MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 543 542. Alarmed the Quartet, and the Daxing

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   Chapter 543 542. Alarmed the Quartet, and the Daxing

   When I came to Dayu Island, I was destined to not be able to return the same day. After all, the journey was long, so in the afternoon and the next morning, Wang Xianghong instructed the divers to launch several times.

   But I didn't find the reason why the wooden boat wouldn't float.

   They have already figured out the situation of the ship. This ship has three masts. All three masts are arranged along the longitudinal centerline of the ship.

   But it's clever, its three masts are actually only the centered mainmast that's really fixed, so it needs to be chopped off to bring it down.

  The head and stern masts have rails on each side, and it seems that these two masts can be slid to change position.

   In this way, the masts of the bow and stern can be arranged on the centerline, or on both sides of the centerline or even the broadside.

Where is    so clever?

  It is clever that the three sails can change their positions to match the wind without interfering with each other.

   This is amazing. The production process is ingenious and the production is very difficult.

   There are so many sailboats in the history of Tianya Island, but none of them is so ingenious.

  Wang Xianghong told Wang Yi that those who could afford this kind of ship were all powerful fleets and shipowners. The three-masted sailboats used by ordinary merchants could not afford such a variable-mast sailboat.

  So, they became curious about the identity of the ship.

   In addition, they explored the structure of the sailboat, which was huge, with a low and pointed bow, a round and high stern, and eight cabins and sixteen berths.

  The cabins have all been broken up, but the berths are still in good condition.

   Eventually they found the name of the ship.

   There are three big characters inlaid with pig iron after the broken position of the bow, but the pig iron is easy to rust and corrode:

  Don’t underestimate the seawater, there is a lot of oxygen in the seawater, plus various halogens, it is very corrosive.

The three characters    were blurred, and the divers copied them under the bright lights, and finally Wang Yi recognized the name of the ship:

   "It's called the Black Pearl!"

   Wang Yi said this sentence solemnly.

   The group looked at each other.

   They hadn't heard of the ship.

   Wang Xianghong smoked and muttered: "Black Pearl? These three words are Black Pearl? Why don't I look like it!"

Boldly said: "Such a name, it's not like those big ship owners in ancient times came up with it, it's like we little people named the boat - that's not right, we little people won't give the boat such an expensive name, it's called the black donkey egg Pretty much the same number."

  Wang Yi saw their serious discussion and couldn't help laughing: "I'm just joking with you, it's not the Black Pearl, it's the He Daxing!"

   "It turned out to be the He Daxing!" Xu Heng stood up subconsciously, his dark face full of shock.

   Everyone hurriedly looked at him and asked, "Do you know about the He Daxing?"

Xu Heng nodded slowly, his expression even more solemn: "I do know, this ship's name seems to be said by a well-informed friend back then, if my memory is good, this ship is— alas! "

He suddenly let out a long sigh, his brows wrinkled as if he could hold a cigarette: "To be honest, I don't know if it's appropriate to tell the story of Daxing here, there may be some things that shouldn't be mentioned, so it's better not to mention it. …”

   "Does your family make pipes?" Wang Xianghong interrupted him impatiently, "Okay, Young Master is here to talk about what happened to Daxing."

   Xu Heng said: "Captain, you asked me to say it!"

   Wang Xianghong said: "Yes, I want you to say it, you should say it quickly!"

  Xu Heng took a deep breath and said, "That's the case. You all know that I was a soldier and I am a veteran. What I know is related to the Daxing ship. It is also related to a veteran."

   "This veteran was terminally ill and wanted to go out to sea to find something to cure his illness. He and his comrades hired a boat to go out to sea, but one night they encountered a heavy fog at sea, a very thick black fog!"

   "In order to avoid hitting the rocks, they reduced the speed of the ship, and in this case, a three-masted ship broke through the black fog and approached them!"

  Wang Donghu subconsciously shouted: "It's the He Daxing!"

   Xu Heng didn't answer and asked, "Do you know how weird this ship is?"

  Wang Donghu shook his head subconsciously again: "No, I don't know, tell me."

  Xu Heng said solemnly: "It appeared silently! A three-masted ship silently approached the ship hired by the veterans and comrades in arms!"

   "The sea ship avoided this, but the three-masted ship kept approaching them. The strange thing was that it was moving very fast and silent!"

  Wang Yi scratched the back of his head.

   Why is this rumor a little familiar?

