MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 290

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[Ye Lin: What's wrong, Tongtong? What's matter? Is it a candle to find me, or something else? ]

The nursery rhyme seemed to be busy with other things, and answered after a while:

[Doll Bear: No, Mr. Knight. ]

[Doll Bear: It's not a big deal, it's just that the teacher wants to see you. ]

No, what, a big deal?

Zhao Yesui repeated the two passages from the nursery rhyme several times, and then realized a fact.

The teacher of nursery rhymes, the legendary planeswalker wants to see him.

The teacher of nursery rhymes is definitely a teacher and mother to nursery rhymes.

So, this counts as, see the parents?

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An hour later, Zhao Yesui came to the downstairs where the Mingce Bureau's Nancheng Branch was located. After waiting for a while at the elevator, he found that the Nancheng branch seemed to have had a new elevator. He had to sigh that the Mingce Bureau was really rich. Change the elevator when you say it.

The elevator replaced this time is an antique elevator, which looks out of tune with the surrounding reinforced concrete environment.

When Zhao Yesui walked into the elevator, a pompom-like white-haired beast timidly stretched out its front paws, and an illusory screen appeared, showing the corresponding floor.

"It used to be a weird elevator, before it was a round and cute tiger head, and now it's a cute little beast. Why can't the Fate Strategy Bureau be able to make technological creations on the whole..."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged, pressed the "23" layer that the nursery rhyme told him, and brushed off the soft fur of the little beast.

After Zhao Yesui left the elevator, the little beast couldn't wait to jump to the left front of the elevator, turning it into an illusory screen, and then he was relieved.

As soon as Zhao Yesui left the elevator, he saw the nursery rhyme happily waving to him.

"Mr. Knight, here!"

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P.S. I really can't give a single storyline. If I give it, there will be an accident. I was already scared last time. This time it is safe to go up (X

Chapter 347 Extremely vicious Dragon Tong Tong Sang wants to eat cannibals in one

Near the elevator, there are not only the nursery rhymes, but also other members of the life strategy bureau. Following the call of the nursery rhymes, they all cast their gazes here, and when they saw that it was Zhao Yeshou, they all showed subtle expressions.

Zhao Yesui is now considered an urban legend in the Nancheng Branch of the Life Strategy Bureau. The sea king, the **** of strategy, and the legend of the scumbag in Nancheng, these are the members of the Life Strategy Bureau branch who privately praise Zhao Yesao's great achievements. ".


Zhao Yesui was used to being surrounded by everyone's eyes, but he was still a little uncomfortable at the moment, so he could only walk a few steps, came to the nursery rhyme, and said, "Tongtong, it's been a long time... it doesn't seem to be a long time, Just one night."

"Isn't it a long night?" The nursery rhyme naturally walked to Zhao Yeshou's side, took his arm, pulled him forward, and said, "I haven't seen me all night, Mr. Knight, doesn't it? Are you unhappy?"

Send a title!

The first reaction of the experienced Zhao Yesui was that there was a fraud, but when he turned his head and met the clear eyes of the nursery rhyme, he knew that he was completely unfounded.

So after thinking about it, he told the truth: "Actually, it can't be said that there is none at all, it can only be said that it is not at all, after all, one night has passed in a flash..."

What Zhao Yesui didn't tell the nursery rhymes was that last night he slept with Daya after a long absence. He slept until dawn, and even missed the fixed practice session in the morning.

Tongtong? A woman you don't know.

"Hum hum hum." The nursery rhyme pouted dissatisfiedly and said, "No wonder you didn't even take out my pillow,,,,,, I even specifically told you about Mr. Knight, but you didn't even take a look at it. If you don't want to see it, it's really ruthless."

While saying this, Zhao Yesui and Tong Yao happened to pass by a corner. A female clerk was passing by holding a stack of materials. When she heard the second half of the sentence, she looked at Zhao Yesao with horror. stand up.

I don't even want to look at it, it's really ruthless...

Just taking it out of context, what Zhao Yesui did sounded really outrageous.

— although in fact it is a bit more extreme.

Zhao Yesui recalled for a while before he remembered what this pillow was.

When the nursery rhyme said that she would not come back at night, she also specifically told Zhao Yesao that there was a pillow for her in her closet, so that if Zhao Yesang couldn't sleep, she could hold that pillow to sleep... .

But Zhao Yesui, who was sleeping with his little angel in his arms, completely forgot about the pillow.

Tongtong's pillow? Something you don't know.

As a result, the nursery rhythm actually paid attention to whether Zhao Yesui took out her pillow, which was really unexpected by Zhao Yesao.

