MTL - I Became the Favorite of Big Bosses-Chapter 491 It's from Gu Chao...

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Chapter 491 is from Gu Chao...

Wei Lan smiled, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Her smile could no longer be maintained. She lowered her head and sunk her face into the darkness. She stretched out her slender white wrist to lift the lid of the lunch box.

 It’s not that there is no resistance, it’s just that resistance and resistance are useless.

 Wei Lan would be unhappy at first, but later, as the number of visits increased, Wei Lan's heart died.

 She has lost her initial reliance and reliance on Yanyi.

Wei Lan nodded slightly and lowered her eyes to her abdomen. She just wanted to be good with her child now.

The gray-green bean juice is like a thin paste, steaming and has a faint sour smell, which is not very pleasant.

Wei Lan stirred the spoon twice. Her appetite has not been very good recently, and her stomach was turbulent when she smelled this smell. However, she did not show any strangeness on her face. She just buried her head and resisted the urge to gag one bite at a time...

 Yanyi is not used to the taste of bean juice, but once that girl was happy, he was willing to accompany her to be happy.

 But now, he knew that the girl in front of him was not the same person as before, and she did not like to drink bean juice.

 Inexplicably, the taste of the bean juice he put in his mouth also changed.

 It is also bitter.

 It is also astringent.


hard to swallow.

Yanyi's breath was stagnant, and he took a big sip of bean juice and hurriedly looked away, but in the end he grabbed Wei Lan's hand that brought the spoon to his mouth, "Bean juice cannot be used as a meal, just drink two sips."

Wei Lan's eyes turned red from the pungent taste, and she felt relieved when she heard that she didn't need to drink any more.

After nodding silently, he put down the spoon obediently, leaned on the soft pillow, and looked blankly at the blue sky.

The sunset has basically faded away, leaving only a faint afterglow on the sea level. The waves are rolling, and the waves they push up are like fish scales.

By some strange coincidence, a piece of lyrics appeared in Wei Lan’s mind:

 The scattered moonlight passed through the clouds

Hide from the crowd

 The scales that spread out into the sea

The waves wet the white dress

Trying to push you back

 The waves wash away the blood

Delusion to warm you

 Listen to the depths of the sea

Whose cry guides

 The soul sinks into silence

 No one will wake you up…

Following the melody in his mind, Wei Lan sang in a low voice.

 The breeze is mixed with the unique salty smell of the sea, and the girl's voice is melodious, rising and falling at times, but extremely sad and desperate.

 She looked at the sea level and sang such a heartbreaking song.

 He sat on the edge of the Kang, his eyes filled with her...

Yan Yi’s eyes reflected the young girl’s soft profile, and her heart felt like it was being clamped tightly by a big hand.

 He made her unhappy.

 He left her heartbroken and despairing…

But feelings are very selfish, and love is also very selfish.

 Knowing her unhappiness, her reluctance, her pain, he...

 Still reluctant to let go.

Yanyi's eyes were bloodshot and red. He didn't dare to sit down anymore, so he got up and ran away.

 Chui Cui brought the food at night, and when she boiled the hot water and went into the house to help Wei Lan wash up, the food on the table was still not touched.

 “Having a baby consumes energy, so the wife should eat more and take more supplements.”

Cuicui is not very old, but when she was in the countryside, she heard some things from her aunts and grandmothers in the neighborhood.

Wei Lan smiled softly, and after washing, she held Cui Cui's hand and sat back on the kang by the window. "There's no taste in your mouth lately. You should pay attention when you go out tomorrow to see if you can buy some chili or something."

Cuicui was surprised and asked: "Mrs., are you greedy?"

Wei Lan nodded, and then she stared at her dark eyes and said, "There is a saying in the countryside that a sour boy is a hot girl. Is this a sign that your wife is going to give birth to a daughter?"

“There’s nothing wrong with my daughter.” Wei Lan smiled gently.

 When it comes to children, there is always some expectation for the future. Before sending Cuicui back to bed, Wei Lan asked her to help get paper and pen, and pondered the name of the child under the lamp.

Yanyi had shown a lack of warmth and alienation towards the child from beginning to end, and Wei Lan had never thought of asking for his opinion.

 But... what should I call the child?

Wei Lan frowned inwardly, her pale lips suddenly raised, and she wrote two words on the paper:

  Chen, Jiao.

 Chen means treasure, treasure. If it is a boy, it is called Chen, which means her treasure.

Jiao is easier to understand, her little Jiaojiao, her little baby.

Wei Lan raised a slight smile and held the paper and looked at it carefully. She was very satisfied. Cuicui came in again and urged her to rest.

"I'm going to sleep now." Wei Lan responded in a low voice. Her whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of soft light, and her whole body was so gentle that it was unbelievable.

Cuicui helped her back to bed and lay down, and then closed the curtains before turning off the lights and going out.

