MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 40

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On the other side, Zhao Yesui had already arrived at Hera's pre-booked room, opened the window, and watched Xiao Jin climb in wetly, before closing the window and sitting alone in the corner without speaking.

Because the guy who made the wrong call was so noisy.

After Zhao Yesao answered him, he kept praying, for fear that Zhao Yesao couldn't hear him, buzzing, buzzing, but Zhao Yesao didn't know how to hang up his phone, so he could only listen to him The conversation turned into nonsense in the end. Why did he want to see the little sister next door, the new nun from the Holy See had such a big breast, and he used Zhao Yesui as a trash can.

Finally, he was silent.

[You have killed the Hawa elite warriors]

[The reward will be settled after the scene is over]

At the same time, Zhao Yesang felt that the black fog began to fill up, and the upper limit was also raised, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

By letting others end their lives on their own through words, the black fog will also grow. Zhao Yesui knew about this, but he was surprised that the other party actually committed suicide like this.

"Hey, this guy really committed suicide."

This was something Zhao Yesui didn't expect.

Zhao Yesui glanced at Hera and Lu Shixi. They seemed to be chatting, or it was Hera who asked Lu Shixi a question unilaterally. As for the topic... Zhao Yesang can only say that children are not suitable. .

He had to interrupt the conversation between the two and said, "Bishop Hera, do you have anything to do?"

"Yes, I'll go with you to find His Holiness the Pope. That's what I came here for." Hera tilted her head and said, "Isn't this waiting for your order?"

"Moving the fish is so righteous..." Zhao Yeshao sighed lightly and said to them, "Then you guys talk, I'll go find out the information."

He was going to see the situation of the afternoon nap, and by the way, he would be pulled up to ask for information.

True Detective Information

"No need." Lu Shixi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a stern face: "Time waits for no one, I'll go and see what's going on here. If there's no accident, I'll leave here in the afternoon."

Hera said immediately: "Then let's go together, Xiao Mo."

The corner of Lu Shixi's mouth twitched, but in the end he could only acquiesce to her proposal.

After the two left, Zhao Ye took Xiao Jin along with the previous induction and came to the Nuo Hotel not far from the hotel.

The reason why he didn't tell Lu Shixi and Hera before was because he didn't think the other party would assassinate him alone at that time, and because he couldn't explain why he knew there were enemies there.

The most important thing is that Zhao Yesao really didn't know that the other party would be so stupid to commit suicide at that time, and he had already prepared seven plans for the aftermath, but the other party really committed suicide so readily, which made Zhao Yesao have a kind of slap on the cotton. Feel.

Putting on the [Dawn Knights' standard mask], Zhao Yesao stood in the empty alley and gave an order to Xiaojin, who climbed up the wall expressionlessly and jumped into Zhao Yesang's memory in that room.

As soon as he landed, Zhao Yesui smelled the pungent smell of blood through his shared senses, and fell into a pool of blood in the afternoon with his eyes wide open, the red spear still stuck in his heart, but there was no more blood to shed. .

Under the control of Zhao Yesui, Xiao Jin confirmed the death of the afternoon nap again, and then began to rummage all possible places in this room, but in the end, he did not get any information about the door of truth.

"The preparation is so thorough, it seems that he is prepared to succeed if he fails, but even if all the relevant information is hidden, will his identity of the Hawa ethnic group not arouse suspicion?"

Zhao Yesui pondered: "So, he is an abandoned son? But according to the normal process, he should fight with us, and there is a high probability that he will fail. In this case, this assassination has other effects besides the loss of an inner person. ?"


Zhao Yesui suddenly realized something, and his pupils contracted slightly:

"—unless he no longer needs to hide."

At the same time, the two Hawa people who were responsible for transporting supplies to the watchtower put down the ammunition box in their hands and exchanged information during the break:

"Nap didn't make a move."

"Nap is dead."


"Damn, didn't we say that we would follow the uprising as soon as he started? What is going on now? Do we still want to start?"

At this time, a soldier in full armor passed by, and the two nodded and bowed to them for a while, and then they continued to talk until they left.

Suddenly, one of the Hawa people looked at the blue and white flag slowly rising from the mage tower in the distance, and his eyes lit up.

"Wait... There is information from the priest, what he means is... the plan continues!"

The two looked at each other with a frenzy on their faces, and without hesitation, they reached to their chest, where there was a piece of skin that was obviously different from the surrounding skin. red lead.

