MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 301

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Zhao Yeshou blinked, just in sync with the "holding pillow" in front of him.

"I'm super, it won't be alive..."

The corners of Zhao Yesui's mouth twitched, and it was at this moment that he saw the numbers in the pupils of the "cushion pillow".

06 and 30.

06 is in the left eye, 30 is in the right eye, which, if unsurprisingly, should show the current time.

"Wait, it's not..."

Zhao Yeshou's expression became subtle: "Alarm, Zhong?"

Sure enough, when Zhao Ye straightened up, the original vibration of the "pillow" stopped.

Zhao Yesao tried to lie down again, but the "pillow" vibrated again, and it became more and more intense. In the end, Zhao Yesang had to work hard to hold it in his arms.

He could only straighten up again, and looked at the life-size pillow in his hand that looked exactly like the nursery rhyme, and became more and more confused about what Tongtong was doing.

With this kind of technology, is it used to make an alarm clock? ? ? ? ? ?

Suddenly, a small head poked out from behind Zhao Yeshou, and the long, smooth hair fell naturally and lay on the bed, looking a little lazy.

It's Daya.

At this moment, Daya was wrapping his hands around Zhao Yesao's waist, looking at the pillow in Zhao Yesao's hands with a faint gaze, neither sad nor happy.

Obviously Daya didn't look at him, but Zhao Yesui suddenly felt like a light on his back.

Why did it become like this... For the first time, I found someone I liked, and I also got someone who could hug and sleep peacefully together. The two joys overlapped each other, and this double joy brought more and more joy. Ben It should have been a dreamlike happy time, but why did it become like this...  

The reason why things have developed like this all originated from the decision Zhao Yesui made last night.

Nursery Yao specified that Zhao Yesao should hold her "waiting pillow" to sleep. According to the fact that Zhao Yesao had not taken out her pillow before she found out, Nursery Yao should have a way to monitor the situation of this pillow.

Therefore, in order to avoid being nagged by the nursery rhymes again, and also to avoid the sadness of the nursery rhymes, Zhao Yesui, as her knight, is of course obliged!

However, Zhao Yesui had already promised Daya before that, and would sleep with Daya last night.

So, in the end, this delicate situation came into being.

Zhao Yesui hugged the pillow, Daya hugged Zhao Yessao, and the two spent the night in this delicate posture until they were broken by the Tongtong alarm clock in the morning.


Zhao Yeshou couldn't help but look down at Daya's pupils, but in fact, he couldn't see anything, because theoretically, Daya would not have any emotions now, and of course there would be no mood swings in his eyes.

So, where did the feeling just now come from?

"...illusion, illusion."

Zhao Yesui could only comfort himself like this, and got out of bed to get dressed.

Daya also naturally followed him out of bed and stood in front of Zhao Yesao, intending to help him tidy up his clothes, but the "waiting pillow" actually followed him and helped Zhao Yesao tidy up before Daya. collar.

"Huh, can you still move by yourself?"

Zhao Yesui was a little surprised, but thought that this should be pre-set by the nursery rhyme, and an automatic doll should not be a difficult thing for nursery rhyme, so I didn't think much about it.


Daya looked at the pillow silently and said nothing.

Soon, Zhao Yesui came to the living room and started the morning class for a day. Although it was a little early, he would basically practice at this time.

Daya habitually put on an apron and planned to walk into the kitchen, but "Pillow" took the lead again, and went into the kitchen and started to get busy.


Daya narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep pupils quietly watching the busy figure in the kitchen, the black wings behind him seemed to dim a bit.

Zhao Yesui, who was meditating in the living room, suddenly felt a little cold and was shocked.

Has the temperature difference between day and night in Nancheng reached this level? As a brave man, I can feel some changes in my physiological functions, so how can ordinary people live?

After the meditation, Zhao Ye took a seat at the dining table, ready to meet the daily torture.

Daya seems to be remembering the past two days. Even if Zhao Yesao has walked into the kitchen, she will just stand there and watch Zhao Yesang silently until Zhao Yesang goes to France. Military salute until he escaped from the kitchen.

Therefore, Zhao Yesui has eaten Daya's love food for two days.

It's okay to get used to it, but when Zhao Yesui was thinking about what Daya will be doing today, but found that there were "foods that looked like people's eating" on the table, he was shocked. shock.

