MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 30 Conquer Slave Chiefs (9)

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Empire calendar March 7, 112, is a sad day for Moore.

Moore felt that the wind in the early spring must have blown incorrectly. Otherwise, how could he feel the spring blossoming in the Imperial Medical Association, and the mean guys on ordinary days became beautiful!

Oh yes, this guy is also a noble. Moore stared at Ji Jinrong, who was talking to the pharmacists a little slyly.

At this moment, Moore had to admit one thing: there was really such a person in the world that he could talk to the common people and talk with the aristocracy.

There is really such a person in the world, everything is better than others, and everything is better than others.

Just now Moore led Ji Jinrong into the door, and those pharmacists were talking distressedly. Ji Jinrong didn't speak, and quietly walked to listen to their discussion. Until they discussed finding some alternative medicine, Ji Jinrong interjected: "Why not use Chuanqiang?"

Chuanqiong is a kind of medicinal material, which can be used to promote blood circulation, relieve wind and relieve pain. But they are discussing whether it is gynecology or headache, so many people don't think of it.

Suddenly hearing such a suggestion, the pharmacists were silent. After a while, someone suddenly said, "Yeah, you can use Chuanqiang!" He patted his thigh and wrote down the new prescription.

No one has noticed that Ji Jinrong is a new face, let alone his age. They rushed into the next round of discussions and took out the suspected prescriptions. Some medicinal materials are not even found here. Together, they will find ways to replace them with more common medicinal materials and formulate the most suitable medicinal solution.

Ji Jinrong has a general understanding of the medicinal materials of this era through the evil supplements of these days, and occasionally puts forward good suggestions.

The pharmacists soon accepted him as a new member.

It was not until the end of the seminar that the pharmacists were separated from the state of full concentration. Only then did they find a raw face at the round table, and Qi Qi turned her eyes to Ji Jinrong.

Moore's heart lifted. He decided that if these guys scolded Ji Jinrong, or hurried Ji Jinrong out, he would stand up and help Ji Jinrong speak--

It's a pity that Moore was destined not to show up.

The pharmacists asked, "Boy, how did you get in?"

Ji Jinrong said frankly, "I came in through the back door!" He held up his small breast. "Master Moore said that he would take me to see and see, and I followed. I was shocked when I heard you discussing the prescription. .Your understanding of medicine is so profound, your insights into pharmacology are so wonderful and unique, "Ji Jinrong seemed to be poor, and then continued to boast." What shocked me most is that the knowledge is so profound and the opinions are so The unique seniors were able to sit and discuss together in this way. I remember I used to ask my classmates when they were studying at school, and they were often too embarrassed to give me pointers-the seniors were really astonishing and admiring me. ! "

Moore: "..."

Fart! Fart! This bullshit! !! !!

This guy's eyes are bright and clear, like a clear lake. This guy's voice was so sincere, as if every sentence he spoke came from his heart—

How could there be such a shameless person in this world!

Unfortunately, the pharmacists obviously like the flattery of Ji Jinrong.

Pharmacists all think that this honest and intelligent child is so insightful. The most famous point of the Imperial Medical Association is "communication"-

What they are most proud of is that they are willing to exchange knowledge, technology and even ideas and ideas in this place with like-minded partners!

The pharmacists expressed their indignation at what Ji Jinrong said: "That was their stupidity and ignorance. They felt that they had lost by teaching you, but in fact this was not the case." They all expressed their views, "Everyone I do n’t know which head in the world will be inspired by inspiration. If everyone can learn all the knowledge that already exists, it means that everyone is ready to receive inspiration-maybe the old knowledge will bloom in a certain head A new spark. By then, we will have new and better technology and knowledge! "

After listening to the pharmacists, Ji Jinrong felt that this was a group of honest and lovely people.

If he is only a doctor, a pharmacist, or a scholar, he will be moved by these words; if the scope of these words is narrowed down to the "owner" category, he will unconditionally support this practice.

But if the scope is expanded to "everyone", Ji Jinrong would not agree.

This is the difference between scholars and politicians.

Scholars only have knowledge.

In the eyes of politicians, knowledge is a tool for seeking and defending interests.

Ji Jinrong has never been able to find a suitable word to describe himself. After understanding this era, he found that he might be classified as a "politician-guest".

Of course, this does not prevent him from admiring and liking these lovely people in front of him.

Thousands of years later, the emperor's prime minister may forever be sealed in the long river of history, but the names of these people and everything they do will continue forever.

Ji Jinrong's attitude is sincere and respectful from beginning to end.

The pharmacists quickly accepted him. Not only because of his praise, but also because he is young but can understand their ideas and concepts. They exchanged names with Ji Jinrong, and they were also more friendly to Moore.