Cuicui originally lived in the outer room of the main house. After Yanyi came back from Province H, she moved from the main house to the side room, freeing up the original place for Yanyi.

Wei Lan and Yanyi had very few words, and they lived in an awkward relationship until the end of May, when the sun was shining brightly. Wei Lan started to work in advance, and the child was about to be born.


Quancheng Road In May, the peninsula is surrounded by beautiful cherry blossoms. When the breeze rises, pink flowers rain all over the sky.

Wei Lan sat on the kang with her head slightly lowered. Two strands of thin and soft blue hair hung down, making her small porcelain face and chin look more pointed.

She was holding a small piece of clothing in her hand and was mending it carefully. Suddenly, there was a flute sound, which made her turn her head and look over. She saw a large cargo ship heading towards the inner harbor.

 In recent months, the turmoil outside has become more and more intense, so that large cargo ships like this have appeared more and more frequently in ports that used to be calm.

After staring at the sea for a moment, Wei Lan's slender brows suddenly frowned, "Well..."

The abdomen spasmed for a moment, and a stream of wetness gushed out, and most of the hem of her white nightgown was wet.

 The amniotic fluid has broken.

 Putting down his clothes, Wei Lan put his hands behind his back and tried to move his body, his face turned pale, "Cui Cui, Cui Cui..."

Cuicui entered the house in response, and was shocked when she saw the situation. She hurriedly ran around and finally thought of going out and calling someone to help.

I originally planned to be admitted to the hospital in early June, ten days before the delivery date, but now I started early, and Yanyi was not at home. Quancheng Road is an old residential building, and it is usually difficult to take a taxi. Now I thought it was too late to send her to the hospital.

The people who came to help were all elderly aunts who lived in a nearby courtyard. Seeing this situation, they knew they couldn't delay it any longer, so they looked at each other and went off to do their own business.

"Girl Cuicui, firewood, firewood! Go to the sister-in-law's house next door and bring back two bundles of firewood. You need to heat hot water!"

"Madam, madam!" Cuicui was so frightened that she lost her mind. After being assigned a job, she walked out with her head still twisted back. She wished she could keep her head in the room, "Can you do it without going to the hospital? My wife is not in good health..."

“It’s too late to send us to the hospital now, so hurry up! Get the firewood back and see if there is anything else to eat at your house. Make it finely chopped so that the mother can replenish her strength during the delivery..."

Cuicui nodded in response, went down the mountain to get firewood, stopped by a small shop, spent 20 cents on the phone, and hurriedly explained the situation to Yanyi.

On the other side, Wei Lan was helped by two aunts to lie down on the bed. The sound from the outside world seemed to be separated by a thin film. The sound was loud but vague.


The throbbing pain was indescribable, like freshly cut tender meat receiving a strong electric shock.

Wei Lan grasped the sheets tightly with her ten slender fingers. She obviously felt that her body had no strength, but the pain stimulated her to stand up and almost sit up from lying down.

 "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, breathe in! Breathe in!"

Hot water is brought in basin after basin, and basin after basin is carried out.

 From the yellow amniotic fluid that was wiped off at first, to the red and dazzling blood later.

 Four hours, four full hours of struggle, Wei Lan really had no strength left.

After she woke up after falling into the water, her nerves had been in a state of tension. Later, she moved to Haishi. The anti-stress medicine she took every day had side effects, and under the long-term mental and emotional oppression, her whole body was completely shaken from the inside. He began to waste time, and his body was in an extreme state of disrepair.

It is difficult to persist in this extremely painful and mentally stimulating situation.

“Madam? Madam? Mrs. Yan! I can’t sleep, I can’t sleep, you can’t sleep now!”

  Sensing signs that Wei Lan was losing consciousness, the aunts who came to help were also a little panicked.

They came to help out of good intentions, not for anything else, but if it cost human lives, or two lives, it would be hard to explain...

Wei Lan's consciousness was in pain. In the hazy state, she vaguely heard a voice next to her saying: "The pregnancy is not good, the delivery is difficult, and the child cannot be saved..." and other words.

At that moment, the almost comatose person suddenly opened his eyes.

Wei Lan's face was as pale as paper. She grabbed a corner of the mosquito net and tried to prop herself up a little, "Cut, cut!"

 Caesarean section, the hospital has this technology, but only two are really willing to do it.

In people’s minds, can a person survive with a big hole in his stomach?

It is a pity that the child is gone, but as long as the adult lives, it is possible to have another child in the future.

Few people have had a caesarean section in this day and age, and some of these aunts have never even heard of this technology, let alone dared to perform it.

Wei Lan's complexion is white and the veins are clearly visible under his skin. His eyes are dark and translucent, but the eye sockets are red. He looks in good spirits, but he also looks like he is running out of gas.

"Save the child, keep the child...please aunts, do it, do it..."

