MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 314 Elven Warlocks and Magic

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  Chapter 314 Elf Warlock and Magic

  The next day, early morning.

  Aomori and Elsa got up early as usual to do their daily morning exercises, and unexpectedly found that Ralph had also gotten up and came to the courtyard.

   "My lord, good morning."

   "Morning." Aomori nodded without saying anything, signaling Elsa to start on her own.

  Seeing this, Ralph heaved a sigh of relief, and found an open space by himself to start his morning exercise.

  After a simple stretching exercise, his eyes changed, and his expression suddenly became fierce, as if there was a difficult enemy in front of him.

  Ralph suddenly took a step forward, his right arm poked out like a spear, followed by a violent attack like a storm.

   After outputting for nearly ten minutes, he closed his fists and stood up, letting out a breath slowly.

Beside   , Aomori who observed silently for a while asked suddenly: "Ralph, have you been a soldier before?"

   Ralph subconsciously straightened his back and said, "My lord, I used to be a lord's private soldier."

"No wonder." Aomori said pointedly: "The stance you just practiced in boxing has not only the indomitable momentum of the army, but also the fierceness of the gangsters in the street, mixed with many different things. The advantages are obvious, but the problem Not a lot."

Ralph opened his mouth in surprise, and said: "My lord is right. Some of my current skills are learned from others, and some are my own comprehension. I know there are many problems in it, but I don't know How to solve it, please advise!"

   "It's fine to give advice, I don't have that much free time."

Hearing this, Ralph's eyes dimmed a bit, but Aomori paused, and called Elsa, who was squatting with a big rock, over: "You two have a fight, sometimes say goodbye It's better than an actual battle. Ralph, Elsa was taught by me, and whether you can solve your problem depends on how much you can learn from her."

  Ralph's eyes brightened suddenly, and he shouted: "Yes! Thank you, my lord!"

   "Elsa, you too. Ralph has rich experience and can teach you a lot." Aomori added later: "You can use weapons."


  Ralph was already in his thirties, and when facing a little girl about ten years old, he naturally let her attack first.

   "Uncle, you have to be merciful." Elsa smiled sweetly, and rushed towards Ralph suddenly, with two daggers jumping in her hands, full of cold light.

  Ralph regarded Elsa as Aomori's apprentice, and he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He planned to focus on the defensive first, and counterattack after observing her movements.

  However, what he didn't expect was that Elsa had already seen his thoughts and attacked Ralph without hesitation.

  Under her fierce offensive, Ralph lost the initiative and was suppressed throughout the process. In the end, Elsa put the dagger on Ralph's neck.

   "I lost" Losing to such a little girl, Ralph felt his face burn.

   "Did you find your problem?" Aomori asked.

   "Huh?" Ralph shook his head blankly: "Please tell me clearly, my lord."

   "Go on." Aomori didn't answer directly, but asked them to try again.

   This time, Ralph learned the lesson from last time, and used offense instead of defense. The wind roared, and Elsa's hair fluttered without touching her.

   But Elsa's response was once again beyond Ralph's expectations, and she took the initiative to lean over and rush towards Ralph.

   When his fist was about to touch Elsa, her gleaming dagger had already reached Ralph's heart, which shocked him into a cold sweat.

   Not only because he lost, but also because he almost didn't hold back his fist. If he accidentally crippled the young lady in front of him, he would definitely accept Aomori's punishment.

   "Ralph, what are you hesitating about? Are you worried that I won't be able to stop you at the last moment?" Aomori said with a frown.

   "Sorry, my lord, I."

"Forget it, it won't affect the final result anyway." Aomori waved his hand and said, "Ralph, you have the strengths of hundreds of schools, which is an advantage on the surface, but you don't know when to use the corresponding skills. Messing around, driven only by instinct, so it has become a disadvantage. It is good to go forward on the battlefield, but it is not suitable for two-person competition. Do you understand?"

  Ralph pondered Aomori's words slowly, his eyes became brighter and brighter: "So, like Miss Elsa, I should learn what measures to take when facing different situations."

