MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 35

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In the afternoon, the port of Krissilk.

The 120,000-ton steel behemoth "Justinian" was quietly moored in the port, waiting for the passengers to board the ship. If it was before, Zhao Yesui might have been surprised, but in the already insightful part " The reality of the world", Zhao Yesui no longer thinks that this is a script with a medieval background.

As the VIP customers of the first class cabin, Zhao Yesui and Lu Shixi naturally did not need to crowd with others. A special crew member came to them early in the morning, and as usual, asked the two of them whether they needed to send their luggage to the cabin in advance. middle.

However, Zhao Yesui has no idea of ​​handing over important quest items to others for safekeeping. Although all equipment and other items have been received in the inventory, [Sword of Forge], as a quest item, cannot be placed in the inventory. So Zhao Yesui still declined his kindness.

Under the leadership of the crew, Zhao Yesui and Lu Shixi soon came to their room on the top deck. Although this room was much larger than the rental house that Zhao Yesui lived in on Earth, strictly speaking It can still be called a "room".

Zhao Yesui and the others were already the last group of passengers. Rather, it was precisely because they hadn't boarded the ship that the Justinian stayed until now.

Therefore, shortly after they got on board, the Justinian blew its whistle and began to slowly leave the port and sail away to the ocean.

Zhao Yesui leaned on the railing, looked at the people at the port who waved goodbye to the cruise ship, sighed softly, and said to Lu Shixi: "They may not know yet, this cruise ship is a veritable death cruise ship, and they don't know this. How many people in the whole ship can make it to the Forgotten Land alive?"

"Why be so pessimistic?" Lu Shixi shrugged and said, "Are you so sure that they will attack the boat?"

"If it were me, I would choose to stifle the danger in the cradle." Zhao Yesui said: "A legendary witcher, or a witcher who received a commission from the Holy See, is going to the pagans now. Base Camp, you are a heretic, are you panicking?"

"Think about it from another perspective, if I know that a powerful enemy is about to cross the sea, then the best choice is to kill him at sea, because when he reaches the ground and in a familiar environment, who will be at that time? It’s hard to say who the hunted is and who is the hunter. And here, in the boundless sea, even the Holy See can’t reach it, isn’t it the best place to start?”

"According to what you said, wouldn't it be better for them to start when you arrive at the forgotten land?" Lu Shixi tutted and said, "There is the base camp where they have been operating from generation to generation, and then they will transfer a bunch of people, one person. Wouldn't it be over if you stabbed you?"

Zhao Yesui glanced at Lu Shixi and said lightly: "Of course this is the most rational choice, but you know that someone is going to rush to your house to kill and set fire. Do you choose to kill him in advance or wait for him to rush to your house? Your family, will you deal with it after the bad consequences? I also hope that these orcs can be so calm and let me sit on the boat safely to the forgotten land, but according to some information I have seen, I am afraid it will not be what I want. ."

While the two were discussing, someone knocked on the door of the room. Lu Shixi closed his eyes slightly to sense it, opened his eyes and said to Zhao Yesui, "It's the priest Lalevin."

"I think it should be him." Zhao Yesui was not surprised, he walked to the door and opened it.

Lalevin was still wearing the priest's uniform that morning, carrying two heavy suitcases in his hands and a rattan box behind him, looking uneasy, only after seeing Zhao Yeshou open the door. With a sigh of relief, he immediately handed a suitcase in his hand to Zhao Yesui, and said, "Your Excellency Helios, this is the holy relic entrusted to you by the bishop, please confirm, I can take care of it if something goes wrong. Sorry."

Zhao Yesui took the suitcase, opened it, and gave it to Lu Shixi, who was behind him, and said to Lalevin, who was panting in front of him, "Thank you for your hard work, Priest Lalevin, run around. It's very inconvenient, why don't you come and have a rest first?"

"No, no, I haven't left my luggage yet. I'll visit you later in the evening." Lalevin said helplessly, "I don't know what the bishop thinks, so he just gave me the holy relic, which has made me until now. They are still very nervous.”

Zhao Yesui also noticed the big suitcase he was carrying, and asked curiously, "Pastor Lalevin, you seem to have a lot of luggage? Did you promise your colleagues stationed in the Forgotten Land to bring something?"

"I originally planned to do so, but after a bit of calculation, I found that I couldn't even carry my own things, so I had to give up." Lalevin saw that Zhao Yesui was still curious, so he generously opened the bag in his hand. The suitcase was shown to Zhao Yesao.

