MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 24 Conquering the Slave Leader (3)

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Caroline and Old Robert were packed away.

In this chaotic age, once you don't know each other, you can still see each other. If old Robert can accept this kind of thing, where can Ji Jinrong survive?

Ji Jinrong said goodbye to Mrs. Lisa.

Mrs. Lisa's three children hugged Ji Jinrong not to let him go. Ji Jinrong hugged them one by one and kissed their cheeks. The war was not affected here, and the days were quite peaceful. The three children were clean and very pleasing. Ji Jinrong said: "Your family's wheat is very good, and even birds love it. If you're sick, just catch the birds as I teach, cook soup, cook it, and taste good.

With tears in their eyes, the three children hugged Ji Jinrong and kissed him, very reluctant.

Children's friendship is so simple. If you treat them well, they will miss you.

Ji Jinrong returned them to their mother.

He noticed that the young man was no longer impatient.

The young man seemed very prestigious in the Free Army. He did not hold Mrs. Lisa to accept the nobles, and no one else saw it.

Ji Jinrong obediently followed the soldiers as the young man walked outside the village.

This was the first time he woke up and walked outside.

It hasn't snowed for a long time, and the snow on the ground has begun to melt, and brown land in the distance is looming. Ji Jinrong has a keen sense of smell, feeling a completely strange smell flowing in the air. This is definitely not the continent he is familiar with, even the feeling of breathing is different. It's a completely different world!

Outside the village, Ji Jinrong saw the man brought by the young man.

It was a uniform cavalry.

It is really not easy for this man to have so many horse resources. It's just that this person looks a little weak and doesn't seem to be a more capable person. Look, everyone else was wearing only military uniforms, and he was wearing a robe alone.

Outside, there were people who gave him a cloak—people who didn't know, must have thought that this guy was a nobleman with pride and respect!

Who is this guy?

Ji Jinrong found that he could only infer the general situation, and could not determine the specific identity of a person.

He still knows too little about this era.

Ji Jinrong watched the soldiers pull out the horses one by one, and stood looking at the young man. The young man assigned three people and said, "You take them."

Ji Jinrong frowned. He stepped back and said to Caroline, "I'll discuss it with him, and I'll take you." How could Caroline not consider herself a girl, and riding with these guys is not good, for girls Too bad.

What if that guy realizes that Caroline is a daughter? Ji Jinrong instantly entered the "parent" state.

When Caroline saw Ji Jinrong looking serious, she nodded obediently.

Ji Jinrong stepped forward and said, "Let me and my sister ride a horse."

The young man's eyes glanced at Ji Jinrong and Caroline.

He snorted, "Get on!"

Ji Jinrong breathed a sigh of relief, and let Caroline turn on the horse first, and then she went on horse. Old Robert, seeing this, wanted to say something, and saw Caroline's rare obedience again, holding back and getting on another horse.

These days are the days when Caroline is the most unsuitable for riding. Ji Jinrong has spared a hand to protect Caroline in order to make Caroline more comfortable. Rao is so, Caroline still has some soft legs.

At this time, Caroline hates herself very much as a girl!

Ji Jinrong gently took Caroline off the horse, and after Caroline recovered, he let Caroline stand.

Caroline now only has the word "worship" for Ji Jinrong.

so amazing!

Great riding and great arm strength!

She must be on par with "brother"!

The young man had already dismounted and had been standing in place.

He looked at Ji Jinrong and Caroline coldly, and felt that the brother and sister were so unbearably close. The big one takes care of the small everywhere, it can be said to be meticulous; the small one looks at the big one with admiration, only to write Jing Mo's feelings on his face.

Young men usually hate contact with people, but when they saw Ji Jinrong hugging the young girl, he had a violent murder in his heart.

He always felt--

He always felt that it should belong to him.

Ji Jinrong knew that in a short time, his fate would be determined by the man in front of him. He motioned to Caroline to stay beside Old Robert, with a smile on his face, and sincerely asked the young man, "Dear lord, do not know where we should live?"

The young man asked, "Where do you think you should live?"

Ji Jinrong jumped in his heart.

He said politely: "Although we have concealed our identity, we should not go to prison."

The young man looked at Ji Jinrong's face, apparently with a pretty eyebrow, but looked inexplicably British. It was a teenager's face, but under those beautiful eyes was an inexplicable depth.

This is not an ordinary nobleman.

He was sure of that.

An ordinary aristocrat can never learn to use a stone mill, cook food, and do rough work-only ambitious people can bear what people can't bear!

