MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 20 dawn

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Chen E looked at Zhuang Yan, and after a while, he hummed.

Alpha's resonant cavity is low, and the sound almost seems to be ironed from the depths of the chest.

"What are you drawing?"

Zhuang Yan said: "It's a design draft for a competition—did you just come back? No sound was heard."

Chen E walked over, frowning and forcibly picked up the paper full of drafts.

He actually couldn't understand it, he only knew that Zhuang Yan's painting was beautiful. The lines are complicated and smooth, and the three-dimensional and spatial sense of the building are vivid on the paper.

"Too lazy to bother you." Chen E said.

Zhuang Yan is not used to being seen half of the drafts of ideas, but he can't grab Chen E, and he is afraid of tearing the paper.

He could only pinch the manuscript paper, pursed his lips and said, "Don't look at it yet, I haven't finished drawing yet."

Chen E put the paper back on the table, his brows and eyes were indifferent and slack. He smelled heavily of alcohol, Zhuang Yan thought it was fluctuating pheromones at first.

After a couple of sniffs, I realized it wasn't.

I don't know how much Chen E drank, Zhuang Yan's breathing became stagnant. Even if Alpha was drunk, his face wasn't very obvious, only his eyes looked deep and dull.

"Then you continue to draw."

But being stared at from the side like this, Zhuang Yan couldn't draw at all.

He glanced at the time, it was past nine o'clock, not too late. Zhuang Yan pursed her lips and discussed in a good voice: "Then why don't you go and do something else first?"

Chen E didn't say a word, and was silent for a few seconds before leaning over to Zhuang Yan. He always smelled of wine, and there was a bit of a cold, winter-like breath.

Zhuang Yan froze for a moment.

As if being stared at by a ferocious wild animal, Zhuang Yan didn't dare to move, and obediently let Chen E continue.

Alpha is tall and has a strong sense of oppression. But the hands are warm. His fingertips landed on Zhuang Yan's earlobe, and he didn't know how hard he twisted it.

Zhuang Yan endured the pain and flinched slightly.

"You have a mole here."

In the past, Chen E's words tended to be rigid, maybe it was a style he developed in the frontier army, and he always spoke as if he was giving orders. After getting drunk tonight, her tone of voice softened subtly, as if warming up.

Perhaps because of the smell of alcohol, Zhuang Yan's heart beat faster for no reason. His cheeks were slightly hot, and under the thin, almost transparent skin, a delicate layer of blood appeared.

The pretty boy looked up at Chen E, but Alpha was startled, and unconsciously let go of his fingertips.

"The Zhuang Banquet."


Chen E leaned against the table, keeping a short distance away. He said: "Let the robot take you back tonight, I've had a drink."

Zhuang Yan had no choice but to respond again.

Chen E slowly unbuttoned his cuffs, turned and walked out of the study. The house was so big that after a while his footsteps disappeared down the corridor.

Zhuang Yan hesitated for a while.

In the end, I still felt that I had to hurry up and continue drawing.

So he lowered his head and discussed with the robot: "Can you take me back at eleven o'clock?"

Robot: "No problem."

After the robot left, the study became quiet again. Zhuang Yan exhaled slowly, and adjusted the optical computer screen again, so that the detailed information of the school reappeared on the screen.

I have seen it many times, and the layout, skeleton and texture of the whole school are almost imprinted in my heart. Zhuang Yan pursed her lips, restrained her other thoughts, and concentrated on drawing on the paper.

The wind picked up again outside the window, and the ginkgo leaves rustled down.

There is a terrace outside the bedroom, and the mahogany floor is covered with golden leaves.

Chen E didn't bother to turn on the light, so he went to the bathroom to wash up under the brightness of the moonlight. There is only one wall, and the shadows are caged.

Because of the extreme self-discipline at the border these years, his alcohol capacity is actually very poor. Although it is not obvious on his face, his fingertips trembled uncontrollably under the current of water.

Just now with such hands, he pinched the red mole on Zhuang Yan's earlobe.

His heart almost jumped out of his chest, Chen E's cheeks collapsed tightly, and water droplets rolled down from the corners of his eyebrows and eyes.

He didn't even know that he looked like a ferocious and bewildered beast on its first hunt.

The door was open, and the robot came to stand by.

Chen E walked out of the bathroom, turned around and ordered, "Transmit the armed reports from the Fifth and Thirteenth Military Regions to my optical brain."


"There is still a schedule for tomorrow."


After half a second of silence, Chen E reached out to turn on the light.

The robot is still in place, waiting for more instructions from him. Chen E lowered his head halfway, sneering drunkenly in his heart.

"Also, what kind of competition is Zhuang Yan going to participate in?"

His voice became hoarse, "Send me the information too, I'll take a look."

There was nothing else to do, the robot went downstairs to continue the feast with Zhuang.

In the quiet and empty bedroom, Chen E opened the chair and sat down, squeezed the space between his eyebrows, and began to look at the things Guangnao had just received.

I can't calm down.

Finally, I opened the introduction of the design innovation competition and the list of school projects in the preliminary competition.