"Shenqi Holy See Third Edition Physical Enlightenment Canon" "Shenqi Holy See Fifth Edition Algebraic Canon" "Shenqi Holy See Fifth Edition Geometry Canon" "Shenqi Holy See Fifth Edition Calculus Canon" "Shenqi Holy See First Edition Biology The Book of Enlightenment...  

...Co-authoring and you take these things to the New World?

Zhao Yesang originally thought that Lalevin wanted to do the work of the tyrants on both sides of the strait, but he ended up taking such a large amount of textbooks to the forgotten land, which was too far from the colonization that Zhao Yesang imagined.

"Didn't I introduce it to you?" Seemingly aware of Zhao Yeshou's doubts, Lalevin said inexplicably, "I am a missionary responsible for supporting the work of my colleagues in the Forgotten Land, spreading the word about my Lord to the Forgotten Land. It is my responsibility and obligation to teach the teachings, since I want to convey the teachings, how can I not bring the teachings?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, this is probably your teaching..." Zhao Ye said with deliberation: "But, Reverend Lalevin, have you ever thought that between bread and knowledge, People may be more inclined towards bread, especially when they're not full..."

The Forgotten Land should still be at the stage of primitive society at this time. Although there are large and small tribes, it is too unrealistic for them to start learning modern science at once, right?

"Of course, please rest assured, the Holy See has of course considered this." Lalevin smiled heartily, put the box on his back on the ground, opened the lid to show the contents to Zhao Yesui: "These It's the first thing I want to teach when I arrive in the Land of Forgotten, how can I make people who come to listen to my teachings go hungry?"

Zhao Yeshou glanced at it, and suddenly took a deep breath.

"From entry to soil - four simple soil chemical fertilizer manufacturing methods", "the design and manufacture of soil steam engine", "bamboo salt manufacturing method", "soil processing of forest products", "earth method forging steel hammer", "soil method for coal preparation", "soil method" "Steelmaking", "Coking", "High-grade Cement Made by Homemade", "Bearing made by Homemade", "Soap and Glycerine made by Homemade"...

Among them, Zhao Yesui even saw something that was not very harmonious, such as "The Rifling of the Native Law".

Good guy, if you have these things, you can carry out "Zero-Starting Life in a Different World". Zhao Yesui has to admit that his previous thoughts are still too shallow.

But there is one thing that Zhao Yejia didn't understand. Since the Holy See has such high technology, it is better to directly popularize the Forgotten Land. Why bother?

Naturally, Lalevin couldn't hear his heart. After picking up the rattan box again, he said goodbye to Zhao Yeshou: "Then, Your Excellency Helios, I will retire first, and I will come to visit you at night."

Lalevin's figure drifted away in the corridor, Zhao Ye closed the door, and when he turned back, he saw Lu Shixi looking at the contents of the box.

"A pair of binoculars?" Lu Shixi took out the glass box, looked at Zhao Yeshou, and said, "Is this the Holy See's holy relic?"

"It's not an ordinary telescope, it's a space telescope with a special magic technique." Zhao Yesui corrected her statement, took the glass box and put it in the inventory: "The item that can meet the true **** is of course called It's a holy thing."

"True God?" Lu Shixi wasn't a fool either, he understood immediately: "You mean, the gods believed by the Holy See in this world are in space?"

"Almost, but usually you can't see it even with a telescope." Zhao Yeshou said noncommittally, "I can't say the specifics. Hera said I was on the list, but you weren't there. If I tell you, it seems that Something went wrong... why don't we try?"

"Just try and die, don't make a fool of yourself." Lu Shixi's mouth twitched: "I'm more stable than you, who is Mengxin?"

"I am." Zhao Yesui replied as a matter of course, and took out the communicator, and dialed it to Hera while it was not far from the shore.

The communication was quickly connected, Hera's voice was a little distorted, and she said: "Mr Helios? You should be on the Justinian now, right? Lalevin has handed you the relic. ?"

"Well, I have already received it." Zhao Yesui said calmly: "By the way, Bishop Hera, I want to confirm one thing with you. This Justinian should belong to the Holy See's property, right?"

"Yes, it is one of the public properties of the Holy See." Hera did not deny it, and asked with a smile: "How did Sir Helios discover it? On the surface, it should belong to the Simonsa Company."

