertently when she was drunk later after she got married.

Although Xia Youxin strangled Xia Daqing's neck, he had listened to Ling Chu's words before and knew that he could not strangle the person to death, so he did not kill him.

After Xia Daqing took a breath, he heard Mrs. Liu tell her about the fake thing between him and Mrs. Zhang, and he was so angry that he wanted to stop her from talking.

Xia Youxin saw that Mrs. Liu was still hesitating, and in anger, he increased the strength in his hands.

Xia Daqing was immediately pinched and rolled his eyes.

Over there, Chen Siniang pushed the door panel next to her.

Mrs. Liu was so frightened that her face turned pale again when she saw that the door of her youngest son's room was opening again without wind.

Ling Chu took the opportunity to put more pressure on her, "Xia Zhi's parents died unjustly. I advise you to stop hiding it and tell everything you know.

 But don’t even think about lying. It doesn’t matter if you lied to us, but Xia Zhi’s parents are watching from the side.

 If you say something that is not true, it will make them angry. No one can say what he will do if he becomes a puppet. "

Liu knew that she could no longer hide anything this time, so she decided to confess everything she knew.

Xia Youxin has lost his memory and has always been convinced of the identity of Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing.

 After settling in Wangjiacun, he has been trying to find ways to make money to support the two of them.

 But then one time, he accidentally hurt his head again and recovered his memory.

Xia Youxin remembered that his biological parents had died in the flood in his hometown. He went home angrily and asked Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing why they had deceived him.

Mr. Zhang and Xia Daqing did not expect that he would recover his memory. Mother and son knew that Xia Youxin had always been soft-hearted.

So he wept and wiped away his tears and mentioned the tragic experiences during the escape, and said that he did not mean to deceive Xia Youxin.

  It’s just that both mother and son were robbed of all their money and were left penniless.

 Seeing Xia Youxin alone again, he was worried that he would be injured again, so out of good intentions, he pretended to be his family member in order to go to Beijing together.

 After listening to Mrs. Zhang’s explanation, Xia Youxin also remembered what happened to him when he went to Beijing alone, and finally softened his heart.

 It's just that Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing deceived him in the end. Xia Youxin always had a grudge and didn't want to be with them anymore.

 So Xia Youxin proposed to separate the household registration from Mrs. Zhang and her son and restore his own identity.

 But Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing have already tasted the sweetness, and they are not willing to lose Xia Youxin, who provides them with free support. Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing held Xia Youxin's hand and cried until they had runny noses and tears. They said that they had truly regarded Xia Daqing as a family member these days and really didn't want to be separated from him.

Moreover, Mrs. Zhang was afraid that if their fake news spread, it would affect Xia Daqing's marriage.

 Xia Youxin cried miserably when he saw the mother and son. In addition, after he lost his memory, he regarded Granny Zhang and Xia Daqing as his biological mother and brother. He had developed feelings for them for such a long time.

As soon as his heart softened, he agreed to Mrs. Zhang's cry and did not separate his household registration from them.

However, what Xia Youxin didn't know was that his soft-heartedness eventually led him to the path of ruining his family and his family.

Although Xia Youxin did not choose to separate household registration, she was not willing to live with Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing.

After settling in Wangjiacun, their house was bought with Xia Youxin’s hard-earned money.

He wanted Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing to move out, but the reason why Mrs. Zhang did not allow Xia You to have a new household registration was because she wanted to use her family's name to continue sucking his blood.

Xia Youxin asked his mother and son to move out. How could they be willing to do so?

With no choice but to do so, Xia Youxin chose another piece of land in Wangjia Village and built a new house.

 Although Mrs. Zhang was unwilling to let Xia Youxin build another house to live in, she could not object.

Xia Daqing had no objection to this matter. He thought it would be good to live separately. He happened to be of age to get married, and the house would belong to him in the future.

Seeing that her son wanted to take possession of Xia You's newly built house, Mrs. Zhang figured it out.

When someone in the village asked Xia Youxin about building a new house, Mrs. Zhang told them that the house at home was too small. When his son grew up and reached the age of starting a family, he built another house for Xia Youxin to use as his wedding room.

People in Wangjiacun didn't know the inside story and exaggerated that the mother-in-law's family was wealthy and reasonable, and that she was willing to build another house for her eldest son to find a wife.

Xia Youxin heard the rumors in the village. Although he was a little annoyed with Mrs. Zhang, in order to move out smoothly, he did not want to cause trouble and did not explain his life experience to the outside world.

Xia Youxin thought that after moving out, she would have nothing to do with Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing.

 But Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing have been relying on Xia Youxin to make money to support their family since they pretended to be his family members. The mother and son have become accustomed to getting something for nothing.

At this time, there was no source of income. Naturally, he was sucking Xia Youxin tightly like a blood-sucking leech.

Mr. Zhang and Xia Daqing took turns asking Xia Youxin for money, citing injuries, illness, etc. as excuses.

At first, Xia Youxin believed them to be true, and seeing that the money they asked for was not much, he gave it to them out of soft heart.

 But if it happened too many times, he would inevitably become suspicious.

Later, Xia Youxin knew that he had been cheated, so he wanted to refuse.

But Mrs. Zhang was sitting at the door of his house, crying in front of the villagers and complaining that he was unfilial and didn't even care when his brothers were sick and injured.

Xia Youxin didn't want to be squeezed anymore, so she once again proposed to divide her household registration and restore her identity, but Mrs. Zhang and Xia Daqing would not tolerate it.

He threatened that if Xia Youxin insisted on dividing the household registration, he would go to the Yamen to accuse him of being unfilial and abandoning his mother and brothers.

Xia Youxin had no evidence to prove his identity, so he could only choose to compromise again and again.

[ ) meow, 20220908085043919, the little one who can’t get enough Bookworm.

   Thank you all for your votes and take a bow.



 (End of this chapter)