MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 475 Irreversible!

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  Chapter 475 Irreversible!

  After seeing another self and the other party said these words suddenly, Yan Junze did not answer immediately, but looked carefully at the other party's clothes in horror.

  Black casual sportswear, and a black backpack behind him, which is exactly the same as the one I am carrying now.

  But at this moment, I was wearing black pants and a dark gray coat. Looking back carefully, it seemed that I was wearing this when I opened the big back to stop the summoning ceremony of the Half Moon Association last time.

   It was only before entering the ghost apartment that the hotel waiter bought another set of clothes for himself.

  That is to say, the self in front of me may be the one who entered the space-time rift after meeting Morrison, the **** of death, in the shopping mall last time.

  Thinking about it this way, everything has been figured out.

   "You poisoned Morrison to death?" Yan Junze smiled.

   "Really? Does that mean I've succeeded? Sorry, but not yet."

The sitting Yan Junze in black spread his hands and smiled wryly, "Actually, I just want to find out why the Banyue Association is following me, otherwise they won't set up an ambush in the shopping mall for no reason. When I was a daughter and Keer, I offended these people."

   "So you go back and look at it to see if this is the reason."


   "And then you realize you've been there before."

  Yan Junze in black smiled bitterly again: "Now I know, it was you who went there."

   "Yes." Yan Junze nodded and asked, "Then what did you do?"

Yan Junze in black said: "After knowing that I can't touch Morrison head-on, I went to the underground space of the mountain park. I originally wanted to ask Rock for black poison, but the kid moved to the largest Lingqiao, but he was in the underground space. There is his message in the space."

   "Well, I know, I also met Rock later." Yan Junze said.

Yan Junze in black was surprised, and then continued: "I asked for some black poison after I found him, and he taught me how to use it, but I can't enter the place where the **** of death lives in the Half Moon Association, so I can't contact Morrison and give it to him. He secretly poisoned."

  Yan Junze understood, that is to say, the black-clothed Yan Junze was waiting for him in the void at this moment because he failed to poison Morrison.

   But in the end, he has seen that Morrison died of black poison in the shopping mall, which shows that Yan Junze in black will still successfully poison him, but he has not yet found a suitable method.

   "Tell me how to use this black poison, and let me help you think about it." Yan Junze said.

  Yan Junze in black smiled and said, "Help yourself to think, do you think that one plus one equals two?"

   "Maybe, it's more than two." Yan Junze also laughed.

Yan Junze in black nodded, organized his words, and explained: "As long as Morrison releases his death magnetic field, I cast black poison in the magnetic field, and the black poison will locate according to the magnetic field particles and attach to him silently." , once he reaches this critical point in the process of releasing the magnetic field, he will collapse and burst out the hidden black poison."

  Paused, he said again: "This is the poisoning suggestion given by Rock after considering the great disparity in strength between me and Morrison."

   I have to say, judging from Yan Junze's previous experience, Yan Junze in black will be very successful in this matter.

   "I can give you a suggestion." Yan Junze said.

   "Well, you say."

  Yan Junze didn't speak immediately, but walked up to Yan Junze in black, squatted down, stretched out his right hand and pressed on the opponent's heart.

  Yan Junze in black was startled, but he didn't stop him.

  The strong and powerful heartbeat vibration is transmitted along the palm of the hand.

  Yan Junze tilted his head, as if he was counting.

   After a while, he withdrew his hand, and he could confirm that the heart was still original, because the beating feeling was the same as that of ordinary people.

  Now, because of the presence and coexistence of white worms in the heart, the heartbeat is much slower than before, but it is more majestic and powerful.

"I'll give you a route to lure Morrison to the bait now, but you have to get rid of a few powerful monsters before you can lure his body over so that you can poison him." Yan Junze said: "From my current experience , that encounter will be the best time for you to poison him."

   "Really?" Yan Junze in black sat up straight.

"But I also want to warn you in advance that this exorcism may be the biggest danger in your life, but I believe it will be saved in the end." Yan Junze stood up and spread his hands, "Otherwise I wouldn't be standing here gone."

  After speaking, he took out a pen and paper, and wrote down all the weird information about the corpse bride, Ann Labelle, and the ghost apartment located at No. 101 Hobsonk Avenue, Santa Galla, the metropolis of the United States.

"It must be removed one by one, otherwise Morrison's body will not be able to take the bait and enter the ghost apartment." Tore off the paper with the task information written on it, and handed it to Yan Junze in black, "After you finish these and go back, sit down." Wait for Morrison to be poisoned."