The Free Army has developed to this day and will not target all nobles. The Free Army will accept them if they are available to the nobles. I just don't know how ambitious this boy is, will he be another Duke of William.

Fortunately, this boy is still young and immature.

For example, the young man thought he could hide his noble status well, but he didn't know that his words and deeds were flawed everywhere. Sometimes the more you do and the more you perform, the more likely you are to be exposed. If he is this boy, he will definitely not show his cooking skills, nor will he eagerly open his hole cards.

A word of "urgency" was enough to ruin all his disguise.

The young man said, "It's really not going to jail--"

Without waiting for the young man to finish, an eighteen-nine-year-old ran over, with an obvious look on his face: "Arthurs, you are back!"

The young man frowned slightly, looking at the teenager running towards himself. It was his uncle's son. He was a military doctor who had just "sent to the army." He was also a "prayer." He has a superb medical teacher, and he is a proud man in the palm of his hand on weekdays.

His parents, grandparents, uncles and uncles all died in the war. This boy is his only relative.

Throughout the Free Army, only this boy would call him "Arthur".

Obviously he was not disgusted by this, but at this time he felt a kind of uneasy uneasiness in his heart.

He looked up at Ji Jinrong.

I don't know why, he felt that the intense uneasiness in his heart was related to Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong just wondered.

The teenager looked at "Arthur" with admiration, why did this guy look at him instead.

He likes this boy very much. Look, this kid let him know the name of this young man-


Ji Jinrong did not hear Mrs. Lisa's mention, but she felt that although this man had a place in the Free Army, he was not the most powerful one.

I heard that the leader of the Free Army called Eric.

Ji Jinrong smiled faintly towards Arthurs.

With such a teenager on his side, maybe this guy can speak a little better? Ji Jinrong hastened his time and asked, "Sir, we--"

Before Ji Jinrong finished, the boy looked at him with vigilance.

The young man asked, "Who are you?"

The boy's voice was sullen, like a little beast who protected his food. Ji Jinrong didn't get angry when he heard it, but he felt that there was nothing strange about the world. This Arthurs had such a strange temperament, and some people liked it so much-like to think that others are coming to grab him!

Ji Jinrong said sincerely: "We are just ordinary fugitives."

At that moment the general who went to the village appeared in the morning.

Seeing Ji Jinrong, the general was a little surprised, and came over and said, "Master brought you back?" He presented the treasure to the boy beside Arthur. "Moore, this is the magic boy I told you just now. The grown-up drank the soup he had boiled! Obviously it was just ordinary mushrooms and birds, but the broth was so delicious. No wonder even the adults drank! "

Ji Jinrong got a lot of information from this passage.

That "Arthurs" has had a bad appetite lately-or for a long time. Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be so excited because "Arthurs" drank a little soup.

Moreover, the general liked the boy named Mohr.

Otherwise, he will not ignore the presence of outsiders and say such words that reveal his weaknesses.

Unfortunately, Moore seemed to like Arthurs.

It's really messy.

Ji Jinrong finds it a bit interesting.

The Free Army started from slaves, this Arthurs actually has the ridiculous weakness of "can't eat!" No wonder his body looks a little weak. Can people not be weak without eating?

Ji Jinrong stood still calmly, without intending to go to the "triangular minefield" to mine.

The boy named Moore turned to look at Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong obediently let Moore look.

Moore listened to the general and finished the whole thing, and made the master for Arthurs: "Since you have such a good craft, you can live with Arthurs. As long as you do it for Arthurs Fan, we will not hold you for concealing your identity. "He looked down on the three of Ji Jinrong a bit, and now people will take Ji Jinrong down.

Seeing Arthurs no objection, let alone seeing the three and a half eyes of Ji Jinrong, Moore was very happy. He talked to Arthur with great interest: "Arthur, the teacher has developed a cure for the plague!"

Ji Jinrong was about to follow the soldiers to see where he was next. When he heard Moore's words, his eyes moved.

There are also prescriptions in his system, but he has no chance to touch everything outside, and he does not know what the epidemic situation is now. If a good man of this age has developed a good prescription, he would not have to think about it again-he has no foundation in this world, and even holding the best prescription will not help. But if he has the chance, he can contact this Moore's teacher and see if the prescription developed by the old gentleman really works.

The people are the most innocent.

Regardless of whether the Free Army wants to treat the plague patients to win the hearts of the people or something else, it is always good to be able to do it.

Much better than the Duke William who deliberately spread the plague and turned Fort Horow into a "city of death".

