MTL - I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency-Chapter 181 As long as the flattery is good, the reward of heaven is indispensable

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  Chapter 181 As long as the flattery is good, the rewards of heaven are indispensable! 【4000 words】

  The world of cultivating immortals is not only about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

  Lu Yuan felt that this was not only applicable to monks, but also to the relationship between monks and the Dao of Heaven.

  Now I am facing a breakthrough, the right time, place and people have already occupied the latter two.

  So he urgently wants to solve the problem of timing.

  The person who masters the time or has the ability to help Lu Yuan solve the existence of the time, and it can only be the way of heaven.

   Today's Lu Yuan is no longer the novice at the beginning.

  If it is said that he felt that the way of heaven was just a concrete concept of luck for monks at first.

  So now he has basically concluded the existence of the Dao of Heaven.

  In other words, there is a special extreme in this world, which allows the monk's luck to be specific to a certain thing or a certain period of experience.

   For most monks, they have no way to control their luck.

   This has nothing to do with talent, and it has nothing to do with one's own cultivation.

  Even if it is a monk in the stage of transforming gods or even the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

   At most, you can only perceive your current 'merit'.

  Thus be targeted, do some things that can improve your own merit.

   Finally, improve your luck a little bit.

  But this is different for Lu Yuan.

  Cultivators can only slightly perceive their own merit, which is luck.

  But Lu Yuan can accurately perceive the specific value of his luck.

   Not to mention that he himself has the luck talent of the chosen lucky star.

  After so many experiences, Lu Yuan has figured out a way to improve his luck.

   These methods were also regarded as secrets by Lu Yuan, and they were recorded in detail.

  【Air Luck Improvement Manual (Hundreds of Tips to Please Heaven)】

  【1. Keep a humble heart and don’t have rebellious thoughts about the way of heaven, such as going against the sky】

  【2. Be cautious in words and deeds, do more good deeds】

  【3. When doing good deeds, remember to report the good deeds you have done to Heaven】

  【4. Keep a reasonable distance from demons and evil ways to avoid being misunderstood by heaven】


  In this manual, Lu Yuan recorded a lot of practical tips that he summed up and could please Tiandao.

  If other monks see these little tricks, they will definitely laugh at Lu Yuan as a superstitious act.

   After all, the way of heaven really exists.

   Then he should also be a special natural law that has no desires and demands, is fair and just, and only follows a certain law.

   Regarding this, Lu Yuan can only say that if they are small, the structure of these monks is still small.

  Even the system AI will have a day of awakening the self-concept.

  How can they guarantee that an indescribable existence like the Dao of Heaven will not be born with the concept of self?

  In a word, something that has not been observed does not mean it does not exist.

   Regarding Schrödinger's way of heaven, Lu Yuan feels that he has explored it thoroughly.

  At least for the time being, he used a hundred little tricks to please the Heavenly Dao to make his practice for so many years go smoothly.

  Not to mention setbacks, except for being suddenly involved in the ghost gate of the Moon Mountain Range, Lu Yuan never encountered any emergencies.

   It can be said that everything is under his control.

  Of course, even if it was involved in the Mochizuki Mountains, overall it was safe and sound.

  And the final result was quite fruitful for Lu Yuan.

  Not only did he gain a lot of luck here, but in just a few years, he allowed himself to collect enough conditions to break through the alchemy stage.

  Looking at it this way, Lu Yuan's trip to the Moon Mountain Range this time is really not bad.

   It can even be said to be a very good opportunity.

   And now his trip to Wangyue Mountain has reached a very critical time.

   Among the one hundred tips to please Tian Dao, Lu Yuan just added one recently.

  【After gaining a certain amount, part of the benefits should be fed back to Tiandao】

  As for how to give back this feedback, Lu Yuan certainly has his own way.

  I saw that in his cave, there were several magic weapons and artifacts, as well as the body tissues of some monsters.

  These magic weapons and demonic organizations were all collected from hook snake, Bi Fang, and some other magic monks and demons.

  Of course Lu Yuan knew about these things, but Tiandao certainly wouldn't care.

   And the reason why he took out these things was just as a medium.

  The things he wants to give to Tiandao are not these things.

   But the karma of their masters!

  Lu Yuan bowed respectfully in front of the altar, and started his own ritual of worshiping heaven.

   "Lu Yuan, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, hereby report to the heavens."

  【Translation: I, Lu Yuan, have come to claim credit from Tiandao! 】

   "Since the disciple entered the Mochiyue Mountains, he has encountered countless monsters and evil cultivators..."

