MTL - I Can See Through All Information-Chapter 15 Big fish! Magic fish stone

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Chapter 15 Big fish! Magic fish stone

 At a location back to the bay, Lu Qing finally discovered a new fishing spot.

   【Primary fishing spot: A place rich in nutrients and luxuriant water and grass. It is a favorite place for fish to find food. 】

There are strange fruits growing here, which some strange fish like to eat. If you fish here, you may get unexpected surprises. 】

 The white light it emits is actually much richer than the primary fishing spot discovered before.

 “Is there any strange fruit growing on it?”

 Lu Qing raised his head and searched the shore of the fishing spot.

 Soon, several strange-looking plants caught his attention.

 Under the detection of supernatural powers, these plants also emitted white light.

  【Blood apricot tree: It can produce bleeding apricots, which are non-toxic and can be used medicinally. 】

  【It is rumored that blood apricots contain a special substance that is very popular with some strange fish. 】

 “Blood apricots?”

Lu Qing looked at the small red fruit the size of a little finger hanging on the tree.

Is this the strange fruit that strange fish likes to eat?

His heart moved and he walked forward.

 Fortunately, the blood almond tree was not too tall, so he picked a handful of it smoothly.

 “Brother, this fruit looks delicious.”

Xiaoyan couldn't help but swallow when she saw the red **** apricots in Lu Qing's hand.

 “This is not for eating.”

 Although the information detected by the superpower indicates that blood apricots are non-toxic.

 But it was also said that this thing could be used for medicinal purposes. Since it was medicine, Lu Qing did not dare to give it to Xiaoyan indiscriminately.

“It’s not for eating, so what did my brother pick it for?”

“Fishing, some fish like to eat this kind of fruit. My brother wants to try to see if he can use it to catch big fish.” Lu Qing explained.

 “Big Yuyu also likes to eat fruits?” Xiaoyan’s eyes suddenly widened.

“Yes, there are many things fish like to eat, including earthworms, fruits, corns, and grass.”

 “You still like to eat corn and grass?!” The little guy’s eyes widened even more.

This was the first time she knew these things, and she immediately felt so magical.

“So Xiaoyan can’t eat this fruit because it is used to catch big fish.”

 “Yeah! Xiaoyan knows!” The little guy nodded repeatedly.

 Compared to fruits, she is still more interested in big fish.

“Xiaoyan, please wait here while my brother rests around here for a while.”

After telling Xiaoyan not to run around, Lu Qing tied the short-handled hatchet he brought to a wooden stick and began to clear away the weeds and trees on the shore of the fishing point.

Lu Qing has done this kind of thing like sorting out fishing spots countless times in his previous life. Now that he does it again, he is naturally very familiar with it.

 It didn’t take long for him to clear away the weeds and trees on the shore and build a good fishing spot.

He did not touch the blood apricot trees. After all, they were white light-level plants and were still very valuable.

 After the fishing spot was repaired, Lu Qing was ready to start fishing.

Still not making a nest, and the food at home is not enough for him to squander it like this.

Anyway, the rivers in this other world are rich in resources, and there are natural fishing spots selected with supernatural powers. Even if he doesn't make a nest, he is still confident of catching fish.

Sitting on the shore, Lu Qing still planned to start with earthworms first to ensure his food rations for the next two days.

 Put on an earthworm, throw the hook into the water, and the fish will float on the water.

 As expected of being selected by special abilities, it is the fishing spot with the richest white light among several fishing spots.

Lu Qing had just put down the fishhook. Before he put down the fishing rod, he saw that the fish float was already moving.

It trembled a few times at first, and then plunged down suddenly.

Lu Qing flicked his wrist, a roar sounded, and the fish was immediately pulled up.

 The fish is not big, a small white fish about the width of two fingers.

Lu Qing raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this little white fish was one of the most common fish in the river. It could be found everywhere.

 “It’s a little white fish!”

Xiaoyan also saw clearly the appearance of the fish being hooked, and immediately shouted.

 “Well, little white fish, it looks like we’re going to have a big harvest today.”

 Lu Qing picked the fish and put it into the bucket.

The fish took the bait so quickly, and the smooth start gave him a hunch that he might really be able to catch something big today.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing's energy suddenly lifted.

 However, the next development was a bit beyond Lu Qing's expectations.

After catching a few more small fish, he lowered the hook again. After a long time, there was no sound of fish biting the hook.

 “If the small fish don’t bite, it means there are either no fish left, or there are big guys below driving away the small fish.”

 The experienced Lu Qing immediately made his own judgment.

