MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 304

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Zhao Yesui pondered for a while, as if in deep thought.

He was thinking about the responsibility he would take after promising to the Temple of Heaven.

Of course, Zhao Yesui is 100% orderly and good, or he will not agree to the person, and he will not regret it at will after he has made a promise - unless the other party breaks the promise first.

Therefore, if he really promised the Temple of Heaven, he would not cross the river and demolish the bridge, but would really help it out of trouble in the future.

This means that Zhao Yesang may face the Mingce Bureau in the future. After all, Tianmo Palace is still a prisoner blocked by the Mingce Bureau. Zhao Yesang blatantly rescued him, which undoubtedly saved the face of the Mingce Bureau. .

Moreover, doing so also means that Zhao Yesui will become a genuine "lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace", a demon who is wanted by the policy bureau and even the countless forces in Xinghai.

You say you are not? Look at the dazzling title on your head, and look at the Temple of Heaven behind you. Say it again?

But so what?

Zhao Yeshou chuckled, what he is doing now doesn't violate the rules of the Life Strategy Bureau?

In a sense, he is also a real evil god. He wants to wake up Nilsyat in Nancheng for his own selfishness. In this case, he will add another charge of "The Lord of the Devil's Palace". How will it be?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yeshou raised his head and looked at the uneasy Heavenly Demon Palace.

After giving everything that he could give, Tianmogong was anxiously waiting for an answer.

What it didn't know was that its method might not work for other gods, but it was just right for Zhao Yesui.

The Temple of Heaven, an organization that had already been wiped out by the Life Strategy Bureau, its concept should have gradually disappeared in the blockade of the Life Strategy Bureau with the passage of time, but now, its fate has also been completely changed in this choice.

The fate of the concept, of course, depends on self-struggle, but also takes into account the course of history.

"I understand."

Zhao Yesui said calmly, "I agree to your wish."

"However, you must completely become my property and act according to my will from now on. No matter what kind of existence you were before or what you have done, from now on, you will only become an extension of my will."

"Can you hear clearly?"

Tian Mogong's heart trembled slightly, knowing that its destiny was about to be decided at this moment, but since it had already made a choice, it would not hesitate any longer.


As a result, the erratic black mist escaped from Zhao Yeshou's body and covered it towards the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The Heavenly Demon Palace could not see the shape of the black mist, but it could vaguely sense the cold and majestic aura.

From this moment on, the Tianmo Palace has changed hands.

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In the present world, Nancheng City, in Zhao Yesao's study.

Zhao Yejia slowly opened his eyes and looked at his wrist.

There, an invisible and intangible silk thread has lost the thing tied at the other end, and is now loosening and falling silently.

According to common sense, the effect of "Tianwen" should not be a one-off, but to establish a long-term and stable channel.

However, the object of communication in "Tianwen", the Tianmo Palace, no longer exists in the world at this moment, so this channel also collapsed.

Zhao Yesui no longer needs it.

Because he has built a stronger and tighter connection with the Temple of Heaven.

Zhao Yeshou raised his hand, and could sense that the chain formed by the black mist was bound to the "Tianmo Palace", establishing a reliable connection between it and himself.

Of course, it is not the relatively equal relationship constructed by "Tianwen" before, but a clear relationship between the superior and the subordinate, the master and the property.

The speed of Tianmogong's kneeling is too fast, Zhao Yesui didn't expect it to kneel so fast, but considering its current situation, it doesn't seem strange.

It has no way to rely on it. If there is no external force to intervene, it will die like this. At this moment, I see an existence that can not only rescue it from its current predicament, but even bring it to a brighter future. Of course, Only light-speed skating kneels.

When thinking of this, Zhao Yesui took out a blank card and started card making.

For some purpose, he needs to build a carrier in this world for Tianmo Palace.

It is obviously impossible to help Tianmo Palace to find an artifact or something. If there is an artifact, it will definitely not be the turn of it, and just looking for a piece of stall goods will not achieve Zhao Yeshao's purpose, so Zhao Yesao naturally chose the most. Affordable method.

- Refers to printing the card yourself.

As the creator and planeswalker, Zhao Yesui can print out a card that he is satisfied with, but it is only limited by mana. At this time, printing a card is of course the most suitable choice.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yesui began to write.

