MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 17

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"Have you ever seen true fear?"

"Evil spirits and monsters, evil spirits and ghosts, are rampant in the city."

"But are they really the greatest terror in the festive city?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

After the introduction of the story in the clouds and fog, the cold voice of the system sounded:

[This scene is the official scene]

[This mode is a semi-playing mode, players are not allowed to use any abilities outside the specification, otherwise it will be regarded as a mission failure]

[Available in inventory]

[Skill bar can be used]

[Main quest: Enter Huicheng No. 1 Middle School]

[The scene will officially open in five seconds]


[mission starts]

Zhao Yesui slowly opened his eyes and found himself standing on the sidewalk where people came and went. The passersby were in a hurry, and they didn't mean to take a look at him.

He looked down at his clothes, the standard Chinese school uniform, the plaques around the shops, etc. were also familiar in simplified Chinese characters, plus the words from the passers-by who occasionally passed by, he could probably confirm that this place should be Chongguo.


"What is the ability outside the specification, hey? You can just say that the black fog is not good."

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched. The meaning of the game of destiny was obvious. The so-called "out-of-spec ability" refers to the black fog. In other words, it can't control the black fog, but it can control Zhao Yesao.

"Why don't you dare to fight with the brigade commander?"

Zhao Yesui was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the game of fate, but after all, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads, so they can only accept this fact and start the task.

Just when he was about to ask a passerby for directions, an exclamation suddenly came from behind:

"Ming Hao?"

Zhao Yesui turned his head and saw a beautiful girl wearing the same style of school uniform as he was trotting towards him, with an undisguised excitement on his face.

"They all said you were dead... Sure enough, that's fake, right?"

While panting, the girl looked at Zhao Yeshou who was alive in front of her. She snorted and said, "Since it's all right, why haven't you answered my phone these days? Do you know how worried I am about you?"

I am dead?

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, and calmly said to the girl in front of him, "No, this classmate, you have mistaken someone."

"I'm Ming Hao's father."

"...Eh?" The girl's expression suddenly stiffened.

p.s. I have to go out in the afternoon, it may be updated depending on the situation

Chapter 35 Comb your hair into adult appearance

"Yes. But..."

The girl quickly discovered the loophole in Zhao Yeshou's words, and came over at once, pulled Zhao Yeshou's sleeve and said, "You are wearing Ming Hao's school uniform. Look, there is a school badge here!"

Zhao Yesui looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that there was indeed a school badge pinned to the clothes on his left chest, with a picture of a handsome young man on it, and the words "Chen Minghao of Huicheng No. 1 Middle School" beside it. .

Looking at the other party's disbelief, Zhao Yesui was not intimidated at all. After all, isn't there a reason for this kind of thing?

"This..." Zhao Yeshao sighed lightly, his tone became a little lower, and said softly: "This is Minghao's relic. When he died, he was wearing this dress, I I also wanted to feel the last warmth he left in this world, so I came here in this school uniform."

"This classmate, do you know Ming Hao? Were you his good friend during his lifetime?"

"Please also mourn and change. Ming Hao has indeed passed away. We are all very sad, but life has to go on after all, we all have to look forward, do you think so, classmate?"

"No, it's impossible, you are obviously him, why don't you admit it?" The girl seemed to be unable to understand Zhao Yesao's words, and wanted to say something, but when she met Zhao Yesang's calm eyes, she was stunned. Living.

"No, you're not him, you're not him..."

The girl's eyes gradually lost its lustre, and the hand holding Zhao Ye's sleeve slowly slid down. In the end, the whole person seemed to have turned gray and did not move, but kept repeating the same words.

"Classmate? Classmate?"

Zhao Yesui tried to call her twice, but found that she still didn't move, and slipped away silently.

—Slipped into the toilet next door.

In the narrow compartment, Zhao Yesui took out the wooden box in the inventory, and pulled out a striped suit from it. Originally, he wanted to try if he could use the dress-up function that comes with the game of Destiny. A description of [special items cannot be manipulated] appears.

"Special mean this school uniform on me?"

The suits and other clothes in this wooden box, such as Hanfu, winter clothes, programmer suits, etc., were put in advance by Zhao Yesao in order to perform the task.

God knows what kind of mission world he will be sent to. Although it is unlikely that the game of destiny will let him die because of environmental factors, Zhao Yesui still likes to take precautions before it happens.

Therefore, what will be called a [special item] by the game of destiny can't be a cheap suit with 99 free shipping on Taobao, it can only be the school uniform on Zhao Yesao.

