MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 174 layout

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The endless darkness dissipated, Lin Zhishui reappeared in front of many great powers, and the surrounding area returned to the back and forth where the calligraphy and painting shop was located.

"If I can achieve my original idea, in this world, the conflict between practitioners and mortals can naturally be resolved, but..."

Lin Zhishui shook his head slightly, and said, "The will of Heaven has its own self and selfishness. Once I re-formulate the rules of Heaven and integrate into the new Heaven, the existing Will of Heaven will dissipate, so it is unwilling to integrate the new rules of Heaven, Not only did they resist me, but they also regarded the new way of heaven as a heresy, and regarded me, the creator of heaven and earth, as a so-called outsider Pangu.”

Having said that, he glanced at the invisible will entrenched in the sky, and said lightly: "I never thought of exterminating practitioners. The so-called ancient catastrophe is nothing but the will of heaven."

Empress Nuwa pondered for a while and asked, "Since the calamity you set up is only for practitioners who are guilty of sin, why do mortals attract foreign demons when they perceive practitioners?"

"Because... the will of heaven is afraid of me."

Lin Zhishui sneered and said: "In my realm, as long as you come into contact with cultivation, you can easily realize the complete way of heaven. Once you merge with the new way of heaven, it is very easy to obliterate the will of heaven. The will of heaven has long known me. The existence of it, it is very afraid of my practice."

"But the will of the Dao of Heaven can't find me, so it makes the whole Dharma body, starting from the divine position of the source, imply a great sin. As long as the practitioner is noticed by mortals, it will attract foreign demons, and it is impossible to teach the practice. road."

He shook his head lightly and said, "I even figured out the way of the Dharma body, and preached through the Altar of Prayer for Heaven. Where the Altar of Prayer is located, it contains the will of the Dao of Heaven. If you can find me, kill me, and cut off the possibility of my cultivation at all costs."

Many Heavenly Dao great powers suddenly realized this.

No wonder, in the ancient times, you could still see sins and merits by looking at the qi, but after the great calamity of ancient times, the merits of sins and even the punishment of heaven disappeared. ?

And the altar of praying for heaven can make mortals block the gaze of 'it' and let mortals accept the inheritance of the way of the Dharma body, but I didn't expect it to be used to find Lin Zhishui?

"In ancient times, before I woke up, the Tao of Heaven had been rejecting me."

Lin Zhishui said indifferently: "The will of the Dao of Heaven does not dare to let me practice, it would rather make the practitioners completely oppose the Dao of the New Heaven, and regard the Dao of the New Heaven as an outsider, which will cause a catastrophe of the outsider, resulting in the birth of countless outsiders in the nest of outsiders, and even Yu Tiandao will not hesitate to take the initiative to shatter the Heavenly Dao, and use the Heavenly Dao fragments to achieve the Heavenly Dao powers you are waiting for, and he does not want me to have the slightest chance."

You Heavenly Dao greats nodded slightly.

Indeed, at the beginning of the ancient catastrophe, the way of heaven was inexplicably shattered. These ancient gods and gods were able to enter the realm of heaven because of the fragments of the heavenly way.

I thought it was the invasion of the outsider Pangu that broke the Dao of Heaven, but now it seems that the Dao of Heaven was actively shattered?

"For the will of Heaven, once I return to my place, it will be obliterated."

Lin Zhishui shook his head slightly and said, "But it is just a part of the Heavenly Dao that is separated and broken, which is equivalent to just being injured. It is naturally willing. If the Heavenly Dao's will does not give up part of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao is already powerful, and it will not be able to fight against me.

"The Demon Ancestor..." She Xilu hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Xiaochan and Xiaoyou, are they me?"

Lin Zhishui smiled slightly and said: "Yes, in other words, you are Xiaochan, and the part of your body that belongs to the snake is Xiaoyou, this is also to better protect you, as long as you become the ancestor of the devil, the great power of heaven It can't kill you."

"Then why do you persecute me? Why do you keep urging us to sleep with you?" Youchan suddenly asked through voice transmission.

In the previous life, they were the ancestors of the demons, because 'it' kept persecuting them, and kept urging them to sleep with 'it', which made them feel fear, worry about falling asleep, and worry about losing their freedom, so they asked them to kill them at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. She thus escaped into reincarnation and escaped to the human world.

"That's just my 'sleep talk'."

Lin Zhishui smiled slightly and said, "Because in my heart I really want you to sleep with me, just like me before, in a state of sleep, I don't know anything, I don't know the existence of practitioners, and I don't know the disasters in the world. , don't think so much, just chat with practitioners across servers under the influence of subconscious... Don't you think that ignorance is happiness?"

