MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 49 Pharmaceutical Court Trial (2)

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For the thoughts of Murong Xue, Lin Biao and Ling Luo did not know.

It’s just that Murong Xue really has no interest. For those who have no interest in him, there is absolutely no need to focus on the other side.

Lin Biao did not expect Murong Xue to remember Ling Luo in this small episode.

Perhaps, when Murong Xue of the last generation really began to care about Ling Luo, it was also because of a small thing.

After all, there is a saying how to say it, the best is not available. When everyone around you is a kind of diligent appearance to himself, this time suddenly a person who looks good and who is cold and timid to himself. Then, you must pay attention to that person.

This little episode was quickly lost by Lin Biao and Ling Ling.

Back to the Lin family, organized the next person who wanted to report, Lin Biao directly led Ling to enter the Lin family.

Lin Yue did not know that Lin Biao would return today because there was no notification.

At this time he was in the yard, and he did not know what he was thinking about.

"Father, I am back!" Lin Biao saw his father standing in the courtyard and suddenly shouted.

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Lin Yue turned his head and saw that his baby son was standing not far from him. I couldn't help but widen my eyes, stayed for a while, then rushed over.

He stretched his arms and wanted to hold Lin Biao in his arms, but he held back, just a pair of big hands patted Lin Biao's shoulder. The eyes are a little red, Lin Yue keeps saying: "It’s good to come back soon!"

After waiting for a long time, his son has not come back to find himself, Lin Yue sent people to the college to investigate. However, I was told that Lin Biao had disappeared from the college’s review and had not come out. At that time, he entered the five-thunder, and directly wanted to bring his own cultivators from Lin’s family to Yunqi College to find out his son.

But the people around him stopped him and told him that he couldn't! He wants to be family-oriented!

At that time, Lin Yue endured, and he ran against Yunqi College. Even if you bring all the cultivators of your family, there is no chance to win. No way, he is the father of Lin Biao, he is also the patriarch of the Lin family.

His son was only missing, and there was no death. Lin Yue insisted that his son would return.

In the past two years, Lin Yue has never given up looking for his son. Finally, after two years, he finally waited. Taking Lin Biao's shoulder, Lin Yue suddenly laughed at this time: "I know you will not go wrong! I will know!"

Lin Biao’s eyes are also moist. He knows that his father must have suffered in the past two years. After he was killed by Ling Ling in his last life, when his father discovered that his death was related to Ling, he wanted to kill the Ling.

"Father, it is a bad son, I am worried."

"Hey..." Lin Yue shook his head. "Don't say anything, you can come back." He looked at his son for two years and lost a big circle. He suddenly felt distressed. He knows that his son must have suffered a lot in the two years that he has disappeared here, otherwise he will not lose such a large circle.

"How long have you been here to stay at home?" He also did not ask his son what happened during the two years. He is now only concerned about how long his son will live at home, whether he can raise his son back to the chubby look.

Lin Biao replied: "I was expelled from Yunqi College. I am now ready to join the medicine cabinet. If I can join the medicine cabinet smoothly, I may stay at home for a long time."

When I heard these four words for a long time, Lin Yue suddenly brightened his eyes. He patted his son's shoulder again and laughed loudly: "That's not easy, come here!" He has a close relationship with the drug cabinet owner Murong Tian, ​​looking for Murong Tiantong to melt his son into the medicine cabinet. Still not simple?

Lin Yue is very happy to let his son live at home for a long time.

Lin Biao quickly stopped his father and said: "Father, don't worry about me. Don't go to the medicine cabinet with me, and he next to me, Ling Luo. He is a friend I am making outside, if Without him, I am afraid I will not come back this time." He pulled the Ling to the front.

When Lin Yue heard that there was no stagnation, his son might not return, and he was grateful for the fall. He may be cold to strangers, but it is a different meaning for the savior who saved his son.

He thanked Ling Luo directly and seriously, and then waved his hand to prepare the next person to pay the gift.

Ling Luo refused. "Uncle, my relationship with Lin Biao is very good. I saved him from what I was doing. It is nothing. If you want to thank me and give me a present. Wouldn't it make me? What is the relationship between Lin and Lin?"

Lin Biao also said on the side: "Yes, father. You can let me and Ling Luo enter the drug court directly, but we still have to participate in the trial." He must use his true strength in his life. So many people stand out.

I heard that my son also said that Lin Yue had to dispel the thoughts that he wanted to thank him. Waving his hand and letting the next person go to the medicine court to say something to Murong Tian, ​​he thought that this time he would prepare a dish and let Lin Biao eat.