   Xu Heng said: "The veterans knew that they had encountered evil at sea, because when the ship approached them, he saw a large area of ​​blood on the ship!"

   Hearing this, Wang Yi couldn't help it: "Cannon, the one you mentioned is the Daxing, is it white?"

  Xu Heng said: "Yes, it is white, but in the dark and foggy day, it can't be seen clearly, because it has no ship lights, just a kerosene lamp hanging on the three bare white masts."

   "The kerosene lamp swayed and floated in the night fog, just like a ghost fire floating on the sea, that kerosene lamp..."

   "Did you mean "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?" asked boldly.

   The others nodded one after another.

   This story is really familiar!

   Xu Hengyi clapped his hands and said, "Yes, this past incident came from "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"."

   Several people scolded in unison: "Ri, your thighs! "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is a ghost story told by Teacher Wang!"

  Xu Heng showed an inexplicable expression on his face and said, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

   "Are you **** kidding us with Teacher Wang's ghost story?" Even Wang Xianghong was angry.

  Xu Heng spread his hands innocently and said, "Captain, don't get angry, I said just now, I better not mention this, it's you who told me to say it."

   "Besides, I didn't tease you. I'm telling the truth - I heard it from a well-informed friend of mine back then."

   "What's the matter, Mr. Wang is not knowledgeable enough? Or is he not my friend?"

  Everyone knew that they had been played by him.

   But recalling what he said, there is really no loophole.

   They were prostituted for nothing!

  Wang Yi admired Xu Heng very much.

  This guy is a talent, he has the ability to talk nonsense with his eyes open.

   In fact, no one here knows about the He Daxing ship, it should not be a famous ship.

   Nothing useful for building a new socialist China was found in the ship. After Wang Xianghong marked the location of the sunken ship, he sailed back.

  According to national regulations, the discovery of sunken ships should be reported to the maritime department.

  Wang Xianghong went to the county to report the incident the next day.

  Wang Yi inspected the buildings that had been built on the island the next day.

  An advantage of building a house on the island is that there is no need to build a foundation. The seagrass house is essentially an earth-walled thatched house, which is easy to demolish.

   Uncover the seagrass, lift down the beam, push the earth wall and then build a small building.

The    engineering team is making rapid progress. Four or five small buildings have been built on the island. Now Tianya Island is changing with each passing day.

   Every day, old houses are torn down, and new progress is made in the projects of new houses. There is a kind of vigorous vitality.

  The Tianya Elementary School on the top of the mountain is basically completed, and the construction of the Fuhai Fisheries Technical School next door has begun.

  Wang Yi was discussing the architectural layout of the aquatics technical school with the chief engineer. Someone hurriedly said, "Mr. Wang, the captain is looking for you, and the captain is calling you on the dock."

   "What did he call me for?" Wang Yi walked to the edge of the top of the mountain and leaned on a willow tree to look down.

   Sure enough, Wang Xianghong's figure appeared on the pier, and there were two unfamiliar faces.

   The members who came to report the letter did not know what Wang Xianghong was calling him to do, so Wang Yi had to go down the mountain and go to the pier by himself.

  Wang Xianghong waved his cigarette stick happily after seeing him: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, come here soon, and the identity information of the sunken Daxing ship is out!"

  Wang Yi asked with a smile, "Isn't it the same as Xu Dapao who used stories to fool people?"

  Wang Xianghong glared and stomped his feet, and said, "Can I be that unremarkable person?"

   He went on to say: "He Daxing is not a ship from the south of the Yangtze River. It is a ship from Yangcheng in the area of ​​Canton and Guangdong. It survived in the middle and late Qing Dynasty and was owned by a large local shipping company."

  Introduced here, he pointed his finger at a middle-aged man with glasses behind him, and said, "Let's let Section Chief Xiao tell you about it."

   Section Chief Xiao said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing to talk about. In 1842, the "Jinling Treaty" was signed, Yangcheng opened as a port and became an open coastal city, and then many fishermen with bright minds went to work in shipping."

   "At that time, there were several major shipping fleets in Yangcheng, such as Shangyu Merchant Museum, Dabingui, Yangcheng General Haidao, and Governor's Fleet. Among them, Daxing and Daxing were a ship belonging to Yangcheng General Haidao."

"According to historical records, this ship was launched in 1904, but it suddenly disappeared during its maiden voyage to deliver goods to Malacca. A pile of unsolved mysteries."