"If you want to disguise better, it is recommended to change the crew first. The smell of the Holy See on them is too strong. It can't be solved by changing the priest's robe and putting on the sailor's uniform." Zhao Yesui replied indifferently, Immediately afterwards, a heavy message was thrown: "So, if I blow up this Justinian if necessary, will I be wanted by the Holy See?"

"..." Hera said with a wry smile after being silent for a moment: "Should I say that it is you, Lord Helios, just got on the ship, and already started planning to blow up the ship, what's the matter, the door of truth Is there such a big pressure on you from the people you are here for?"

Hera obviously knew the existence of the gate of truth, and even knew that the members of the gate of truth were on the Justinian, which was not unexpected by Zhao Yesao, even he passed the interrogation of two young men. The information that everyone can know, Hera, as the cardinal of Mensa, the actual highest authority, has no reason to not know.

"The pressure they give me is not very strong. The real pressure comes from this ocean." Zhao Yesui looked at the sea in the distance and said, "Even me, it is difficult to resist the mighty power of nature. The Justinian was damaged, so obviously I can't get to the forgotten place just by swimming."

"Similarly, if members of the Gate of Truth spread the plague on the Justinian, it will quickly spread throughout the ship in this semi-closed environment. Even if I can ensure my own safety, I have no time to care about him. At that time, do you want me to drive this behemoth to the Forgotten Land by myself?"

"Of course, if you tell me now that you have 180 knife and axemen on board, rush out to **** me as soon as I drop the cup, and tell me who are the members of the Gate of Truth by the way, then I will I can be at ease."

"I don't have one hundred and eighty knife and axemen, but there are still some insiders." Hera sighed and said, "But the members of the Gate of Truth are not something I can find. If I knew it, it would have been long ago. He could have stopped him before he came ashore. But that would probably just make them send someone else, it's better to just do it, and now he probably doesn't know we've found him."

"As for your previous question, my answer is, yes, as long as you don't blow up the Justinian without subjective reasons, I will solve it from the Holy See."

"However, it is best not to go this far. I also have a stake in the Justinian. Although it is only 27%, it is still a large sum of money. It is for our marriage. Live, use miracles on them, okay?"

Hera's voice finally became pitiful, and Zhao Yejiaquan didn't hear it.

He didn't have to blow up the Justinian, just to test the bottom line of the Holy See.

After hanging up the communication, Zhao Yesui quietly watched the sunset fall into the sea, the bright moonlight sprinkled on the sparkling sea, and shattered into countless tiny fragments as the Justinian moved forward.

"It's almost time for something to happen."

Zhao Yesui suddenly said: "The **** fleet can no longer be seen nearby. The most important thing is that the sun has set."

No one would talk to a son of the sun, Hard Steel, when the sun rose. Knowing Zhao Yeshou's identity, if he wanted to design him, he naturally had to start at night.

Sure enough, not long after these words fell, screams came from the lower cabin.

p.s. The price per 1,000 words is fixed. I usually have a two-in-one chapter, so it will be a little more expensive. Or if you want, I can also split it into four chapters, each with a thousand words (x

In the transition chapter, the storyline of this cruise ship will not be very long, let alone play detective games. It’s a matter of reasoning, how far you have to climb, and today I’m going to pass the wicked way!

Chapter 71: Classic Three-Choose One, But Zhao Yesui Chooses Big Kill (4K Two-in-One)

By the time Zhao Yesui and Lu Shixi arrived at the lower cabin, the place had already turned into a pot of porridge.

A dense crowd gathered outside the restaurant, discussing across the cordon. The noisy voices made people breathless. Even if the crew did their best to maintain order and let the passengers return to their cabins, there was still little success. , the scene was still very chaotic, which was exactly what Mr. Lu Xun said.

Both Zhao Yesui and Lu Shixi were equipped with anti-epidemic equipment in advance, so they dared to come directly to check the abnormality. Seeing the people who were almost blocking the entrance of the stairs, Zhao Yesui signaled to Lu Shixi to open a repulsive position, so that he was able to squeeze in front of the crowd.

The door of the restaurant was already closed, and it was obvious that nothing could be seen through the door. Zhao Ye went through the cordon with Lu Shixi after thinking about it, and went straight to the door.

The crew in charge of maintaining order had already arrived at the gate before they could even see the movements of Zhao Yesui and Lu Shixi.

