MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 317

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Sola murmured to herself, "It's still three months before the age of eighteen, that is to say, Mr. Watcher is now seventeen according to the current century?!"


Nursery Yao didn't understand why Sola's reaction was so big, and said doubtfully, "It's true, what's wrong?"

Suola suddenly became a little uneasy, and looked at Zhao Yesao subconsciously.

Zhao Yesui could only nod his head, indicating that what Tongtong said was true.

There is no way to fake the age, although if you add the time in the copy, Zhao Yeshou is about nineteen years old now, but only from the time recorded on the earth, Zhao Yesang is indeed only seventeen years old this year. .

And Zhao Yesui also knew why Sola had such a big reaction.

It is known that Sola is recognized as the strongest king of the Xinghai Sea. This strongest is based on her own name bit by bit, and Sola is the apostle of the chief consul of the fantasy country, and cultivated by herself. .

So, how old is Sora?

Zhao Yesang didn't have an answer to this question for the time being, and he wouldn't be stupid enough to ask Sola face to face.

Don't ask any woman older than you about her age. This is a lesson Zhao Yesui has deeply learned from Gu Yizhu and Daya.

-Because this question is like Schrödinger's cat, you never know how exaggerated that number is until you ask, and the size of this number will determine your next destiny.

Sola was obviously completely taken aback, she never thought that Zhao Yesui was so much younger than she thought.

Only from the usual contact with Zhao Yeshou, and Zhao Yesang's attitude when dealing with people and things, saying that he is a ZHANG who has completed most of the journey in his life and has a firm belief, Suola will also believe it. of.

In fact, judging the age of extraordinary people cannot be judged by appearance at all. Except for some special extraordinary knowledge that has appearance requirements, the age shown by other extraordinary people is basically what they expect.

Suola didn't ask Zhao Yesao about his age, but she also assumed that Zhao Yesang should be about the same age as hers, so she just said that to the nursery rhyme.

But now, after knowing that Zhao Yesui was actually smaller than she thought, or much smaller, Sola was a little overwhelmed.

After thinking for a while, Sola said in a low voice, "According to the law of the Yan Kingdom, have I broken the law?"

break the law?

Zhao Yesui didn't expect Suola to ask this question, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he replied: "Well, that's not the case at all, Yan Guo's age of sexual consent is fourteen years old, and most countries in the world today. The age of sexual consent is between 14 and 16 years old, besides, it is only the age of legal registration, and my actual age is already beyond the unknown number..."

"Speaking of which, do I really look that mature? Although I think I can look a little old-fashioned sometimes, I feel like I'm still very energetic overall, don't I?"

Sola glanced at him wordlessly, she really didn't understand what the word "vigorous" had to do with Zhao Yesui.

It seems that he is omnipotent and omnipotent, and he is calm and calm in the face of all problems, which is far from the "immature" in Sola's understanding.

And nursery rhymes have been flipping through books since the beginning.

"Age of Sexual Consent..."

She quickly turned to the content of this part in the Great Yan Law. After reading it, her lips were differentiated, and she looked at Zhao Ye's robe in disbelief, and then looked at Zhao Ye's robe.

"Mr. Knight, Miss Sola, you—"

Facing the question of the nursery rhyme, Sola could only turn her head and pretend that she didn't hear anything. Of course, Zhao Yesui couldn't do that.

I didn't expect that it would be exposed because of such a strange thing...

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yesui said sincerely: "Yes, it is exactly what you think Tongtong, we..."

"—Did you kiss, have you ever kissed?"

The nursery rhyme lowered her voice and asked with her pretty face blushing, as if she was asking some taboo question.

After asking this question, Tong Yao buried her head in the pillow in her arms, but her small ears were still exposed, jumping and jumping, apparently waiting for an answer from Zhao Yeshou.


Zhao Yeshou slowly put out a question mark.



Originally, he was still thinking about how to explain it to the nursery rhyme, but the nursery rhyme directly lowered the seriousness of the matter by more than a dozen grades.

Things jumped from R18 to R8 all at once.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Zhao Yesui felt that this did not seem to be a very strange thing.