  Wang Yi was very puzzled when he heard this: "Ah? He Daxing is going to Malacca for delivery? Then it should go to the South Ocean, why did it come to our East China Sea?"

   Section Chief Xiao shook his head and said, "We don't know either, so we can't be sure right now whether the sunken ship you found is the He Daxing that was lost in history."

   "But in terms of tonnage, it should be fine," another man interjected.

   "There are not many written records about He Daxing, but there are records about the total area of ​​its sailboats. The total area of ​​its three sails is about 500 square meters, and its tonnage is 200 tons according to conversion."

  Wang Xianghong said: "The sunken ship we found, according to its size, its tonnage should be about 200 tons."

   Here Wang Yi learned an unspoken rule about sailing wooden boats:

   The length of the sail of this kind of ship is adapted to the length of the mast, the width of the main sail is larger than the width of the ship, and the size of the head sail and the tail sail are reduced in turn.

  Then the total area of ​​the sail is measured in square meters, which has a certain empirical proportional relationship with the ship's full-load displacement, generally between 2:1 and 3:1.

The maritime units in the    county are very interested in this shipwreck. After receiving Wang Xianghong's work report, two leaders came directly, and other experts came immediately.

  We will arrive at the Big Fish Sea in the next two days.

   Once it is determined that the sunken ship is He Daxing, the government will immediately dispatch a salvage team to salvage the ship.

   After listening to Section Chief Xiao's introduction, Wang Yi instinctively felt something was wrong: "This ship seems to be very important?"

   Section Chief Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and the cadre next to him smiled and said: "Well, it must be important. According to the information in our hands, this and the Daxing are a traditional Chinese wooden sailboat that came out in the late Qing Dynasty."

"It has been verified by experts before that this ship should be the last known wind-pulling ship on the entire Chinese coastline. According to your report to the captain, it should also be the oldest, the largest and the most preserved so far. The most complete three-masted ancient sailing ship."

   "Comrades in our unit discussed this and believed that this accidental discovery with Daxing could broaden the horizons of China's modern maritime history, research on traditional wooden sailboats and maritime shipping history."

   "More importantly, as the only sailboat that has survived successfully, its historical value and cultural relic value are unmatched by any antique sailboat in any maritime museum!"

   At this time, Wang Xianghong asked: "Oh, Mr. Wang probably doesn't know what a sailboat is, right? We don't have such a saying on the island."

  Wang Yi shook his head.

Seeing this, Section Chief Xiao explained: "He Daxing adopts foreign sailboat construction technology, and its sails at the bow and stern can be moved."

   "So when it uses the wind to drive, it can adjust the position and direction of the sails to maximize the use of wind resources, but to outsiders, it seems to be able to lead the direction of the flow of the wind or influence the flow direction of the wind..."

   Wang Yi changed his head to nod.

I see.

   The name is really quite vivid.

   But he knew that the maritime unit wanted to salvage the ship, and it had little to do with the reasons they said.

   Because their reaction was too anxious.

  Reform and opening up, all make way for economic construction.

   Section Chief Xiao and the others meant to salvage the He Daxing, and although the He Daxing subsidence was not deep in the sea, the country's salvage technology was even worse in this era.

   It takes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to salvage such a sunken ship. Is it because of its archaeological value?

  Wang Yi did not believe it.

   He wanted to go to 23 years to check the relevant information, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not necessary.

  Even if he knew what was wrong with the Daxing, what could he do?

   Now the government unit is going to take over the wreck.

   Section Chief Xiao and another cadre named Yang Tai first followed Wang Xianghong to Tianya Island, and then they had to bring some food and bedding and set off to the Big Fish Sea, first to explore the road to check the sunken ship.

   More personnel and supplies will arrive at that sea area in the future.

  The maritime unit has a ship, but they still hire Tianya 3 to travel. In addition, once it is confirmed that the underwater sunken ship is the Daxing, they will also hire members of the island to carry out salvage work.

   Give money.

   According to different positions, the payment is also different.

   But no matter what position it is, the money will not be less.

   Section Chief Xiao cryptically stated that they found this wreck to serve the country, so the government would give them a relatively high salary to express their gratitude.

   From this point, Wang Yi can confirm that there must be something good on the Daxing.

   The people who came from behind can also attest to this.

   They first went to sea to determine the location of the Daxing, and then a ship arrived the next day with more than ten experts on board, accompanied by security officers.

  Zhuang Mancang personally led the team.