[Magic breath]

[artifact card]

[Description: Consuming four black mana, you can summon the magical breath to the world, and then consume one black mana every three natural days]

[Special effect: The magical breath can devour everything it likes, in order to start a mysterious ritual in exchange for a certain reward, the reward is specified by the magical breath and cannot be changed]

[Remarks: Demonic breath is a pair of leather gloves with a very far-reaching past - demonic breath, magic, sex, ah, breath, breath. ]

When Zhao Yesui wrote a little background story casually, the [Magic Breath] announced the completion of production.

Afterwards, Zhao Yesang unfolded the [magic aura] on the spot, and after a flash of white light, a pitch-black leather glove appeared on Zhao Yesang's desk.

At the same time, the voice of the Tianmo Palace sounded:

"My supreme supreme and lord! Your faithful possession, Komiya, is here to report!"

Zhao Yesui blinked, pondered for a while, and said, "I still like your rebellious look, you can recover."

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P.S. The picture is too big - it means more than 500K, it can't be uploaded, it can only be lost in the group==

Chapter 363 If ​​you restore the Heavenly Demon Palace, what does it have to do with my Heavenly Demon Palace?


The Heavenly Demon Palace, which descended on [the breath of demonic nature], obeyed and said, "How do you plan to let me talk to you, my master?"

"...Don't be too flattering, don't be too arrogant, just be normal." The corner of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, and there was nothing he could do about this guy for a while.

Since the Tianmo Palace has sincerely surrendered and handed over everything to Zhao Yeshou, then Zhao Yessang will of course not do anything to it.

It's just that this guy's ability to see the wind and rudder is too outrageous. It is completely impossible to see that just half an hour ago, it was still an arrogant figure who claimed to be "the deity" and directed Zhao Ye's arrogance.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui put the [magic breath] on his left hand.

Because his right hand is his dominant hand, although swordsmanship has reached his level, he will not be limited by his body, but Zhao Yesui is still in normal human form for the time being. to use [Magic Breath].

As an imaginary creature, although [Magic Breath] is a leather glove, it will not make your hands feel stuffy when you wear it. After Zhao Yeshou puts it on, it will automatically adjust to the appropriate size.

Zhao Yesui looked at it carefully for a moment, the dark gloves looked ordinary, except for a dark red magic circle on the palm, it looked no different from ten dollars and three pairs of leather gloves spread out on the ground.

This is also the effect that Zhao Yejiao wants.

He can certainly print good artifact cards, but the better the cards, the more mana it takes to embody and maintain them.

For the time being, Zhao Yesui just needs a carrier that can carry the Heavenly Demon Palace. He only needs the carrier to have the ability to "sacrifice". No matter how good the card is, he can't use it at the moment.

When thinking of this, Zhao Yesui looked back at the special effects column of [Magic Breath].

[Special effect: The magical breath can devour everything it likes, in order to start a mysterious ritual in exchange for a certain reward, the reward is specified by the magical breath and cannot be changed]

"Devouring what you love? The reward is yours?"

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows and said directly: "I don't like it, you can change it for me."

"Okay, okay..." Tianmogong repeatedly promised.

There were too many printing cards, and Zhao Yesui gradually discovered the rules.

If it is a simple planeswalker, then you can only extract what you have experienced from your own "experience" and make cards.

In the process, planeswalkers can spend additional mana to "beautify" their memories, such as adding an entry or two.

Memory is not a reliable thing, and it can be modified as long as you give money.

But the problem is that Zhao Yesui has no money.

Moreover, this cost seems to be completely taken by the big head in Zhao Yesui. Just adding one or two entries will cost dozens of times. It is no wonder that the creator is so sought after by the planeswalkers.

Even if it is directly printed on the card, if you want a flawless and perfect product, you have to add money, and Zhao Yejiao doesn't want to add money.

So, he has a way to save money and achieve his goals.

Since [the devilish breath] only eats what it likes, and only gives it what it wants, then I just need to beat it frantically until it understands that it can't be picky eaters, okay?

Now it seems that it is going very smoothly, and the Tianmo Palace does not need to be beaten to be obedient.

Congrats, congratulations.

Then, next, you should try Zhao Yesao's goal of creating a carrier for the Tianmo Palace without hesitating to use mana.

Zhao Yesui looked at [the breath of demonic nature], on which the consciousness of the Heavenly Demon Palace was lodged.

It can be seen that it is very excited, because its consciousness, even if it is only a trivial wisp, through the connection with the black mist, it has passed through the blockade of the life strategy bureau and descended here.

This means that it does have the possibility of getting out of trouble.

After really coming into contact with the black mist, Tian Mogong affirmed the guess that made it tremble, and at the same time secretly rejoiced for his choice.