This is a child whose most knowledge comes from fairy tales.

Although there are indeed many dark and cruel fairy tales in this world, Zhao Yesao has read those fairy tales of nursery rhymes. It seems that they should have been screened by her teacher, Ms. Qi Meng, and there are many excellent fairy tales that inspire others. , but there are really not many fairy tales about a certain aspect, or rather, fairy tales that are not described in depth.

In this case, it does not seem that it is difficult for nursery rhymes to come to such a conclusion.

So, after careful consideration, Zhao Yesui said frankly, "Yes."

He had indeed exchanged bodily fluids with Sola through the mouth.

As for what happened after this...

You didn't even ask.JPG

Nursery Yao carefully lifted her head from the pillow, glanced at Zhao Yeshou secretly, and quickly buried it again. After a while, she raised her head again, looked at Zhao Yeshou, and after a long time, she mustered up her courage and said, "Then ,what about me?"


Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment, looking at Tong Yao's delicate face. Because of her shyness, her pale face was flushed red at the moment, and she should be very uneasy when she thinks about it.

However, this atmosphere is really a little subtle...

Zhao Yesui thought for a while, and stretched out his hand to help Tongtong loose the broken hair in front of his forehead, just like what he would do when he helped Tongtong to put her to sleep after telling a story, he gently kissed Tongtong's forehead, and then He said, "What's the matter, are you tired?"

Tong Yao blinked, obviously disappointed, just shook her head: "No, I'm still in good spirits."

Zhao Yesao looked at the nursery rhymes, and then at Sola, and felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, so he decisively stopped this topic that was becoming more and more tortured:

"Cough, let's not talk about this, I have a question that I wanted to ask from the beginning, and it was delayed until now for no reason."

"Why did you come to me all of a sudden? Tongtong, shouldn't you be working overtime now?"

Zhao Yesui said, and looked at Suola again: "Even if Tongtong is on vacation, what about you, Miss Artisan? Why did you suddenly come to me with Tongtong?"

Tong Yao and Sola looked at each other, and the two suddenly reached a consensus.

Of course, it can't be said that Gu Yizhu entrusted them to come here. Although they were just looking for a justification for their closeness to Zhao Yeshou, if they really said that, the nature of the matter would have changed.

So, the two of them who didn't make a good confession in advance said in unison:

"I want to come to Mr. Observer to discuss things about your practice."

"I want to hear you tell me a story, Mr. Knight."

The two looked at each other again and said:

"I met Miss Tongtong in the Nancheng branch, she just happened to come to your house to find you—"

"I met Miss Sola on the street, because she seemed to have nowhere to go, so I invited her to come and sit at our house—"


Zhao Yesao looked at Sola and then at Nursery Rhymes, blinking her eyes subtly.

Nursery Rhymes and Sola are probably the two people he knows who are the least good at making up lies, so when these two Wolong and Phoenix chicks deceive him together as teammates, the exposed legs can be combined to form a mounted police team .

"Wouldn't it be a candle that made them come to me?"

This absurd idea suddenly appeared in Zhao Yejiao's heart, but he quickly rejected the idea.

It's true that Yi Zhu's recent state is a bit wrong, but it's impossible for her to take the initiative to ask Tong Yao and the others to come to her. If she finds out about this, it will be strange if she doesn't immediately transfer the nurse songs back to work overtime, and then talk to Miss Sorcerer every day.

So, what exactly happened?

Zhao Yejia couldn't think of a reason to justify it. This matter is more complicated than the plot of the death Qianshan. At least he guessed half of the plot of the death Qianshan, and this matter is completely Can't find the reason.

However, no matter what, Tong Yao and Suola couldn't be bad for him, so Zhao Yesui just let it go.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui said, "Let's ignore this for now. It doesn't matter how you came to my house. What matters is what you want to do in my house? Chat with me? Have a heart-to-heart talk? Or talk about extraordinary things?"

If Sola wants to find him, no matter what she has done before, she should eventually lead her to Shuangxiu, but Tongtong is also here, can Sola be able to follow him in front of Tongtong?

