MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 133 Erha in the wolf pack

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In the dorm.

Lin Mo washed casually and went out.

"I didn't expect that I would be late for my first class at university!" Lin Mo was still a little ashamed.

You know, yesterday, he also warned Gao Haoran not to be late! Unexpectedly, today, he himself was late!

Moreover, if the head teacher hadn't called, Lin Mo would probably have slept until the afternoon.

"It's all to blame for the crayfish yesterday!" Lin Mo threw the crayfish directly, "If the crayfish were big, fat, and delicious, I would have stayed up so late? It's too late, will I be late?"

It's all the crayfish's fault!

The more Lin Mo thought about it, the more angry he became: "What, eat them all tonight!"

In anger, Lin Mo came out of the classroom.

I looked inside and saw several familiar figures.

"Lin Mo is here!" Teacher Wei, the head teacher, also noticed Lin Mo outside, and said, "Come in!"

Mr. Wei walked to the door of the classroom in person, pulled Lin Mo to the podium, and then introduced him directly to the whole class: "Lin Mo, everyone knows?"

"Although you must know, but I want to introduce it grandly!"

Mr. Wei directly incarnates as "Lin Chui".

"Lin Mo, in the just-concluded martial arts college entrance examination, he set an unprecedented record!"

"Fist test, 150 points! Basic test, 150 points! Mental strength test, 150 points!"

"Of course, these are not the most important things! The most important thing is that after Lin Mo achieved such impressive results, not only did he not relax at all, but he practiced harder!"

"Lin Mo's hard work, I believe everyone has seen it - just entered Jiangnan Wuda, and was on the 'Jiangwu Scroll God List'! You're late for class!"

"In Lin Mo's body, I see an extremely firm and pious heart of martial arts!"

"In Lin Mo's life, there may only be martial arts! So it's no wonder that he can achieve such results in the martial arts college entrance examination..."

Mr. Wei is so passionate that she can't stop.

Lin Mo couldn't listen anymore, so he couldn't help interrupting: "Mr. Wei, I really don't have an introversion!"

What the hell!

The scent of crayfish on hand has not been completely washed!

However, what Lin Mo did not expect was that his frankness was of no use—Mr. Wei didn’t believe it at all!

"Have you seen it?" Mr. Wei continued to do Lin Chui, "This is another excellent character of Lin Mo - humility!"

"Uh..." Lin Mo directly chose to shut up.

Never mind!

Stop talking!

Let the time do the talking!

After a long time, you will naturally know that not only did I not roll in, but I also lay very flat!

"However, Lin Mo! One thing, I really want to talk about you!" Teacher Wei suddenly said in a slightly critical tone.


Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

After being praised there for so long, I can finally hear the voice of criticism!

To be honest, since the end of the martial arts college entrance examination, Lin Mo has not been able to hear the voice of criticism very much, which made him miss him a little. You know... before the martial arts college entrance examination, Lin Mo came from the voice of criticism!

Criticism makes Lin Mo guard against arrogance!

Criticism, let Lin Mo lie flat!

And now, Lin Mo is also ready to accept criticism - come on!

"Lin Mo, I know why you are working so hard!" Mr. Wei said confidently, "It must be because of the 'guidance war'?"

"I..." Lin Mo really didn't try his best, and didn't really care about the "guidance battle".

"You don't need to say anything!" Teacher Wei interrupted Lin Mo directly, "I know that a genius like you must be very competitive, and he must not want to lose the 'guidance battle' '!but…"

Mr. Wei paused before continuing.

"But what I want to tell you is that there is no shame in losing the 'Guide War'!"

"The guidance war is originally the 'guidance' of the upper grades to the lower grades! Since it is a guidance, there must be a huge gap in strength, and the lower grades are impossible to win! - Never before, in the future It's hard to come by!"

"What's more, you have just entered Martial Arts University! And the gap between freshman and sophomore is the biggest! After the third year, you might be able to defeat the top students in your senior year! But you are only a freshman now, so you will never be able to defeat the top students in the same ranking in your second year!"

"So..." Mr. Wei said a lot before concluding, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself because of the guidance war! Just relax, don't work too hard! Accept it calmly Failure is also a form of growth!"

