MTL - I Have Medicine-Chapter 986 Ten days

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Listening to the public ceremonies, the ten lords were slightly surprised.

They never thought that this time it was not a public servant who entered it, but also invited them together. For them, they can see the ancestors of the emperors who have never been ruined for many years. It is joy.

Blood glass is asking: "Scorpio, can you go with it?"

Gongyi Tianzhu smiled and said: "The teacher is assured."

Blood glass is very trusting to this disciple. Since the public servant says nothing, it is inevitable. The blood glass has no opinion, and other temple owners are of course more willing.

Don't look at Zongmen, I always know that the ten days are in the air, but in fact it started about 100,000 years ago. There are ten alternatives to the ten-day disk. After that, the ten-day disk is theoretically available. In fact, it is true. Never used - now they understand it, the original ten days of the sky has long been a sneak peek, the ten best, fear is also a good alternative.

... Those ancestors who have made a ten-page slogan are really far-sighted.

After that, the public celestial celestial scorpion and Gu Zuo walked in front, took the ten lords and set foot on the road formed by the separation of white fog.

The two sides are still rolling in white fog. When they walked on the middle road, they found that the two sides were silent, and within the entire forbidden land, it seemed that no living beings existed.

After a while, the road finally came to an end.

Then there was a change behind him, and the separated white mist actually gathered in an instant, forming a boiling sea of ​​fog!

It’s suddenly clear, but there is no road behind me.

The ten masters of the temple were very calm, and Gu Zuo looked at his eldest brother.

The public celestial scorpion appeased the ground and took care of Gu Zuo, looking straight ahead.

In front of it is a vast space, there is no white fog, but when they come here, from below the ground, there is a huge, disc-shaped thing, little by little, From the land.

This disc is golden, just like the town's magic monument, it is very delicate. Gu Zuo and others have all seen the ten-in-one. Although most of the ten masters have not yet become a heavenly king, they must also understand the method of manipulating the ten-thousand-thousands in advance, so they are very familiar.

But now that everyone saw the ten-day platter, and then came to think about the ten-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thumb

From the momentum, it is impossible to compare them - even if the spirit of this emperor is very weak, so is it.

The public ceremonial scorpio is calm and self-satisfied, saying: "The disciple is a public servant, and the masters of the temple, the exclusive refining pharmacists, etc. come to see the ten predecessors. The disciples of the previous day have already seen the predecessors of the town, the town of magic The predecessors answered and visited the predecessors one by one. Because the disciples are the ten best people, they first came here, and they also asked the seniors not to see them."

In addition to the spirit of the town, the spirit of the monument is the need to publicize the Scorpio and Gu Zuo to deliberately awaken, the other spirits of the emperors only need to stimulate the spirit of the spirit of the town, they will naturally perceive, and wake up . It’s just that this wake-up time won’t last long, otherwise it will definitely be harmful to them.

Now, the public celestial celestial and other people come with the breath of the spirit of the town, and the ten masters of the temple are very obvious, and there is no doubt about it.

Then, on the ten days of the plate, a half-body figure appeared.

It was a young man in a blood coat, looks... very familiar.

When the tenth temple owner saw the young face, he was shocked.

This life is very handsome, with a sharp eyebrow between the eyebrows, but a smile on the lips is a bit sinister - his face is the appearance of the first generation of the blood palace!

Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao are also a bit strange.

The existence of the ten heavens is clearly the spirit of its emperor. How does this spirit of the emperor grow up to look like the first generation of the blood palace? It’s weird.

The eyes of the ten heavenly spirits were swept away on the crowd.

The person who was swept by this line of sight only felt a layer of goose bumps on his skin. It seemed that there was a very strong sense of danger, and they had some hair from the bottom of their hearts.

... From the very beginning, Gu Zuo was imagining what the predecessors would be like, but now it seems to be different from his imaginary "commonness" and "harmony". It seems to be the opposite of the predecessor of the town, which looks like a majestic but generous.

A little scared.

Ten spirits of the heavenly disk opened: "The brother of the town of the magical song called you to wait, what is it?"

Listening to him asking, Gu Zu immediately reacted from the surprise.

He quickly took out a prefecture-level Xia Yundan who was specially refining to come here, and said: "Please also ask the ten predecessors to take the spirituality of these medicinal herbs and recover them."

Ten of the heavenly spirits see those level-level Xia Yundan, the pupils shrink slightly.

Then he did not hesitate to look at the medicinal herbs.

The next moment, Gu Zuo discovered that the spiritual medicine in his hand had subsided, and Xia Yun became innocent.

At this time, the public instrument Tianzhu said: "The disciples and other people meet the predecessors of the spirits of the emperors. They are here to refine the medicinal herbs and restore their strength. Now I am here to meet with the predecessors, but also for the same generation. Explain that after each refinement of the prefecture level, Xia Yundan will be sent by people in my class, and please ask the seniors to let me wait for the medicine."

The sight of the ten-day celestial spirit turned to Gu Zuo: "These medicinal herbs are made from this little doll?"

Gu Zuo is a bit nervous: "Yes, yes."

Ten Spirits of Heavenly Disk nodded slightly: "So laborious." His eyes fell on the body of the blood glass. "After that, the drug can be sent by this person."

Blood glass did not expect the predecessor to name him, and he quickly promised: "Yes, seniors."

The rest of the princes were somewhat disappointed, but they only looked at the face of the ten-day celestial spirit, and they understood that it was normal for him to look at the blood-stained temple. Plus the biggest thing in the whole thing is the Blood Palace. Their disappointment is disappointment and there is no opinion.

The public celestial scorpion paused: "The younger generation took the liberty - I don't know why the seniors... is this similar to the original lord of the Blood Palace?"

