MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 52

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"Yeah, it's quite easy and effortless." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and made a zipper for his mouth.

"Can't you tell?" Lu Shixi immediately understood what Zhao Yesang meant: "Are you bound by him? Or did you receive some hidden mission?"

Zhao Yesui didn't speak, just smiled helplessly.

"...If it's something dangerous, remember to discuss it with me, don't be a hero by yourself." Lu Shixi was silent for a while, then pulled the [Vietnamese Turntable] off his neck and threw it to Zhao Yesui: "Give it back to your ex-girlfriend, okay, just go back if you have nothing to do."

After speaking, Lu Shixi went upstairs on his own, regardless of whether Zhao Ye's jacket left or not.

Zhao Yesui looked at the ["Sizai" Plague] in the inventory, and was slightly dazed.

He remembered a last-minute conversation with Peter II.


"Should I call you the priest of the Gate of Truth, or the Pope of the Holy See?"

As Zhao Ye's words fell, the man in the dark purple robe took off his mask, revealing the familiar face.

"Hello, little friend Helios, or if you want to tell me your other name," Peter II said to Zhao Yesui with a kind smile.

[The main mission to see the Pope has been completed]

Zhao Yesui narrowed his eyes, and after confirming that he could return at any time, he said, "Then, the Pope of the Holy See of the Holy See does not want to have a bright future. Why did he come to such a wild place to play cosplay?"

"For what? If I said it was for the relief of the world, would you believe it?" Peter II asked with a smile: "You wouldn't believe it, you are very similar to me in some places, and you will believe others, but Suspicious and suspicious, this is probably a peculiar trouble for smart people.”

"So, just treat me as a bad guy. The reason why I have dual identities is to better welcome the arrival of Olfendeland, or even bigger, to usurp the position of Olfendeland. Do you think this What is the ideal?"

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, looked at Peter II and asked, "Are you the Pope or a priest?"

This question seems to be left alone, but in fact it is full of profound meaning.

Zhao Yesui was asking Peter II whether he became the pope first or the priest first. If it is the former, then now it is doing work behind enemy lines, and if it is the latter, then the Holy See eats jujube pills.

"Naturally the Pope." Peter II said calmly: "I cultivated a Hawa body, put it into my consciousness, and then spent 60 years becoming a priest, so that I have direct and Austrian A chance for dialogue in Elfendland."

"As for how to avoid his detection, this is a very complex academic issue, and it is very troublesome to explain. Depending on your education level, it may take more time, so I will not expand it in detail."

"Then, did you arrange this massacre?" Zhao Ye said directly: "The Holy See is so vulnerable under the attack of the Gate of Truth. If the Holy See is really so vulnerable, then it is really qualified. Establish a stronghold in the Forgotten Land? The first time when a stronghold is established should be the most difficult time. There is no reason to have a strong city and it will be easier to fall."

"It's me." Peter II readily admitted: "I have gradually replaced the deacons and knights in the forgotten land with my confidants in the past twenty years. This attack was planned by me. The way of suicide is at the hands of the Hawa people, so the gate of truth can occupy all the development areas except the dawn development zone, if not you, the dawn development zone will be no exception.”

Zhao Yesui looked at Peter II and asked word by word, "So, why are you doing this?"

"Didn't I tell you, for the relief of this world." Peter II said without changing his smile, "You can first understand it as a ceremony. In order to complete this ceremony, many symbols are needed, such as shipwrecks, collapsed High towers, etc., of course, there is also the need for the slaughter of the mainlanders by the Hava who are the family of Olfindland."

"Let's leave the small family for everyone? Should I praise you for being a hero?" Zhao Yeshao let out a low laugh.

"No, I'm not worthy." Peter II finally restrained his smile and said calmly: "They are willing to believe in my ideals and sacrifice for my plan, and I will naturally go with them, but it will be a little later. However, the sacrifice of civilians is not among them, even if it is for the plan, I am not qualified to let them sacrifice for the so-called righteousness."

"So, as you said at the beginning, you can treat me as an ambitious, unscrupulous evil leader. I'm not a good person."

"This is your internal issue, and it has nothing to do with me." Zhao Yeshao sneered, and then asked, "You haven't answered my question just now, what exactly are you doing this for?"

Peter II was silent for a while before raising his head, looking up at the sky and said: "They are too idealistic and too cowardly. Always thinking that there may be a way to delay it. It can be delayed for a day, but in the world How can there be a 100% sure battle? In the face of an evil existence like Olfindland, there is no courage to break the boat, and there is no chance of winning by calculation alone."

"Since there is no chance of winning, then I will create a winning chance. If they don't want to fight, then I will start the war. According to my estimation, it is less than a hundred years before Olfindland truly invades this world. If we take the initiative, the world will have no chance of turning around, so it is up to us to control the battlefield, instead of timidly dragging it out to the last moment.”

"And, didn't I find the strongest trump card? Well, what should I call you, Mr. Fourth Calamity?"

