MTL - I Like This Dream!-Chapter 1

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Andy woke up.

She opened her eyes and saw the white ceiling. The ceiling is full of small and complicated patterns, and a classic chandelier hangs from the center, which is not currently lit. Opposite the bed was a window, from which bright daylight came in.

This is definitely not where An Xu slept last night. She remembered that she turned off the computer while yawning at 2:30 in the morning, washed up and climbed into bed. Nothing happened, no lightning, computer exploding, weird noises or anything, just closing and opening my eyes.

There was a blanket covering his body, and his hands and feet couldn't move well. It took An Xu a lot of time to stretch his hands out of the blanket. In front of him was a small white hand with neatly manicured nails, the point being that it was much smaller than that of an adult. She froze there, clenched her fist in disbelief, and this young, white and tender palm like a bud also clenched her fist.

An Xu stared at the palm of his hand for a full second, then suddenly pinched his face forcefully. She could feel the sinking of the skin, the touch of fingers pinching her cheeks, but it didn't hurt at all, even the sense of touch was numb and lukewarm. Anshu relaxed. Scared my old lady, dare to love is a dream!

So An Xu yawned, lazily letting himself fall into his dream. She has always liked dreaming, and even consciously trained herself so that she can quickly realize that she is dreaming and become the master of the dream. Attempts to manipulate dreams failed most of the time, but being able to remember a colorful lucid dream was enough for her.

She slowly got up from the bed, allowing her consciousness to fully attach to the body in the dream. At first, the dream flickered like a badly connected electric light. An Xu kept still when it was shaking the most, and continued to get up when consciousness returned. It took a lot of time to get up from the bed, and it was worth the patience. By the time An Xu could sit on the bed and look around, the world had stabilized.

It was a modest room, with a spotless ceiling and bouquets of flowers and portraits on all four white walls. The wooden lattice windows are closed, and colorful curtains are hung randomly on both sides. The closed white door was on the diagonal of the bed, and a thick blanket was spread on the floor in the middle. There was a small table beside the bed, four golden carved wooden feet were exposed under the red tablecloth, and a silver cup was placed on the table, reflecting a girl's face.

An Xu stared at the **** the cup for a while, then remembered to see his current appearance. She lowered her head and looked at her body, only to see long blond hair draped over her shoulders, her **** were slightly bulging under the white dress, but her body and arms still had the sensuality of a child. The bare arm is a kind of milky white that does not belong to the yellow race. An Xu hooked the cup and took a good photo. It is really a foreigner's face, and even on the cup that flattens the face, it can be seen that it is cute Be like a little angel.

An Xu's hands trembled, almost dropping the cup. Did she just call herself a little angel? Thinking that this lovely face was pinched for himself in a dream, An Xu felt his face blush. An Xu is twenty-seven years old, ordinary-looking, and a dead man. She always felt that she had no idea about her appearance, but in her dream she suddenly bumped into her girlish heart, it was like a Mary Su novel written at the age of fourteen was read aloud in public.

She put the cup back in embarrassment, and assumed the habitual sitting posture, thinking that it was a good thing that only she could see the dream. An Xu likes to sit cross-legged, put her hands between her legs, and meditate like that, but this time when she just put her hands in the old place, she felt a thump in her heart and became completely stiff.

Between the legs, where neither girls nor women should have anything, there was indeed a lump of flesh. An Xu stretched out his hand to fiddle with it, but the thing didn't move at all. She hooked the neckline of the dress with one finger, and looked down from it. She was wearing nothing inside, and she could see a bulge that definitely shouldn't be growing all the way.

What the **** is this? !

She felt a thunderbolt hit her head, and she was so terrified by the thunder. So am I bisexual now? Looks like a cherub so there are two genders? But when I was imagining angels, there was a whiteboard underneath? What the **** is going on in my head? An Xu covered his face, feeling that he had read too many strange novels.

The white door opened at this moment, and outside the door stood a woman in a black and white maid outfit, followed by two people dressed as male servants. Their footsteps paused when they saw An Xu, the male servant stopped outside, and the woman stopped one meter away from the bed.

