MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 357 My monks, never lose to others in life

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  Chapter 357 My monk, I will not lose to others in my life

  For Fang Jinyu, it is not difficult to transform An Ruyin, Xiaodanjie, and the incidental "ball" inside into "free creatures". It will only take a long time at most.

  However, this kind of time-consuming thing actually doesn't need him to do it, so Fang Jinyu left on a cloud.

  With Yufeng as a companion, they walked all the way, and finally came to a quiet water area.

  This place is lonely and uninhabited, but it is not lacking in vitality.

At the water's edge, there was a girl in white with bright eyes and gazing eyes, exploring the water with her slender feet, touching the circles of ripples, and making the swimming fish play happily. He waved his hand cheerfully: "Where are you from? Do you want to watch fish together?"

   "I came from Yunshen, and I came here to ask Miss Yiren to do me a favor." Fang Jinyu said calmly.

  This woman is one of the "free beings" born because of his way of freedom.

  The name is Yiren.

  Because Fang Jinyu covered himself up, these "free beings" didn't know the truth about their own origins, and only regarded themselves as being raised by nature.

   "Deep in the clouds?"

Yi Ren tilted his head, seemingly puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions. He got up straight, and then, as if melted by soft water, he came to Fang Jinyu's side by the rippling water, and then patted Fang Jinyu with a smile like a flower. Little Hand: "What do you want me to do?"

   In her words, there was no meaning of rejection at all.

   "Help me take care of one person, one world and one spirit." Fang Jinyu said, and stretched out his left hand.

  I saw that between the five-fingered slender and flawless palm, there seemed to be stars rising and falling. In the nebula fog, a human figure and a blurry world could be vaguely seen.


  Yi Ren took a look, then nodded in agreement.

  Because of her innate natural method of freedom, it is to transform all things and nourish all things.

   And this is why Fang Jinyu came to her on purpose.

   "Thank you very much."

  Fang Jinyu turned around and left. He only took two steps, and his figure immediately disappeared. In the next second, he had already arrived in the Hall of Hedao.

   Sitting cross-legged in front of that door, he was ready to continue his enlightenment.

  As for the curse that might be related to the "Fallen Immortal", I couldn't get any useful information even after communicating with the Nine Famines, so we can only discuss it later.

  However, after continuing to study day by day, he still found nothing.

   But at this time, Fang Jinyu had some guesses about it.

   "Those humanoid characters are not in this door now..."

  In the beginning, the immortal light once again fell on this door, and the "beginning of one yuan" that was enough to restore the wall of Hedao to the original, but this time did not "photograph" those humanoid characters.

   "Is it really from the future?"

   "It doesn't exist at this time, so why can't it be enlightened all the time?"

  Fang Jinyu's eyes were gloomy. He said the words about "the past and the future" before because he did feel a slight sense of confusion in time at the moment when those humanoid characters appeared.

  However, because his [Reincarnation of the Long River] has not been practiced for too long, and he has not been able to keep up with the current cultivation level, which made Fang Jinyu's perception of it unreal at the time.

  In addition, the Hedao Hall itself has a powerful time acceleration effect, which made Fang Jinyu unclear about the source of the sense of time confusion.

   After all, what I could perceive at the time was too subtle...

  If he hadn't practiced [The Long River of Reincarnation], he could control the time changes around him for a short period of time. If he changed to another harmony state, he might not even be able to perceive the slight sense of time confusion.

  So, Fang Jinyu made an adjustment to the direction of adding one to his "+1" talent.

   This time, there will be a harvest soon.

  【Today is a day to face the door and think about it】

  【Refining to obtain fairy gate fragments +1】

  Fang Jinyu stretched out his hand subconsciously, and something fell out of the void, which was an irregular fragment. Looking at the door of Hedao Hall again, there was indeed an irregular gap in the door at this time.

  Although there was inevitably a strange look in his eyes, at this time, Fang Jinyu could already clearly feel that he had established a wonderful connection with the "Fairy Gate Fragment" in his hand, so he continued to "think about mistakes".

  In the next few days, Fang Jinyu was a fragment of the fairy gate almost every day, even if it was not sometimes, it would become a fragment the next day.

   Just like that, after ten days of hard work, Fang Jinyu finally demolished the door of his Hedao Hall.

