MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 84

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Speaking of the last two words, Kuchiki Yinling's eyes flashed a cold light.

Ye Yi's eyes widened.

Mikami Yuu showed astonishment.

From Yeyi's tone, this Tingtian family is a high-ranking nobleman.

As a high-ranking nobleman, not to mention the head of the family, even ordinary children have someone to protect them.

A small fire is impossible to kill.

Combining with just now, Kuchiki Yinling mentioned the Tsunayashiro family...

Sure enough, before Kuchiki Yinling opened his mouth, Kuchiki Xianghe suddenly said angrily: "The Tsunayashiro family definitely did it!"

"Because our Kuchiki family is getting stronger and stronger, and they are a threat to them, so they killed Tingtian!"

"Father, please leave this matter to me! I will do it myself and kill, two Tsunayashiro!"

"If you don't return it with a heavy punch, those nobles who are attached to us will definitely feel cold!"

"Trust me! I'm sure... um!"

A terrifying Reiatsu suddenly erupted from Kuchiki Yinling's body.

These spiritual pressures avoided Mikami Yuu and Yeichi, and all pressed **** Kuchiki Xianghe.

Rotten Wood Xianghe let out a muffled snort, and was caught off guard, almost lying on the ground.

Under his surprised gaze, Kuchiki Yinling said angrily: "Xianghe, you are too presumptuous!"

Chapter 100 How about with me?


Kuchimu Xianghe propped his hands on the ground, his eyes widened, showing an expression of unwillingness.

Since he became the **** of death, he has always been a genius in the eyes of his teammates.

Wherever you go, you will be greeted with admiration.

Even the captain of the general team gave the evaluation of "the future is promising".

Only my own father-in-law has never faced up to his ability.

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, all you get in return is either criticism or a light nod.

What did I do wrong?

After a few seconds of silence, under the spiritual pressure of the dead wood Yinling, he bowed his head deeply.

"I'm so sorry, Father, I've overstepped the bounds."

Seeing Kuanmu Xianghe admit his mistake, Kuanmu Yinling withdrew his spiritual pressure.

"Sorry, I made you two laugh."

Mikami Yuu smacked his lips: "It's too scary, I can't laugh."

When he thought that Kuchiki Soojun had grown up in such an environment, he couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

With such a mental change... ahem, a father whose mental condition is worth worrying about, even if he is well-clothed and well-fed, his life may not be happy.

Hearing this, Yeyi quickly coughed.

"Idiot, what are you talking about!"

Mikami shrugged.

He looked at Kuchiki Yinling: "Master Kuchiki, since you called us here and you specifically mentioned this matter, what does that mean... The death of the head of the court before the court is indeed related to the Tsunayashiro family?"

Kuchiki Yinling nodded slightly.

While the two were watching, he spoke slowly, explaining his findings and thoughts.

After listening, Ye Yi touched his chin, showing a pensive expression.

In fact, as Kuchiki Kazukawa said, there is a 99% chance that this matter was done by the Tsunayashiro family.

Right now, the conflict between Tsunayashiro and Kuchiki over the rights of the Forty-Six Room has intensified to the point of sparks.

If Kuchiki and Tingtian's family successfully marry at this time, it will undoubtedly be a great positive signal for those mid-level nobles who were originally vacillating.

Kuchiki Aojun was originally the leader of the younger generation, and after receiving the support of the Tingtian family, his position became more stable.

When the Kuchiki Silver Ridge recedes, Kuchiki Cangchun will become the undisputed new head of the family, leading the Kuchiki family and the little nobles attached to it to the next stable era.

What about Tsunayashi?

Among the second-generation children, none of them became successful.

Tsunayashiyo Chizo is over 2,000 years old, who knows how long he can last.

If the old man is gone, the Tsunayashiro family will be leaderless.

Compared with the huge uncertainty in the future, the current advantage of the Tsunayashiro family is really nothing.

After all, all nobles in the world of corpses and souls regard "stability" as their first pursuit.

The Kuchiki family, relying on their outstanding second-generation children, actually has a faint upper hand.