The two Hawas separated first, one headed towards the watchtower's headquarters, and the other walked towards the watchtower's ammunition depot. When they approached the soldiers guarding the gate diligently as usual, their expressions suddenly changed and they shouted loudly. :

"For Hawa! For the priest! For His Majesty!"

Before the soldiers could react, they suddenly pulled the lead out. The next moment, the high explosive that had filled their bodies exploded, and the raging flames devoured everything they had passed.

At the same time, Zhao Yesui, who realized that something was wrong, heard repeated prayers.

Seems like prayers from hundreds of different people, finally overlapping:

"... Priest of terrifying death, my lord Olfindran, grant me the power to destroy heresy! Turn these unclean ones to ashes!"

The prayers from hundreds of people sounded at the same time, but for Zhao Yesui, who had persisted in the hoarse whispers brought by the black fog for more than two years, it could only be regarded as a breeze.

He was concerned about another thing.

- These hundreds of prayers are not far away, and the nearest one is even separated by a wall from Zhao Yesui.

Cultists gather together to pray, it is impossible to sit in a row and eat fruit.

Zhao Yesang wanted to respond to these prayers as before, but they overlapped, and Zhao Yesang didn't have a hundred brains, so he couldn't answer them one by one.

Just when Zhao Yesang was about to contact Lu Shixi, explosions occurred in various places in the development zone since dawn, and even the second floor of the Nuoshuo Hotel exploded. It was Xiao Jin, who was the closest to the explosion, and his whole body was thrown into the street like a doll by the shock wave of the explosion.

Right in front of Zhao Yesui, a middle-aged Hawa woman who was selling fruit suddenly raised a watermelon knife with a ghastly face, and killed the family of three who came to buy melons in front of her, even though the three of them had already fallen. In the pool of blood, she did not stop, but continued to vent her anger towards them.

Similar bloodshed is happening all over the Dawn Development Zone.

Of course, if this is the case, the turmoil will be quelled by the guards soon, but since the Hawa people have been planning for this for a long time, will they not take the opportunity to collude with the gate of truth?

This is no accident.

This is an organized and premeditated rebellion, a rebellion carried out by the Hawa people living in the Dawn Development Zone and the Gate of Truth!

Zhao Yesui finally understood why the Gate of Truth would cost so much, and he would even kill a high-ranking intern at the sea.

Because he is a variable.

At the moment when the rebellion is about to begin, no one wants an unplanned person to interfere with the whole plan, especially when this person is a world-renowned **** stick.

It seems that the situation is not optimistic, Zhao Yesui still has a leisurely mind and sighs:

"It seems to be a trap here. Fortunately, Shixi and the others didn't lead the way, and they didn't even explore the grass. Otherwise, it would be a big loss even if they could escape."

He took out a suitcase from his inventory, dug out three bottles of potions, and drank it.

[Lion Heart Potion][Pine Deer Potion][Goshawk Potion]

[Player Ye Lin's power is temporarily increased]

[Player Ye Lin's agility is temporarily increased]

[Player Ye Lin's will is temporarily improved]

Taking drugs is an important part of the witcher's combat system, and it has to be tried.

Just when he got on the buff and planned to direct Xiao Jin to counterattack, the prayers in his ears suddenly converged and became high:

"My lord Olfindland, we ask you to walk on the ground, and open the door of your gospel for us, so that your majesty can be reproduced on the ground!"

After repeating this prayer three times, Zhao Yesui finally understood what these cultists wanted him to do.

"I've said it, don't call me! Go to Olfendeland!" Zhao Yeshui sighed deeply and said through gritted teeth: "I'm not your god, and I'm not Symmetra, I really don't know how to open the teleportation panel!!"

p.s. To put it simply, it was originally an attack on Zhao Yesui and the others in the afternoon to sound the horn of the battle, but the afternoon nap committed suicide. The leader of this rebellion was stunned on the spot and had to discuss it before deciding to continue the execution. plan.

Chapter 78 I'm not a human being wryyyyyyyyy (4k)

The land of the Forgotten Land is vast and boundless. For some reason, the Holy See has only established several development zones with properties similar to scientific research stations on the edge of the mainland. among.

Of course, the Gate of Truth has an absolute advantage in these areas.

At this moment, between the forest and sea, there are dense aliens crawling on their bodies, paying their respects to those standing on the altar.

They are the elites prepared by the Gate of Truth to capture the Dawn Development Zone. As soon as the teleportation panel is arranged, they will drop into the Dawn Development Zone with more swift movements to start killing.

However, the inner ghosts made the wrong call.