   Pieces of fragments floated in front of him, and with a movement in his heart, these pieces gathered together to form a brand new door. But at this time, there is a strong and wonderful energy on the door, which makes this door, which was originally made of unknown material, now become a real fairy door.

  A door of fairy treasure level!

  Because those wonderful auras that emanate are extremely rare in the world—Xianyun! After the three rhymes of Shangqing, Yuqing and Taiqing gather together, they can only be transformed by sublimation together!

  However, compared to the essence of this door, Fang Jinyu is more concerned about the material of this fairy door.

  He didn't know it before, but now he has completely refined this door-shaped fairy treasure with the help of "+1" talent, and he suddenly realized that this fairy door was actually condensed from the fairy light of the beginning!

   But it is not the Immortal Light of Absolute Beginning of his level, but the Immortal Light of Absolute Beginning when he has cultivated to the extreme and needs to use the supreme grade of Immortal Physique of Absolute Beginning to ascend to the "heavenly realm" in one fell swoop!

  The Immortal Light of Absolute Beginning at this level, not to mention the instant kill of the Dao Realm, even the true immortals at the same level, may lose in the battle of the Dao with a careless move, and then fall away.

  At this time, humanoid characters appeared on the fairy gate, but after the appearance, these humanoid characters differentiated into fairy symbols.

   "Absolute Beginning Immortal Physique Condensation Method of the Six Great Outer Forms!"

   "Primary Hunyuan Immortal Light Nine Layers Clear and Turbid Inner Scene Cultivation Method!"

   "The Tenth Immortal Mountain Summoning Method... eh? There is also the Tenth Immortal Mountain? But, why do you want me not to use this method unless it is absolutely necessary, even in the realms of the sea?"

Fang Jinyu looked all the way down, and couldn't hide the shock in his heart. The things recorded in these fairy talismans were too amazing. They seemed to be the inheritance of true immortals in the "first immortal" realm, but except for the tenth immortal mountain summoning method, The rest are related to the higher realm of the gods!

   That is, the realm of "heavenly fairy"!

  At this time, those fairy talismans began to shatter and dissipate, and when the last talisman was left, the fairy talisman turned into humanoid characters.

   Then, from the humanoid characters, a hazy figure walked out.

   "I am for the beginning, and the immortal light of the beginning is created for me."

  The hazy figure spoke.

   "And when you saw me, I was completely annihilated, and I didn't even leave the last imprint of the immortal soul."

   "However, this has nothing to do with you. This is my own choice!"

"Of course I can linger on, take the step I took before I died, go behind that door, be with those ancient predecessors, and play with the timeline of the heavens and worlds, but that is not what I want need."

   "The fairyland is eternal, but because it is eternal, it has existed for too long, so the current fairyland has problems that are difficult to measure."

   "And at least one-third of these problems are caused by those who call themselves immortals!"

   "The benefits of the fairyland, you can't experience it until you leave the boundary sea. And it is these benefits that make those self-appointed immortals!"

"In terms of specifics, because there are not many forces left here, and I need to cover for you, I can't tell you too much in detail. I can only tell you that people are similar, especially after cultivation. People without spiritual roots are no different from those with excellent talents."

"Therefore, some people began to repeatedly emphasize their origins for their own benefit. Because, in this world, there are only two things that are most likely to bring an insurmountable sense of superiority. One is blood; second, It's territory."

   "For those who can cultivate into immortals, the second point is not even half persuasive. But the first point is particularly persuasive."

   "It's even possible that you already agree with this point of view, but you don't know it yet."

   "Ancestors gave birth to true immortals, do you think that they must be extraordinary, superior to you innately?"

  "Glory in the past dynasties, each generation has people who can be famous in the world, do you think that the children born to noble blood must not be things in the pool?"

  The hazy figure began to fade away gradually after speaking of this.

   But his voice continued to ring.

  But at this time Fang Jinyu could feel that the other party didn't say it in front of him, but sent him these words from a certain period of time in the past!

   "And once you recognize these things, then when you face those self-proclaimed immortals, you will be inherently weak, and you will even be willing to be deprived of your luck by them!"

   "Once luck is lost, even if you become a fairy, your heart has not transformed into a fairy heart, it is still a mortal heart!"

   "From now on, don't say that you have cultivated to the realm of immortality in the sky. Even if you want to maintain the realm of the first immortal, it will be difficult to become the ninth level of harmony!"