To Zhao Yesao's surprise, after hesitating for a while, Sola slowly said, "All, because of many complicated reasons, so I decided to live with you, Mr. Viewer, for a while, so maybe I'm going to disturb you."

Tong Yao also nodded vigorously and said seriously: "I'm on vacation, so I'll stay at home to play with you, Mr. Knight."


Zhao Yesui had no idea that his rare single life would come to an end in such a dramatic way.

And it was also a backstab guided by Gu Yizhu himself.

Facing the expectant eyes of Nursery Rhyme and Sola, Zhao Yesui's mouth twitched, and finally he could only agree: "If you don't think the bed is too crowded."

So, Zhao Yesao's three-person cohabitation life on the surface, and the real four-person cohabitation life began from this.

After Zhao Yesui agreed, Tong Yao quietly glanced at Sola, the two nodded to each other, and adjusted the position of a certain button on the collar.

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

After temporarily ending his busy work, Gu Yizhu sat in his exclusive office, sighed lightly, and planned to continue to devote himself to a new job.

It was at this moment that the bronze mirror placed on the table suddenly shone slightly, which meant that the two daughters had already passed the message.

After hesitating again and again, Gu Yizhu still raised the bronze mirror.

What I saw in the first scene was the picture of "Women's Hands Men's Hands Women" that made her blood pressure soar.

Afterwards, when he saw Zhao Yesui's skilled good night kiss, Gu Yizhu's heart stopped.

There can be no mistake, what kind of puppets, shadow puppets, all crawling aside, at this moment, the emotions stirring in the depths of my heart are definitely not false!

Gu Yizhu felt as if he was going to play with the forest fire and overturned his car.

Gritting her teeth, she put down the bronze mirror and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Now is the critical moment, the only chance for you to distinguish the emotions in your heart, not to be impulsive, not to be impulsive...

But why is he so skilled? !

How many times have you kissed Tongtong? !

In the end, Gu Yizhu could only turn grief and anger into motivation, and entrusted the nursery rhymes and the others to "increase the dose", and then returned to work.

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ..........

P.S. Fast forward the copy.

The world famous painting "Ms. Gu is working overtime", overtime is actually a foreshadowing, but I almost made it clear, so this foreshadowing is optional (X

Chapter 378 Happy Birthday and Birthday Gifts

"CNM Shi Huang NTMD how to play the TMD game!"

Zhao Yesao tapped the keyboard with **** like flying butterflies, leaving only an afterimage. The response speed of the mechanical keyboard couldn't keep up with Zhao Yesang's hand speed, and even the speed of the fonts on the screen was not as fast as his. hand speed.

"How did the three waves of monsters get here!"

"If you put a fire-casting sword, it will be cleared away. What are you doing in the same place!"

"The progress of the next three hours of strategy is all in vain, and we have to start from scratch again!"

After a while, in front of the character [Ye Di Si] manipulated by Zhao Yesui, the one who held the title of [The First Emperor of the World! ] The player with the nickname replied: "Network card."

"What game is the network card playing!"

"Don't play games on the network card, can't you work hard!"

Zhao Yesui had already finished sending two sentences, and the [First Emperor, No. 1 in the world] said slowly: "Also, don't call me First Emperor."


Zhao Yesui leaned on the back of the chair and let out a long breath, feeling helpless from the bottom of his heart for his unreliable teammate.

Just now, he sneaked into the "Super Dimension Game", and by the way contacted [The First Emperor of the World] and asked him to go online together, and the two conducted a dungeon strategy after a long time.

Originally everything went smoothly, but for some reason, in the second half of the raid, [First Emperor of the World] began to pull his hips.

First, there were repeated mistakes, and then it was hanging up for a long time. Zhao Yesui endured the pressure for half an hour. In the end, he had no choice but to give up the strategy for this dungeon.

"I know, call you Ye Xinghao, right?"

Zhao Yesui moved his fingers and continued to output: "No, I really don't understand, isn't the nickname just used to call you, you took a nickname and asked me to call you by the same name as your real name, What's wrong with you?"

"Or, are you called Ye Xinghao in reality?"

"You don't think telling me your real name is to prove that there is some bond between you and me? Don't be disgusting with me, bro."