MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 150 Conquering the Son of the Demon King (End)

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"I am such a man" / Chunxi Di Xiao

Conquering the Son of the Demon King (End)

Before Aisi and Leofil arrived, they met a familiar person, Bill. The warehousing of Aisi Treasury, or rather, we should call it Sawyer Sage. Isi said, "Mr. Bill, why are you here?"

Bill said, "You can't go to the Hulan Plain."

Isi froze.

Leofil said, "Sage Sawyer, did you find anything?"

Bill looked sad and looked in the direction of the Hulan Plain, his eyes distant and bleak. He said, "Wilder was not killed by anyone in the temple. You can't go, you will be trapped inside like everyone else."

Aisi heard Leo Phil shouted "The Sage of Sawyer", and she already knew Bill's identity, and also understood that the Sage of Wilder came to the Alexandrian Empire last time to say goodbye to Bill!

Aisie said, "Master-Sawyer, can you tell me what happened?"

Bill—that is, Sage Sawyer, said, “The last time he came to see me, Wilder had a hunch. What he did was about to succeed, so he would be killed soon. Emperor Augustus was an ambitionist. He not only killed Wilder, but also used Wilder's death as a weapon, and took the opportunity to declare war in the temple. "

Assy keenly grasped the unfinished words in Bill's words: "What did Lord Wilder do?"

Sawyer Sawyer said: "He is going to help Emperor Augustus. Emperor Augustus hates the temple and wants to take revenge on the temple. Wilder has been helping him, helping him to transform his weapons, helping him to predict the crisis, and helping him clear. Helping him to recruit talents. The temple ’s influence on the earth is deep-rooted and difficult to shake. Most people ca n’t even violate the decrees issued by the temple. But Wilder has decided to help him from a long time ago because he He also grew up with Emperor Augustus. Apart from me, his best friend is Emperor Augustus. "

Isi said, "But the Emperor Augustus killed him?"

Sage Sawyer said: "I didn't expect him to be so cruel, but it ’s okay. Wilder finally got rid of it, and he no longer needs to remember him. For so many years, Wilder has never done what he wanted to do. He paused for a moment before saying, "I want to get his body back and bury him in the sea. He used to like the sea the most, but every time he passed by the sea, he was in a hurry. , Too late to appreciate. "

Isi said, "Do you need our help?"

The Sage Sawyer followed in the dark, already knowing everything between Aisie and Leofil. He knew how smart Aisie was, so he didn't persuade him much, but said, "Maybe you really need your help. Emperor Augustus put Wilder's body in his room in order to make his anger look more logical. Here, to show the deep friendship between them. "He sighed." This Augustus wants me to come forward and replace Wilder's position. It is estimated that he will not easily give Wilder's body to me. "

"You can rest assured that I can send someone to take the body of the Wilder Sage," Leofel said.

The Sage Sawyer was also not polite to him: "Thank you then, otherwise I will certainly not be able to pick it up unscathed."

If possible, Sage Sawyer did not want to show up.

He is no longer the great sage of the past, his talents and abilities are gradually degrading, and sooner or later he will degenerate back to the level of ordinary people. In this way, he appeared again as a great sage, but he was just deceived by the name of the "sage".

He was once called "the person closest to the gods", but as the contact with the protoss grew, the arrogance and apathy of the protoss became clearer.

The protoss do not love and pity the world like the temple said. On the contrary, the human world is like their slaughterhouse. They captive human beings, first let human beings create certain value and offer what they need. . When the human race develops too fast, they will let the gods cause wars among the humans and cause them to consume each other-even causing some serious natural disasters, leaving them to face the despair of death. "To make humans more religious in their faith.

In essence, Protoss and Demon are no different.

The Protoss lets you see the disasters-difficulties and pains, and says that this is normal. If you will believe in me, you will reach heaven in the future.

The demons let you see desire-happiness and happiness, and show that this is normal. If you are willing to give your soul to me, I will help you realize your wish.

Therefore, in the face of Leo Phil, the Sage Sawyer did not have much resentment, and was willing to tell Leo Phil all the truth.

Regardless of the Protoss or Augustus, he did not like it.

It is not something ordinary people can do to remove the body of Lord Wilder from the sleeping palace of Augustus the Great. The Demon Clan, who is good at transforming forms and charming others, has the opportunity to do this. After all, no one would expect the Demon Clan to grab the body of a dead sage.

After discussing the three, they did not go to the Hulan Plain, but instead turned to the Augustus Empire.