"Uh..." Lin Mo didn't have a chance to speak.

"Okay, that's it! Take your seat!" Mr. Wei didn't give Lin Mo any chance to argue, and said directly, "Since the students have all arrived, then everyone will officially start. Introduce yourself!"

Before, because I was waiting for Lin Mo, the classroom was mainly chatting, and the self-introduction session had not yet started.

Now that Lin Mo has arrived, it is natural to start this session.

Lin Mo had seen several acquaintances long before he entered the classroom.

Gao Haoran will not talk about it, as well as Yan Yimo, Ye Yi, Zhou Qingfeng, etc.

"Our elite class is the elite of the elite, the genius of the genius!" Mr. Wei continued, "Among the 30 classmates, only the geniuses who are listed in the Xia Guo Tianjiao list, There are as many as ten! There are also three classmates, who are among the top five in the Tianjiao list!"

These three are naturally Lin Mo, Yan Yimo, and Ye Yi!

"Our class is not only the 'first class' in Wudali, Jiangnan! Even if it is placed in all martial arts universities in the Xia Kingdom, it is a well-deserved 'first class'!" Mr. Wei is very proud He said, "Now, let's start with classmate Yan Yimo and introduce himself!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Yan Yimo!" Yan Yimo stood up and said very ashamedly, "According to the results of the martial arts college entrance examination, although I ranked first in the class, Xia Guo This year's martial arts college entrance examination champion, but everyone don't take me as the first..."

With Lin Mo, how could Yan Yimo have the nerve to recognize this "first"!

Although she was 2 points higher than Lin Mo in the martial arts college entrance examination, Lin Mo just dropped one of the exams. Which is better or worse, you can tell at a glance.

"I, Ye Yi!" After Yan Yimo finished his introduction, Ye Yi also stood up and began to introduce, "The reason why I came to Jiangnan Martial Arts University is to do so under the same conditions and in a fair manner. In the environment, defeat Lin Mo in an upright manner!"

Ye Yi declared war on Lin Mo again in front of the whole class!


Poor Ye Yi didn’t know that, after more than a day, the gap between him and Lin Mo’s punching power increased by more than 1,000 kilograms!

After all, Lin Mo can gain more than a ton of punching power a day!

Even if Ye Yi died, he could only stay behind Lin Mo's ass.

"I, Zhou Qingfeng!" Zhou Qingfeng, a psychic from Kyoto City, continued. However, after his self-introduction, he couldn't help looking at Lin Mo suspiciously and asked, "Lin Mo, have we met before? Why do I feel that you are a little familiar?"

"Really?" Lin Mo said casually, without explanation.

See you, of course!

Lin Mo, as a "black soil", beat Zhou Qingfeng in the Metaverse.

It's just that Lin Mo used "general appearance" in the Metaverse, while Zhou Qingfeng used "true appearance". Therefore, Lin Mo could know Zhou Qingfeng, but Zhou Qingfeng couldn't recognize Lin Mo, he just felt a little inexplicably familiar.

"Maybe it's an illusion!" Zhou Qingfeng searched hard in his mind, but there was no face that could match Lin Mo, so he shook his head and said.

"I, Zhao Han! Yes..."

Students stood up one after another and introduced themselves.

Finally it was Gao Haoran, who was last in the class.

"I, Gao Haoran! What... I don't know, why did I appear in the elite class!"

Gao Haoran was listening to the other students' self-introductions, but he only felt that he was an Erha mixed into the wolf pack-the appearances were similar, but the strengths were very different.

However, Gao Haoran's entry into the "elite class" is really not an accident!

Don't forget, Lin Mo helped Gao Haoran get the qualification of "Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Consecutive Study" of Jiangnan Wuhan University!

In the entire Jiangnan Wuhan University, few students have such qualifications! Therefore, it is not very strange that Gao Haoran mixed into the wolf pack!

"You don't have to care too much about my existence, just treat me as a little transparent!" Gao Haoran also knew that even if he was in a wolf pack, he could only be one Erha, "In addition, ... Four years of college, the last place in the class in each subject, I have all included!"

Gao Haoran promised proudly.