There are a lot of words and pictures, Chen E frowned, and slowly turned from the first page to the last page. Because I was too restless, I hardly left an impression in my mind.

When he saw the principal of the third-to-last school, long memories came to his mind, and he was slightly startled.

At eleven o'clock, the robot will send Zhuang Yan back on time.

The frame of Zhuang Yan was still short of a finishing touch, and he didn't like his train of thought to be interrupted in the middle. But it was indeed very late, and it was not suitable to forcefully stay and disturb the master's rest.

He packed his things and said at the same time, "I'll go say hello."

Robot: "No need."

Zhuang Yan pursed his lips and hesitated for half a second.

The robot said again: "The colonel is drunk."

This could almost be understood as a clear order to evict guests. Zhuang Yan immediately understood and sighed.

He put the optical brain in his pocket, took the manuscript paper and went out to the car. The robot sat in the driver's seat and drove steadily.

Thinking about the design draft in his heart, Zhuang Yan couldn't fall asleep like last time. After finally reaching the dormitory, he nodded goodbye to the robot, and then went upstairs to open the door with his face.

Qin Heyu was taking a shower. Taking this opportunity, Zhuang Yan finished drawing the final thought, and then organized it in a folder, marking it with number one.

It's not easy to get sleepy when the brain is running fast. While still in the state, Zhuang Yan took a look at the second school with a limited budget but clear requirements.

This time, the sports building and auditorium will be built, and the track will be refurbished by the way.

Zhuang Yan estimated the budget first, and he had an idea in his mind - if he didn't find another way in material selection and cost control, he might only be able to make a very mediocre design.

But it's fun to be challenged! Zhuang Yan rested his pen on his chin, thought for a while, and began to draw his initial thoughts on the paper.

After a while, Qin Heyu knocked on the door with wet hair and probed: "Xiaoyan, are you back? I'm going to sleep first."

Zhuang Yan: "Well, good night."

Then classmate Xiao Qin smiled and closed the door to rest.

Zhuang Yan stretched his waist and stretched his muscles and bones, and then continued to modify while painting.

The quiet late autumn night is conducive to the burst of inspiration.

This time, the design concept drawing was completed faster than before. In less than five hours, there was an exquisite and complicated picture on paper.

Anyway, it is only the first draft, and it can be adjusted at any time before it is finalized.

Zhuang Yan walked out of the room without making a sound, and poured himself a glass of water in the kitchen. The whole world is asleep, but he is still awake.

Although he still has energy, his brain has already started to dull, and he needs to take a break before he can continue to think about the plan for the last school.

He lowered his eyes, looked at the information on the school roster casually while staring at the dimly lit screen of his brain.

Actually, it doesn't have to be so hard—

In just three days, three conceptual drafts. It's a bit too exaggerated for anyone.

But when Zhuang Yan made up his mind before, he thought, after all, he wasted four years more than everyone else. During this period of time, other talented peers may have come to a place where he is about to catch up.

He should paint more and work harder.

A boy who has been used to being outstanding since he was a child will always show pride naturally.

Even if life is stolen, there will no longer be flowers and applause on the road ahead. Wherever he goes, he may face contempt, ridicule, and ridicule.

Sometimes he seemed to hear the chuckle of the long-gone impostor, Zhuang Yan, can you live a better life than me?

But his life shouldn't stop at this level.

It shouldn't be so dusty and devastated, being looked down upon by classmates and disappointing relatives.

A faint twilight of dawn emerges in the distance.

The steel forest-like capital gradually recovers from the night, and the morning light spreads from the tip of the viaduct beside the Guijiang River to the mint leaves under the windowsill of the dormitory.

At dawn, the sunlight refracts an astonishing beauty across the city.

Zhuang Yan didn't think about anything at that moment—the breeze opened the curtains, and he felt very free.

I don't know how long it has been.

The white walls of the dormitory tables and chairs are brightened up. There was a slight movement in Qin Heyu's room, and then there was a click. Student Xiao Qin unscrewed the door and walked out yawning.

Then he saw Zhuang Banquet on the sofa at a glance.

Qin Heyu stopped yawning and was so shocked that he lost sleepiness: "Xiao Yan, don't tell me you stayed up all night."

"I'm going to sleep now."

Qin Heyu expressed his objection in silence, and then heard Zhuang Yan say with pride: "Anyway, today is the weekend, after I wake up, I will draw the concept drawing of the third project."

Qin Heyu: "?"

Is there a space-time loophole in me? How come it took half a day to go directly to the third one!

"Have you thought about the first two?"

"Think about it, do you want to take a look?"

Qin Heyu, who was afraid of being disturbed, shook his head vigorously: "No, no, forget it!"

Zhuang Yan laughed and pointed to the refrigerator: "Breakfast is in there, I'll go to bed first."

Although Zhuang Yan was sleepless all night, Zhuang Yan was tired, but his pupils were still bright—the kind of brightness that falls on the light.

Qin Heyu took a second look and felt encouraged: "Go, maybe when you wake up, my sketch will be born out of nowhere!"

Zhuang Yan couldn't help laughing: "Yes."