MTL - I Have Medicine-Chapter 1048 Fire storage

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Gu Zuozhen lived: "After death, can you see him?"

Gongyi Tianzhu smiled and said: "There is no reincarnation here, but the military has spiritual strength. After death, the soul will retain with the help of mental strength. The time for retaining mental strength will be longer, the mental strength will be weak, and the retention time will be short. However, because the military can't control the mental power, the mental power after death is extremely fast. If you don't need any special means, most of them will not stay for a long time and will be completely into the world. The refining pharmacist is very strong. And can control, but if you can't make the spirit, then the mental power will not be much stronger, and the control is not strong. After the spiritual **** is realized, the spiritual power is mostly turned into the spirit, and the rest is not much. It is not purely spiritual. Unless it is used by special means, it cannot support the refining pharmacist to stay longer.... And the spirit itself itself will be transformed into the heavens and the earth when the refining pharmacist cannot support it after the fall of the refining pharmacist."

Don't look at the fact that many refining pharmacists and warriors have left the soul for a long time, but they are usually left in special equipment or special things. They spend most of their time sleeping, only when they are rare, they can come out and talk to people. Then I have to fall back to sleep again. This kind of preservation, it seems that it can live longer, but it is actually not the case.

Of course, after the Great Empire, it will be much easier to save yourself with the appliance, because the Emperor itself has learned the law. Although the Shouyuan is exhausted and obeys the law, the remaining soul will still be sheltered by the surviving laws. However, such retention is also very expensive, and most of the time must remain asleep, lest the body collapse.

... This is going to say Wan Qiu Ling.

Wan Qiuling is now often in contact with Qilian Hongying. It seems that there is no problem. Wanqiu Ling is a special case. She was the body of the gods in her life. She also touched the power of reincarnation. After that, she died and lived with the fourth realm. The Taoist contract, and she is awakened on the silver shadow of the public celestial celestial celestial...

Such success stories cannot be replicated and are a combination of all kinds of coincidences. As long as a certain ring inside is bad, it will lead to failure.

Therefore, when the public scorpio is on the battlefield, it may be because of the power of reincarnation. When the warrior dies, he can see the existence of their souls. After that, they often only have a few breathing hours, and the soul will be transformed. The world disappeared. But in this process, there are already a lot of things that can be seen by the public instrument, and it can also have a deeper understanding of the power of reincarnation.

Gu Zuosi asked: "Big Brother, is this part of the "death" in the cycle of life and death?"

The public scorpio nodded: "The return to the roots is still a life-and-death cycle. The ‘death' is rather singular, but if it is ‘life’, it is very different. ‘born’ is ‘live’ and ‘survival’ is also ‘live’.”

Gu Zuo’s heart is awkward: "Then, should Big Brother see a lot of scenes on the battlefield that want to ask for a living?"

The public scorpio whispered slightly: "More than that, it is because of the desire of the Great Emperor of the Great to seek eternal life, and also to have a lot of feelings for the brother."

Gu Zuo: "..."

- Can the big villain have this use? It is also considered waste utilization.

Then public sighs sighed softly: "It's just a ‘ birth,' but it’s inconvenient for the brothers to understand.”

Gu Zuo nodded silently.

Also, this does not allow the older brother to see other people’s wives and children...

Immediately, the public scorpio reveals a smile: "But it does not matter, the 'birth' of the 'born' does not have to be deliberately forced. In the final analysis, it is only a kind of 'life', and it does not need to be too thin, as long as it feels Now, for the brothers to realize the 'life' of 'survival', they will encounter the 'newness' in the future, and they will not feel self-satisfied."

Gu Zuo listened to his brother, so he didn't care too much: "Big brother is right, first understand what you can understand, increase your brother's control over the power of reincarnation, and others will always have opportunities."

Although the war is now fierce, it can indeed make people's heart will be very strong and tempered.

And public celestial celestial...

With his understanding of the power of reincarnation, his internal gas is slowly increasing, and it seems that he is about to break through to the peak of the broken air. This speed is too fast, Gu Zuo while providing his brother with no shackles, but also using some special remedies to suppress the realm of the big brother, so that he can reinforce the realm at this stage, in order to break through again.

Regarding Gu Zuo’s concern, the public instrument Tianzhu naturally did not refuse.

He is also very busy now, and the power of reincarnation must be realized. The martial arts must continue to be cultivated. Many martial arts should also be evolved according to the realization of the murder. Regarding the concerns of their own small pharmacists, he is willing to go to coax……

Gu Zuo is also very busy, but he is also very happy as long as he sees his brother entering the country.

Therefore, his left hand holds the condensate crystal for a long time, and is also trying to polish his spiritual strength to the maximum extent, so as to carry the inner air, so that he can continue to break through without bottlenecks, and always keep up with the pace of his own big brother!


The war on the mainland of China is glued up, and the addition of aliens on the mainland has undoubtedly slowed down the pace of victory.

Under the discussion of the strong and the reinforcements on the mainland, it was decided to take advantage of the fact that after the confrontation, the Terran strongmen went to attack the aliens on the mainland and kill them first.

After killing these leaders, the remaining aliens are not afraid, but they must be careful when they sneak attacks. Otherwise, if they are inadvertently defeated, it will be very difficult to attack the second time. .

Fortunately, for this kind of thing, the Iron Man is very good at it.

Fang Lifan’s sneak attack took one person and led the Shaodi strong to attack the aliens. With such a blow, the aliens on the mainland could not be defeated.

At this time, the foreign support of the aliens is reduced, and naturally it is easy to deal with many.

However, even with many plans, the war with the aliens on this volcanic continent has lasted for more than a year.

After more than a year has passed, it is finally the killing of all the aliens killed on this continent.

Tianlongwei has gained a lot of experience in these battles, especially the interracial corpses that each of them brought back, and almost everyone can bring back thousands of them!

Therefore, the light is the aliens killed by Tianlongwei, there are ten thousand!

Of course, these ten thousand are not all above the people's realm. The lower realm is also there, but the lowest is not lower than the natural world. If it is lower than this realm, Tianlongwei even has no intention to bring back the body... ...because there is not much credit for the change.

Tianlongwei has shown such a powerful force in such a group of emperors, and the Iron Blood Army and the Tianjiao team have not shown their weakness.

The Iron and Blood Army is basically crushing the aliens on the mainland. The Tianjiao team has a strong individual strength. After the adaptation, the number of people killed is not too much.

However, in general, on average, the most killed is Tianlongwei.

There are iron-blooded soldiers who are not convinced, but when they see the battle of Tianlongwei, there is nothing to be convinced.

Tianlongwei kills on average for three reasons: the first one, his own strength is already very strong; the second one, each of them can change into an incarnation of exactly the same as himself, which is simply a person who uses two people at the top; Third, their mounts have been upgraded to five levels, and the speed of the wind is so fast that they are combined with Tianlongwei. It is not the effect of one plus one and two, but far greater than two...

So nowadays, Tianlongwei, who is known as the public servant and the guardian, is on the bigger stage and is completely in front of people.

Their power will not cause any person's criticism.

In the end, Gu Zuo said that he had to say good things to Tian Longwei and let them use credit for the benefit.

Gongyi Tianzhu and Gu Zuo have strong financial resources, and they have directly produced a lot of good things, "clear price", so that they can exchange for it. And these Tianlongwei are also used to it, they have taken what they want, they are satisfied...

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support, why?

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