Asked about Moore's whereabouts, the pharmacists started without a word. Moore stood still, watching Ji Jinrong wandering among the pharmacists, asking for tips on a certain preparation step when they were free. The pharmacists did not have the usual arrogance, and patiently answered questions for Ji Jinrong.

In less than an hour, Ji Jinrong had mastered the basic skills of formulating pharmaceutical liquids, and was able to skillfully use pharmaceutical instruments of this era.

Unlike the previous open fire, this time, the active ingredients of the drug are extracted by various extraction and distillation methods, and fixed medicine solutions are formulated according to a certain ratio. If the technology is more sophisticated, it can be made into a pill that is easy to store!

These things made Ji Jinrong refreshing.

After waiting for the whole afternoon, Ji Jinrong realized that Moore was still standing sideways. Ji Jinrong said goodbye to the pharmacists, came forward and patted Moore's shoulder, and walked out of the Imperial Medical Association with Moore.

Moore walked out of the gate before suddenly returning. He murmured, "I thought they would push against each other ..."

Ji Jinrong listened to Moore's words.

This child's heart is not too bad, just a little child's temper, like to compete with others. If things don't go well, he will feel that someone is deliberately targeting him. A young boy is very young and arrogant, and he is most likely to clash with others. Thanks to Arthurs, he dares to put him on his own.

However, considering their origins and the hatred they bear, Ji Jinrong can understand Arthurs' intentions.

As a child, you should let go and let others polish. If you lose, if you follow suit, you will naturally remember the lesson.

This will be more useful than any precept.

Ji Jinrong said: "No."

More looked at him.

Ji Jinrong said: "They're not like that," he looked at with Moore, "they hope to solve this terrible nightmare than anyone else. Whenever there is a possibility to solve the epidemic, they will not let go. Hearing is Mr. David took the prescription, and they must have been anxious to get it out of the box right now-and it is indeed the case. "This is why he gave the prescription to Old David. Without the influence of Old David, it would not be very useful to publish a prescription.

Moore pursed her lips and didn't speak.

Until then, he had looked down on Ji Jinrong.

He feels that Ji Jinrong is only relying on his aristocratic background, and everything is smoother than others. If he is a race, then Ji Jinrong is a stolen person. Their starting point is higher than others. The big cut is simply setting the start-point halfway through the game.

They ran forward tiringly, but the nobles could easily get rid of them. They do n’t even have to take big strides, they just need to take a leisurely and relaxed walk on the runway—

Just that way, the nobles can win.

However, if there is such a person, his starting point is very forward, and he is working hard?

Moore was really hit. He suddenly found that compared to those pharmacists—or to Ji Jinrong—what he did was mean. In the reflection of what Ji Jinrong did, this despicableness became even more obvious-it was so stinging his eyes.

As if laughing at his pride and arrogance.

He always felt that the nobles looked down on civilians and slaves and were biased against them. Now it seems that he is not prejudiced against the nobility? Because Ji Jinrong and the pharmacists were of noble origin, he immediately erected the spikes on his body and pushed the two sides to the opposite side.

After seeing Ji Jinrong losing his aristocratic status and becoming a fugitive, he would sneer and ridicule Ji Jinrong in his heart, and even arrogantly threatened Ji Jinrong to cook for Arthurs.

This approach is no different from the aristocracy he hated before. Relying on his own identity and status to trample on the dignity of others, it was obviously the thing he hated before, but he did it to others!

God, when did he become like this?

Moore was in deep self-aversion.

Ji Jinrong saw that Moerwu was fascinated, and quietly reached out to get the honey-bear bear cake in Moor's pocket.

Moore was suddenly alert.

Ji Jinrong calmly said: "It's going to melt away if you don't eat it anymore. This is done on the spot. It's still hot in the afternoon. It should have been hot!" He quickly put the paper bag back in his pocket and saw Moore keep staring Holding himself, helplessly pulled out a cute little bear and put it in front of Moore's mouth.

Moore opened his mouth subconsciously and ate the biscuit handed by Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong said, "Well, you've tasted it!" He covered his pockets vigilantly, as if afraid that Moore would **** it again.

Moore wanted to laugh a bit, biting it down, only to feel the scent of cookies and the sweetness of honey in his mouth.

Crispy, crispy and sweet.

Even my heart became soft.

More inexplicably, Moore understood why Arthurs had let him study medicine, not let him take charge of other positions in the Free Army. Many people in the Free Army are too suffocated. After dealing with them for a long time, he will be assimilated by them.

If it is to let the times go from one extreme to another, what is the significance of the establishment of a free army?

In the era they want, is it just to get rid of slavery and step on all the nobles under their feet?

No, no, it's not like that. Originally, "the future" had only a vague outline in Moore's eyes, and he could not see anything clearly, but at this moment he was no longer confused.

He saw "the future" in Ji Jinrong.