   "Remember, my monks will not be weaker than anyone in their life!"

"Even in the face of the fairy position, you can let go and fight for it! People of the fairy clan, who enjoy enough and have enough knowledge, are more suitable for the position of fairy official. They will not act recklessly after gaining power. Everything is based on the result. The fallacy of deriving a cause!"

   "They don't look down on those small interests, but what about the people under them?"

   "It should be noted that those who are superior often compete for the qualification to distribute benefits! Not benefits! Benefits are only used by them to give to those who are inferior..."

  The hazy figure has completely disappeared. Although the voice is still coming from the past, because the time interval is too long, it is impossible to pass through the long river of time.

  Fang Jinyu was thoughtful. Before, he just thought that the self-proclaimed fairy clan was arrogant, but now it seems that there are so many things involved in it!


   Fairy bit!

  Can Fanxin transform into a fairy heart!

  These three are even just on the surface, and there are more hidden things underneath.

  At this time, Fang Jinyu suddenly saw a small white hand, which was stealthily grasping the fairy gate, and he had the intention of letting it go.

   "Qing Fu..."

  Fang Jinyu's mouth twitched. Although he really didn't realize when this little girl came over, can he not be blind!

  So blatantly, are you afraid that he won't see it?

"Mother, where did you get this fairy treasure?" The slender girl with picturesque eyebrows and **** and white eyes stared at this fairy treasure without blinking. The depths are full of two words—want!

   "After perfecting the cultivation of the Immortal Light of the Absolute Beginning, I accidentally obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Realm..." Fang Jinyu explained the previous things in detail.

  However, there are also omissions, and that is the way to obtain this fairy treasure.

  I didn't realize it before, but after getting the inheritance of "Tai Chu", Fang Jinyu already knew that in order to trigger the final imprint of "Tai Chu"'s immortal soul, at least the seventh level of He Dao cultivation was needed.

  Unable to cultivate, it is impossible to summon the Immortal Soul Imprint of "Absolute Beginning" from the past and future.

   In other words, the "+1" talent used a method of "removing first and then replenishing" to forcefully arrest the Immortal Soul Imprint of "Absolute Beginning"...

"After the cultivation of the Absolute Beginning Immortal Light has reached its consummation, there are still such benefits? Well, mother, the Absolute Beginning Immortal Light is incomplete, how can it be cultivated to perfection? Then there is no way to grasp the true meaning of the Absolute Beginning!" Qing Fu couldn't help but widen her eyes, and then Looking at Fang Jinyu, I felt a little cute for no reason.

   "Are you talking about the true meaning of the beginning?"

  Fang Jinyu waved his hand, and the Immortal Light of Absolute Beginning appeared, but what followed was a sense of the original world.

   This is the true meaning of the beginning!

  A certain little girl was stunned when she saw it, and then looked at Fang Jinyu with a look of hesitation.

And at this moment, Fang Jinyu, who successfully pretended to be a wave, handed over the fairy door: "If you want to use it, then take it. Although I will give this fairy treasure to me when I get it, let me give it to you." It was refined in one fell swoop, but there can be two holders."

   As a fairy treasure, the power of this fairy gate is unquestionable. If you push it with all your strength, it can destroy a great world!

  But Fang Jinyu is beyond the reach of Fang Jinyu who wants to mobilize such power.

   And the supernatural power he wants right now has not yet been realized, so Fang Jinyu is not planning to leave this small fairyland in the last hundred years.

  Therefore, instead of keeping it in your own hands, let this little girl take it.

   With this as a reliance, even if Qingfu meets a monk who is on the eighth level of the Dao and holds a fairy treasure, she can easily retreat unscathed.

   "Thank you mother!"

  The little girl was overjoyed immediately, and then quickly closed the fairy gate with her little hands.

   Moreover, it seemed that she was afraid that the aura of this fairy treasure would be leaked, so this little girl actually applied several layers of Taoism to it!

   But at this moment, seeing Qingfu's actions, Fang Jinyu, who was originally calm, felt his heart skip a beat for no reason, because for some reason, he suddenly remembered a certain Uncle Liu surnamed Liu.

  But soon, Fang Jinyu thought that this fairy treasure had been refined by himself.

   "Xianbao is Xianbao, Jingzhou is Jingzhou, well, it will definitely not be like the borrowed Jingzhou..."

  (end of this chapter)