In a short period of time, Zhao Yesang has been shocked twice. This small family has two sleeping dragons and phoenixes in this small family at the same time. It is an honor to say that it is not Zhao Yesang.

Could it be that Daya really made normal cooking?

But as soon as Zhao Ye took a sip, he knew that he thought too much.

The only difference is chocolate-like **** and shit-like shit, and overall, not much difference.

After the ups and downs, Zhao Yesang ended the meal with a complicated mood, not noticing that the pillow and Daya were looking at each other.

And after that, Zhao Yesui just wanted Daya to leave the realm of the gods and went in to study the three fresh corpses that he had just received yesterday, when a certain item that he had forgotten for a long time suddenly jumped.


Zhao Yeshou looked at the item column with a feeling, it was a coin with Lu Siba engraved on both sides.

It has another name called [Investigator's Certificate].

[Investigator's Certificate]

[Category: Special/Voucher]

[Description: A proof, or rather, an obligation. ]

This is the certificate that Zhao Yesui obtained through the introduction of Xuan Qi, a secret keeper who claimed to be affiliated with the Investigator Association, in the second scene. It is the proof that he is an official investigator of the Investigator Association.

Zhao Yesang had already experienced the gold content of this investigator's identity, and even someone as noble as Suola would treat him equally, and chose to hand over the decision-making power to Zhao Yesang, who had not yet revealed the identity of the planeswalker and creator. It can be seen that the identity of the investigator is recognized in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Theoretically speaking, Zhao Yesang has not been in the Investigator Association for a long time. It has only been over a month in the present world. Putting it in the sea of ​​​​stars, this month or so is a drop in the ocean. More than this time, so Zhao Yesui has not had time to explore this mysterious association.

So, is the Investigator Association taking the initiative to contact him now?

Is there a task you want to entrust to him? Or maybe someone wants to contact him?

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows, took out the [Investigator's Certificate], and Fate Game popped up a prompt.

[Communication medium detected.....]

[Super long distance communication detected]

[Connected? ]

Zhao Yesui chose "yes", so he heard a familiar voice.

"Cough, can you hear it? This is the Investigator Association, the secret keeper Xuan Qi, is Investigator Lu Siba listening?"

Investigator Lu Siba, what kind of weird title is this...

Zhao Yejia secretly complained, and then replied, "It's me, Mr. Xuan Qi."

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Contact me suddenly."

He also recognized the other party's voice. It was Xuan Qi, the secret keeper who hosted the "City of Resentment Sinking". In theory, he was the only person Zhao Yesui knew in the Investigator Association. , it is normal for the other party to want to communicate with him through Xuan Qi.

"Well, it's about module dividends."

Xuan Qi didn't give a shit, and after confirming that the communication side was Zhao Yesao, he said directly: "Remember, the new module 'City of Resentment Sinking' that you developed last time, was created by you. The ending 'Dawn' is entrusted to us to sell, and we have accumulated a certain amount, so we plan to make a payment first."


Zhao Yejia thought for a while before remembering when this happened.

In the second scene, he entered the identity of an investigator, carried out a fight, and then developed a new ending that has never been recorded in the operation of this mod. Zhao Ye The robe is named "Dawn".

At that time, Xuan Qi asked him if he wanted to sell this branch ending. Zhao Yeshou thought it didn't matter at the time, so he authorized it.

As a result, the other party was sincere and really paid him money.

In fact, Zhao Yesang almost forgot about this matter. The other party could swallow the money privately. After all, Zhao Yesang had never been to the so-called investigators association and knew nothing about them. the heart.

It is indeed a well-known chain institution in Xinghai, and it is quite reputable...

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yeshuo asked, "Well, how many are there?"

"According to the agreement made before, the share is 82%, you are 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​is used as the daily operation expenses of the association and the cost of commissioned sales."

Xuan Qi said sincerely: "In a currency that you can understand as a player, it is about 370,000 and 3,459 game coins."

"......How many did you say??????"

Zhao Yesui immediately walked to the pillow and shook its head with both hands until the date showed in its pupils.

"That's right, today is not April Fool's Day..."

Zhao Yexuan muttered to himself: "Also, Xinghai is no more than a festival in this world..."