 He decisively lifted the fishhook, picked off the earthworms on it, and then took out a small cloth bag.

 “It’s a secret weapon!”

 Xiaoyan recognized it immediately. It was something that her brother had put away when he left home.

 I saw Lu Qing open the cloth bag and take out a few bright yellow things from it.

That's just a few grains of fresh corn.

 This corn was begged by Lu Qing from Aunt Wang next door in the morning, and the purpose was naturally to use it as fish bait.

 When Lu Qing went fishing in the wild in his previous life, he basically used corn if he wanted to catch big fish.

Carp and grass carp especially like to eat corn, and they have been tried and tested repeatedly.

 He was not sure whether the big fish in this world were like this, but he had to give it a try.

 If it still doesn't work, he plans to try freshly picked blood apricots.

 Hang a plump fresh corn on the hook, Lu Qing starts fishing again.

 What he didn’t expect was that this time, it was beyond his expectation.

 The fishhook had just been lowered into the water, and the float hadn't even stopped yet. He was half-crouching and trying to sit down.

Suddenly, without warning, the fish float suddenly sank into the water and disappeared. The fishing line tightened, and a huge force came from the fishing rod, pulling Lu Qing staggering.

Fortunately, Lu Qing reacted quickly enough and stepped forward to stabilize his body.

 “Good guy, let’s do a sneak attack, right?”

Hold the fishing rod tightly with both hands, feeling the pulling force from the fishing rod, Lu Qing's face showed excitement.

 Big fish, this is definitely a big fish!

 This kind of power is definitely not something that a fish weighing less than five kilograms can produce.


Seeing that he couldn't break free, the fish underneath started to exert strength again, until the fishing line was pulled whistling.

 “Want to slip away from me? No way!”

Seeing that the fish underneath was exerting force again, Lu Qing did not panic at all. He relaxed his hands and relieved most of the pulling force.

 Then he tightened again and continued to exert force with the fish below.

His newly made fishing rod has been certified by supernatural powers and can withstand a force of one hundred kilograms. He does not believe that the fish can break it.

 “Brother, come on!”

 Xiaoyan on the side was also very nervous at this time.

But she didn’t dare to shout loudly for fear of scaring away the big fish, so she could only clenched her little fists and whispered to encourage her brother.

 The following time will be the time for Lu Qing and Yu to battle their wits.

It took half an hour for the two sides to pull back and forth before Lu Qing felt that the fish's strength began to weaken.

 “I’ve finally exhausted you.” Lu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

This tugging exerted a lot of physical energy on him.

If it hadn't been for the injection given by Old Doctor Chen two days ago, and his body's energy had recovered a lot, he might not have been able to outlast this guy.

 After the fish reaches its limit, it becomes even more impossible to escape from Lu Qing's palm.

 After a while, as Lu Qing exerted his strength again, the big fish that he had been wrestling with for a long time finally surfaced. The two brothers and sister finally saw the true face of this fish.

 “What a big fish!”

 When she saw the fish’s head and back, Xiaoyan couldn’t help but scream.

Even Lu Qing couldn't help but feel a little excited.

 Good guy, with this figure, this fish probably weighs more than ten pounds.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lu Qing continued to hold the fishing rod tightly.

 When it comes to fishing, the closer you get to the end, the less you can relax.

 Otherwise, if he accidentally let the fish escape at the last moment, he would probably be upset for a long time just thinking about it until his eightieth birthday.

However, despite all the precautions, something unexpected happened when Lu Qing was preparing to fish.

 Because he discovered a very important problem.

 That means he is not prepared to copy the net!

Of course, you can’t really blame him for this, because there is no such thing as copying the net at home.

 Let alone copying the net, there is not even a net bag.

 Without a net, Lu Qing could not catch fish at will, so Lu Qing could only choose to continue sneaking away.

 Wait until the fish slipped away until it had no strength at all, and then asked Xiaoyan to hold the fishing rod, while he lay on the shore, planning to pick up the fish himself.

 It is actually dangerous to do this, because for a fish of this size, if the fish still has some energy left, it may be able to knock people out with a flick of its tail.

 Fortunately, this fish was indeed slipped by Lu Qing until it lost all its strength.

 In the end, everything was safe, and the fish was picked up by Lu Qing.

“Brother, this big fish seems to be taller than Xiaoyan!”

  When the fish was carried by Lu Qing to the bank far away from the river, Xiaoyan gestured and suddenly marveled.

 “It seems to be a little higher.”

Lu Qing took a look and it seemed like it was true.