The two crew members stood guard at the door of the restaurant, preventing unrelated people from entering the restaurant. When they saw Zhao Yesui, they immediately stopped them: "You two, there has just been a vicious wounding incident here, please temporarily. Let's move to the second restaurant next door."

"I know, that's what I'm here for." Zhao Yeshou showed his witcher license in a serious manner, and pulled down his mask: "I am the famous detective Helios, where is my figure? There is an event!"

Detective Helios?

The two crew members were stunned for this unfamiliar term, and didn't even notice the strangeness of Zhao Yesao's words, but after seeing the witcher license in Zhao Yesang's hands, one of the crew members recalled Afterwards, he suddenly realized: "Oh, you are the legendary witcher Helios!"

The two whispered for a while, and finally came to a consensus: "It's very dangerous inside, but if you insist, I'll trouble you. We have encountered an incident that is difficult to describe in words."

This is probably one of the conveniences brought by the status of the legendary witcher Helios. If Zhao Yesui was just an ordinary passenger, it would take a lot of effort just to enter the scene.

Zhao Yeshou pushed open the copper door, realizing that he seemed to have just passed through a layer of barrier, and looked back at the door thoughtfully, and found that not only the door, but the entire restaurant was shrouded in a layer of holy white barrier. on.

"Anti-evil enchantment." Lu Shixi explained: "It can effectively resist the spread of negative energy, both externally and internally."

Zhao Ye nodded slightly, and quickly looked at the situation in the restaurant. This should be the cafeteria on the ship. It is already dinner time, so it is not surprising that passengers will gather here.

But now, the dining table draped in a white tablecloth fell to the ground, and all kinds of delicacies were scattered on the ground. The crew members were carrying out emergency treatment for the injured passengers, and low sobbing echoed from the restaurant, which made people feel more and more disturbed.

Before Zhao Yesui could look more, someone in a dark blue sailor suit heard the door open and turned to look at the two of them, but the look in his eyes quickly turned into surprise, and he stepped forward to hold it. He grabbed Zhao Yeshou's hand and said enthusiastically, "Ah, is that His Excellency Helios? I heard that you were also on the Justinian, and I was thinking about whether to invite you over, but I didn't expect you to happen to be there. here it comes."

... who are you?

The corners of Zhao Yesang's mouth twitched imperceptibly. Although he has the memory of Helios, Zhao Yesang still doesn't know much about Helios' position in this world. After all, he has never experienced it personally. Difficult to understand.

After considering the words for a while, Zhao Yeshou said: "Yes, I am Helios, I just noticed the movement here, so I came down to see what happened here, this... ..gentlemen?"

"Oh, I'm the first mate of the Justinian. The captain can't get out for the time being, so let me handle this matter." The first mate immediately revealed his identity.

"Okay, first mate, then, can you tell me what's going on here?"

As Zhao Yesang asked, he turned his attention to the most unusual place in this spacious restaurant.

It was a young man in jeans and a plaid shirt. He looked out of tune with the well-dressed gentlemen and ladies around him. At this moment, he was tied to a load-bearing post, his limbs were folded back in an unconventional posture, and in his scarlet pupils only There was pure animal will, and even though his mouth was blocked by stockings, he still made a whimpering sound.

The first mate saw Zhao Yesui's gaze and looked at the young man who was bound by iron chains, and immediately said: "Your Excellency Helios, this is the murderer. Everything was fine, but just now, he Like crazy, he started attacking the other passengers beside him. Our crew immediately tried to stop him, but was bitten by him instead. By the time the follow-up crew arrived, he had already injured fourteen passengers, one of them Because of the serious injury, even if the priest who accompanied the ship arrived, he still unfortunately passed away."

Zhao Yesui listened quietly, and then said, "Isn't this a very simple incident of hurting people? Maybe he suddenly felt emotional, or was stimulated by something, so he began to attack other passengers indiscriminately."

"It would be great if that was the case." The chief mate sighed deeply, pointed to the seventeen stretchers placed beside him, and said, "But the passengers and crew members who were attacked by him fell into a deep sleep, and never again. Wake up. No matter how many methods the priests use, they can't wake them up. It's not like magic, and it's not like a normal coma, so I can't do it."

According to his words, Zhao Ye looked towards the direction pointed by the first mate. There were indeed seventeen wounded wounded with bandages lying on their bodies, exactly as the first mate said.