"Sir Priest." A black skin walked on his knees and said to the figure on the altar: "I don't know why, the portal to the land of sin has not been opened. During the last sacrifice, my lord promised to help us. …”

"So, are you questioning my lord?" The priest in the dark purple robe looked down at him, the other's body suddenly trembled, and he hurriedly defended:

"No, Lord Priest, that's not what I meant—"

Before he finished speaking, the priest had indifferently descended death on him.

The black skin twitched twice and then stopped moving. The priest calmly looked at the aliens under his feet and said, "Since my lord doesn't bestow divine grace, it naturally has his considerations, and we can't speculate on divine will."

Hei Pi's body was dragged away silently, and the next Hei Pi asked in horror, "Then, shall we continue to attack the Land of Sin?"

"No, this is probably what my lord meant." The priest said lightly: "Just concentrate on attacking other places. The blood of these heretics is enough for the messenger of my lord to come."

No one dared to disobey him, the aliens left in an orderly manner, leaving only the priest standing on the altar of white bones.

He looked in the direction of Liming Development Zone, the face hidden under the mask could not be seen clearly,

After a long time, the priest said softly, "Helios...?"

"Oh, you should be the so-called player, then, I am looking forward to the variables you bring."


In the Liming Development Zone, Zhao Yesui was still troubled by hundreds of prayers. Fortunately, shortly after the prayers were not answered, these cultists stopped praying as if they had received a unified order, which allowed Zhao Yesui to be divided Get out.

After the turmoil officially broke out, Destiny Games issued a statement:

[You encounter an elaborate attack]

[Dangerous Mission: The Fall of Auroville has been opened]

[Quest goal: survive and try to save the Dawn Development Zone, the mission reward is determined by the final Dawn Development Zone preservation degree]

Zhao Yesui closed the task panel, walked out of the alley, and looked at all the living beings in front of him.

The Hawa people slashed their butcher knives at the colonists. Of course, the definition of colonists is a bit broad, including not only all outsiders, but also compatriots who did not join their conspiracy.

The Hawa people, who used to be kind in the past, put on bone masks and began to destroy all buildings within sight, killing all living beings within sight. It seems that the only way to vent their anger that has been accumulated for a long time.

But, where does this anger come from?

Soon an enemy found Zhao Yesui and rushed towards him roaring, but Zhao Yesui was still hesitating whether he wanted to intervene:

"So, is this a righteous backstab by the natives against the colonists? Is what they did righteous? Maybe not, because their actions are obviously excessive, but trying to subvert colonial rule is not a family game. , for the time being, it is impossible to win over a group, suppress a group, and someone's interests will definitely be damaged..."

While thinking about it, Zhao Yesui avoided the enemy's attack, cut his throat with a pocket knife, and watched him fall in pain, silent.

Zhao Yesui is not thinking about whether to fight back against these rioting Hawa people, this is beyond doubt, the enemy has hit him, can he still not fight back?

He was thinking about something else.

-Whether to use black fog.

This time, it wasn't the small fight when Xiao Jin was killed as before. In such a fierce battlefield, Zhao Yesui wanted to use the black fog, no doubt, he planned to ignore morality and rationality, and his firepower was full.

In this battlefield full of death, the black fog is an extraneous existence. If the black fog is used, Zhao Yesao is confident that the battle will be overturned in an instant.

For some reason, Zhao Yesui always weighs the "justice" behind the incident when he uses the black fog. This may be one of the main reasons why he has not lost control so far.

Of course, justice has always been a subjective concept. For the navigators who first discovered the New World, their actions expanded the boundaries of the world and made indelible contributions to globalization, but to the inhabitants of the New World, the navigators were just a sign of disaster , brought them the disaster of genocide and annihilation.

And now, the tragic massacre that is taking place in front of Zhao Ye's eyes is nothing but a change in his opinion.

Where can there be a bloodless war?

Just as Zhao Yesang was thinking, more and more Hawa people had discovered him. After all, people on this street were running away, only Zhao Yesang was still standing here, not to mention. How conspicuous.

Zhao Yeshao shook his head and decided to leave here temporarily to join Lu Shixi and the others. It was at this moment that he felt the breath of death.

There are dead people and dying people everywhere, but what Zhao Yesui sensed this time was the breath of acquaintances.

Zhao Yesui frowned slightly and waved in the direction of the crowd, while he quickly approached the location where the Nuo was sent to the hotel.


The Hawa rioters were puzzled by Zhao Yesui's actions. When they were about to catch up, a corpse on the side of the road stretched out both hands and grabbed the ankle of one of the Hawa people.