However, with the death of Patriarch Tingtian, all of this was put into question.

The Niwada family, considered a big family among the nobility, had no power to resist Tsunayashiro's attack.

As for the Kuchiki family, they didn't even keep their in-laws.

Is following the Kuchiki family really the right decision?

It is a good thing to have a future, but if you lose your life, the future is meaningless.

Thinking of this, Ye Yi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As expected of the Tsunayashiro family... If someone else did such a thing of overturning the table, they would have been targeted by the United Nations long ago, and it would be beyond redemption.

But facing the Tsunayashiro family, the first reaction of these aristocrats was to admit defeat.

This is Tsunayashiro's deterrent power.

In other words, it is the deterrent power of its patriarch, Tsunayashiro Chizo.

Looking at the entire soul world, the only one who can overthrow Tsunayashiro head-on is Yamamoto Motoryuzai.

No wonder Kuchiki Yinling invited Mikami Yuu.

This old guy, what he really wanted to invite was Captain Yamamoto behind Yuu.

I wonder if Yu realizes this?

Yoruichi turned his head and looked at Yu Mikami.

I saw Yu Mikami sitting there kneeling, his eyes closed, and his head drooping.

Actually fell asleep!

High blood pressure overnight.

She was gearing up, ready to give someone a hard time.

And Kuchiki Silver Ridge stood up:

"You two don't need to give an answer in a hurry, as long as you inform the old man of the result within three days."

He looked at the wall clock on the wall and said, "It's almost time for lunch, both of you, please join me for dinner."

Yu Mikami, who had already fallen asleep, raised his head suddenly: "Lunch?"

Ye Yi: "..."

Led by Kuchiki Yinling, several people walked towards the main hall.

Yu Mikami yawned, as if he was still awake from sleep.

Ye Yi stretched out his hand to pinch him, but Mikami Yuu dodged him skillfully.

Kuchimu Xianghe walked last, his face full of gloom.

He took a deep breath: "Sorry, everyone, I have some things to deal with first, and I will be back later."

With that said, he bowed slightly, turned and left.

Seeing the back of Kuchiki Hibiki leaving, Mikami Yuu scratched his head.

After thinking for a while, he said to Ye: "I'm going to the bathroom, my stomach is full, and I will eat more later."

Ye Yi: "?"

Before she could say anything, Yu Mikami had already disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.


Leaving the atrium, Rotten Wood Xianghe walked to a forest.


He reached out and hit the tree hard.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the bottom of his heart—

"Xianghe, please don't be sad, Your Excellency Yinling must have said that to protect you."

"The Tsunayashiro family is very dangerous. After attacking the Tingtian family, they must be ready for revenge."

"If you go at a time like this, it's too..."

"Are you saying that my strength is not strong enough?!"

Deadwood Xianghe roared, interrupting the sound in his heart.

He pressed the handle of the knife and pulled it out quickly.

Facing his knife, he widened his eyes and said angrily: "My strength is not inferior to anyone!"

"The Tsunayashiro family, even if I'm prepared, I can kill them all!"

"Then do it."

Kuchimu Xianghe had just finished speaking when he heard a lazy voice above his head.


With a startled look on his face, he hurriedly jumped aside and looked up.

All he saw was a boy in a domineering outfit squatting on a tree branch above his head.

The boy rested his arms on his knees and looked down at him with a weird smile.

Under Kuchiki Kazukawa's surprised gaze, Mikami Yuu said:

"Since Mr. Kuchiki doesn't like you, why don't you come and act with me."

"When we kill a few Tsunayashiro and show him the result, he won't be able to say anything."

"If Tsunayashiro, who is one of the five nobles with him, is in your hands, how can he not recognize your ability?"

Hearing this, Kuchimu Xianghe's eyes widened...


One hundred chapters, Wuhu~

On this occasion, I would like to recommend two books to my brothers.

"I! Black Organization Boss", Conan fan

"I! Master of the Forbidden Art of the Kingdom of Light, Ultraman fan

They are all similar in style to this book, not worse than this one at all

Everyone is more tired after chasing, you can read these two books first~~