As long as you hold your majesty's thigh tightly, there is nothing to be afraid of, not even the restoration of the Heavenly Demon Palace...

Bah, Bah, Heavenly Demon Palace? What kind of idiot, you want to restore the Heavenly Demon Palace, what does it have to do with my Heavenly Demon Palace?

Therefore, the fact that Zhao Yesui is still the creator and planeswalker, Tianmo Palace is not very surprised.

With His Majesty's ability, isn't this a matter of course?

Zhao Yesui knocked on the table, interrupting the reverie of the Tianmo Palace, and said to the Tianmo Palace: "You should know why I specially spent mana to create a carrier for you."

"You just told me that you, as the concept of the Temple of Heaven, have stored all the secrets and techniques of the Temple of Heaven for countless years, but you need a certain amount of energy to wake them up, right?"

"Yes." Tian Mogong replied quickly: "It's not that I'm deceiving you, I want to get any benefits from you, but these secrets are not stored here in actual form, but some kind of illusory concept, symbolizing 'Tian Mogong has this secret legend', so the next person will have the ability to awaken them."

"But they're not real things after all, so there's a price to pay to manifest them..."

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "For example, the divine power of one trillion standard units?"

"No no no, of course that's not needed..."

Suddenly being exposed, Tian Mogong was shocked, and said embarrassingly: "It depends on the actual situation of the unlocked knowledge, but generally not so much..."

Looking at the Heavenly Demon Palace, which looked uneasy, Zhao Yesui didn't even think about it.

Just now, Tianmo Palace only regarded him as an unfamiliar outsider, and it was normal for him to want to rip him off. Now, Zhao Yesui is not afraid that it will deceive him, and the black mist is still tied to him.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yesui asked: "So, in your concept, is there a method for casting a magic sword with the attribute of death? It is best to have growth, and the initial rank is best at the monarch's rank."

"Okay, wait a moment." Tian Mogong fell silent after agreeing.

Time passed by, and when Zhao Yesui started to close his eyes and meditate, the Heavenly Demon Palace spoke again.

"Your Majesty, according to your request, there are a total of 1319 related knowledges. I will help you arrange them according to their priorities. Please take a look."

The service of the Tianmo Palace is very attentive. A dark purple list appeared in front of Zhao Yeshou. He tried to choose the display in the reverse order, and found that the latter were really designed by some small characters, although the level was barely matched. The side of the king rank, and it also has growth, but it can only be said that both sides are reluctant.

So, Zhao Yesui simply chose to check in normal order, starting from the first one.

After carefully reading the relevant information of the first drawing, Zhao Yesui felt that he was a little indecisive whether he looked down or not.

[Dazzling Demons]

[Grade: Radiance]

[Special effect 1: There are a lot of bonuses for all attribute spells of "Devil", "Death", "Frost", "Flesh", "Ghost", "Resent" and "Asura"]

[Special effect 2: Dazzling Tianmo can draw strength from the death of the enemy, and constantly improve himself and acquire new abilities according to the experience in battle]

[Special effect 3: Dazzling Demons can deprive the concept of all "sword" items that have been defeated by oneself, strengthen oneself, and obtain new concepts]

[Special effect 4: Tianmo Dazzling feeds on blood, and every time an enemy is killed, one person will be devoured. If it cannot meet its requirements in time, Tianmo Dazzling will absorb the blood energy of the sword master until it is satisfied]

[Special effect 5: Dazzling Tianmo follows the law of the balance between good and evil. Every time a good person is killed, an evil person will be killed, and vice versa, if it cannot meet its requirements in time, Tianmo Lianluan will continue to weaken, and it will self-destruct if it is too many times]

[Special effect 6: Tianmo Dazzling and the sword master coexist, one prosperous, one loss is lost, you can dedicate the power drawn to the sword master - the premise is that the sword master brings it a satisfactory death]

[Explanation: Tianmo Dazzling is the sword of the candidate for the master of the Tianmo Palace. Each JIU candidate holds a blood sacrifice to the Tianmo Dazzling that was forged in a world, and starts a **** battle on the Tianmo Palace. The winner will become the next Lord of the Tianmo Palace. , his Tianmo Dazzling will also drink the blood of the defeated and the defeated sword, and be promoted to the sword held by the master of the Tianmo Palace - Tianmo Sun Moon Yuhun. ]

[Remarks: At the beginning, Tianmo Dazzling was not a thing of Tianmo Palace, but in the long-term distortion, it has gradually become such a distorted thing that it lost its original meaning. ]

Demon Sword, this is a downright Demon Sword.