She Xilu hummed and said softly, "I've thought about this for a long time..."

She had been worried before, suspecting that Lin Zhishui was the reincarnation of an immortal god. She had experienced an extremely long period of time. The few years she had known her, in those long years, it was just a drop of water. It was just a ripple, and I was worried that Lin Zhishui had no feelings for her at all.

But if neither of them remembers their previous life, and they don't have such long years of experience, then the acquaintance of these years will naturally be very important.

If you live too long, your feelings will become numb.

Therefore, ignorance is happiness.

"However, with great power comes great responsibility."

Lin Zhishui said softly: "I created this world, and naturally I am also responsible for this world. Before the birth of the New Heaven, I couldn't really sleep, so... what I experienced in this world was just a game of chess. ."

He smiled apologetically at She Xilu and said, "I'm sorry, you were also counted in the chess game by me."

She Xilu shook her head and said she didn't care.

"A chess game?"

Empress Nuwa said softly, "Did the chess game you speak of started six hundred years ago?"

"It's even earlier." Lin Zhishui smiled and said, "To be precise, when I found out that the will of heaven had a self, I already started to make arrangements, such as Taichu and Yuanchu."

"The beginning and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?"

Many Heavenly Dao greats were slightly startled.

"Could it be that you were born at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty..." Empress Nuwa could not help frowning slightly.

Lin Zhishui smiled and said, "Did I say it earlier? Taichu is the primordial spirit of Pangu, and I am Pangu's most essential 'mind'. Although I cannot directly control Taichu, I can also pass subconsciously affects him.

"Pangu's real body was revived in the land of the beginning, because the three realms are the domain of the will of heaven, and the real body of Pangu can only stay in the land of the beginning, and cannot enter the three realms. The real body of Pangu is also in a deep sleep, and the real body of Pangu and I are still Unable to unite and not fully recovered, I can only make rules through dreams, such as turning Chaos Hongmeng into a nest of foreigners, so as to create foreign demons.

"However, a pure outlander's nest cannot create a demon ancestor. It must rely on the power of the real body, but the real body is still sleeping and cannot exert any power.

"Unless... an immortal **** with great potential will take the initiative to send it to the door.

"So, I used the subconscious to influence Taichu, and let him have the idea of ​​exploring Pangu's real body, but he was not at ease, so under the influence of the subconscious, Taichu cultivated the second soul and made him feel that he has a great relationship with Pangu. , let him have the idea of ​​'taking the house' Pangu's real body!"

Lin Zhishui said with a light smile: "The second primordial spirit in the beginning invaded the real body of Pangu and tried to seize the body, so I was able to use the power of the real body of Pangu to transform him into a demon ancestor, that is, the first outsider between heaven and earth. Demon, the ancestor of the demon in the early Yuan Dynasty."

Everyone was stunned.

It turned out that this was the origin of the Demon Ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty.

It's no wonder that in the long years from the ancient times to the ancient times, no one has heard that the emperor of the beginning has a second soul, but before the arrival of the ancient catastrophe, the emperor of the beginning just cultivated the second soul... So it is.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the demon ancestor was born, and everything is easy to handle."

Lin Zhishui smiled and said: "I immediately used the power of the demon ancestors in the early Yuan Dynasty to move the outlander's nest into my true body's arms, and by combining the power of the true body and the outlander's nest, new demons can be continuously nurtured. Ancestor."

There are many Heavenly Dao greats who have seen the outside Dao Pangu.

The Outer Dao Pangu is the same as the Taichu Pangu, except that the regular aura he exudes is more gloomy and obscure, and he embraces a void, and that void is the lair of the Outer Dao that nurtures the Outer Dao.

"The ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, it seems that they will not follow your will?"

Empress Nuwa suddenly asked, "If the Yuan Dynasty had listened to you, the Heavenly Dao side would have perished long ago."

"He really doesn't listen to me." Lin Zhishui nodded slightly and said, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and I were one, I could only influence him through the subconscious mind, and the later demon ancestors were all bred by me in the nest of other ways. , The Nest of Outlaws contains my will, and naturally I can leave the shackles of my will."

"What about me?" Youchan suddenly said through a voice transmission.

"You mean different things to me, and naturally I won't put a will on you." Lin Zhishui smiled.

"Since you can't order Yuanchu, why would Yuanchu help you?" Mother Nuwa wondered.

Lin Zhishui pondered for a while, and said softly: "Two reasons, one, Yuan Chu was the ancestor of the devil, I could kill him at any time, and second, Tai Chu persuaded him."

"To persuade him at the beginning?"

You all can't help but startled.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was the ancestor of the devil, and at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was clearly on the side of the Tao of Heaven.