"Miss An." She said formulaically, "Is your body alright?"

She was a middle-aged woman with brown hair and an ordinary face, also of Western appearance, and her lips were pursed into a slightly mean way. What she spoke was not any language An Xu knew, but An Xu understood it smoothly, as if she was listening to her mother tongue. Of course, this is An Xu's dream, so it feels like it's not his mother tongue, it's purely emphasizing the western background of the dream. The game she played before going to bed is the Western Fantasy setting, so it is not surprising that she would dream of such a setting.

"Hmm." An Xu responded casually, wondering where this story would go. The maid nodded, frowned at her cross-legged posture, and said, "Then please follow me, the elders are waiting for you."

An Xu wanted to stand up, but his legs didn't work, and he rolled to the ground. Her vision shook again, she hurriedly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, for fear of being woken up by the fall. She froze in place for a few seconds before a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up.

"I'm sorry." The maid said, but her tone was not as polite as she said. She sounded just as routine, as rough and impatient as she was pulling Anxu's hand, not the way to treat the hostess's lady. She didn't change An Xu's clothes and tie her hair, but only urged An Xu to put on her shoes, and half helped and half dragged her forward.

It doesn't fit the identity of the character, An Xu pondered, could it be that I fell out of bed while sleeping? I didn't wake up like this, thank God! She simply relaxed her strength and let the maid pull, looking around as she walked.

It was a large house, with high ceilings, and a very long corridor, with many portraits hanging on either side. The character is probably a noble in the Western classical period? An Xu took a quick look at it, and keenly noticed some weird phenomena, such as the man holding a lady's fan, and the woman with a pair of giant **** but wearing men's clothing and riding a horse as a conqueror. It is not accurate to say that they wear clothes indiscriminately. There are also men and women who wear normal clothes. Let’s say that they are halfway. The rows of portraits seem to be subtly regular. Before An Xu could figure it out, he was taken into a hall.

In the middle of the hall hung a statue of a god, and there were people in the middle. When the door opened, this group of guys with different expressions, but none of them could be called friendly, all cast their eyes on An Xu. If it were in reality, this situation would scare her immediately, but since it is a dream now, An Xu looked back without any pressure.

According to the luxury of their clothes, the crowd can be roughly divided into masters and servants. The servants are all young and middle-aged, and the masters are only middle-aged and elderly, both men and women. Most of them glanced at An Xu and then turned back, staring at a noble lady sitting in the middle. The blond lady must have been a beauty when she was young, and she still has charm when she is old, An Xu couldn't help but stare at her non-stop. The lady didn't even look at An Xu, she lightly clapped her hands to get her attention back, and said, "So, what do you think?"

"I still insist." An old man with wrinkles like bark on his face said, "The family shame of using banned drugs cannot stay in Aiboli."

"Are you going to send the only son of the Sullivans into exile?" said a younger woman sharply.

"A waste alpha without supernatural powers is not worthy of inheriting Sullivan!" the old bark man raised his voice.

An Xu's ears perked up. Ability? alpha? God, this is actually a superpower plus ABO setting! No wonder I grew [beep—], a dream with multiple experiences is great! She watched the old men eagerly, hoping they would give more background.

"Staying in Abbey does not mean becoming the head of Sullivan's family." The third person, the old man with a long beard, said reassuringly, "I don't think Mrs. Norma will let an unhealthy alpha become the head of the family. ,yes?"

"You are right, I will not allow anyone to tarnish the glory of the Sullivan family, even my daughter." The lady pretended to wipe the dry corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "but can anyone have the heart to send my only child away?" Take it from me, after my husband, Earl Edward, died fighting for the Empire?"

The old bark's face twitched, and he said reluctantly, "No one can ignore the contribution of Your Excellency the Earl. As long as Mrs. Norma can come up with a proper solution, this matter doesn't have to end embarrassingly."

"With all due respect, the most urgent thing is to welcome back the young master who lives in Alingu. He developed into an alpha last year, and his grandfather is the closest blood relative to the Sullivan family." Another person said.