Zhao Yesui was not surprised that Peter II knew his identity as a player, stared at Peter II for a moment, and suddenly said, "Hera?"

Peter II was silent for a long time, and after a long time he sighed lightly and said: "No one should live to be a satellite and spend the rest of his life with the cold starry sky... I admit, I am a selfish little boy. People, but what you just said is true."

"I believe you a little bit now." Zhao Yesui said indifferently: "So, what do you need me to do?"

"Take it away." Peter II handed the ["Sizai" plague] to Zhao Yesui, and said seriously: "Take it out of this world, and when the shielding is over, Olfindland will find it Existence, when the time comes, everything will be in vain."

Zhao Yesui took the ["Si Zai" plague], raised his eyebrows, and said, "I don't have any other options anyway... By the way, as a prepaid reward, can you be arrested by me? "

Peter II was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile, "Is it another mission? It's okay."

After speaking, Peter II handcuffed himself and threw the key at Zhao Ye's feet.

[The main task of arresting the Pope has been completed]


p.s. Currently owed 7/9, it's almost over, ok

Chapter 89 The Earth still explodes as soon as possible.jpg

"The day the gods fell? It's not an easy task to solve..."

Zhao Yesui shook his head and put away the ["Sizai" Plague]. According to its description, Zhao Yesang can choose to use it to open the hidden quest [The Day of the Fall of the Gods] during the next chain quest. , you can also choose not to use it and continue with the original chain task.

It's just that the latter is not necessarily safer than the former, because the ultimate goal of the chain quest is undoubtedly to point to Olfindland. If Zhao Yesui does not open this hidden quest, then Peter II estimates that the first one will follow He turned his face, and it was not just an Olfindland that he had to deal with.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yesui did not just leave, but went upstairs along the stairs, only to see Lu Shixi sitting against the corner of the wall with his head lowered, not sure what he was thinking.

After hearing Zhao Yesao's footsteps, she immediately raised her head in a panic and wanted to stand up, but she felt that it seemed unnatural, so she sat down again and looked at Zhao Yesang so embarrassedly: " Why haven't you left yet?"

"Oh, I'm here to return your things." Zhao Yesui didn't know which one she was playing, so she just said the truth: "So what, I've run out of [Dawn Knights' standard masks], I plan to return it to you directly , but the [Phase Phantom Boots] are broken, and I can't even find the residue, why don't you record it for me together?"

Zhao Yesao had long expected that he would face the nuclear explosion, so he put all the equipment in the inventory in advance, but the [Phase Phantom Boots] must be used, and Zhao Yesang did not have it in that short second. There is a chance to put it back in the inventory, so there is no doubt that under the sweep of the nuclear explosion, the [Phase Phantom Boots] disappeared, and Zhao Yesui didn't even find its body.

"...That's it?" Lu Shixi curled his lips and said, "Next time I'll still fight in this world, you should take the [Dawn Knights' standard mask] first, as for the [Phase Phantom Boots] ] Even if the battle is damaged, I won't be so preoccupied with it."

"Okay, see you next time." Seeing that the creditor didn't plan to record the debt, Zhao Yexuan ran away happily without the thought of making his already difficult economic situation worse.

As for what Lu Shixi is thinking now...

What do you think so much about?

It's just a temporary illusion brought about by the drawbridge effect. It's better that everyone maintains a dirty money relationship.

You give me money, I help you complete the task, and that's it.

Zhao Yesui thought so, and left after saying goodbye to Lu Shixi.


The time to enter the scene is 8:27, and the time for Zhao Yesui to leave the Xi's house is 8:47.

In such a short twenty minutes, Zhao Yesui had already experienced a thrilling adventure, directly or indirectly saving millions of people, facing a nuclear explosion, killing a humanoid natural disaster, After completing the above events, he returned to the ordinary city.

This time is when the city is gradually recovering, and the streets are gradually gaining popularity. There are only two or three shops on the street with their doors open. This is probably the aftermath of the so-called night market economy.

It's just that at this time, most of the people who can take a leisurely walk on the streets are the elderly and children who don't need to go to school. Since many years after the city rectification operation was carried out, Zhao Yesui has not seen drunkards and homeless people in the morning for a long time. Zhao Yesang and several homeless friends who were familiar with him in the past have not seen them now.

...can only hope they live a normal life in another city.

Zhao Yesui sat quietly on a familiar bench on the street, looked at the corner of the ordinary city in a trance, and suddenly remembered something.

Can those high-ranking players really be able to adapt to life on Earth?

Even the existence of a monarchy like Shure is completely otherworldly. If there is no person of the same character to stop it, it is not a problem to destroy the city and destroy the country. At this level, you can really make your own weak "similar". Are they considered fellow citizens?

What's more, the king is not the end of the extraordinary road. According to the information disclosed by Shuer before his death, there is Yedi above the king, Huiyao above Yedi, and the supreme "seat" above Huiyao. .