  Wang Yi winked when he saw him. He wanted to ask Zhuang Mancang about the situation with Daxing.

   As a result, the opportunity did not come, and another military ship came, full of soldiers.

  A soldier with a gun!

   There are also divers among the fighters. These divers are more professional. They dive into the water in diving suits and scuba, and they even have underwater cameras!

   These divers in the back brought their cameras up and developed photos in the darkroom on board for experts to see.

   Experts gathered around the photo to point and discuss:

   "Look at its watertight compartment, it's all broken. Judging from the texture, it is a Komodo crack, which was caused by the impact at that time..."

   "There is no problem with the multi-hole rudder and the shaft turning rudder. It seems to be well preserved. Okay, raking grass and hitting rabbits, there are additional harvests..."

   "Look at this mast, can you see it? It does use a balanced rigid gaff square sail, which is the iconic invention of the tugboat."

   "Okay, this ship is very valuable, it can be called a living specimen, and it has non-renewable historical and cultural value!"

   At this time, most of the people on the sea were attracted by the experts, and Wang Yi calmly changed to the boat where Zhuang Mancang was.

  Zhuang Mancang took him away with understanding, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here again?"

  Wang Yi also whispered: "It was the wreck that was found by the members of our production team, and then we checked..."

   "Oh, you found out that the fishermen from He Daxing belonged to your team?" Zhuang Mancang suddenly said, "You guys are lucky, you can meet good things. This is because God made your Tianya Island prosperous."

  Wang Yi asked: "What's going on with the Daxing? What's on board? It has attracted so much attention from the country? Is there gold in it?"

   This is his guess.

  Zhuang Mancang lit a cigarette, looked up at him and asked, "Why do you think so?"

  Wang Yi said: "Do you see how much the country attaches importance to this sinking ship? Even the children's soldiers are sent."

   "In addition, the ship was originally going to Malacca. Malacca was the central area for the exchange of goods between the East and the West, but the ship did not go south, but went north, and finally sank here."

   "So is there gold in it? The sailors in charge of the transportation at that time became greedy and wanted to rob this batch of gold, but they were shipwrecked."

  Zhuang Mancang looked around and said in a low voice, "You guessed wrong, but it's not too bad."

   "It's not gold, it's silver! This ship is carrying silver, and silver should still be on board now!"

  Wang Yi was taken aback and asked, "That's not possible, right? Our divers searched the boat and couldn't find any metal."

  Zhuang Mancang shook his head: "I don't know much, but there must be silver on this ship."

   "Hundreds of tons!"

  Wang Yi was surprised for a moment, then quickly regained his calm.

   This was unexpected.

   And the experts and cadres on the ship were tight-lipped about this, and they fooled them when they talked to Wang Xianghong and his group.

  Some experts said: "The discovery of this sailboat is too important, why do you say that? Because it has an impact on the historical status and role of my country's expensive galleons, as well as its influence on the shapes of sailboats in East Asia and Southeast Asia!"

   Another expert said: "After the water comes out, we have to conduct a research evaluation on He Daxing, which is of great value."

A cadre of a maritime unit said: "We have wired this matter to the superior leader yesterday, and today the superior unit made the "Suggestions on the Development and Utilization of the Century-old Sailing Ship and Daxing", which attracted the attention of the leaders. already."

   "I suggest that our county can plan and build a marine museum around this ship. There are such units in the city and other counties such as Fohai, and our county must also have one..."

   Wang Yi smiled secretly as they looked at their promises.

  Wang Xianghong and others were so excited.

   It turns out that this wreck has such great value!

   The person who was called today said boldly and admiringly: "Fortunately, our captain went to the county to report the situation of this ship, otherwise we would have made a big mistake!"

   There are also members who regretfully said: "We have also discovered a few sunken ships before, but it is useless to pay attention to it. From this point of view, we are afraid that we have already made mistakes."

   "It's not too late to make amends, let's go back and find a sunken ship for the country." Boldly said.

   The experts of the year are very conscientious.

   After hearing the bold proposal, an expert hurriedly raised his glasses and said, "The patriotism of the comrades really touched us old comrades, but you don't need to delay normal production because of this."

   "Yes, comrades, we are moved by your contribution to the country, but you should also pay attention to the situation of your own family. Now is the time of peace, and you don't need to give up your small family for everyone."

   Bold and others nodded.

   I am very sorry.

   With the arrival of the salvage boat, the salvage work began.