"In the beginning, it was my primordial spirit after all."

Lin Zhishui smiled and said, "His thoughts and concepts are quite similar to mine. After I told him about the truth of the Three Realms, the new rules of heaven, and the will of heaven, he immediately understood me and was willing to help me. , But after the Yuan Dynasty turned into a demon ancestor, his mind changed a little bit, he was more afraid of me, more eager for freedom, but somewhat resisted me."

Mother Nuwa murmured: "No wonder the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty didn't take action for so many years..."

"That's in the face of the beginning."

Lin Zhishui smiled and said, "The premise of Taichu's willingness to help me work together to calculate the way of heaven is that I can't kill you at will, so I didn't force the demon ancestors to deal with you at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Many Heavenly Dao great masters finally understood.

No wonder, no wonder, for so many years in the great calamity of the ancient times, the Demon Ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty has not taken any shots. Otherwise, the Demon Ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty can sweep the heaven and the road as long as he wants to!


In the beginning, it was the first living being in the world. He regarded all spirits as his companions and his descendants. Naturally, he would not watch the death of the great masters of heaven and earth, and Lin Zhi was not affected by the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The control of water is naturally impossible to accept.

"So, I endured it."

Lin Zhishui said, "Wait for the great calamity to pass, and after the Three Realms are stabilized, I took advantage of Youchan's desire to break away from heretics, that is, 600 years ago, to set up this game of chess."

Empress Nuwa asked, "600 years ago, was the death of the Heavenly Palace in the very beginning with the consent of the very beginning?"

"That's to deceive the will of Heaven."

Lin Zhishui said with a light smile: "I deliberately used the body of the demon ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty to urge a part of the power to destroy the Heavenly Palace in the beginning, just to make the will of heaven think that "the beginning is because of the re-integration with the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so that we can escape this catastrophe." ', In fact, the great powers of the Heavenly Palace in the early days did not really fall, they just lost their divine positions and the roots of the Taoist lineage of the Heavenly Palace in the early days, and they are sleeping."

He shook his head lightly and said, "Although the will of heaven is omniscient, it cannot spy on the place where my will comes."

The Heavenly Dao greats were suddenly stunned.

No wonder the Heavenly Palace was blocked at the beginning, only knowing that ‘it’ had come, but not knowing what happened.

It was also later that the Great Masters of the Dao of Heaven discovered that the Heavenly Emperor had reappeared again, and he had initially merged with the Demon Ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty, so they had a plan to reincarnate in the human world.

Let them make the oath of heaven, I am afraid it is also to make the will of heaven 'rest assured'.

"However, Taichu and Yuanchu were not reincarnated in the human world."

Lin Zhishui said, "It was only by accommodating the Primordial Spirit through the 'Early Yuan Demon Well' that he entered the human world."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand, a seemingly ordinary brush, UU Reading appeared in his hand.

"This brush was made from the magic well in the early Yuan Dynasty."

Lin Zhishui said softly, "Although the wisdom of the will of Heaven is simple, it can be said to be omniscient. It takes some effort to deceive it. In the beginning, as a creature under the Dao of Heaven, he could not hide from the prying eyes of the Dao of Heaven."

"Sure enough, it's the magic well at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty..." Youchan looked at the brush and couldn't help sighing.

The great masters also looked at the brush carefully, and immediately sensed the infinite and vast origin from it. Obviously, the origin power of the nine roots is already in it.

No wonder the will of the Dao of Heaven did not dare to approach, and after losing the nine roots, the will of the Dao of Heaven was like a tiger without claws, so how could he get Lin Zhishui?

"With the brush made by the magic well at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I perfectly concealed the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Lin Zhishui smiled and said: "And through this brush, I also have the breath of Taichu and Yuanchu, and I can use their supernatural powers, so that the will of heaven will mistakenly think that I am really the unity of Taichu and Yuanchu, and mistakenly think that I am really It is intended to combine the rules of Heavenly Dao and Outer Dao, and want to help the will of Heavenly Dao purify the source of the origin of the land."

The Heavenly Dao Great Experts nodded slightly.

Six hundred years ago, the plan to make the oath of the Heavenly Dao was indeed to combine the rules of the Heavenly Dao and the Outer Dao to purify the source of the root land.

"If I want to truly recover, I have to re-integrate the nine root causes, but I also have to give me the opportunity to contact."

Lin Zhishui shook his head gently and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the thinking of the will of Heaven is too simple, which gave me the opportunity to take away the origin."

The crowd suddenly stunned.

This is the real purpose of 'it'.

PS: (Uh, I had a fever yesterday and didn’t update it, I didn’t have the energy to ask for leave, and there are still a few chapters to end...)