For Lin Yue’s thoughts, Lin Biao is hard to refuse. After all, Lin Yue has not seen him for two years, and he is indeed a lot thinner now. Lin Yue has such a desire to feed him.

So Lin Biao nodded, and Lin Yue was very happy to tell the next person to cook.

After Lin Yue left, Ling Luo asked: "Why is the uncle so keen to raise you fat?" Last time, he also saw Lin Yue kept letting Lin Biao eat, and now it is the same.

It is said that Lin Biao’s appearance is not exactly right now. It’s not too fat or thin, and the appearance is revealed. It’s a handsome little boy... I’m so happy.

Lin Biao shrugged. "My father is very loving to me. Do not all the parents in the world always feel that their children are as thin as the pile."

Ling suddenly suddenly silenced this time, he remembered his parents. If this time, his parents have not disappeared and I don’t know where to go. He should now sit at the dinner table with his parents and have a happy meal.

Lin Biao patted the shoulders of the Ling and said: "You are my brother, my home is your home, my father is your father! Don't be sad, you still have me!"

Sentimental is only a moment, Ling Luo smiled at Lin Biao, "You are the best brother of my life."

Lin Biao did not understand: "Hey? Your best brother is not me, who else? Do you still carry me outside, and have a good brother?" Lin Biao just joked to say this, but I don't know After saying this sentence, Lin Biao felt a bit awkward.

It is definitely what he thinks.

Lin Shutou, smashed the feeling of his own heart.

Ling Ling shook his head. "I am almost with you from morning till night, and where is the time to make other people."

Lin Biao pretend to be stunned and patted the shoulders of Ling Ling. "This is what you are."

Lingluo black line: "..."


The time for dinner soon passed.

Lin Biao took her own round belly and returned to the room. Ling fell on the side and looked at Lin Biao funnyly. "If you feel that you support it, you will not eat it. The province is suffering now."

Shaking his head, Lin said: "I am embarrassed to reject my father's kindness."

Lingling helpless, watching Lin Biao eat more painful appearance, he also felt uncomfortable. Then he said to Lin Biao: "Go, go to your room and lick your stomach." It seems that you have to support it, is your stomach effective? He used to see a woman eating more in the restaurant of her last life, and the other man did just that.

Maybe it works. Lin Biao really felt a little sad, and felt like he couldn’t stand still. He quickly returned to his room and lay down on the bed.

The sequela of Ling Ling was better than expected, although the repair was only half restored, but the strength of the whole body has almost recovered. When Lin Biao was lying on the bed, he took the chair next to him and placed his hand on Lin Biao’s stomach, ready to start squatting.

But across the clothes, Lin Biao was licking his stomach, not only did not feel comfortable, but also felt that the clothes rubbed on the stomach and there was a sad feeling.

I couldn't help but move the hand of Ling Ling and smashed the clothes on my stomach. Exposed a white tender round belly, in front of the falling eyes. "It’s so stunned, the clothes are really uncomfortable."

Ling looked at Lin Biao's round belly and couldn't help but smile. With a finger on the poke, Ling Luo saw Lin Biao's stomach sinking and recovering, it is very fun.

I couldn't help but poke a few times. Lin Biao angered: "You haven't played enough! My stomach is not a toy!"

Ling Luo's retracted his hand, which really began to set off Lin Biao's stomach. This can't blame him, who makes Lin Biao's stomach look like an impulse to poke.

A pair of warm big hands moved back and forth on their stomachs, and the strength was gentle. Lin Biao felt that the uncomfortable feeling of his stomach had been relieved. At this time, he was a little drowsy.

Before going to sleep, Lin Biao thought.

Hey... Ling Luo is really a good man, and his future daughter-in-law is really blessed.


Lin Biao gave a gentle breath, and Ling listened to the sound, and knew that Lin Biao was asleep. Reluctantly sighed, Ling Ding continued to lick Lin Biao's stomach.

I was thinking about what I needed to do after I entered the medicine cabinet.

He needs power now, and there is no doubt about it. After being strong, you can find your own parents and honor them to protect your brother Lin Biao.

His current cultivation is not low....

But this is not enough, not enough! His goal is a heavenly level that has not appeared in a few hundred years!

The celestial pole is like a distant legend, but no matter how difficult it is, Ling will try it! Only if you are strong, you can let everyone bow to yourself and do what you want to do!



One night passed quickly. When Lin Biao woke up again, Ling Luo was no longer around.

His clothes had already been smashed down, and the quilt also smashed him tightly.

It is already dawning now.

With his father, he and Ling Luo have entered the drug court. In a few days, it is time to start trials.

During this time, he has to prepare for it!

Trial, he is coming!

Lin Biao took both fists and felt a little nervous and excited about this trial.