Wei Lan thought it was a matter of life and death. Although the baby in her belly was not full-term, Wei Lan could not kill it after nine months of living together.

The beautiful young woman was like a flower about to fall, sobbing and begging, which was heartbreaking. Someone from the aunt stood up and said, "We have never done this before. It's really...take your time, eat something to save your strength, let's do it again... "

 “No, it doesn’t matter, I said, you do it, you just do it!”

Wei Lan shook her head nervously, tears falling down her face, and her abdomen was throbbing, as if her soul was being forced out of her body.

She forced others to find brand new scissors and a kerosene lamp, and trembled her lips to ask them to sterilize the scissors on the flame. Then she shook out her double image with her hands, and she didn't know whether it was out of fear or pain, and uncovered her nightgown. .

Without the effect of anesthesia, one can imagine how painful it would be. Wei Lan designated a position so that they could be careful in their movements so as not to hurt the child. After that, they did not dare to look at the child anymore. They were spread out on the bed like fish and meat on the table ready to be slaughtered...

The aunt holding the scissors shook her hands, but she still didn't dare to start after trying several times. Thanks to her hesitation and hesitation, when Wei Lan completely lost consciousness, Yanyi rushed back with the doctor.

 “Whose idea was this?” Yanyi grabbed the scissors, his face turning blue.

 The scissors are not sterilized and there is no anesthesia. Even if the caesarean section goes smoothly, the pain will be excruciating.

Yanyi didn’t dare to think about what kind of **** scene he would see if he came back a step later.

"Yes. It belongs to the wife!" Although Aunt Yiqian was afraid of Yanyi, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Since Mr. Yan is back, let's go back first!"

 Having said that, one by one, they ran faster than a rabbit.

This Mrs. Yan is also cruel, and she can be so cruel to herself...

The doctor opened the instrument box and while checking Wei Lan's condition, he ordered, "Electric lamps and kerosene lamps are both good. Prepare a few more lamps to make the room brighter. Close the door of the main room tightly to prevent drafts. Prepare more hot water... Miscellaneous Everyone, please get out..."

 After saying that, he turned back to look at Yanyi who was crawling beside the bed and holding Wei Lan's hand tightly, "You also go out."

 “I, I’ll stay with her here, can’t I?”

 The doctor looked serious, "This is an urgent moment and cannot be delayed."

Yan Yi couldn't help it. He turned his head and looked at Wei Lan's pale face. He moved his sticky hair away from her forehead with his big hands, her thin lips pursed tightly, and finally stood up and left.

 Yanyi received a call from Cuicui and learned that Wei Lan was in poor condition, so he rushed to the hospital and took away a gynecologist half-forced.

Although I felt uncomfortable being coerced, I also knew that the situation was urgent and life-threatening, so the doctor came with full preparation.

 In this situation, the mother has lost consciousness and a normal delivery is no longer possible.

 After adjusting the light in the room, the doctor gave Wei Lan anesthesia according to the dose to make her sleep deeper. Then he walked to the equipment box and put on gloves to disinfect the equipment...

Wei Lan's attack occurred at noon. When Yanyi came back with the doctor, it was already close to three o'clock in the afternoon, but when the weak sound of a child crying like a cat came from the house, it was already seven o'clock in the night...

The child was very thin. He was held on a thin blanket stained with blood and handed to Yanyi's arms. He was light and soft. Yanyi did not dare to move while holding the child.

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although he was tired, he still had a congratulatory smile on his face, "The mother and child are safe."

Yanyi frowned slightly. After letting go of his high-spirited heart, he didn't feel happy.

He opened the corner of the swaddling clothes and saw the bird between the baby's legs.

   is the son of Gu Chao.

 Wrapping the swaddling clothes again, Yanyi looked at the doctor, "Thank you doctor, I'll take you back."

Yanyi led the doctor outside the hospital. It was not easy to take a taxi here, but he had a car, so it was very convenient for him to go there.

Cuicui followed behind and asked, "Sir, don't you keep your child at home?"

Yanyi hasn't replied yet. The doctor turned around and said with a smile: "The child's cry is very weak. It's a good idea to take him to the hospital for a checkup. Any problems can be discovered and solved as soon as possible."

Cuicui stopped asking.

The doctor gave a few more instructions, "The mother has just undergone a caesarean section. It is normal to have pain for two days after the anesthesia wears off. Do not take a bath for the time being, and the sutures should not be exposed to water. You can go to the hospital for a review in a few days..."

After thinking for a moment, the doctor added, "I can come when the time comes."

 “Okay, okay!” Cuicui agreed one by one and kept it in her heart.

   I don’t dare to continue writing, for fear that you will beat me????????????

(Alternate song title: Under the Sea)

I have been listening to this song recently. From Wei Lan’s perspective, this song is so appropriate!



 (End of this chapter)