MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 9 dream

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There is a word called unexpected encounter, there is a word called the narrow road to meet the brave victory.

Ban Yu rides on horseback, Xie Wanzhen is coming down from the sedan chair. The two men are opposite each other. Ban Yiqing clearly sees the ridicule and triumph of the other party's eyes.

What is she proud of, because she can be a prince?

I have a fart for the emperor, but in a few years, this world is not surnamed Jiang. Besides, Jiang Luo’s kind of bad stuff, if it’s not because of his status, he sent her to be a male pet by virtue of his character, she is not rare.

"Ban Xiangjun, really clever," Xie Wanzhen touched the big pearl on the earlobe, looked rosy and looked at the class, and saw that the earrings of the class were a pair of red **** gemstones, and recovered their hands. Tao, "How come you can't see you out in the last few days?"

"Wrong," Ban Yi shook his index finger. "Not a township, it is a county."

Xie Wanyi heard the words and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Oh my memory, I forgot that you were blessed in disguise, sealed the county, congratulations."

However, it is a county jun, and Daye dynasty is not only a county prince. What can be triumphant? Besides, after the spring of next year, after she married the second emperor, the little monk was mad and wanted to bow.

disaster? What is the disaster?

It’s nothing more than ridicule the fact that she was retired. The class did not care about this little thing, so Xie Wan’s sentence had no effect on her. Banyan played with the whip in his hand, and he was careless. "Thank you girl is really beautiful today. I don't know if Xie Ergong's eyes are good?"

Ban Yi will never turn around with a slap in the face. As long as someone sneers at her, she will sneer back without mercy, and it is the place where others poke, and does not pay attention to aristocratic elegance and extravagance. With this unbeatable mouth, so many girls in the capital did not dare to provoke her.

Xie Wanzhen dared to stab her so today because she felt that she was about to become a prince, and even if she was crazy, she would not offend her.

I know that she underestimated the courage and lack of mind of the class, and actually said things in the eyes of her brother in front of her face. This woman is really beautiful and poisonous. The second brother has had a marriage contract with her. Now her second brother has broken one eye. She is so schadenfreaked. It is really hateful.

But even if she is not satisfied again, it can't be attacked at the moment. She is the future emperor, she must be dignified and generous. Before she becomes married with the second emperor, she must never make a mistake. She does not want to be like a class, and she is retired by the man before she becomes married, and she becomes the object of ridicule.

"Thank you, the county gentleman cares, the second brother is very good," Xie Wanqi took a deep breath and barely squeezed a smile at the class.

"Thank you girl, please go upstairs, our girl is waiting for you in the bread." A cockroach came out from the tea house next to her. She saw the banquet and gave her a ceremony. "I have seen Ban Junjun. ""

Ban Yi recognized that this woman was the one who was waiting for Shi Feixian. She looked at the tea house next to her and nodded her head to the woman.

Ban Heng, who did not speak from beginning to end, snorted deliberately and then walked behind her sister's horse's buttocks.

Xie Wanxuan looked at the blue-green and looked at the classmates and sisters. If they had to go far, they couldn’t wait to pick them up from the horseback and take a meal. However, she did nothing, just smiled at the woman who came down to her, and then said, "There is a stone sister waiting for a long time."

She endured and endured.

Shi Feixian just because he saw the class, he asked Xie Wan to pick up. She saw the banter riding away from the window and then turned around and turned to the main Corning County side: "Ban 婳 is now acting more and more."

"She grew up from a young arrogance and was remarried by different men three times. The words outside were so ugly, naturally it was broken and broken," Corning sneered. "She can't marry anyway, she can only squat." The tongue is fast."

On the relationship, she and Banyan are sisters in the distant house, but there is a gap between their family and the princess, so she and the class are not good at all. Listening to my mother, when the grandfather wanted to abolish the prince and set her father to be a prince, he knew that the princess had been stalking from it, and finally earned the merits of the dragon in front of the present.

These old grievances more than a decade ago, although they dare not mention them again, do not mean that they will forget the things that Grandma Princess did in the past.

The two were talking, and Xie Wanxi came upstairs. Seeing two friends in the middle of the house, Xie Wanxi’s face suddenly pulled down: “The little monk in the class, I really can’t wait to tear her mouth.” Think of the pair of blood jade earrings worn by the class, put her The white and soft face is so pleasing that the water will come out. Xie Wan’s hatred in his heart is even stronger.