They did not approach the capital of the Auguste Empire and quietly stopped in a nearby town. Less than three days later, the people of Leofil carried the remains of the Wilder Sage, using the devil's storage ring, and no one knew it.

The sage Wilder was lying in an ice coffin, and his appearance was not much different from his lifetime. It looked like he was asleep, peaceful and peaceful.

When Sage Sawyer thought of the last meeting, his eyes became red. At that time, they gave you a few words and I stirred up. I never thought that it would be their last meeting. For so many years, they have been separated for a long time and have seen each other less often, but their friendship has never faded because of this. Even if he fell in love with the Son of God and Wilder fell in love with Augustus, there was never any conflict between them.

Now that the person he loves is dead, and Wilder is dead, this world is becoming more and more lonely. Probably people live a long time, they must endure such pain, they must watch the people around them die one by one, they must watch one by one expectation becomes regret.

The sage Sawyer lay crying on the ice coffin, and hid the whole ice coffin in the storage ring. He thanked Leofil and Ace: "Thank you, without your help, I would not be able to bring Wilder out. Now I will take him to the deep sea. If I come back, you need again What I do, I will do my best. "

Isai said, "No, Lord Sawyer," he said sincerely. "You have given me a lot of help over the years, and this is what we should do. I wish you and Lord Wilder a good journey, if you are willing to return to Alexander Empire, we always welcome you. "

Lord Sawyer nodded. Before he left, he suddenly turned his head and said to Leofil, "You look like your mother." The sage Sawyer looked as if he was in the memory, "She is really beautiful and kind Woman, do n’t believe others, she ’s very nice. If she can, she will never leave you. The most painful thing before she died was that she could n’t grow up with you. ”

Leofil was beating.

Although he has remembered everything in the past, his body still belongs to "Leofier", and he still has the feelings that Leofell should have. But if it was before, whoever raised his mother in front of him would make him violent, but now it is different. As people mature and grow up, they have more and more important things, and once they are worried, they will calm down. For example, Leopold is no longer angry because someone has a "mother" before him.

"The father said that his mother was buried in the graveyard of the royal clan," Leofel said. He looked at Sage Sawyer with a little confusion in his eyes. "How do you know why she was suffering before she died?"

Sage Sawyer was quiet for a while before he said, "No, it's not like that." He was sad, "After she stabbed your father, she left purgatory. She is a very naive person. She Go back and tell the Lord God that she has threatened your father, and that your father is a great, wise and well-meaning Devil. I hope the Lord God can give Purgatory light and hope, and make Purgatory as full of life as humanity. "

Leofil couldn't believe it.

Sawyer Sawyer said, "Your father always thought your mother had betrayed her?"

Leofil didn't speak.

Sage Sawyer said: "She told me not to tell anyone, but I think it's time to tell you the truth. Maybe you would think she is stupid, but she is indeed the most beautiful person in the world, the protoss is too deceitful, yes Humans are too greedy, so she seems naive and stupid. Your favorite child, I don't want you to hate her forever-now that you have found the person you love, you should be able to accept it all. "As for the devil Over there, Sage Sawyer didn't want to mention that even if "she" is dead, he still doesn't like the devil.

After all, they were love rivals.

The demon king has her love and her most beautiful years, and shakes her faith to become convinced that the protoss and demons can coexist peacefully.

As a result, the Lord God heard that the Demon King was seriously injured and was ready to take the opportunity to occupy Purgatory. When the "Allied Forces" of the Protoss and Terran opened the gates of Purgatory, she urged ancient spells with her life, so that the ambitious Protoss could no longer set foot in the Purgatory channel. So far, the Protoss still cannot pass through the gates of Purgatory and can only let some humans willing to dedicate their lives to the Protoss quietly lurk in.

Human beings, after all, are weak and can't make any waves in Purgatory.

Without the Protoss, they are not afraid at all.

The demons also have the opportunity to recuperate.

The sage Sawyer finished everything before slowly saying, "She did do harm to your father for her faith, but she has stopped everything afterwards at the cost of her life. I hope you don't hate her anymore ——If you can, look at her. She is buried on the side of the gate of Purgatory. It is full of lilies. It is a very beautiful hillside. It is very beautiful at sunrise or sunset. "

If he wasn't afraid that someone would find out where she was buried, maybe he would sit there as a sculpture and watch the sun rise and set every day, letting time freeze to eternity.

Aisi held Leofil's hand.

Aisi knew that Leofil hated his mother, so when he saw him, who was also the “son of the gods”, Leofil approached maliciously and teased maliciously. Leopold had a big prejudice against him at least until they really attracted each other-even after they attracted each other, Leofel didn't change much.