   Salvage is a comprehensive technology.

   It involves surveying, diving, underwater cutting, plugging, underwater blasting and underwater welding.

  In different situations, different methods of salvaging sunken ships have to be adopted.

   For sunken ships and objects sunk in rivers or shallow waters near the sea, the recovery buoyancy method may be used to salvage them.

   For sunken ships and objects sunk in the deep sea or ocean, the floating dock salvage method can be used to salvage them.

   For the salvage of smaller ponds, the cofferdam salvage method can be used.

   For sunken ships that cannot be salvaged as a whole, the underwater disintegration salvage method can be used.

   There is also a special situation, that is, the sunken ship has no salvage value, such as a cement carrier, but it occupies the channel and cannot be blocked by it, so it is directly blown up with explosives in the water for cleaning.

   This kind of work requires professional operations, and the Daxing ship is large in scale. Even in the 1923's, the domestic salvage technology and salvage tool level could not be easily salvaged, let alone 1983?

   "The main problem is that this ship has archaeological value and must be salvaged as a whole!" The commander-in-chief in charge of the salvage work is a division-level cadre of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration.

   After the professional navy diver took photos and gave an observation report, he concentrated on the salvage team and began to explain.

  The salvage team mainly consists of four members, one is an expert from the Maritime Safety Administration, one is a salvage ship crew member, one is a navy diver, and the other is a member hired by Tianya Island.

  The members are here to be coolies.

  It makes them proud—

The salvage work of the He Daxing is the first time to salvage a sunken ship in the outer islands in the past 20 years since the chaotic era, and this salvage work is still a key project of the government. ?

   Participate in this kind of project, the rest of the year is enough to blow!

   The commander-in-chief explained the salvage work, and everyone was taking notes honestly.

The    notebook was sent by the county government, with a pen with the name of the unit and the red flag printed on it. In the current era, it was called the cadre book.

   This is very precious to the fishermen because they cannot get it through normal channels.

   What is not available is always in turmoil, and those who are favored are fearless.

  The commander-in-chief will first talk about the basic knowledge of salvaging sunken ships. The most crucial points are two points: one is to get the sunken ship off the bottom; the other is to let the sunken ship out of the water.

   Salvage and Daxing also have a difficulty. During the salvage process, it is necessary to avoid the disintegration of their main bodies.

  The experts held talks and issued a number of salvage plans.

   They came back to look at the salvage crew's attendance records, and were surprised to see the contents of the notepads in the hands of the members:

   "Your handwriting is quite neat!"

  Zhuang Mancang took a breath and said, "Their production team is our county's model village for literacy."

   Wang Xianghong couldn't help showing a hint of pride when he heard this conversation.

   This kind of collective glory is truly something to be proud of!

  The expert smiled and said: "If you can help us salvage the Shanghe Daxing, and you found the sunken ship, then my colleagues and I will give credit to your production team—"

   "At least reward you with the honor of an advanced work unit!"

   Wang Xiang's red eyes lit up: "Really?"

   "Really!" the experts swore.

   Now the motivation of the members has come up.

  In the end, after discussion by experts and demonstration by divers, the salvage team will choose the compound salvage method:

   "We use a combination of buoyancy salvage and floating dock salvage, because both methods restore the buoyancy of the wreck and bring the wreck to the surface."

"In terms of big steps, first of all, we should use the floating dock salvage method to sink the floating dock into the seabed and tie the sunken ship into one, and use high-pressure air to press out the water in the water tank of the floating dock to a certain extent, and the floating dock will sink. Drag the belt off the bottom of the sea."

"Then our salvage team comrades drove several ships to the top of the sunken ship. The ships should be fully loaded with earth and rocks, and then the divers and soldiers would bind the sunken ship to the ship. Completely salvaged out of the water..."

   "The ancient Chinese monk Huaibing used this method to salvage iron bulls." Wang Xianghong said subconsciously.

   Hearing this, the commander-in-chief was amused: "Captain Wang, do you still know the story of Monk Huaibing's catching the iron bull? Okay, you have knowledge."

   Now Wang Xianghong is embarrassed.

   He can be proud when he praises the production team, but he must be humble when he praises himself.

   So he said: "I heard this on the radio. It was said that in the Northern Song Dynasty, an iron ox was sunk into the river. This iron ox weighed tens of thousands of catties and could not be salvaged by manpower."

"When monk Wynn found out, he found two big boats. After they were full of mud, a big log was placed on top of them. The iron ox was tied to the wood. come up..."