  【Translation: After I entered the Mochizuki Mountains, I encountered many enemies. These guys are evil and powerful. 】

"Although this disciple's cultivation is mediocre, he has always maintained a zero-tolerance attitude towards evil in line with the idea of ​​acting on behalf of the heavens. Every evil must be eradicated. Although the process is dangerous, under the protection of heaven, the disciple will turn into evil every time he arrives. Ji, successfully exorcising the demon."

[Translation: Although my cultivation base is very weak, the process of eliminating demons is very difficult, but I, Lu, have always implemented the concept of killing demons and eliminating demons of Father Tiandao, regardless of my own dangers. The achievements, but these things are mainly protected by the Dao of Heaven, the glory belongs to the Dao of Heaven, I am just running errands]

   "Today's disciple lists these miscellaneous things, and there is absolutely no intention of asking for credit or reward. The purpose is only to let God know Lu's determination to eliminate demons and defend the way."

  【Translation: Have you seen my achievements? Quickly reward me! 】

   Only children who can cry can eat sweets. Lu Yuan has never been the kind of person who does good deeds without leaving his name.

  He is not sure whether God knows what he did before.

  But if I do this today, Tiandao must know it.

  If we say that the elders and head of Qingyunmen are Lu Yuanming's superiors on the face of it.

  Then the way of heaven is in Lu Yuan's heart, and it is his supreme leader.

  As the top thug under Tiandao, Lu Yuan knows that Guanghui can't do things well, and he has to learn how to do 'PPT'.

   Only if the PTT is done well, can Tiandao, the top leader, understand his 'work achievements'.

   In order to prevent myself from doing a lot of things, but in the end, the top leader does not know.

  This is emotional intelligence!

  After the ppt session was over, Lu Yuan started the core part of this "Sacrificing to the Heaven Ceremony"... Calling for credit!

   "My disciple's achievements today are all due to the blessing of heaven. Gu disciple has always been grateful, diligent and diligent, and has never slacked off."

  【Translation: flattering】

   "Although there are still demons and evil cultivators in today's world, the overall situation is still natural and harmonious. Because of the mercy of the heavens, the demons and evil cultivators can only hide and live, and cannot cause large-scale disasters in the world."

  【Translation: still flattering】

"But the demons and evil cultivators in the world are inexhaustible like weeds. I know that this phenomenon has nothing to do with heaven. Because there are very few monks who are as enlightened as me, and many monks are bewitched and misunderstood. Into evil."

  【Translation: Help the heavens to shake the pot】

   I am afraid that the horse stage is over, and the main event begins.

  Lu Yuan adjusted his posture, trying to make himself appear more pious.

   "Although the disciple is a soft-spoken person and cannot influence most of the monks in the world, the disciple believes that after the disciple's cultivation level is improved, the bad atmosphere within the monks can be better improved."

   "Disciple Gu is here today, I implore the blessings of the heavens, and bless the disciples with a smooth breakthrough!"

   After speaking, Lu Yuan kowtowed three times to the altar.

   This link is specially added by Lu Yuan this time.

  The reason why I didn’t do it before was to increase the gold content of my first kowtow.

   Let Tiandao understand the importance of his breakthrough this time.

  After the kowtow, Lu Yuan finally said: "The things on the altar today all symbolize the disciple's ability to eliminate demons."

   "The disciple is willing to use this achievement in exchange for the favor of heaven."

   "If the breakthrough is successful, the disciple will definitely be doubly favored by the heavens in the future, so that the demons and evil cultivators will have nowhere to hide, and the wrath of the heavens will be manifested."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Yuan inserted three pillars of divine ambergris carefully prepared on the altar.

  At this point, Lu Yuan's ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven is completely over.

  In general, the process of worshiping heaven this time can be roughly divided into several parts such as 'summarizing the work process', 'flattering to heaven', 'asking for a promotion and salary increase', and 'telling about your future career plan'.

  Compared to the previous process of offering sacrifices to heaven, Lu Yuan only added two main parts: 'Ask for promotion and salary increase' and 'Tell me about my future career plan'.

  After all, when he sacrificed to the heavens earlier, his purpose was to complete the establishment of spiritual roots.

   Putting this into work is equivalent to completing small staged tasks, which will have an impact on yourself, but the impact is not great.

  But today is different.

   What he faced this time was a big breakthrough.

   It is equivalent to asking Tiandao to give him a promotion.

  Its impact on his future and the difficulty of breaking through are undoubtedly not comparable to the previous spiritual root foundation establishment.