For this reason, Zhao Yesui carefully observed the school uniform when changing clothes, and he really found the clue.

On the white school uniform, there is a tiny red spot on the right chest side, which cannot be seen at all if you don't look carefully.

"There are both front and rear sides. It stands to reason that if it is stained or painted, it is impossible to leave such a small trace..."

So what could have left such a trace?

"If a very thin silver needle penetrated the body, it may cause such marks at the beginning, but then the blood will spread quickly, and it will not only leave such a small red spot. …”

Due to the limited conditions, Zhao Yejia didn't have the opportunity to check the composition of the red dot, but there is one thing he can confirm now.

He put his hand on his right chest, held his breath slightly, and felt a clear and powerful heartbeat.

"Well, is the heart on the right?"

This is not surprising. Some people are born with a heart on the right side. This probability is about 1 in 100,000, but combined with Zhao Yesang's previous findings, it is a bit intriguing.

After making a simple review of the abnormality on his body, Zhao Yesui glanced at the toilet door that was locked by himself, and after confirming that no one wanted to come in for the time being, stood in front of the sink and looked at himself at the moment.

Reflected in the mirror is a handsome young face, which is the "Chen Minghao" marked in the photo on the school badge.

The skin is fair, the fingers are slender, the face is sharp and angular, and the bright pupils all show the vigor of youth, which is probably the level that girls will send love letters in school.

However, soon he will be his own father.

"This is probably how I look in the eyes of the plot characters now..."

Zhao Yeshou muttered to himself, and began to smear on his face. Soon, the person who appeared in the mirror changed completely.

Just a simple change of hairstyle, through some changes in lines and face shape, can make a person ten years older at once.

Coupled with the change in skin texture, if the girl from before is seen again, maybe it is not dubious, but directly thinking that he is not Chen Minghao at all.

"Too neat..."

Zhao Yesao looked at the striped suit on his body. Although it was only a cheap suit with 99 free shipping, it was brand new after all. Zhao Yesao even ironed it with an electric iron before putting it in the inventory, so it looked quite different. Appropriate.

However, this does not match the character.

Although he didn't know what kind of person Chen Minghao's father was, in the avatar that Zhao Yesui compiled for him based on the existing conditions, he should not be like this now.

Because there are only suits of this level around him, Zhao Yesui directly and boldly set Chen Minghao's father as an ordinary white-collar or even a blue-collar.

A father who has just lost his beloved son, will he still pay attention to whether he dresses properly and whether his demeanor is unrestrained?

However, this is not enough.

Zhao Yesui looked at himself in the mirror quietly, his eyes gradually became vicissitudes and tired, fully explaining the eyes of an old father who just lost his son.

"Looks like something is missing..."

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, and then turned his attention to his feet.

A pair of national brand sneakers, although it cannot be said that there is anything wrong, has a subtle sense of dissonance to the overall image.

If you want to do it, you must do your best, so that even if you really bump into Chen Minghao's dad later, he can confidently say that he is a fake.

So, Zhao Yesui decided to wait for the boutique next door to buy a pair of leather shoes.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Zhao Yesui put away his things and walked out of the toilet. His originally straight back slowly bent down, hunched a little, as if his spine was bent by the burden of life.

Acting, Zhao Yesui is a professional.

p.s. The post may not be up to date because it has been revised

Chapter 36 Why do you think the child must have my surname? This is the oppression of men!

Half an hour later, Zhao Yesui asked passersby for directions, and soon came to the gate of Huicheng No. 1 Middle School, and squinted slightly at the six characters of "Huicheng No.

Of course, he didn't plan to pretend to be Chen Minghao's father to carry out the mission on a whim, but made a decision through analysis in the short moment the girl had just contacted him.

First of all, the girl said that "he" was rumored to have died, and she hadn't come to school for several days. Judging from her reaction just now, the relationship between her and Chen Minghao was obviously not ordinary. At least Zhao Yesui was not sure whether to judge a person from his eyes. The truth of people.

In this case, it is impossible for her to find Chen Minghao by her own means, that is to say, Chen Minghao has indeed been without news for the past few days and is in a state of disconnection.

Moreover, Zhao Yesui got a reminder when he saw the girl, that is, he didn't carry a schoolbag at all, and he didn't bring anything related to study, but he was standing on the way to school.

Even if he uses the most unrestrained way of thinking to guess that Chen Minghao may have been kidnapped, or even sent to another world by a truck driver for his performance, then he has finally returned to a safe place, so why did he rush to school in the first place?