Although there is no clear understanding of these realms, Zhao Yesui compared the abilities of the big guy in the family and felt that they should not be weaker than him, so burning the earth into glass **** should not be suitable for them. It's hard, will such players still live on Earth?

Or, can the earth carry their existence?

The existence of a high-ranking powerhouse will distort the world around him, and let the laws of the world run according to his will. Even if the players deliberately restrain their existence, the world will fall apart because of their existence.

Because obviously, there is more than one player at the top of the world.

Most of the worlds will have a world lord, and let that world operate according to his will, but what if there are dozens or even hundreds of people in a world who are qualified to be the world lords?

Even people who have the same laws will go in completely different directions due to their different understandings.

To give a simple example, even if the same pursuit of the eternity of time is the same, one person thinks that it is eternity to let everything stand still, and the other thinks that it is eternity to keep everything in an orderly manner, and the laws of the two people meet, they will be eternal. Divide the world into two parts.

And if there are hundreds of laws colliding together...

I think it's better for the earth to explode as soon as possible.jpg

When Zhao Yesui was a student, he had read a Yingzhou light novel, which described the existence of a demon called the Demon God, which was born in a single planet, but its combat power was unquestionably the super-single universe level. Therefore, the planet that gave birth to them is completely unable to carry their existence, and they can only walk on the planet through infinite division and infinite overlap.

Thinking about it now, the situation on Earth seems to be somewhat similar to what this book describes, the only difference is that the players on Earth who can destroy the Earth at will may reach four figures.

So, are these players really still on Earth in their daily lives? What if they fight? Shouldn't this blow up the earth to add to the fun?

Zhao Yesui didn't think that there would be no disputes between players, and even the existence of a high-ranking character would cause gaps due to resources and other reasons. This is the instinct of all intelligent creatures.

After all, no matter how extraordinary it is now, it used to be an existence as a terrifying erect ape, and the instinct hidden deep in the genes will not just disappear.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway. The earth will be destroyed long ago, so I don't have to worry about it."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and was about to get up to go home. It was at this moment that a faint sunlight shone on him through the gap between the skyscrapers.

[A source of divine power detected...]

[Automatically replenishing divine power]

[Player Ye Lin has obtained Black Sun Power 0.0000000001]

[Player Ye Lin has obtained Black Sun Power 0.0000000001]


Divine Power Supplement?

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows slightly, opened the information prompt bar, and then opened the status bar, and found that there was indeed a new magic power slot under the [Yin Qi].

Unlike the lead-grey Yin Qi, the color of this magic bar is icy black.

[Black Sun Power: 0.0000000003/100]

"Good guy, does this go directly to divine power?"

Zhao Yesui has indeed seen in the "Notes for Beginners" that many bloodlines will have their own new energy gauges, but it is still rare for the Heiri bloodline to come with its own divine power.

in addition......

Zhao Yeshou closed his eyes slightly, feeling the feeling of the sun shining on his body.

In the previous scene, it was not that he had not experienced the effect of the bloodline of the [Child of the Sun]. At that time, when he received the sunlight, he only felt warm all over his body, and the six dimensions had been improved to a certain extent, giving people an illusion of invincibility. .

But now, after [Son of the Sun] was changed to [Black Sun], Zhao Yesui only felt an icy aura flowing around his body when he received the sun, which was more like...devouring than absorbing.

After realizing this, Zhao Yejia frowned slightly. Ordinary people may not see it, but if it is a player, especially a senior player, he should be able to spot his abnormality.

Even Zhao Yesang himself found that the air around him had been distorted, because the light disappeared after shining on him, as if he had fallen into a black hole.

After researching for a while, Zhao Yesui finally found a way to passively turn off this bloodline. Without further delay, he got up and prepared to go home for deeper research.

"It seems that in the future, if you have nothing to do, you need to bask in the sun..."

This thought flashed through Zhao Yesang's mind.

Just when Zhao Yesui just stood up, the game of destiny suddenly sounded an alarm:

[alarm! alarm! The intensity of the D-level alien invasion event in the city where player Ye Lin is located is on the rise! ]

[The current intensity is C level! ]

Before Zhao Yesui could react, he heard another rapid alarm sound:

[Detected that there is a supernatural phenomenon near the player Ye Lin]

[The difference between the target and the current level of the player Ye Rin is too large. It is recommended that the player Ye Rin keep himself safe and wait for high-level players to solve it]

[Task: Remnant Soul of Lone Bridge]

[Quest goal: Kill the broken bridge remnant]

[Task reward: 3200 game coins]

"Broken Bridge Remnant?"

Compared with the invasion of another world, Zhao Yesui was more interested in the content of the second alarm.

Because, it seems that his life is at stake.

"If I remember correctly, the broken bridge remnant seems to be... Grandpa Chen?"

Zhao Yesui felt that his supply of divine power was interrupted, because his body was covered by a shadow, and no sunlight could pass through the shadow and shine on him.