MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 60

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However, Zhao Yesui discovered after many attempts that he could put Daya in the inventory temporarily, and there seemed to be no sequelae.

As for the ability to stealth, this is Daya's inherent talent, but Zhao Yesui doesn't think it's strange.

An angel, it doesn't matter if he can't warm the bed, can't he even be invisible? That's a real joke.

"I originally planned to bring the corpse back to life, but now I don't have any materials at hand. If any of the eighteen guardians are found to be related to me, it will be a big problem."

Zhao Ye snorted. He originally planned to use one of the eighteen protectors as a material during this time to revive Xiao Jin through [pale soul fire], so that he could have more useful combat power at hand.

It is written in the "Strategy for Novices" that occupations that rely on summons, such as necromancers and animal trainers, can bring their own summons to the scene within the scope allowed by the game of destiny. The higher the level, the world of the scene. The higher the level, the more summons you can carry.

After Zhao Yesui officially obtained the [Undead Apprentice] profession, he naturally obtained this qualification, and after he tried it, he found that the Eighteen Guardians manipulated by the black mist can be considered as summons, that is to say, it can be brought in. in the scene.

But Daya doesn't seem to be able to, and I don't know if it's because the world level of the scene is too low, or Daya's personality is too high.

"If the next scene is not a closed scene, you can try to bring Ms. Li in the eighteen protectors and let Xiaojin recover on her..."

Just as Zhao Yeshi was thinking about the future, he heard a cold reminder from the game of destiny:

[The second mission scene is about to open]

[Player Ye Lin please prepare within five minutes]

[Transmission is about to start]

"Huh, is this coming?" Zhao Yeshou stood up as expected, put [Liuguang No. 2] into the inventory, returned to the study, sat in front of the desk, and looked at the prompt message displayed on the panel , suddenly found something: "By the way, why is the second mission scene? Then can I match an opponent or teammate with the same progress as me?"

Fate Game did not answer him, but said in a constant tone after the set time:

[Looking for the scene...]

[Query player Yelin camp]

[Player Ye Lin's current camp is: Lawful Good]

[Searching the scene based on faction bias...]

[Detected that the player Ye Lin's hidden score is too high]

[Upgrading scene level soon...]

[Current scene type is: teamwork scene]

[Players cannot fight with each other, and the damage to each other is reduced by 50%. If you harm teammates without preconditions, the mission evaluation will be reduced]

[I hope that the player Ye Lin will take a positive attitude to play the game, otherwise the game progress will be in a difficult situation to promote]

[Wish Jun Wu Yun prosperous]

The next moment, the world in front of Zhao Yejia gradually lost its color, leaving only pure lines, and then the lines were deconstructed and returned to nothingness.

He started to fall.


[The world line is beating...]

[Detecting the current parallel universe]

[parallel universe has been destroyed]

[Causal line has been summed up]

[This scene is the official scene]

[This mode is a free-play mode, players can use all abilities, but if it arouses the attention of NPC and the origin of the world, the consequences will be at your own risk]

[Available in inventory]

[Skill bar can be used]

[Number of players in the current scene: 5]

But what followed was not the countdown sound that Zhao Yesui was familiar with, but the sound of the plot introduction.

A righteous voice said:

"The general trend of the world, long-term unity must be divided, long-term separation must be together, all living beings are like this."

"This is the case in the courtroom, and the same is true in the rivers and lakes."

"As the saying goes, chivalry violates the ban with martial arts, and Confucianism violates the law with literature. In the rivers and lakes, there are sons and daughters who are proud of themselves. When they are angry, the emperor is afraid.

Suddenly, there was a sound like an electric current in the guidance sound, and after a while, the guidance sound changed completely.

It's not that he changed his voice, it's still the same as the original decent middle-aged man's voice, but the tone has become sharp and gloomy, as if he is speaking with his throat squeezed:

"—Three hundred years ago, it was true. But three hundred years later..."


"No more talk!"

After a strange laugh, the guidance sound ended.