Secondly, Zhao Yesui noticed that the girl's tone of voice was uncertain. If Chen Minghao's family had been to the school, or if the police had confirmed Chen Minghao's death, then with the general gossip of boys and girls on campus, this The news should have spread all over the country long ago. This is also the reason why Zhao Yejiao dared to pretend to be his current parent in name.

In the end, it was because Zhao Yesui didn't get any memory of Chen Minghao at all like when he first entered the scene. The way to school, the classroom in which he usually attends, his relationships, and his usual hobbies, all of which Zhao Yesao does not know.

Even a powerful actor with the best acting skills still needs a script to be able to show a wonderful performance. Knowing nothing about the current situation, Zhao Yesui has no confidence that he can play the role of "Chen Minghao" well, just like the girl he just met, as long as he is bumped into by an acquaintance, he will be exposed.

As for amnesia or something, the plot is too weak to promote the plot. In this case, it is better to carry out the task as a complete outsider.

When Zhao Yesui looked at the school gate, the security guards in front of the school gate also noticed him. When he found out that the man in suit and leather shoes was standing for a long time, his quality as a security guard of the No. 1 high school in the city was reflected, and soon someone came up to him to ask questions:

"Hello, sir, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Yesui withdrew his gaze, turned his gaze to the young security guard in front of him, and showed a tired smile: "Well, I'm the parent of classmate Chen Minghao, and I'm here to deal with his affairs. Could you please contact his head teacher? ?"

The young security guard was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized. After looking at Zhao Ye's jacket carefully, his voice suddenly became cautious: "Oh, oh, okay, please wait a moment, I will contact Teacher Lin right away."

After speaking, the young security guard immediately ran back to the security booth and said something to his companions. Zhao Yesui could clearly perceive the mixed surprise and worry they cast at him.

"It seems that everyone in the school is very aware that something happened to Chen Minghao, and Chen Minghao's family should not have been to the school yet..."

Zhao Yejia silently analyzed a sentence, and the young security guard trotted over immediately after explaining to his companions, and said nervously: "Mr. Chen, Teacher Lin will be here soon, why don't you go and sit inside first?"

Is this for fear of me making trouble?

Looking at this uneasy young man, Zhao Yesui suddenly wanted to say to him in an angry tone, "My surname is not Chen, my child is my wife's surname", which led to a middle-aged man who lost the right to his surname. The unwillingness and the accusation against today's society make people imagine, but after thinking that he is role-playing, he resisted the urge, nodded slightly, and followed the young security guard to the security booth.

Under the cautious eyes of the security guards, it didn't take long for someone to walk in from the back door, and after the security guard's whispered reminder, he turned his attention to Zhao Yesao, walked up to him, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello. , Mr. Chen, I'm Ming Hao's head teacher at school, Lin Xiaorong."

Zhao Yeshou stretched out his hand, shook hands with the other party, and said calmly, "Hello, I'm Ming Hao's father."

- He can only introduce himself like this, because he really doesn't know the name of Chen Minghao's father.

Teacher Lin Xiaorong was probably in her twenties, when she was young and beautiful, but this also meant she lacked experience. At least she had never experienced the death of her student. When Zhao Yesui just shook hands with her, she keenly discovered that she was actually nervous.

Lin Xiaorong looked at Zhao Yeshou, who was "tired and vicissitudes of life" and with "messy hair", hesitated for a while, and said, "Well, Mr. Chen, we are all surprised and regretful about Minghao, I hope you can mourn.. …”

Looking at this, they seem to confirm that Chen Minghao is dead, otherwise it is impossible to be so cautious...

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, looked at Lin Xiaorong, and said, "Teacher Lin, don't worry, I'm calm, and I can understand your work. This time I'm not here to do anything, just to go through Ming Hao's withdrawal procedures. ."

Zhao Yesui's calm performance made Lin Xiaorong and the security guards at the scene slightly relieved, Lin Xiaorong immediately said to Zhao Yesui: "Then Mr. Chen, let me take you to see the vice principal, you didn't tell us in advance, so the principal Not at school right now."

"No need." After thinking about it, Zhao Ye said, "I want to see the place where Ming Hao lived last. I hope you can fulfill my wish."

Look... the last place to live?

Everyone took a deep breath, and suddenly raised their hearts again.

How do you hear this sentence, how scary, will you not fast forward to holding the desk and jumping to the gods?

Lin Xiaorong gritted her teeth and secretly rejected the security guard's suggestion. She said to Zhao Yesui, "That's all right. I don't have any classes next time, so let me show you around the campus."

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