Ji Jinrong made up his mind and followed the soldiers into Arthur's house. The house is large, but not luxurious, and the furnishings and layout are rustic. Ji Jinrong and the three were arranged in the same room, with three beds arranged neatly, apparently the place where the servants lived-exactly three.

Ji Jinrong comforted Caroline: "You have been wronged for the time being, rest assured that this will not always be the case."

Caroline is not the kind of little girl who needs to be coaxed.

She smiled: "My brother doesn't feel wronged, what is wrong with me!" She rolled up her sleeves and said, "I'll clean up the house."

Ji Jinrong said, "I am coming too."

Old Robert wanted to oppose it. Seeing that Caroline and Ji Jinrong were both on the ground and started to take action, he silently swallowed the words back. You may not even be able to save your life. What kind of aristocratic dignity is it?

The three men worked together to clean up the room. Caroline wiped the sweat on her forehead and hummed, "They all said how good the free army is, and I don't think it's great. We didn't do anything bad, they caught us Let us work for nothing ... "

Ji Jinrong smiled: "Rest assured, when I go to discuss the salary with the supervisor, absolutely not give them work!"

Caroline: "..."

Seeing Ji Jinrong with a smile on her face, she did not feel uncomfortable, and she was inexplicably happy: "Yes! We will not cook for them without giving them money!"

Ji Jinrong reached out and rubbed Caroline's head.

Soon, a big man banged on their door. The big man's rough voice came from outside: "You're working! You have to get ready for lunch, don't you just want to be lazy when you come!"

This really treats them like workers.

This is the first time Ji Jinrong has encountered such a thing.

He doesn't feel angry. He knew that this era was a "slave society", which meant that slaves had no human rights in this era. Relatively speaking, the "hiring" system is a huge improvement!

No slaves are allowed in the Free Army, so all workers in this place work with wages, and they can take home wages whenever they want to resign.

It doesn't seem to make much difference, but it makes a lot of sense.

In simple terms, the slave is not a person, but the hired worker is an independent person—

They are free.

They can choose an employer and can make money to support their families with their own hands.

Give your own labor and get the corresponding money-

There is nothing shameful about such a thing.

He is not an emperor or aristocrat now, and being able to eat on his own hands is a very lucky thing.

Ji Jinrong appeased the old Robert who was angry and took Caroline to the kitchen.

Old Robert was sad for a while, and hurried to the kitchen to fight Ji Jinrong.

Caroline had flexible hands and feet, and was quickly arranged to cut vegetables.

She was neat and beautiful, and watched the others stunned.

Compared to Caroline's outstanding performance, Ji Jinrong looks much more low-key. He was also the first time to come into contact with the "big kitchen" of this era. Many kitchen utensils were not well used, so he sincerely asked other "old people" for advice.

In eating like this, Ji Jinrong has extraordinary talent. He has a nose, and knows that the ingredients are fresh and fresh, and knows how to prepare them as soon as he passes the ingredients. His tongue is also good. Basically, he knows what's in it and how to change it to taste better.

Soon, Ji Jinrong and Caroline conquered the whole kitchen.

Obviously they use the same ingredients and the same boiler. They have full kitchens filled with seductive aromas in the future-and cooking is faster than before!

Since she wanted to stay here for a while, Ji Jinrong prepared seriously Arthur's lunch. Instead of grabbing meals, he sat around with Caroline and the others, poured a spoonful of sweet and sweet gravy on the rice, and ate it cheerfully.

The workers in the kitchen naturally cannot eat meat, but it is not difficult to get a little gravy, and the supervisor will not blame them, so everyone eats the same thing as Ji Jinrong. No one can think of, a bowl of ordinary white rice can be so delicious!

Oh, what an amazing boy!

Everyone came up with this idea.

After seeing Caroline sitting beside Ji Jinrong, who had a petite meal but not a small amount, they added a word silently: Oh, these are two amazing boys!

When Ji Jinrong was full, the supervisor approached him.

The supervisor smiled happily.

Ji Jinrong knew that Arthurs was very satisfied with his lunch.

Ji Jinrong said hello to the supervisor politely.

The supervisor said, "I know everything about you." The supervisor has quietly learned about Ji Jinrong's performance from others. He felt that even if the boy was a fugitive nobleman, he was different from ordinary noblemen. At least he didn't despise the people around him from beginning to end, and even mingled with them in just half a day—

Oh, they were sitting together for a meal just now, and the rice looked so fragrant, he wanted to go back and pour the gravy on the rice and try it!