"You are too unreasonable." The lady smirked, "The marriage contract between Anna and the youngest daughter of Marquis Samuel will be completed this year. When their heir is born, I am afraid that it will be impossible to drive the young master back after a long journey." Great, isn't it?"

"When did she get married to the Stuart family?"

"Your Excellency the Earl has a very close personal relationship with Marquis Samuel, and he had an agreement with His Excellency the Marquis long before he was alive."

"Oh? Could it be that the agreement with that Pulan family cousin is void?"

"Unfortunately, Anna has grown into an alpha, and the Pulan family does not have a marriageable omega..."

An Xu listened for about five minutes, his head was as big as a bucket, and he lost his mind. The crowd played countless maneuvers, mixed with countless unfamiliar nouns, place names, and people's names. An Xu tried his best to hit a few times, and gave up when he found that the follow-up would increase endlessly. She half-emptied her mind, sifting through their nonsense for intelligible information.

Valid information one, her name is Anna. Sullivan, the only son of the family after his father died, took banned drugs and became a ripening alpha with no abilities, so he was called a waste. From this, it is speculated that this ABO world is not divided into ABOs at birth, but men and women of the first gender, and then differentiated into ABOs after reaching a certain age. It is not clear how beta and omega are, but it seems that they must have supernatural powers if they are differentiated into alpha.

Effective message two, neither the most aggressive old bark nor the dame (her mother here) who seems to be on her side intends to make it easy for her. The only difference is who will replace her next, whether to exile her to a remote village, or to imprison her and spend her life as a stallion for the next generation.

Anshu was very upset.

Her thinking is quite straight, and she thinks that if she goes to a harem, it would be more refreshing to just hit her head to death. It’s rare to have a lucid dream with rich settings these days. The time of the dream is so precious, but the people here waste their time on playing games that An Xu can’t appreciate. Are you ashamed to talk about the high-level settings? ? If you want superpowers, start playing quickly. Want ABO, hurry up, who is interested in watching the old man bicker! An Xu waved his hand impatiently and said, "Hello..."


Before she could finish speaking, a crisp slap interrupted her. The lady withdrew the hand that had slapped her daughter in annoyance, and was about to say something that would earn her points, but before she could speak, she froze.

Ann slowly turned back, her face was horrifying, Mrs. Norma never thought that Anna would dare to look at her like this. Speaking of which, since she was brought here today, Anna's whole body is not quite right. The lady knows what kind of thing her daughter is. She has been submissive, dull and stupid since she was a child. On this occasion, she should be as well-behaved as a statue, instead of rolling her eyes around like just now, showing that... too relaxed, as if she didn't See a person's freedom and liveliness.

Now, Ann "sees" her.

Norma felt the hairs all over her body stand on end, and a loud noise almost made her fall into the chair. She looked around in horror, only to see that the large window that had let in the sunlight just now suddenly darkened, the sky outside the window was overcast, and thunder followed one after another. The **** weather, she cursed secretly, reassuring herself that the unusual premonition of danger was nothing more than a fuss. In order to cover up the gaffe just now, she slapped An again and scolded, "How dare you be so disrespectful in front of God, you sinner!"

The girl turned back again, very quickly this time. There are bright red palm prints on her face, but the anger in those eyes is like lightning and thunder, wait, that is indeed lightning and thunder! Silver-white arcs flickered in her light-colored eyes, making those eyes seem to belong to something inhuman.

The people in the hall became commotions, some people exclaimed, some people rushed up quickly, and some people wanted to run out in panic, but it was too late.

An Xu was so angry that even her parents never hit her, but she was hit by something in her dream! Twice! Although it doesn't hurt, what if I wake up! She was angry from the bottom of her heart and turned evil to her guts. She stared at the rioting crowd, her mind was full of erasing them all. Under the high concentration of the spirit, something that cannot be expressed in words suddenly surged up, filled, filled, crowded every corner in the body, and began to seek a space for release.

She felt the skin around her body tingle slightly, and the people around saw the girl's blonde hair fluttering strangely without any wind. Then-

The thunder fell suddenly.