Don't look at the ten-day spirit of the heavens, but he is also in a good mood for things that can be recovered. He said that he did not blame, but said: "I originally made the refining of the blood of the first generation, and it looks like him."

After this was said, he did not say more, and the entire figure disappeared.

Then, the white fog opened another road and let everyone go out.

After leaving the forbidden city, Gu Zuo-soo sighed with relief: "This ten-year-old predecessor, the temperament is really...special."

The main hall heard the words, not smiling.

To say that it is not particularly good, it is a bit cold.

However, the flexibility of the Emperor is extremely long, and it is not surprising that it is cold. As long as he is still in his heart, it is enough. What's more, he and the rest of the spirit of the emperor, the human race almost disappeared, enough to prove that he is outside the cold inside.

Gu Zuo certainly knows this, but it is a bit worried about such an elder.

But in fact, this ten-day-old predecessor seems to have the same special temperament as the town's predecessors, and it seems to be particularly reliable.

Then everyone went back to the Blood Palace.

The ten lords of the temple also collected a lot of medicinal materials during this time. Now they have just come over, and they have all been handed over to Gu Zuo. Other more medicinal materials, they will also help the blood glass together from other major forces, also sent.

After Gu Zu bid farewell to these temple owners, he refines a group of prefecture-level Xia Yundan in the Blood Palace. He is accurate. There are a total of thirteen spirits of the Emperor, except for the predecessors of the town, which are close to recovery, and there are still twelve. Previously, he gave ten predecessors of the top ten, Xia Yundan, and then the other eleven predecessors, according to the predecessors of the town, each person must give ten talents... um, secretly give ten The predecessor of the day has a small stove, and ten more.

After that, Gu Zuo spent some time refining a full-scale Xia Yundan.

Then, together with his own big brother, he ordered 11 Tianlongwei and prepared to go to the major forces.

And the ten prefectures of the ten-day spirit, Xia Yundan, were handed over to the hands of the blood glass to see when he sent the seniors.

Because Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao have decided to act, the blood glass comes to connect with those big forces.

Since I am going, of course, I am going to familiarize myself first. Therefore, when the first big force came to pick up two people, Gu Zuo looked at Shen Yuanbai who stood with his own master... It seems that he is not at all I feel weird.

It’s really an “acquaintance”.

Shen Yuanbai is now introverted, although the small realm is slightly inferior, but the big realm has caught up with the blood glass, when standing with the blood glass, what is the style of the wind, it feels more.

In fact, he is still a very small temperament, and his temperament is still very cold. However, when confronted with Gu Zuo and the public scorpio, his attitude will always be able to see a closeness.

Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao also greeted him.

Shen Yuanbai said: "There is a labor for the spirit of the Emperor."

Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao set a few words with him, and he went with him.

Before leaving, Shen Yuanbai did not forget to put a small box for the blood glass. It seems that it was a good thing, and the blood glass now accepts Shen Yuanbai’s things. The attitude is also very natural. ... obviously it is often "plugged."

Then, Shen Yuanbai, Gu Zuo and Gongyi Tianzhu left.

At the same time, he also brought a Tianlongwei, which is Longyi.

Outside the hidden passage, there is a flying boat waiting.

The group of people boarded the flying boat and quickly went to the Shen family.


Shen’s place of residence is still relatively hidden.

After passing some of the more complicated levels, the boat was successfully parked in a huge depression.

When the crowd walked down the boat, Shen Yuanbai took them from inside the mountain wall behind the concave land to the inner temple where Shenjia was very important.

Here, the family of Shenjia, some trustworthy family members, etc., are already waiting here.

Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao are now very different in strength, and they have set aside with them, instead of having to be as good as the ten masters, even if they are more than some of the lords, they are also very polite and give them a slight salute.

The Shen family said: "I have a soldier in the Shen family, but the family secret records that if the descendants want to invite the soldiers, they must be in the life of the whole family, and they must sacrifice a large number of Shenjia children or It is the most outstanding Shenjia Tianjiao in the contemporary era, which can be used once. In the past few years, although Shen has met the crisis several times, but he has never been to the end of the mountain, he has never called the predecessor. Now listen to you. As I said, I only know that the reason why the Emperor was so harsh was that he thought about the whole continent."

The Shenjia’s emperor was a long sword. Originally named “斩魔剑”, but because the conditions used were too strict, Shen’s children may not have no grievances, so they later passed on them, but instead called them “magic swords”. It is.

Nowadays, they get the news from the ten sacred blood palaces. They know that it is not the bloodthirsty of the emperor, but to maintain the inscription, they have to use the Shenjia Tianjiao with their own family or the spirit of a large number of Shenjia children. God will make up the power to release the power.

Now, when the Shen family knows it, it is naturally awkward.

Their emperors paid so much for the mainland, but they were also blamed by them. It is... theirs is not.

If it is for this reason, they will not have a complaint.

Shen Jiazhu continued: "I have misunderstood my ancestors, and now several people accompanying Yuan Bai have entered the forbidden area. At that time, Yuan Bai must make a apology to my ancestors for the sake of my family."

Shen Yuanbai Rong Rong said: "Yes."

Then, the Shen family also solemnly asked Gu Zuo and others, and they bothered to save the sword and let the ancestor recover.

For this, Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao seriously agreed.

Next, the forbidden land was opened by the Shen family and some ethnic groups.

Just as in the tenth time of the sect, the public scorpio spurred the spirit of the spirit of the town, and loudly said what he and others came to visit. Sure enough, some of the shelter in the forbidden land dissipated, opened the road, and let them enter.

This time, it was Gu Zuo, Gong Yi Tian Hao, Long Yi and Shen Yuan Bai.