Xuan Qi immediately explained: "Yes, when I first knew this number, I was very surprised, because it is impossible for a normal new ending of a mod to be sold so many times and get so much profit."

"However, 'City of Resentment' is an old mod that has been conquered countless times, and it has been confirmed that 'there can be no new ending', which is different from those new mods, so there are many investigators and other Everyone heard the news and bought the ending of 'Dawn'."

"In addition, it is because of two large rewards."

"A reward?" Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched involuntarily.

He didn't expect that when he was in Xinghai, he could hear familiar words such as "dividend", "profit" and "reward". It was really capital that never sleeps.

"Yes, one is a reward from an unnamed creator, His Excellency, and the other is a reward from Erbaiwu investigators."

Xuan Qi answered truthfully: "Although the creator does not want to reveal her name to you, she specifically explained that she is the unlucky teacher who is in the official investigator assessment and who is under investigation by you, Investigator Lu Siba."

"As for Investigator Erbaiwu, he is one of the legendary investigators of our association. He also entered the 'City of Resentment' and got into a situation similar to yours, but he took a different approach. , and also created a new ending, overturning the original consensus within the association that the game is over at this point."

"After he heard that you played a new ending, he bought it as soon as possible, and after watching it, he gave a reward, and he also said that he hoped to have the opportunity to get to know you."

"Due to various special reasons, in such a short period of time, the ending 'Dawn' you played has accumulated huge dividends, so we will contact you in advance, otherwise, as usual, we will entrust the sale of half Xinghai standard after sales. Dividends will be distributed after the year.”

Zhao Yeshou tapped his forehead, and gradually clarified what Xuan Qi said.

It is considered impossible to have an old mod with a new ending, and a new mod that has not yet been developed. Of course, which of the two endings is more attractive is of course needless to say.

As for the two large rewards, they were unexpected gains.

Of course, the creator does not need to say much. Except for Zhao Yesui, there must be no creator who will be short of money. As for the legendary investigator, it should be the same. Not coming.

Zhao Yesui had to admit that this windfall had indeed eased his immediate needs.

Because he was planning to forge another magic sword.

...................................................... ......................................

P.S. I haven’t forgotten about the dividend distribution, mainly because it’s not too long since Xiao Zhao’s side (X

Chapter 360 Impossible, it is impossible for me, Zhao Yesao, to face the Asura Field!

Forging another magic sword, this is the idea that Zhao Yesui had already sprouted before.

For ordinary people, just accommodating one magic sword can already make them go through untold hardships, but Zhao Yeshou's situation is special, so it can accommodate multiple magic swords.

The first magic sword is the steam attribute of the dust, and the second magic sword is the fire attribute of the fire sword. According to the rule of one magic sword for each rank, the next magic sword should be of the king class.

Of course, Zhao Yesang couldn't achieve the material soulification of the third magic sword in a short period of time, but he had already thought about the attributes of the third magic sword.

He currently has many occupations, but if you really want to count it, not many can be strengthened with [Infinite Demon Sword System].

Planeswalkers and creators are excluded first as usual, while steamsmiths already have corresponding magic swords. Taixu swordsmen are pure sword-type professions. It is only necessary to accommodate the magic sword to improve the root of the sword. There is no need to strengthen it. .

So, in the end, there are only [Flesh Sacrificers] and [Necromancers].

In the final analysis, these two occupations are related to manipulating negative energy, so Zhao Yesao only needs to accommodate a magic sword with negative energy attribute to achieve double the effect.

Even if it is not possible to advance now, it is still possible to punch out the magic sword or the sword embryo of the magic sword first, and perform temporary material soulization first, which can not only improve the combat power intuitively, but also do it in advance for the subsequent promotion. Prepare.

In the end, there are only two questions left.

One is the method to create this magic sword, and the other is money.

Zhao Yesui can be regarded as a real steam lord now, but it is a bit too difficult for a steam lord to forge a death sword.

What steam itself replaces BIAO is machinery, civilization, and the extended innovation and development. It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with death, but it can only be said that it is difficult to relate to it.

It's not impossible to fight, but with Zhao Yeshou's temperament, he must want the best magic sword to forge the best Daoji. This kind of twisted melon is obviously not in his mind.

The second question is simpler, Zhao Yesui is really out of money now.