MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1511 I found a job for them.

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"Don't be too discouraged," Mrs. Isabella patted Emma's shoulder and whispered, "We have tried our best. I will try to negotiate with the auction winners, in the best possible way..."

Emma nodded and her mood was a bit complicated.

Although the exaggerated sunglasses almost covered half of the face, she recognized his identity. She would rather believe that she is wrong, because she has always been a good impression of him and thinks he is a good person. Unexpectedly, he was no different from the rich and the rich of these beasts, which made the impression of her tall heart shake.

The auction is over.

Emma got up and went to the open platform outside the venue. Mrs. Isabella went to the backstage of the auction to see if she could negotiate with the buyer and persuade him to send the children to the formal institutions. Although they are very clear, this possibility is very small, after all, it is 600 million US dollars...

"Miss Watson, we met again."

Just then, a familiar and annoying voice came from behind, and Emma Watson turned her head back. When she saw the face of Berkeley Lewis, she immediately stepped back two steps in disgust.

"It seems that you haven't forgotten me." Berkeley Lewis smiled. "I really flattered me."

"Please don't use such a misleading statement, Mr. Lewis," Emma squinted and raised her chin slightly. "If I remember correctly, your dad should warn you and let you stay away from me." point."

"Please don't be so nervous, I am just here to apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Emma frowned.

"It’s rude for us to meet for the first time," Berkeley said politely. "As a sin, I don't know if I can be lucky enough to have a drink?"

When the auction went to one-third of the time, he came out of the venue in advance, and then Elsa would visit the banquet's main character, Mr. Eller, the chairman of the party.

"I am not in the mood today, don't bother me." Emma said with some irritability, turned and left.

"Don't be so anxious to go." Seeing Emma going, Berkeley is willing to give up so easily, subconsciously reaching out and trying to hold her shoulder, but did not expect that the hand just reached half, and was taken from the side The hand that stretched out was pinched, and the inch could not enter.

Berkeley's face turned red and looked angrily.

Two nasty faces, which caught his eye at the same time.

I don't know when Leslie and her male partner have come to the side. And the one who held his claw was the man standing next to Leslie.

"Put my hand away," staring at Jiang Chen with a poisonous snake, and the hypocritical politeness was shattered by his nature at this moment. Berkeley said in a word, "Boy, don't think of you." I can't do anything for you when I get on the Garcia family. Can she protect you for a lifetime? Waiting for the boat, I will let you know."

"Mr. Lewis, it seems that you still have no long-term memory?" Interrupted Berkeley's speech, Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the other hand took the sunglasses on the bridge of the nose in an understatement. "Tell me, you will let What do I know?"

For a moment, Berkeley's pupil almost shrunk into a point, as if he saw a ghost, the blood color instantly faded from his face.

The shame of the charity party in Penglai City that day spread like a poison from the heart to the hands and feet. At this moment, he finally remembered the fear at that time, his hands and feet were cold, and he could not tremble...

Smell a faint smell, Jiang Chen swept his trousers, I saw that the position of the crotch was obviously a lot deeper, and the water drop slammed down the trousers on the ground.

Some distracted and threw away the hand, Jiang Chen looked at the earthy Berkeley.

"You have three seconds to disappear from me. If you let me see you appear in front of me..."

When Jiang Chen’s words were not finished, Berkeley ran off his legs.

Because of the panic, when he passed through the crowd, his legs hit the table, and he was covered with champagne. In the end, under a pair of surprised and disdainful sights, he even climbed the banquet venue.

As for Elsa, and his daddy handed him the task of picking up the girl, he can't take care of it. Now he just wants to leave New York as soon as possible and return to Los Angeles...

The farther away from the devil, the better!

Emma looked at Jiang Chen intricately. The latter noticed her sight, put on her sunglasses again, and smiled at her.

Just now, she has confirmed that it is indeed Jiang Chen who took the orphanage. She didn't understand why he did this. He didn't want to believe that Jiang Chen was the kind of person. So, after hesitating for a long time, she finally couldn't help but ask her.

"The orphanage, what are you going to do?"

Leslie looked at Miss Watson strangely.

Generally speaking, in the gatherings of the upper class, no one will ask such words in person.

I noticed the expression on Emma's face. Jiang Chen probably guessed what she was thinking, so she smiled.

"Are you talking about the little children in the orphanage?"


"I found a job for them."


“Yes, do you want to have a look together?”

After hesitating for a moment, Emma nodded.

Put on the wireless headset, click on the holographic screen of the watch, Jiang Chen opened the address book and broadcast a number.

As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of Bernice came from the opposite side.


"are you free tomorrow?"

"Of course, what is your order?"

"About at nine o'clock, I will go to the airport and wait for me to visit the US Virgin Islands."


Hang up the phone, Jiang Chen looked at Emma.

"If you are interested, I will wait for me at JFK at 9 am tomorrow."

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Chen did not say anything, took Leslie to the cruise ship's room.

"She is your lover?"

"It's a friend who is a little bit sympathetic," Jiang said with a smile, and took a shot on Leslie's fart. "How? Jealous?"

Jiang Chen certainly would not say that "Hermione" was the goddess of his childhood. There are some reasons for feelings inside. He will appreciate it more than Miss Emma Watsente, but it is just appreciation. I really want him to do something, not quite like his style.

Turning a British woman who is keen on “female ***” and charity into her own lover, it sounds more than just a challenge. Jiang Chen can feel that Miss Hermione still has a good impression on herself, but this kind of goodwill and love still has a big gap.

"How come?" Leslie glanced at Jiang Chen with a charming look and took his arm. "I am just a little curious."

She will not ask questions that should not be asked.

Although it is not smart enough, she still has this level of city.

From the beginning, she set her position very clearly.

Miss San of Garcia's family.

And the American lover of the chairman of the Stars Trading...