After hearing Her Majesty's seemingly calm, but still amused explanation, Aisi knew this. So when seeing Leofil chasing after him, he was not too exclusive. Even after Leofil pleaded and stated repeatedly, he also considered trying to accept Leofil. Because he knew Leo Phil ’s prejudice stemmed from hatred--

And he believes that if true love, love will overcome hate.

Leofil's mother did that kind of thing in the hope that faith and love would "peacefully coexist." Perhaps before she stabbed Her Majesty, Her Majesty, like Leo Phil, expressed her willingness to give her heart and life to her—to give her soul, so she had the opportunity to easily hurt Her Majesty the Devil, and after leaving Her Majesty in that way, left the purgatory smoothly. Ace is not like the true "son of God", born with the most devout belief in the protoss. But even if she couldn't really understand how Leofil's mother made her choices, Aisi hoped that Leofil could get rid of her knot and no longer hate her mother.

Leofil felt Ace's speechless comfort.

He instantly understood why Isi gave himself another chance.

Does Athy know his resentment against his mother? Knowing that he hated his mother for betraying his father, knowing that he hated his mother for giving birth to him but did not raise him, knowing that he regarded human beings as greedy, deceitful, and stupid beings-so Icy forgave him for all his excessive actions. His Majesty will always be like this, and when others hurt him, betrayed him, or left him, his Majesty will find countless reasons for them. His Majesty knew his life was so short, so he always replaced forgiveness with forgiveness and unwillingness with contentment.

Even though he has entered one world after another, many times his Majesty still does not realize that "I can actually have a long and good life" because he is used to being born of misery and loneliness.

Leopold said, "Sir, go with me and see."

Aisy met Leofil's deep eyes, not understanding why Leofil suddenly looked at himself like this. He felt his heartbeat beating violently--for Leopold's inexplicable feeling made him feel familiar, and his inexplicable eyes made him feel a little bit distressed.

Isi said, "OK."

Leopold didn't ask Aisy again if he wanted to see Marcos Johnton. They said goodbye to Sage Sawyer and headed for two different directions.

After they left the August Empire, the entire August Empire fell into chaos. Emperor Augustus is rumored to have gone mad, and he ordered everyone to search for a dead man, the Sage Wilder.

Everyone thought that Augustus was too sad and unconscious. Isn't Wilder the Sage always in his palace? Because he was unwilling to bury the Wilder, he has frozen the body of the Wilder in an ice coffin, leaving almost no one near him, and only he can see him every day.

Who can silently take the remains of Wilder the Sage from his dormitory?

Everyone had Prince Marcos Augustus, who had just returned to the empire, to persuade the Emperor Augustus.

When Marcos met Emperor Augustus, his eyes were red, and it looked like he had not rested for many days. Marcos said respectfully: "Father, are you all right?"

Emperor Augustus clenched his fists. He said: "It must be Sawyer, it must be the **** Sawyer, and he took Wilder away. I want to find out that **** Sawyer and let him return Wilder to me. Wyle Virtue is mine, and it was mine from the beginning. The **** guy took advantage of me to go through the training and became friends with Wilder—every time, the guy used only words and pregnant Writes that he must have taken Wilder away. "

I have to say that even without any evidence, Emperor Augustus guessed the truth.

Marcos looked at Emperor Augustus's almost crazy look, his heart filled with pity.

Outsiders thought that Emperor Augustus just wanted to take the opportunity to declare war on the temple, but he did not expect that Emperor Augustus really loved Wilder.

But what good is it to come to love now?

When the Wilder Sage was alive, he could only use, utilize, and reuse the Wilder Sage. Not only did the Wilder Sacrifice everything for his ambition, but also the Wilder Sage. Watching him take it easy, accepting one woman after another, his nickname is "the empire needs an heir."

Wilder Sage will be easily killed because he is tired, right?

Such a day has passed long enough, the age is old, life is about to end, maybe there was an expectation, and in the end it was spent clean, and there is no trace of it. By this time, the word "alive" seemed to be boring.

Therefore, the Wilder Sage cast himself into the embrace of death.

Perhaps the Emperor Augustus did not think about using the death of the Wilder, but the Wilder himself must have thought about it. Marcos had contacted some ministers of the Auguste Empire and knew that the Sage Wilder had made arrangements long before heading to the Plain of Hulan. In other words, the Sage Wilder had a hunch about his death. But he still went.

Such days have really been long enough.