  Seeing Yan Junze in black carefully looking at the task information on the paper, Yan Junze said again: "The moment you go back, maybe our memories will overlap, and all questions will be answered."

   "I understand." Black-clothed Yan Junze nodded, "This is the road you walked last time, but this time on me, the purpose has been changed."

   "Different routes lead to the same goal. This may be the only way to go." Yan Junze nodded, then looked at the empty space, "It's just that in this special place, we have all experienced a turning point."

  Yan Junze in black stood up and prepared to act. In fact, he did not wait long here. Instead, he had the idea of ​​asking another self for advice, and soon he really met the other self and got the answer he wanted.

  He stood aside and said the time and space positioning information that he was going to travel through the past. Yan Junze stood behind him and looked at himself silently.

  Perhaps, this is the only chance to communicate and meet. The Void allows them to meet here, not without a reason. In the final analysis, this is still a natural occurrence of time and space reformation.

  A moment later, Yan Junze in black turned his head and glanced at him, and disappeared instantly.

   Okay, now start to implement your own plan.

  Yan Junze in black just now must have doubts about why the current self entered the void, but he will know in the future, or he already knew the moment the memories overlapped.

   "I want to describe the event, please locate me." Yan Junze's thoughts emerged.

  【Please describe in detail...】

Yan Junze said: "I want to locate Ole Dadu, where Cletia IX and others are conspiring to summon the Mantra Demon through the "Book of Changes". The positioning time is before the successful summoning of the Mantra Demon. Near the "Book of Yiyan", but it must be a hidden place that is convenient for me to move and no one will find me."

  【Positioning, please wait...】

  【Analyzing in progress...】

  【Analysis completed, positioning...】

  【Positioned, this time-space fixed-point insertion will consume 2000 points of different-dimensional energy, do you want to enter now? 】

  As expected, it didn’t take too long to use the "Book of Yiyan" to summon the Demon of Truth, so the time and space inserted into the location did not consume much energy this time.

   "Enter now." Yan Junze said silently.

   But unexpectedly, he didn't feel dizzy immediately, but a reminder text popped up again.

  【It is detected that there is another space-time black hole in the space-time of this fixed-point insertion. If the behavior of the host after entering is related to this space-time black hole, a paradox will arise, so this time-space fixed-point insertion may not be able to achieve the purpose of the host. 】


  Yan Junze was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly realized it.

  Another space-time black hole? This is most likely because after the "Book of Yiyan" opened the ceremony, time and space were torn apart, and the mantra demon Sylvanus was released, so the existence of space-time black holes has already occurred, so if you want to prevent this from happening behavior, would be considered paradoxical.

   In other words, the fact that the Mantra Demon came out is irreversible!

   At this moment, dizziness came, Yan Junze's legs were empty, and he fell on a black tiled floor.

  After the dizziness passed, he looked up and found that there were tall gate walls around him. The ceiling above his head was probably tens of meters away from him, and the roof was designed in a cylindrical shape.

The building where it is located looks simple and elegant, the huge hall is empty, there is a bronze sculpture of a knight in the middle of the hall, and in front of the innermost platform of the hall, there is a middle-aged woman who looks like a virgin sculpture.

  This woman has a kind face and a smile, holding a baby in her left and right hands.

  Yan Junze withdrew his gaze and paid attention to the situation around his body.

  He is now standing under a high wall, and not far above his head is a huge window on the wall. The window is built so high that he may need to use a ladder to climb it.

   But there happened to be a protruding corner here, which just covered his figure.

  Looking at the sky coming in from the window, it was already evening, but the hall was well lit.

  Yan Junze pressed his back against the wall, and heard footsteps at least a hundred meters away from him. Because the space was empty, he heard it clearly.

  Two people entered the hall one after the other.

  At this moment, apart from Yan Junze, there should be no other outsiders here.

  In fact, the Hall of Our Lady of Yaridana is a forbidden area of ​​the palace in the city of Lettercar, close to the Morningstar Central Park. It is a landmark building, and outsiders cannot enter at all.

  So the two people who walked into the hall at this moment did not know that someone was already there, and their voices were not covered up.

   After walking about 50 meters away from Yan Junze, the two stopped.

  Yan Junze heard them talking all the time, and one of them was not very proficient in Olle, and he didn't seem to be from Olle.

   "Has Jeffrey found you?" A slightly old voice asked.

  The poor Olei replied: "He has always been on guard against me. If he didn't know that I understand the text and meaning of "Book of Yiyan", he might not let me even take a step closer to that book."