Also, in which fairy tale book did the word shyness come from? ? ?

"Oh, that..." Zhao Yejiao racked his brains for a while and then said sincerely, "Forget it."

A seamless answer.

It was just right for Sola, but it was even worse for Tongtong.

"Forgot?" Tong Yao obviously didn't expect Zhao Yesang to give such an answer, but of course Tong Yao didn't think that Zhao Yesang was lying to her, so after a long sigh, she stood on tiptoe and patted Zhao Yesang's head. , said: "Mr. Knight, why do you keep throwing things around, did you eat on time last night?"


Zhao Ye opened his mouth, but for a while he didn't know how to answer.

Thank you for your invitation, what kind of experience is it to be treated as a child by nursery rhymes just after getting out of the elevator?

Interests are related, the parties experience it personally, it is a bit strange, but it feels quite exciting.

The journey to the destination was not long, Zhao Yesui and Tong Yao soon arrived in front of a room.

The nursery rhyme also knew the priorities, so she gave up torturing Zhao Yesao, turned her head and said to Zhao Yessang seriously: "Mr. Knight, after the teacher heard that you rescued me from a nightmare, I have always wanted to see you, but because of the recent outside It's not peaceful, so I haven't found time until now."

When talking about this, Nursery Rhymes became a little nervous: "Teacher, she rarely communicates with people, so her words may be more direct...Mr. Knight, just treat it as a normal chat, if the teacher has anything If something is wrong, I will help you."

Got it, low EQ.

Zhao Yesui immediately understood that the long series of nursery rhymes summed up that her teacher was a person with low emotional intelligence.

He is not afraid at all. He has seen too many people with low emotional intelligence. When he was still in business, most of the customers he received were people with low emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence, in a sense, is the degree of adaptability to the society. The greater the possibility of people with low adaptability to the society, the more likely they are to become a customer of Zhao Yesao.

According to Zhao Yesang's business rules, people who live a happy life cannot see No. 3507 Anke Street if they just can't think of it for a while, so Zhao Yesang has rich experience in dealing with customers with low emotional intelligence.

After all, he is also a teacher of nursery rhymes, so he will not kill me when he comes up, right?

Thinking like this, Zhao Yesui walked into the front room together with the nursery rhyme.

The room was filled with darkness, and the airtight environment made the room look a little stuffy and there was no light source, but for Zhao Yesui, the dark vision was already full, and this kind of darkness was just a switch for him. Visual mode thing.

"This is......"

Zhao Yesui looked at the layout of the room thoughtfully. The floor under their feet, the ceiling above their heads, and the surrounding walls seemed to be paved with some kind of crystal clear object, and they filled the room. Fill it up without leaving the slightest gap, so the room appears dark and stuffy.

The nursery rhyme explained in a timely manner: "This is a projection stone, and its function is simply projection."

"Mr. Knight, you should also know that many gods just exist as an interference with reality, right? Not only the main body, but also the projection, which distorts the surrounding laws without knowing it. This kind of thing is undoubtedly a violation. The gods are not allowed to interfere with the contracts of this world, so in order to avoid this kind of thing, there is this special room."

"After several transfers, what is finally presented in the world is only a simple projection, without any will or power, but this method is too expensive and inconvenient, and everyone usually does not use this to transmit information, and only this special situation will be used.”

The special situation probably means that the teacher of the nursery rhyme wanted to see for himself what kind of person Zhao Yesui was.

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment and then said, "I don't think it's necessary to be so troublesome. Everyone is surfing the Internet now, and they can communicate through the game of destiny. There is no need to communicate face-to-face, right?"

"But the teacher has already paid." Tong Yao blinked and said, "Also, the teacher should have been ready on the other side, and many staff are also ready, isn't it bad to leave now? "

"However, if you feel so uncomfortable, Mr. Knight, then let's leave quietly, just tell the teacher, say..."

The nursery rhyme thought for a while and said:

"Let's say we eloped."

Zhao Yesui thought about the good suggestions put forward by the nursery rhyme, and felt that the nursery rhyme was indeed a child who grew up watching fairy tales, and the tricks were fatal.

- Refers to the death of Zhao Yesui.

It is estimated that doing this is really tearing his face, and he will never die with the nursery rhyme teacher who has never met.

Due to the particularity of the planeswalker profession, the inheritance of planeswalkers is a very primitive master-apprentice system, which is passed down from generation to generation, and each successor can be said to be the master's lifelong effort, spiritual sustenance, and soul bond. The so-called heirs of the connection are so high that they do not know where they are going.

If the child dies, it can be recreated. If the descendant dies, it is almost impossible to find a suitable descendant, and it also means that all the previous efforts will be wasted, and what one has learned is about to be lost...