The commander    nodded repeatedly and took the lead in applauding: "Yes, Captain Wang used his broad vision to explain the principle of buoyancy salvage, that's what happened!"

  The general idea of ​​the salvage method has been told to all members of the salvage team, and the rest is to perform their duties and work together.

   The work is not difficult. The floating dock is first sunk into the water, and the divers operate to bind it to the wreck.

   With the influx of high-pressure oxygen into the dock, the seawater inside is discharged, so that the floating dock has enough buoyancy to slowly float the sunken ship.

  Because of technical reasons, the floating docks of these years cannot complete the ability to carry sunken ships to the sea at one time due to technical reasons.

   So later, fishing boats and transport boats have to be used to carry out the final tow of the sunken ship through buoyancy.

   Among the related work, the most important thing is to protect the overall shape of the wreck, and special attention should be paid to be careful that the wire rope breaks the hull—

  After all, it has been immersed in sea water for hundreds of years, and the Daxing should have been soaked. At this time, the hull was as soft as peach crisp, and I was afraid that children could break the wood on it.

   However, during the fishing process, the divers were not deliberately careful when hanging the wire rope.

  The wire rope was hung up, and the fishing boat and transport vessel began to unload the cargo, so that the He Daxing was slowly brought up.

   At this time, he was waiting in front of the hoisting ship next to him, and hoisted the Hedaxing to the front plate of the ship.

  The decaying shipwreck slowly emerges from the water.

   After more than half a century, it was able to see the sun again.

  Wang Yi stared at the sunken ship.

   boldly touched his bald head and muttered, "The bottom of this wrecked ship is all rotten. It stands to reason that it doesn't weigh much in the sea, so why is it still so heavy?"

   Hearing this, Wang Yi asked, "Is it very heavy with the Daxing?"

   boldly said: "Yes, I guess it can't have a hundred tons? Only the buoyancy of two ships can drag it!"

  Associating the operation of the divers using wire ropes to wind the hull at will, Wang Yi vaguely understood where the silver carried by the ship was hidden…

   He whispered to Wang Xianghong, "Captain, you are right. After the ship sank, all the cabins were broken, but it still sank steadily to the bottom of the sea because there was metal in it!"

   Wang Xianghong said: "No, the box has been fished out, there are some broken porcelain, no metal can be seen."

  Wang Yi pointed to the He Daxing, which was slowly being put on the hoisting ship, and said, "Because the metal is in its hull!"

  Wang Xianghong didn't know that the state attached great importance to the salvage of this ship, and asked, "What do you mean?"

  Wang Yi put it another way: "This ship was supposed to go to the Malacca area in the South China Sea for the first time, and then it belonged to the Yangcheng General Seaway, but it sank in our East China Sea after going to sea, why?"

  Wang Xianghong habitually picked up the pipe rod and shook his head at him.

   It's hard to understand.

Wang Yi said: "Let me guess, this ship was launched in 1904, but in 1901, the Qing Dynasty signed the "Xin Chou Treaty" which humiliated the country, completely reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and wanted to carry out silver-colored measures against Western powers. indemnity."

   "At that time, the indemnity for silver was 450 million taels. The two parties completed the compensation within many years after the signing of the treaty. There may be a batch of silver to be handed over in the Malacca area during the period, but Malacca in those days was very chaotic and there were many pirates."

   "In order to deliver the silver smoothly, will the Qing Dynasty cast the silver into a board and hide it in the main body of a ship, and then add wooden boards on both sides of the silver board to hide people's eyes and ears?"

   "Outsiders don't know the inside story, but the crew do. So they secretly changed the route from south to north while sailing to sea, trying to steal the silver inside, and finally sank in..."

   "You young man has a very good brain," an expert laughed at them, "but you guessed wrong in the end, and a little insult to the martyr."

"This ship went north not because the crew wanted to steal the silver inside, but Comrade Sun Wen's followers and the backbone of the revolutionary army held important positions on the ship. They wanted to hand over this batch of silver to Comrade Sun Wen to overthrow the decadent feudal dynasty. Build a new country."

   "Unfortunately, they failed to control the dominance of the ship and failed to get what they wanted."

   "But that's fine. This batch of silver is now out of the water, which can help us in the construction of new China and contribute to our socialist construction."

   "Presumably the martyrs have a spirit in heaven, and they will be happy about it!"

   (end of this chapter)