   "Has there been any recent moves by the Iron-Blooded Demon Hunt Squad?" The old voice asked again.

"No, Jeffrey hardly took care of the team there. He was concentrating on studying the "Book of Yiyan". It can be seen that he has been obsessed with the ritual preparations for summoning the Truth Word Demon, and has no energy to manage other things." Crappy Ou Lai replied.

"You must pay close attention to that book. It is not from the Iron-Blooded Demon Hunt. Because you are from Huaying, I have always liked Huaying Dadu, and you are a talented person, so I will I value you. I hope your performance can satisfy me, Yishan." The old voice said.

   "I will work hard." The crappy voice replied respectfully.

  Yan Junze was sure right away that the person who spoke the bad Olle language should be Lin Yishan, and according to the information, Lin Yishan joined the Payend Cross Demon Hunting Squad after he arrived in the Olle Metropolis, and won the favor of the leader Paynd.

   Now that I hear it, that old voice should be Payende, the two of them are here, or Payende is telling Lin Yishan to keep a close eye on the host of the summoning ceremony, that is, Jeffrey, the leader of the Jagged Demon Hunt Squad.

  Perhaps, Lin Yishan is not only able to understand certain meanings of "Book of Yiyan", and Payend values ​​him so much, this guy may have some skills that others don't have.

  As soon as the idea came up in my heart, I heard the old voice say: "The summoning ceremony will be held soon. For such a long time, the things I have arranged for you should be almost done."

Lin Yishan seemed to nod his head: "Of course, every time I explain the ancient texts of "Book of Changes" to Jeffrey, I will unknowingly let him incorporate the word 'Dong Sheng' into the "Book of Changes" that he reads. "Book of Words", and told him that some places should read like this."

   "Dong Sheng?" Yan Junze froze for a moment.

  How could there be a name of Huaying Dadu? Could it be that other Huaying people participated in this summoning ceremony?

  But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this name is very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

  A moment later, Yan Junze recalled that he had indeed heard the name "Dong Sheng", but now it seems that it is very likely to be the same name, and it is impossible to be the same person.

  Because this is simply impossible.

  Even if he hadn’t heard these two words here, he would have completely forgotten Dong Sheng in his memory.

"In each of his calling words, as long as it involves the "Book of Changes", I cleverly added the word 'Dong Sheng' in different places. With Jeffrey's Chinese language level, he He didn't have any doubts at all, and even praised me for translating for him very carefully." Lin Yishan said as if asking for credit.

   "Well, I must be careful." The old voice said: "After the summoning is successful, you will come to the palace, and I will arrange a position for you."

   "Then what should we do after Jeffrey takes the Book of Yi Yan?" Lin Yishan asked.

"After a while, after the Mantra Demon stabilizes and confirms that there is no backlash, I will kill Jeffrey, and then you will help me make good use of the "Book of Yiyan"." The old voice laughed, "If it goes well, I will It will open the third and final layer."

   At this time, Yan Junze became more and more confused as he listened, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

   "Could it be that the person who talked to Lin Yishan wasn't Payend? Otherwise, how dare the other party promise to arrange a position for him in the palace?"

   After waiting for a while, the two did not speak again. After a few seconds, footsteps sounded one after another, and they walked towards the gate when they were coming and going.

  Yan Junze hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help poking out half of his head quietly, casting his eyes in that direction.

  Two figures from the back came into view, one had the hair color of Hua Yingren and was thin, and the other was wearing the clothes of the palace, and he looked like a noble person.

  Yan Junze was taken aback, he dared to confirm Lin Yishan's back, but this other person was not Paynder at all, because Paynder was only the head of the Cross Demon Hunt Squad, and it was impossible for him to wear the clothes in the palace.

  At this time, when he reached the door, Lin Yishan turned sideways and stood by the door, letting the noble person leave first.

  At the same time, Lin Yishan said softly: "Your Excellency, please."

  Yan Junze suddenly realized.

  The old voice turned out to be Claytia IX, and Lin Yishan had already secretly connected with the royal palace, even if he was with the Payne Cross Demon Hunt Squad, it was just an illusion.

  The person this guy is really loyal to will be Claytia IX!

   After being surprised, Yan Junze withdrew his gaze, sat down silently with his back against the high wall behind him, and muttered to himself at the same time.

   "Dong Sheng?!"

  He remembered that before the Huaguo laboratory exploded in his previous life, the deputy director of the laboratory was named Dong Sheng.

  (end of this chapter)

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