This unintelligible guidance sound really made Zhao Yefu not be able to fix it. He was confused and soon saw several figures appear in front of him. When he looked over, the corresponding figures became clear.

That was exactly his face, but the clothes on him were different.

[Detected that the player Ye Lin has a variety of characteristics related to this scene]

[Please select the identity you will play in this scene]

Zhao Ye looked at the past one by one, and there were three identities to choose from, namely [Guardian] [Captain Kuai] and [Pastor].

Needless to say, the descriptions of the first two are of course no need to say much. The identity of the **** shows that he is the dart head of the Zhenyuan Guard Bureau, and the identity of the catcher is that of the head of Ink County, both of whom belong to the kind of people with a certain social status.

Only the identity of the last [pastor] is incomprehensible. The description of the identity has only one sentence, "the shepherd", which is completely the extension of the word "pastor". It does not even have any extension.

But this kind of riddle's human-like identity suddenly attracted Zhao Yesui, who was also a riddle person.

He carefully looked at the dress as a [pastor]. He was wearing a pure black burqa and expressionless. Compared with the other two [Dart Head] and [Chau Kuai], he seemed less able to read the air.

Zhao Yesui quickly thought of the information given by the game of destiny when entering the scene.

"This scene seems to be aligned, and mine is lawful good..."

"Well, let me just say, I must be lawful good."

First of all, I affirmed myself, and then Zhao Yesui thought thoughtfully: "It is indeed mentioned in the "Beginner's Guide" that when the player has experienced a certain scene and has a tendency, the game of destiny will assign the player to the scene. There will also be biases. For example, a muscular barbarian will not be allowed to solve the puzzle, nor will a demon king be allowed to save the world, which means that when I enter the scene now, I will definitely stand on the side of justice."

"So, what is the basis for the identity of this [pastor]?"

Zhao Yesui looked at the description of the "herd man" and quickly thought of the elements in himself that were related to it.

"Undead apprentice...?"

Zhao Yesui's eyes flickered. Generally speaking, players of the lawful good camp are not very good at choosing the profession of necromancer, so this identity should appear based on his particularity.

That being the case, Zhao Yesui chose the identity of [Pastor] based on the idea that although the hidden profession is not necessarily stronger than the ordinary profession, it must be more fun than the ordinary profession.

To play games is to whistle and play.

But the choice didn't end there.

When Zhao Yesui chose the identity of [pastor], many figures appeared in front of him, and there were hundreds of people in the past.

[Guardian][fishmonger][peasant][scholar][catch fast][artisan]......

Zhao Yesui was convinced that although he was erudite, he had never learned some knowledge required for his identity.

So, is it a special choice brought about by the identity of [pastor]?

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment and chose the identity of [Craftsman].

At this point, the identity selection officially ends.

[The scene will officially open in five seconds]


[The mission officially begins]

p.s. I will start adding updates tomorrow, and I have a premonition that blood will begin to collapse as soon as I enter the dungeon.

A friend asked me why there are so many kings on the earth, Yedi, Huiyao, and others, why the earth has not been destroyed, of course, it is not because they love each other and their fighting power has not collapsed, this is a problem of setting.

Well, the plot is not here yet, so I can't spoil it, but interested friends can go and see the first paragraph of the first chapter, which is also a foreshadowing (x

Chapter 99 I want to become the world's number one, women are in the way

The surroundings were black and white, as if time had been frozen, and everything was silent.

Zhao Yesang slowly opened his eyes and found himself sitting on a wooden chair. The surrounding environment looked like a simple bedroom, but when Zhao Yesang looked carefully, he still found some Wrong place.

According to the previous introduction and the furnishings in the bedroom, Zhao Yesui first assumed this scene as an ancient background, and in this case, the bed in the bedroom is a bit too big for a man.

[Scene is about to start]

[Waiting for other players to enter the game...]

[Number of remaining players: 1]


[The scene officially begins]

As the prompts fell one by one, the black and white colors around Zhao Yesui gradually receded, everything gradually took on color, and the slightly dry air came into contact with the skin, causing a slight discomfort.

