MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-Chapter 11 Murong sisters

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After the tortoise, the goblin turned his head and heard the sound. Now after Tang Zhen, who ran over, he stared at him with fierce and bloodthirsty eyes, and his mouth screamed with a low snoring sound.

At the same time, there are two food rot and goblin swiftly turning direction, facing Tang Zhen’s savage.

However, the girl saw Tang Zhen, the accidental intruder. Her eyes flashed a hint of surprise, and then she seemed to realize what it was. She opened her mouth and yelled at Tang Zhen: "Run, run, monsters eat! ”

The girl’s words are eager, apparently reminding Tang Zhen to flee here. However, it seems that she has never communicated with people for a long time.

Tang Zhen is very grateful to the girl's kindness. When he is in danger, he can think of other people's safety. He will not stand by and ignore this point.

When it was said that it was too late, Tang Zhenxun raised his pistol and aimed at one of the monsters, pulling the trigger without hesitation.


After a crisp sound, the bullet hit the target, the monster that was shot was screamed, and a green round hole was immediately opened on the head. After a few struggles, he struggled and died.

The sound of the gun immediately stunned the remaining four monsters. They were obviously creatures with simple wisdom, and the sudden death of their companions shocked them. After a few exchanges, there was a hint of fear in my eyes, and then I turned around and ran away.

Perhaps they have seen the power of firearms, so they are so afraid.

Tang Zhen saw a joy in his heart, and he did not hesitate to shoot at the back of the four monsters. After a burst of gunfire, all four monsters fell to the ground, twitching and dying.

It was so easy to get rid of the five monsters, and Tang Zhen was quite surprised. After all, he had some personal experience of the difficulty of these monsters.

Tang Zhen glanced at the body of the monster, and the green mucus that appeared on his body made him feel sick, so he no longer looked at the bodies. Retract the lighted magazine and re-load a magazine full of bullets.

Take out the folding knife and squat down, and take out the brains of the five monsters. Tang Zhen wiped his hands again with a paper towel, and then turned to look at the girl. A little smile at the girl whose horror has not faded, Tang Zhen inserted the pistol into the belt.

The girl has put down a piece of iron knife across the chest, sitting on the ground and holding a crying little girl in her arms and twitching. Obviously, the horror experience of her life and death has scared her.

Tang Zhen did not speak when he saw it. He just licked his mouth and licked the palm of his hand by a pistol sleeve. He sighed that he was too panicked.

However, for the first time he used the weapon, it was a good result to be able to kill the monster smoothly instead of flying the bullet into the sky.

Looking at the girl crying endlessly, Tang Zhen couldn't help but interrupted: "You don't want to cry first, you don't see it safe. Are we changing places first?"

The girl stopped crying, wiped the muddy cheeks, looked at Tang Zhen silently, and waved at Tang Zhen.

She walked in front of her little girl with her expression, and Tang Zhen followed her, and left and turned right away. When she reached the edge of the abandoned factory, she stopped in the grass with a weed and was blocked by the cement board, which could only accommodate one person in front of the cement pipe.

The girl once again waved at Tang Zhen and first drilled in.

After Tang Zhen hesitated, he quietly pulled out the pistol under the clothes and followed him into the black lacquered entrance. After bowing down for more than a dozen meters, a groundwater channel of about 10 square meters was displayed in front of Tang Zhen.

The environment here is very simple, just to be able to shelter from the wind and rain.

A few rays of sunlight illuminate the underground space from the cracks in the ruins. There is a small bed built with wooden planks of hay in the corner. After the little girl is put down by the girl, she is sitting on the curious look at Tang Zhen.

The girl was carefully collecting the oozing water from the depression in the basement and then concentrated it in a glass bottle.

Look at Tang Zhen is looking at himself curiously, the girl's eyes slightly dodged, then handed the bottle to Tang Zhen. Because of the screaming screaming, the girl’s nephew was a little hoarse, only to listen to her words in a slightly swearing: "You, sit down, drink water!"

Tang Zhen heard a slight glimpse, did the girl want to drink this dirty water that was deposited on the ground? However, after thinking about the environment in which the girl was, Tang Zhen also guessed that this bottle of water might be a very valuable thing for her.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen smiled and shook his head and refused. He waved his hand gently under the gaze of the girl's grievances, and then he presented mineral water and a few bags of biscuits on the ground.

The girl was shocked by the sudden appearance of the food, carefully looked at a few times, judging that this is food, then carefully asked: "You are, the wizard?"

For the first time, Tang Zhen showed the ability to store space in front of people, and originally had a sense of showing off. However, when asked by the girl, my heart suddenly stunned. I seemed to think of something. I quickly asked: "The sorcerer? Can you say that the oracle can change things like me?"


The girl nodded slightly, and her eyes stared at the food on the ground, while gently rubbing her dry lips.

Tang Zhen shook his head slightly and picked up a bag of biscuits and a bottle of water and handed it to the girl: "As long as you tell me the rumors you know, then these foods are yours."