"Then, first mate, do you have any clues?" Zhao Yesui glanced at the passengers on the other side of the restaurant and said, "Why keep them here? They shouldn't be hurt, right?"

"I'm not injured, but I don't dare to bet." The first officer said in a deep voice, "I think we may have been attacked by people from the Gate of Truth. This may be because they have spread an unknown plague, or God of death, now no one knows that this kind of attack is not contagious, so everyone present can't go out."

As I said before, the Justinian is actually the property of the Holy See, and as the second-in-command of the Justinian, it is a certainty that the first mate has a Holy See background, so he will know something about the door of truth. Not surprising either.


"Then you came up to say hello to me just now?" Zhao Ye's mouth twitched and said, "Didn't you say there might be a plague? You're not afraid of infecting me?"

"Isn't it too late..." The first mate smiled shyly and immediately changed the subject: "Then, Your Excellency Helios, you are well-informed, do you have any ideas?"

"Let me see the situation first."

Zhao Yesui did not give an answer, but walked to the bound young man with Lu Shixi.

The young man noticed that someone was walking beside him, and immediately struggled violently, staring at Zhao Yeshou with scarlet pupils, but his limbs were bound by the thick chains of his arms, and he obviously had no ability to break free. A vague growl.

Zhao Yesui looked at Lu Shixi, Lu Shixi shook his head and said, "I didn't sense the aura of the plague, of course, it cannot be ruled out that the plague is still in the incubation period, or Olfindland has developed a new type of plague."

Similarly, Zhao Yesui did not perceive the breath of death in him. Compared with Lu Shixi who did not discover the plague, the possibility that Zhao Yesang did not perceive the concept of death was obviously much smaller.

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yesui walked up to the seventeen wounded. They all collapsed on the stretcher and their wounds were treated, but as the first officer said, no matter what method was used to wake them up .

Facing such a situation he had never seen before, Zhao Yesui was also at a loss. He asked the first mate who was following behind him: "What is the background of the young man who attacked him? Has anyone contacted him after getting on the boat?"

"He is a third-class passenger, but this ticket was not originally registered in his name. According to the testimony of other passengers, it seems that he won a bet with a man. Based on his family situation, it should be I can't afford the ticket for the Justinian." The first mate replied in detail: "Maybe it's a young man who wants to go to the forgotten place. There are not a few people like this, after all, there have been There are many precedents, and many people have made their first pot of gold in the forgotten land, and have since reached the pinnacle of their lives."

"As for the people who had contact with him after boarding the ship, we also screened them out, and they happened to be in this restaurant."

"The suspects happened to stay at the crime site, so is that just three people?" Zhao Yeshou interrupted the first officer's words subtly.

"Yes, it's three people, what's wrong?" The first mate looked at Zhao Yeshou in confusion, but didn't get his point at all.

"Good guy, choose one of the three classics, or a closed environment like a blizzard villa." Zhao Ye snorted and looked at the three suspects at the prompt of the first officer.

An old man, a lady, a young man wearing a monocle.

"Do you need to ask them for some information?" The first mate fully entered the role and said to Zhao Yesui: "I have just interrogated them, but listening to my retelling may not be complete... ."

"No need." Zhao Yeshou shook his head and said lightly: "This is not playing a detective game. Who stipulates that the suspect will definitely return to the crime scene? Besides, I have no time to waste here."

After speaking, Zhao Yeshou stepped forward without hesitation and walked to the front of the old man. Before waiting for the other party to speak, he pulled out the folding knife and inserted it into the other party's chest. He fell to the ground softly, not moving.

"Dead, it seems not."

Zhao Yesui said calmly, and walked to the next lady.

The lady seemed to be frightened by Zhao Yeshou's actions just now. She didn't come back until Zhao Yesang walked in front of her, and screamed: "Sa Rilang! You, come here, save me, help me!"

The first mate reacted and subconsciously wanted to rush up to stop Zhao Yeshou, but stopped under Lu Shixi's icy eyes.

That was the fear from the original life, telling him that if he took a step forward, he would be ruthlessly killed, and he would not even have the ability to resist.

The first officer shuddered, hesitated, and shouted to Zhao Yeshou: "Lord Helios, what are you doing? Have you confirmed who the murderer is?"

"I don't know." Zhao Yesui answered the first mate, and neatly solved the lady, "I don't know who the murderer is, but my intuition tells me that the murderer is still here, so if If you can't find the murderer, just kill everyone here."