"The concentration of magic elements seems to be much higher than that of the earth...but the stubble of the earth can't be measured by this kind of thing, I have never heard of a single planet that can breed multiple radiance. "

There was an illusory flame on Zhao Yesao's fingertips, and he swallowed the gas silently. After sensing the energy he got, Zhao Yesang came to this conclusion.

The degree of magic element, also known as the concentration of spiritual energy, can be used as a benchmark for evaluating the world level of a plane under normal circumstances. It determines the existence of the highest level that this plane can carry. In a world with high magic content but nothing, if it is not discovered, it is lucky, and if it is discovered, it is the beginning of a pleasant world colonization operation.

If it is evaluated in terms of magic power, the world level of the earth is undoubtedly very low, and it is not even comparable to that of the previous world of the Holy See, but it has a lot of brilliance, and even has the highest seat above brilliance. For the time being, Zhao Yesui can only think that this is the particularity brought by the game of destiny.

Zhao Yeshou shook his head, not thinking about these useless things, and began to check the panel of the game of destiny.

[Main quest: Investigate the bedroom and find identity clues]

"Well? How come you have to find your own identity..."

Zhao Ye snorted and said nothing, got up and started to explore the bedroom he was currently in.

This is an ordinary bedroom with simple decoration and nothing special. It seems that the owner of the bedroom is a boring single man - at least that's what Zhao Yesui thought before opening the wardrobe.

When Zhao Yesui opened the wardrobe, the colorful women's costumes in it made him take a deep breath.

When he turned to the light and thin black silk triangle cloth, he pondered for a moment, and gestured to himself. After realizing that the size was wrong, he ruled out the possibility that his identity was a man with special hobbies.

It was at this time that Zhao Yesui's current identity flooded into his mind, making him understand why there were so many women's clothing in the wardrobe.

Zhang Lin, male, 24 years old, was born in a family of craftsmen in Ink County. He has a car and a house. His parents died young, but unfortunately he has no younger sister.

As the only craftsman in Ink County, he took over his father's responsibilities early on, doing some trivial work for the people of Ink County.

Although Zhang Lin didn't learn much of the essence of family skills because of his father's early death, it was enough for the people of Moxian County to repair farm implements and make some furniture that was passable, and life was like this. Days passed.

As for the clothes in the closet...

Not Zhang Lin's, but his deceased wife's.

Yes, Zhang Lin is married, but not completely.

Here I have to introduce a mechanism of the game of destiny.

For the sake of identity substitution, Destiny Games will try to choose an identity for players that is equivalent to their real conditions when preparing their identity. That is to say, if conditions permit, people who are good-looking will be assigned to seniors. A good-looking identity.

Zhao Yesui didn't expect that the game of destiny is also a serious face control, and was shocked by this face-seeing world.

Therefore, driven by this mechanism, Zhang Lin is the person who matches Zhao Yeshou's appearance.

And Zhao Yeshou's appearance is well known, so Zhang Lin is naturally a beautiful man who is famous in eight towns. Although his family background is not good, when he first entered Fucheng to work, he was fascinated by Fucheng with a face. The eldest ladies of the famous family are fascinated, and he will not marry.

Under the pressure of the eldest ladies, the parents had to pinch their noses and agree to let Zhang Lin join the family, but Zhang Lin only wanted to become the world's number one craftsman. Women are in the way, it will only affect the speed of his strike. , so decisively rejected many very attractive invitations, and returned to Mo County to marry the widow at the head of the village, which can be regarded as a break from the eldest misses.

When Zhao Yesui read this memory, he didn't understand Zhang Lin's thoughts at all. Playing cards... ah no, is there any conflict between iron and women?

Even if it is a marriage, it does not conflict with pursuing one's own hobbies, right?

According to the fanaticism of the eldest ladies in my memory, after Zhang Lin got married, let’s not say that it was ironwork. Even if he was idle all day long, as long as he kept his face and body healthy every day, he didn’t let himself be drained. Row.