"That's right. With rich combat experience, you don't lack the ability to adapt on the spot, but you lack the overall perspective of the overall battle tone." Aomori looked at the smiling Elsa, and praised: "Elsa has done a good job of this. good."

  Receiving Aomori's praise, Elsa narrowed her eyes and smiled happily.

   "Thank you for your teaching, I understand!" Ralph bowed to Aomori.

   "Okay, if possible, continue to practice with Elsa for a while."


   "Father, why are you calling me back in such a hurry?"

  A girl in a plain robe stood in front of Ge Lang, pouted in dissatisfaction.

  She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a beautiful appearance, and a cyan crystal hung around her neck.

   "Funya, follow me." Ge Lang anxiously grabbed her arm and dragged her towards Aomori's residence.

   "Father! Where the **** are you taking me?"

Ge Lang kept walking and explained to her: "Yesterday when my father was attacked by snow thieves, I met a powerful adult. If he hadn't appeared, you would never have seen my father again. This adult is rarely approachable. Type, so let you come back and experience it. If Fania, a genius, can win the favor of adults, then it will be a big profit!"

   "Stop, stop!" Fanya said with bulging veins on her forehead, "Father, do you want to sell your daughter like a commodity?"

"You silly boy, father, am I like this?" Grande added after scolding, "Besides, I didn't hit you. Although you have my good genes and look good, you probably won't be accepted That lord puts it in his eyes. That's why I let you be appreciated by the lord with your talent."

   "What are you talking about?" Fania said angrily, "I still don't like him! Father, have you been deceived by him? I want to see if he is as powerful as you said!"

  She broke free from Ge Lang's arm, and strode towards the courtyard without him dragging her.

   "Funya, don't be impulsive!" The potbellied Ge Lang chased after her hard, fearing that she would cause any bad trouble.

  However, it turns out that he was overthinking.

  When Furnia came to the courtyard, Elsa and Ralph were fighting fiercely, but none of these caught her attention.

  Holding her breath, her bright eyes stared at Aomori standing on the other side without blinking.

  'Master Spirit Beast, this lord has such a handsome appearance, could it be the incarnation of some great elf? '

  The girl's cheeks suddenly flushed red.

   Aomori glanced at her, he was used to such things, he smiled and stopped paying attention.

   When Ge Lang arrived, Fania was still distracted.

   Regarding her appearance, Ge Lang said that he has seen it too many times. Back then, when many Huaichun girls saw him, they all behaved similarly.

   If he accidentally exposed the big gold chain around his neck, the girls would be even crazier.

   "Cough cough." Ge Lang coughed twice, and said bitterly, "Funya, your concentration is still not enough. You see such a handsome father every day, why haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

   "Huh?" Fania glanced at Ge Lang, then at Aomori, and said speechlessly, "Father, your skin is too thick."

   "Hahaha, a thick skin is an essential skill for a businessman. Let's go, I'll take you to get to know each other."

   "Yes." Fania replied shyly.

   At this time, the battle between Elsa and Ralph also came to an end.

  After receiving Aomori's advice, Ralph, who is good at using his own advantages, never gave Elsa another chance, and simply won the round neatly.

   "Master Nicholas, Miss Elsa, good morning. Oh, and Captain Ralph is here."

   "Gerang, you are quite early." Aomori said.

   Both Elsa and Ralph nodded slightly, as a greeting.

   "The elves who get up early have Mana to eat." Grand pulled Fonia forward, and said with a smile: "She is my only daughter, Fonia, and now she is a trainee elf warlock."

   "Elf warlock?" Aomori looked at the girl with great interest, with a polite smile on his face: "Furnia, hello."

   "Master Nicholas, hello." Furnia lowered her head and bowed slightly to Aomori, noticing his scrutinizing gaze, her two little hands were nervously mingled together.

Ge Lang, who was watching Aomori's expression all the time, said in a timely manner: "Yesterday, I saw that my lord is very interested in the matter of magicians. It just so happens that Fania is an elf warlock. I thought about it, so I asked her to come back. If there is anything my lord wants to know place, just ask her."