Oh, it’s an inexhaustible fire that is enough to burn people’s intellect.

"Today, it was originally for your good deeds to celebrate, what is the meaning of such a bad person," Corning County owner smiled and greeted her to sit down. "To be next year, we will call you a king."

"Well, what are you doing?" Xie Wan was so shy that his cheeks were red. "I see you coming today, it is deliberately making me."

"Hey, this blush, I finally understand what is irritating today," Shi Feixian reached out and pinched Xie Wanqi’s cheek. "Congratulations to my sister who married a good man."

Looking at Xie Wanxi's appearance of being shy and happy, she remembered that she had liked it for a few years, and her heart was bitter. She looked up at Corning, and she broke the broken hair and didn't talk. Don't let her know that Corning had some thoughts on Rong Bo.

When the night was quiet, the class squatted on the bed and the whole person fell into a dream.

In her dreams, she was wearing a thin shirt, looking at the table full of dishes and the man at the table, it was like a stupid.

Banyan knows that she is dreaming. She even looks at herself and the person with a vague look from the perspective of a bystander. This feeling is a bit strange. What is even more strange is that she feels grateful to the man at the table. .

Soon she saw that she had come out of the house and had a thick coat on her body.

There was a lot of snow outside, and she saw that the noble woman was laughing at her, pointing her finger at her, but she didn't dare to really do anything to her.

Then she saw that she was dead, and fell in the thick snow, the bright red blood splashed on the white snow, like a blooming red peony, glamorous.

Ban Yu couldn't help feeling, she really was a peerless beauty, even if she died, she died so beautifully.

The winter wind is blowing up with snow particles, but the dreams of the class are not cold, the wind whimps like a woman crying, she stands in front of her body and looks at the arrow on her back. Yu, suddenly realized, is this the end of her last dream?

It turns out that I will be so miserable in the future?

Not only did you lose the title, but you lost your life?

Fortunately, this white fox on her body looks very valuable, and it is not too cold to die.

"Oh, oh."

There was a sudden sound of footsteps behind, and the voice was rushing and chaotic, as if someone had rushed over.

"Lord, master, class girl went."

master? Who?

The class returned and saw a man in a black coat behind him. The man was tall and straight, and the hand that was exposed outside the sleeve was white and jade. Even if you couldn't see the face, the class can be sure, this must be a superb beauty.

She couldn't see the man's face, but she heard the voice of the man.


Ban Yi nodded, it is a pity, after all, she is so beautiful.

"A rare living person in the capital, buried her."

Ban Yichang took a sigh of relief, it seems that not only people look good, but also the heart is pretty.

The man suddenly turned his head, as if he saw her standing next to her, she looked down at the complex palace skirt, proudly quite waist.

It’s a pity that the other party did not see her, but in a complicated tone, “to find out who did it, let people... take care of her family.”


On the night, I heard the sound coming from inside the house. I was so scared that I got up from the couch and hurried into the inner room. Then I saw the county gentleman sitting in the middle of the table wearing a coat and lying on her feet. A broken tea pot.

"County, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I just made a dream," Ban Hao suddenly looked up and smiled at her. "Nothing, go to sleep."

"Below outside, the slaves will help you to sit on the bed. If you want to light up two lights, let the house become brighter." The hour is still early. ”

Ban Yi lay back on the bed, and said to him: "When did the child sleep last night?"

Ruyi stunned, she is the prince of the county, and where to know the things in the yard, so I had to shake my head honestly.

Ban Yi didn't mind, and said: "I don't know if there is a good white fox skin at home. I have to use it as a glove, a coat, and a collar."

"There are only a few good firefox skins in your warehouse, but the white fox skins are not." I don’t know how the county princes who have always liked the colorful things suddenly want the white foxes to smash, but they are the only ones. It is good to meet the requirements of the master.

"I understand, go to sleep." Banyan pulled the quilt to the chin and closed his eyes. I don't know if the red cloak had a white fox on it.

Wearing a white fox with a red palace dress, she will be able to match her skin very well. In the winter, she can try it like this.

a few days later

"Country lord," the manager of the house looked at Corning County with a sorrowful look. "The fox skin you last optimistic about has been bought."

"Who dares to grab my things?" Corning County's main Liu Mei was upright. "Don't you buy someone who doesn't know that I am going to want it?"