This big fish is more than one meter long. If you lift it up, it is really a little taller than Xiaoyan.

 “Let me see what kind of fish this is.”

Lu Qing saw that this big fish had a long and slender body, and the scales on its body were as neat and shiny as armor. It looked a bit domineering.

 He immediately used his superpower to check the big fish's information.

 While looking at it, a rich white light soon appeared on the big fish.

 “It’s white light.”

 Lu Qing was a little disappointed.

 He also wondered whether it was possible for such a big fish to reach the red light level.

However, when he thought about it again, he felt that he was too greedy.

If this big fish is at the red light level, it’s a matter of doubt whether he can pull it up.

 You know, he has only seen things at the red light level twice.

 One is Old Doctor Chen, and the other is Xue Silk.

 These two are extraordinary.

 Old doctor Chen is a cultivator, and snow silk is a rare treasure.

If this big fish reaches the red light level, it might have some special abilities.

 In that case, it’s still unclear who will pull who.

Maybe he was dragged into the water in the first round.

 After calming down, Lu Qing focused on the newly appeared note.

                                                                                                    employers. 】

It is said that there is a fish stone in the throat of the mature turtle, which can be polished and worn to calm the soul and calm the mind. 】

 When Lu Qing read the information on the note, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

 Fish Stone!

 This big fish that was just caught actually has a fish stone!

Lu Qing is not unfamiliar with fish rocks.

 In his previous life, he once caught a wild big herring weighing more than 20 kilograms, and there was a fish stone in its body.

 At that time, a boss asked him to buy it for tens of thousands of dollars, but he did not sell it.

As for the reason, in addition to liking it, it is also because there has always been a rumor in the fishing circle.

  It is a fish stone of sufficient age, which has the function of keeping safe.

Lu Qing didn’t know whether the fish stone from the previous life could keep him safe.

 But the fish stone in the green turtle's body is recognized by his supernatural power as having the effect of calming the soul and calming the mind.

It just so happened that Xiaoyan had not been able to sleep well at night since her parents passed away. She often woke up from her dreams and had to be held by him before she could continue sleeping.

It would be great if this green turtle fish stone was really so magical.

 In his excitement, Lu Qing almost couldn't help but disembowel the green turtle.

 Fortunately, he still had sense and restrained himself in the end.

“Brother, how are we going to take this big fish home? The bucket seems to be unable to fit it.” At this time, Xiaoyan asked with some distress.

She just made a gesture, this big fish is much taller than the wooden barrel they brought, and it can't be contained at all.

“It’s okay, brother will tie up a straw rope later and carry it back directly!” Lu Qing said confidently.

 Isn’t it just a big fish weighing about ten to twenty kilograms?

Having caught all the fish, are you still worried that you won’t be able to take them back?

“That’s it, shall we continue fishing?” Xiaoyan asked again.

 This question actually stumped Lu Qing.

Based on his usual experience, he had been struggling with this green turtle for so long just now, and it had wandered through the entire water area near the fishing point.

 Generally at this time, the nest would have been blown up, and even if there were any fish, they would all be gone.

 But he hesitated a little when he thought about the blood apricots he had picked earlier.

 According to the information given by the superpower, blood apricots are a favorite food of some strange fish.

As a senior fishing enthusiast, he is really curious about the so-called strange fish.

  What is so special about being able to be given the word "strange" by a superpower?

Even the blue turtle with the fish stone seems not to be called a miracle by supernatural powers.

The so-called strange fish, what kind of strange method is it?

 After struggling for a while, Lu Qing finally decided to fish for a while longer.

They say it is a strange fish. What if they are not afraid of the blue turtle and are not scared away?

So, with such luck, Lu Qing took a bucket of water, put the green turtle head down, barely soaked it in the bucket, and then sat down at the fishing spot.

However, he also made up his mind to fish for a while.

 After a while, if no fish has taken the bait, go home, otherwise the green turtle will not be able to hold on for long.

 Dead fish is not as delicious as live fish.

Rearranged his stance, Lu Qing directly put the blood apricots on the fishhook this time.

 Throwing the fishhook into the water, he began to wait quietly.

 Time passed minute by minute, and soon, half an hour passed.

The fish float made no movement at all, as if it was still.

“Sure enough, the nest has exploded. Even strange fish can’t avoid it.” Lu Qing sighed.

 This result did not surprise him.

It's just that he was just holding on to a bit of luck.

 “It’s better to go back.”

 Just when Lu Qing was preparing to pack up his fishing rods and prepare to go home.

 Suddenly, he saw the fish float plunge into the water suddenly!

 (End of this chapter)