   "Well, I'm actually quite interested in elf warlocks."

   "Great!" Ge Lang slapped his palms fiercely, and said, "Then I'll go prepare breakfast for you adults first. Fania, you stay here to serve the adults. You know everything, and you can talk endlessly, understand?"

   "Okay, father." Fania blushed and said softly.

   This appearance aroused Elsa's vigilance.

  Aomori took Elsa's little hand and said with a smile: "Then please trouble Miss Fania."

   "Don't bother! Just call me Fania."


  Ge Lang was happy to leave, and the rest of them came to the small gazebo in the courtyard and sat down.

  After a simple exchange of pleasantries, Aomori asked, "I heard that being an elf warlock requires outstanding qualifications, is that true?"

"Yeah!" Fania straightened her chest and said with a proud tone, "Often only one out of ten thousand people can become an elf warlock. Because we elf warlocks can only conclude a relationship with the elves if they are loved by them." contract, so that they can use their power to use magic. This is very different from magicians, who use their own doors to use magic.”

   "Then who is stronger, an elf warlock or a magician?" Elsa asked curiously.

"Of course it's an elf warlock!" Fania said without thinking, "An elf warlock of the same level is much better than a magician. There is a famous saying in other countries-'If you encounter an elf warlock on the battlefield, put down your weapons and Purse run away'."

   "Indeed." Ralph nodded sympathetically, "Elf warlocks can make contracts with multiple elves at the same time. Being against them is equivalent to facing a large number of opponents, making it hard to guard against."

   "That's amazing." Elsa blinked and asked, "Sister Fania, how do you know if you have the qualifications to become an elf warlock?"

  Furnia has a good impression of the lovely Elsa, and immediately replied: "The elves will tell us whether this is the type they like to be close to."

   "What about me?" Elsa said: "Sister, can you ask your elf, can I become an elf warlock?"

   "Well." Fania smiled awkwardly, and said, "At present, I am still a trainee elf warlock, and I can only contract with micro-elves. But they are not very smart, and sometimes they don't understand my intentions."

  Elves are divided into micro-elves, quasi-elves, elves, and large elves according to their evolutionary stages. Micro-elves are the most elementary elves, like light spots, generally floating in the atmosphere, with ignorant consciousness.

   "If you have needs, I can ask my teacher for help!" Seeing Elsa's disappointed expression, Fania immediately added.

   "Thank you, but it shouldn't be necessary." Aomori said with a smile, "Can you cast a spell for me? I want to see it with my own eyes."


  Furnia stood up, turned to the open space, held the cyan crystal on her chest with both hands, and closed her eyes.

   Soon, the cyan crystal lit up, and many light spots flew out of it, revolving around her.

  Furnia opened her eyes, let out a breath, pushed her hands forward, and said softly, "Huma!"

  In the expectant eyes of everyone, a ball of clear water appeared in front of her palm, but unfortunately it only lasted for a second before it burst, and the water splashed to the ground.

   "Eh, it doesn't seem like much?" Elsa said with a curled lip.

  Furnia blushed, and said anxiously: "I was too nervous, do it again!"



  After several times in a row, an oval-shaped water mirror finally appeared in front of her.

  Furnia breathed a sigh of relief, and said triumphantly, "How is it? This is a water shield that can protect against damage from sharp weapons."

   "Well, it's pretty." Elsa said perfunctorily. She had already classified Fania as a vase, and her vigilance dissipated a lot.

   Papa Papa.

  Ralph scowled and clapped his hands dumbly.

   "I'm just an apprentice elf warlock." The discouraged Fania had no choice but to cast her last hope on Aomori.

  At this time, Aomori was deep in thought, and he received some inspiration from Fania's magic process.

  Seeing his expression, Fania swallowed what she was about to say.

   After a long time, Aomori mobilized the Yin-type mana of the atmosphere, and said slowly:



  The entire mansion was suddenly enveloped in thick black mist.

  (end of this chapter)