When the girl’s eyes were neutral, she burst into a glory, staring at Tang Zhen’s death. “Are you telling the truth, give it to me?”

"Of course it is true."

Seeing Tang Zhen nodded, the girl immediately pulled a bag of biscuits and took a bite with her teeth, but bit it on a plastic bag.

Tang Zhen saw a smile, and the girl was shy red. She turned over her eyes and ignored Tang Zhen. After taking the torn biscuits to the little **** the side, she quickly hid the rest of the water and food behind the bed.

Tang Zhen saw that he couldn't help but cried, and quickly said: "Reminder is yours, no one is robbing you. Now you can sit up and tell me the rumors of what you know."

The girl did not listen to Tang Zhen’s words, but she hugged her slender legs and hugged her arms. She looked at the little girl with a gentle look and glanced at her eyes.

The original girl's father used to be the owner of a small-scale city. When the alien city warriors attacked the human property city where her family was located, the girl's parents both died, and the girl and sister were rescued by several soldiers.

In the days that followed, several fighters left or died for various reasons, leaving only the girls and sisters to drift away in the wilderness.

The place where they lived was a year ago and was an abandoned underground culvert.

It is said that such a place is not very safe, but because the location of the girl’s hiding is very concealed, she is extremely cautious, and she has been lucky enough to survive for a year.

But just in the evening before yesterday, the ruins of this factory suddenly appeared here, just a stone's throw from her hiding place. At that time, she was almost frightened, holding her little girl in the corner and not even breathing in the air, for fear of disturbing those wandering monsters.

However, at noon yesterday, a group of soldiers from nearby buildings broke into here. They first cleaned up the wandering monsters and found a hidden basement, fighting with several powerful monsters for a long time, and finally killed the monsters and left.

The girl witnessed the whole process of the battle. During the period, she used the firearms. Another person used the same means as Tang Zhen to change things out of thin air, while the rest of the soldiers called the man a magician!

The girl used to see the warrior who practiced martial arts, but the theologian saw it for the first time.

The girl saw the monsters being emptied, and the sister was so hungry that she ventured out to find food.

Despite her extreme caution, she is still hidden by the monsters. Before Tang Zhen appeared, she thought that she and her sister would become the food of the monster, and her heart was completely desperate.

Listening to the girl's whimpering, Tang Zhen's brow was slightly wrinkled. He didn't expect the fate of these two girls to be so bitter, and his heart faintly raised a hint of compassion.

Regardless of the considerations, Tang Zhen couldn't bear to watch them continue to endure the threat of hunger and death in the flowery age. Moreover, after understanding the tragic situation of human beings in this world, Tang Zhen is even more reluctant to watch the same family die and remain indifferent.

Looking at the girl who was caught in the memories of the past, Tang Zhen casually asked: "Do you have a name, what is it?"

The girl reached out and opened her head to block her eyes. He whispered: "My name is Murong Ziyan, my sister is Ziyue!"

"Yeah, my uncle is good, I am Ziyue."

Sitting on the side of the little girl nodded and said, because of the yellow head caused by malnutrition, a pair of smart scorpions looked at Tang Zhen.

"Call my brother, my name is Tang."

Tang Zhen heard a smile and looked at the two sisters who struggled in the wilderness and lived together. Tang Zhen felt a kind of deep affection in his heart, which reminded him of his childhood and his sister's childhood experience.

So he chuckled: "The names of both of you are very nice and beautiful."

Murong purple smoke heard the words but gently shook his head, reaching out and stroking his sister's dry head, seems to be full of thoughts.

After half a ring, Murong Ziyan had a bit of struggle on his face, licking his lips and turned his head to look at Tang Zhen. He said with a plea in his tone: "Let's stay, I will be your woman!"

Tang Zhen did not expect Murong Ziyan to suddenly come up with such a sentence, and some time I did not know how to respond. When he thought about it, he understood the motives of Murong Ziyan, but it was to find a reliance on himself and his sister.

Although Tang Zhen wanted to refuse, when he noticed the pity of the face when Murong Ziyan looked at his sister, he suddenly extinguished the idea of ​​rejection.

Yes, imagine how she survives in a crisis-ridden world with a weak woman and a ignorant sister. Perhaps it is the best choice to attach a strong man. Even if Murong Ziyan regards this as an exchange, she is still willing.

Gently shaking his head, Tang Zhen secretly lamented the ruthlessness of fate, but was misunderstood by Murong Ziyan.

The body shook a little, and the screaming teeth, Murong purple smoke suddenly rushed over, did not wait for Tang Zhen to return to God and grabbed his palm, and pulled the clothes directly into her arms.

Putting Tang Zhen’s big hand on his unobstructed chest, Murong Ziyan looked straight at Tang Zhen’s request: “I can cook, can sleep with you, and can give you a child, what a woman can do. I can do it! Stay and ask for your stay!"