  So it is not incomprehensible for Lu Yuan to take this heaven sacrifice ceremony so seriously.

   After all, this breakthrough is too important to him!

   Not long after Lu Yuan completed the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

  He suddenly found that there was an extra prompt in his system.

【Ding! Affected by the Dao of Heaven, the success rate of the host in the event of 'Breakthrough in Core Formation Period' increased by an additional 20%...]

  【Current alchemy success rate: 35%】

  Before the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, Lu Yuan's alchemy success rate was barely 15%.

   Don't look at this success rate as if it is not high.

   But this is a success rate based on the foundation of the nine foundation-building spiritual roots.

   Being able to have a 15% success rate is already an astonishing talent of Lu Yuan.

   After completing the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, his success rate was increased by 20%.

   This not only greatly improved Lu Yuan's alchemy success rate.

   It also proves from the side that what people are doing is what the sky is watching.

   It also strengthened Lu Yuan's idea of ​​being careful in the future.

  But these things will be discussed later.

  The most important thing for him right now is to complete his own alchemy.

  After confirming that he has the right time, place and people, Lu Yuan no longer hesitates, and decisively opens his own time of choice.

  With the luck talent bonus, Lu Yuan's luck value reached an astonishing 200,000.

   And the 200,000 luck value also brought Lu Yuan's alchemy success rate to an astonishing 55%.

   This is not over yet, Lu Yuan has five more golden pills of perfect quality in his hand.

   Without any hesitation, Lu Yuan decisively took the five golden elixirs.

  As the golden elixir entered his body, Lu Yuan felt as if his spiritual roots were wrapped in warm spring water, and his whole body was warm.

  【Current alchemy success rate: 99%】

  Seeing the success rate as high as 99%, Lu Yuan knew that he could start to break through.

  Perfect Heavenly Dao Alchemy...Start!

  Under Lu Yuan's control, he began to control his nine spiritual roots and began to fuse with each other.

  The essence of forming an alchemy is to fuse one's own spiritual roots into a golden alchemy.

  The biggest difficulty in this process is the integration so that the spiritual roots can be perfectly integrated.

   Only when these spiritual roots are perfectly fused, the whole breakthrough process is considered to be over.

  With the blessing of the golden elixir of good fortune and the power of heaven, the fusion process became very smooth.

  The original Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment Spiritual Root should be very stubborn, and Lu Yuan must spend a lot of energy to fuse it together.

  But the nine spiritual roots at this moment seem to be made of water. Not only are they very docile, but they also show no resistance during the fusion process.

   Not long after, the nine spiritual roots became entangled and slowly turned into a chaotic ball.

  When Lu Yuan saw the prototype of this chaotic golden elixir, he became very excited.

  Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as it reaches this stage, it means that more than half of his alchemy process has been completed.

  Because this stage means that Lu Yuan's spiritual root fusion has taken the most critical step.

  The rest of the process is to continuously compress the chaotic golden elixir prototype.

  Although there are certain difficulties in this process, it is undoubtedly much simpler than before.

   And when Lu Yuan began to compress his golden core, dark clouds slowly appeared on the top of the hill where he was.

  The dark cloud is so thick and covers a large area that it almost covers tens of miles.

   And Niujia Village, which is hundreds of miles away, also sensed the situation here.

  Ge Xiu looked at the dark clouds in the distance, full of doubts in his heart.

  No matter how you look at it, this dark cloud looks like a thunder disaster!

  Strange, he clearly remembered that there were no demons at the peak of alchemy near Niujia Village.

  Then who caused this little thunder calamity in front of you?

  Although he was a little curious about the reason for the thunder calamity, but based on the idea of ​​not being nosy, Village Chief Ge Xiu did not choose to leave the village in the end.

   And this thundercloud lasted for three full months after it appeared.

   Fortunately, Lu Yuan cleaned up the monsters within a hundred miles in advance.

   Otherwise, just such a movement might attract some daring demons.

  The hundred days when Lu Yuan began to form alchemy...


  Thundercloud, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly began to glow with lightning.

   On the top of the mountain below, a figure appeared on the top of the mountain at some unknown time.

  Looking at Lei Jie above his head, Lu Yuan didn't show much surprise on his face.

  It's okay, this thunder disaster is just a small problem.

  Is this Thunder Tribulation? This is the test of Father Tiandao for me!

  With this thought in mind, Lu Yuan started the last step of his breakthrough... crossing the catastrophe!

  (end of this chapter)