Zhao Yeshou thought in a different position, if one day, an apostle who he liked (the apostle in Lu Shixi's understanding) ran away without a word with a wild man he had never seen before...


I, Zhao Yesui, are going to kill you to scum today! ! !

I can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it, even if I chase down to the ends of the earth, I have to smash this **** to ashes.

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, and he said, "Thank you for your kindness... But if you do this, you shouldn't have anything to do with it, so I'm not sure..."

"Why?" The nursery rhyme tilted his head in confusion: "Teacher will understand us, right? Isn't that what the book says? The knight broke into the dragon's nest and went through all kinds of hardships to finally rob the dragon away. , and finally lived happily with the dragon in a remote small mountain village and gave birth to many babies..."

Speaking of this, Tong Yao couldn't help lowering her head, her fair face was a little red, but Zhao Yesui didn't know what to say.

Absolutely, which version of the fairy tale are you watching? ? ? ? ? ? The road is so wild? ? ? ? ? ?

The evil dragon is sleeping well at home, and if you provoke you, you will knock on the door, rob her, kidnap her to a place where there is nowhere to ask for help, and force her to give birth to her own child.. ....

Two eyes are black, two eyes are black!

Wait, what this does... does that sound familiar?

Just when Zhao Yesang was speechless and looking up at the sky, Nursery Yao quietly reached out and held Zhao Yesang's hand.

She attached to Zhao Yecang's ear, and her voice was as soft as a smashed evening wind: "Mr. Knight, you released the evil dragon with your own hands, so you have to be responsible for this evil dragon, otherwise, The dragon won't let you go."


The nursery rhyme opened her cherry lips and gently bit Zhao Yesao's earlobe. This kind of playful action was more than hurtful, and of course it was impossible to cause any harm to Zhao Yesao. Zhao Yesao only felt that her ears were a little itchy, and the nursery rhyme was warm. The body was completely attached to this action, as light as her words just now, but it was impossible to ignore.

Zhao Yesui thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be better to wait and see, so she just stretched out a hand to support Tong Yao's waist to prevent her from losing her balance because of her feet.

After a while, the nursery rhyme opened his mouth and waved his fists twice in front of Zhao Yesao as if in a demonstration.

"Okay, good, responsible." Zhao Yesui sighed helplessly and said, "Then, the extremely vicious Long Tong Tong Sang, can you wipe your saliva?"

Tongtong's bite did not even leave any teeth marks, but still left an unknown liquid.

Tong Yao thought for a while, and tentatively stuck out her tongue. Seeing this, Zhao Ye gave a French military salute to show his surrender.

"Farewell, I'm afraid it will get more and more dirty..." Zhao Yeshou shrugged, put his hand to his ear, and the embers of fire flashed past, evaporating the liquid.

It was also at this moment that a thin light suddenly appeared in the room, causing Zhao Ye's eyes to sting a little when he adjusted to the dull mode.

He adjusted his pupil's vision pattern, and then looked thoughtfully towards the center of the room.

The brilliance gushing out from all directions in the room was condensing towards the center, and faintly condensed into a human figure.

Nursery Yao also nervously sorted out the hem of the clothes that seemed a little messy because of what happened just now, but the hand holding Zhao Ye's robe did not loosen, instead, he held it a little harder.

Zhao Yesui glanced sideways at Tong Yao, who was looking at the center of the room earnestly, without distraction, but her actions were the best proof.

She is willing to face everything with Zhao Yeshou, whether it is for her teacher who is also a teacher and mother, or everything else.

As she said, the worst thing is to run away.

Zhao Yeshou chuckled lightly, retracted his gaze, and quietly waited for the figure in the center to take shape.

The room is getting brighter. The brilliance gushing from the projection stone illuminated the entire room as bright as day. At the same time, the brilliance gathered in the center, and a figure gradually became clear.

It turns out that the projection is also colored...

Zhao Yesui was thinking about it when he suddenly sensed the murderous intent.

An unfamiliar cold female voice said:

"[The remains of the tree of life]? Where did you get it?"

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P.S. I only care about making sugar, the plot doesn't seem to be advancing much...  

Do you think it is more important to make sugar, or to advance the plot? (X

Chapter 348 Hard, fist hard!

[Remains of the Elf Tree]?

Suddenly hearing a familiar term, Zhao Yesang couldn't help but be slightly startled,

This was one of the chips that the store manager used to bribe him to participate in the "Fighting the Landlords". Zhao Yesui had only just obtained it, and he had not even started it yet. How did the unmasked teacher of nursery rhymes know about it?