Marcos said, "Father, Lord Wilder certainly doesn't want you to do this."

Emperor Augustus closed his eyes. He thought back to what Wilder was like before his death, but found that the number of times they had met in the last few years had been declining. He was old but heirs, and he was anxious for this. He had cruelly questioned Wilder, and asked why Wilder didn't help him find out who could give birth to a heir, if he didn't want to see that he had offspring. That time, Wilder and he broke up.

This time, Wilder used his life to make his way for revenge.

Emperor Augustus suddenly found that the hatred in his heart was blurred, but he lived for "revenge" all his life. The most important person in his life left him forever for this reason, and he could not keep the other's body.

Emperor Augustus said: "Marcos, if your opponent is a temple-even a protoss, will you be afraid?"

Marcos knelt on one knee and said, "No, I'm not afraid." After returning to the Augustus Empire, he already knew what the angels had done to earth. Considering that the giants who threatened the empire and threatened humanity were the monsters that the Protoss allowed to leave, Marcos agreed with the decision of Emperor Augustus. If he was to lead the Alexander Empire against the Temple, Marcos might hesitate—the Alexander Empire was too weak, and it would be terrible to go to the Temple. But the Augustus Empire is different. The Augustus Empire has been preparing for this for many years, and has enough strength to defeat the temple and destroy this important existence of the Protoss who control the earth.

Human beings are human beings.

Whether protoss or demons, it is best to disappear from the world.

If gods are kind, friendly, and tolerant, they are certainly willing to offer the most pious faith.

But they don't.

So when human beings become stronger, there is a reason to expel gods and demons.

Marcos looked firm.

Emperor Augustus looked at Marcos' face like himself, a little shy. He had thought that he would never have his own child in his whole life, but he did not expect to have such an illegitimate child suddenly, and he was already so old. So why has he hurt Wilder that way over the years?

In fact, it has nothing to do with everything else, just because in his mind, ambition is much more important than Wilder? The so-called hatred was but his excuse for indulgence and madness.

Emperor Augustus said, "Just don't be afraid," he paused. "We have formally declared war, and the next step is the real battle."

Marcos responded suddenly.


According to human history records, in the next ten years, great changes have taken place in the world, and the influence of the protoss and demons on the world has gradually weakened.

As the monarch of the most powerful empire in humankind, the new emperor of the Auguste Empire seems to be particularly fond of the Alexander Empire, repeatedly proactively providing various resources and technologies to the Alexander Empire, and becoming the strongest ally with the Alexander Empire. With the help of Sawyer Sage, the Alexander Empire opened up the maritime landscape and established many beautiful maritime cities. Taxation on the sea is enough to become the richest empire on the mainland.

Prince Yurian of the Empire of Alexandria governed the Empire in his entire life, but never succeeded to his throne.

Whenever asked, Prince Yurian said, "The emperor belongs to my elder brother. He is the best person in the world. No one can take his place."

The new emperor of the Auguste Empire, Marcos Augustus, also said, "Isi Alexander has vowed to be loyal to a person for a lifetime, and I will give him the Empire of Augustus if he wishes." Marcos Augustus When the words were said for the first time, the people of the "August" Empire who had been "sent away" were in a rage and were very dissatisfied with Marcos Augustus.

However, Marcos Augustus did not take back the meaning of these words, and on countless important occasions, he retelled these words in an upright manner, as if he used it as the opening or finale of each major speech.

In the end, the people of the Auguste Empire were numb, just thinking about when they could see Isi Alexander in person, and see what was special about him-so that their great Emperor Marcos remembered it .

But Isi Alexander was still missing.

Many people claim to have seen him somewhere, but when people hurry to rush past, they took a break.

Assy Alexander disappeared completely from the world.

Later, a famous human painter accidentally went to purgatory, and after returning, he painted many pictures about purgatory. Everyone felt that he was crazy, because the purgatory he painted was full of life, there were many flowers and trees, and even young trees were playing and rolling on the green grass.

However, at the artist's painting auction, Marcos Augustus and Julian Alexander raised the sky-high price for a painting.

Pictured is a teenager sleeping in a rose bush.

Apparently the rose was full of thorns, but there was no sign of getting into his delicate skin. Instead, he gently lifted him up with beautiful petals, gently shaking with the wind, making him sleep more comfortable. The fiery red flowers made his fair skin more beautiful, so that everyone who saw him could not help but stop and be deeply attracted to him.

Someone from the Alexander Empire recognized it and couldn't help telling the people next to him: "That's our Majesty."

That's our Her Majesty!