The supervisor worked hard to pull back his thoughts.

He kindly said to Ji Jinrong: "Our adult's situation is a bit special. He hasn't been able to eat well for two months. He accidentally drank your soup in the morning, and his appetite actually improved a lot-Lord at noon He ate a large bowl of rice! "His eyes were full of expectations," We want to hire you to cook for grown-ups, do you know if you want to? "

The director's attitude was more sincere than that of Moore. Ji Jinrong said, "Can I go outside when I'm not cooking?" He had to find a way to meet the old doctor and see if he could figure out the prescription for the old doctor.

The supervisor said, "Of course you can. You are completely free. You can go wherever you want after preparing your adult meals."

Ji Jinrong laughed: "My sister is very concerned about our wages. She is afraid we will work for nothing."

This is equivalent to agreeing! The supervisor said happily: "Of course the wages will be given, because you are preparing meals for grown-ups, so your wages will be the same as the chef, five gold coins a month. Your younger sister will pay two gold coins a month. As for your grandpa, what do you think of fifty silver coins a month? "

Don't listen to this small number. In fact, one gold coin is equivalent to one hundred silver coins, and one silver coin is equivalent to one hundred copper coins. In other words, even old Robert can get five thousand copper coins, which is really not low.

And in this world, Ji Jinrong doesn't care much about money.

Ji Jinrong readily agreed: "No problem."

Both sides were satisfied. The supervisor drafted a contract and asked Ji Jinrong to sign.

Ji Jinrong was the first time to see the text here.

He read the contract through without any problems and pressed his fingerprint on it. With this contract in place, he can live here safely for at least a month.

When Caroline and Old Robert saw Ji Jinrong signed, they naturally signed an employment contract.

Ji Jinrong made a small request to the supervisor: "Can I advance some wages?" He doesn't have a copper coin in his hand. If he wants to go out and buy daily necessities, he can't let Caroline pay them. He smiled wryly. "I want to buy some replacement clothes."

The supervisor said, "Of course no problem! This is my negligence," he took out a gold coin on the spot and handed it to Ji Jinrong. "If you find the gold coin inconvenient, you can go to the finance department and exchange it for silver or copper."

Ji Jinrong nodded. He changed the gold coins to silver coins in accordance with the supervisor's instructions and divided them into three. Caroline and Old Robert both took thirty. Then he exchanged another hundred copper coins, which was also divided into three, and he kept forty for himself, so that he could spend it when he went out.

Caroline didn't want to take: "I have money!"

Ji Jinrong said with a smile: "You dare not take this money, how can you help me manage it in the future?"

Caroline heard this, her eyes brightened. Seeing Ji Jinrong not like joking, she said excitedly: "Let me manage the money in the future?"

Ji Jinrong couldn't help rubbing Caroline's hair. Just about to tease a few words, he felt a glance falling back on him.

Ji Jinrong frowned.

He turned his head to see that Lord Arthur was standing not far away, staring coldly at him and Caroline.

Ji Jinrong is very fortunate that she only has to deal with ingredients in the kitchen.

This guy is really not so cute!

With this moody temperament, how could so many people love him?

Ji Jinrong smiled at the Lord Arthur.

He said, "Master Arthurs, I'll go out with Caroline to buy something."

When Ji Jinrong shouted "Master Arthurs", Arthur's eyes moved. He stared at Ji Jinrong's pretty face, wondering what he was really angry at.

He had only met the boy in front of him, and at best he could only eat the food made by the boy. Why did he see the young man getting along with others intimately? He felt like a hot lava spewing out of his heart, and he couldn't bear the whole heart.

This emotion is strange to Arthurs.

As the leader of the Free Army, he must be calm, rational-even cold, otherwise he will not be able to lead this army of slaves out of trouble! Yes, his name is Arthur Eric. Outsiders are more familiar with his last name Eric, and only loved ones will call him "Arthur".

His relatives have already died in the hands of the emperor team.

He led the Free Army to revenge.

Revenge to the empire, revenge to the nobility, revenge to the supreme imperial power.

He deserves to hate all nobles.

However, his wisdom and everything he saw told him that the nobles in this world should not be all scum either--

Just as there are dregs among slaves, there are heroes among nobles.

Each person is an independent individual.

His talent and character cannot be defined by his origin and status.

Therefore, he does not have to embarrass Ji Jinrong because of his nobility.

Arthurs said, "Go."

Go and see everything outside.

Let him take a closer look, is there really a different aristocracy?