The "future" he wanted and they were after was like this: there were no slaves, no nobles, only "people". Everyone can live as a "person". Everyone can choose their own way of living. Working in the kitchen can live happily. Being a doctor or pharmacist can also live happily. Soldiers can end the war. , Return to their hometown to marry their wives, have children, and support their parents; farmers can take back the fields and cultivate their own harvest with their own hands—

This is what they are trying to change in this dark age.

It is also the meaning of everything they give.

Moore felt his heart pounding. He looked at Ji Jinrong, who was worried about the bear cake, and smiled: "Thank you."

Ji Jinrong heard Moore thank him, and suddenly felt that he was a bit stingy. He said: "If you want to eat, you can buy it tomorrow. Today the craftsman has already closed the stall and can't buy it."

Moore said, "Don't worry, I won't grab you again."

Ji Jinrong then let go of his hand pressed on his pocket.

Moore: "..."

Moore was about to return to Arthurs with Ji Jinrong, and suddenly heard a surprise call: "Ajin?"

Moore looked to Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong followed the sound and saw an acquaintance appear. It turned out that it was Dr. Ryan who had "co-operated" a few days ago.

In the setting sun, Dr. Ryan's light-colored hair was slightly dim. He was surprised: "Are you here to get medical qualifications?"

Ji Jinrong said: "How is that possible? I haven't studied medicine seriously, isn't it harmful to get medical qualification!"

Dr. Ryan said, "Just by your wonderful hands, you are fully qualified to take it." Ji Jinrong's delicate stitching and surgical skills impressed him very much. If it was really Ji Jinrong's first contact with surgery, then Ji Jinrong's hands are definitely a gift from God.

The most important thing for a surgeon is a pair of smooth, dexterous hands that never tremble. Of course, you must have a good mentality and responsiveness to match it.

Moore thought that Ji Jinrong was just hitting the drug store that day, and he was a bit surprised to hear what Dr. Lean said. Dr. Ryan knew him, a very famous and very kind surgeon, and mercenaries loved him. Isn't Ji Jinrong talented not only in pharmacy, but also in surgery?

Moore couldn't even mention the idea of ​​jealousy.

He discovered for the first time that some people in this world can't catch up with you no matter how you catch up.

Maybe Ji Jinrong was the messenger sent by heaven to point him out.

As a heavenly messenger, he is naturally stronger than others-why should he be more talented and capable than this guy? That's too much to think about!

Ji Jinrong did not know that Moore ranked him as "not a person". He talked to Dr. Ryan and asked Dr. Ryan what to do here.

Dr. Ryan did not conceal: "I'm here to sign up. I saw the announcement that Dr. Tian David would go to the refugee camp to follow up the epidemic situation and wanted to see as a team doctor."

Ji Jinrong also knew about this just now. He also wanted to check it out, but it would take him at least a whole day to come back, and he would have to cook for Arthurs. After Arthurs agreed, he would be able to follow. He said, "I know you are all enthusiastically signing up, and Mr. David must be very happy."

Dr. Ryan was about to speak, and suddenly felt a chill in his back.

His gut has always been keen.

Dr. Ryan looked up and saw a tall soldier riding on a horse and watching them not far away. As he looked over, the soldier rolled over and walked towards them.

Ji Jinrong noticed Dr. Laian's gaze and turned his head.

It's Arthurs!

Ji Jinrong remembered coming out for a long time. It's late evening and he has to go back and make dinner for Arthurs. Arthur's face looked a bit ugly, was he hungry?

Ji Jinrong said to Dr. Laian: "Lian, I'm going back!"

Dr. Ryan was a bit reluctant to this smart and cute boy: "Would you like to go tomorrow? If you want to go, I'll write your name for you."

That was what Arthurs heard as he approached.

Arthurs tried to control the anger in his heart.

Where did this guy come from!

Together tomorrow? What will we do together tomorrow? When did they meet? Will you go out tomorrow?

Arthur's face was terribly dark.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ji Jinrong assured Arthurs, "I'll go back and cook for you!"

Arthur stared at Ji Jinrong.

Moore saw Arthurs wrath and explained for Ji Jinrong: "Arthurs, I brought him here. Don't be angry!"

Hearing Moore explained to Ji Jinrong, Arthur's eyes could not help falling to Moore.

I saw Moore's face a little worried, as if he was afraid he would get angry at Ji Jinrong.

Arthur frowned even more.

Last time Moore was a bit hostile to Ji Jinrong. When did they become so good?

Arthurs ignored Moore's persuasion and turned to Dr. Ryan.

Ji Jinrong can only introduce: "This is Dr. Laian, I told you last time. I gave Dr. Laian in the drugstore, and many things were told by Dr. Laian-"

Arthurs didn't mean to introduce himself. He said to Dr. Laian, "Fortunately." Then he directly took Ji Jinrong's hand and walked back.

Moore stared at Arthurs and Ji Jinrong's palms.

He knew it!

Cousin really loves this guy!