MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 141 too early? Early Yuan?

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Above the high dome of the Three Realms, a distant mysterious place.

"Zhutian, why are you so embarrassed?"

A strange voice that seemed to overlap with countless people resounded in this dim world.

"Vientiane." Zhutian Demon Ancestor's low voice mixed with dragon's yin sounded: "In the beginning... shot."

"At the beginning of the shot, it didn't wake up 'it'?" The strange voice of the countless people overlapping the Vientiane Demon Ancestor sounded: "Are you sure it was the beginning of the shot? Is it possible that it was disguised by other heavenly masters?"

"His real body in the world didn't show up, he just came to incarnate."

Zhutian Demon Ancestor said in a low voice: "You know, the most commonly used supernatural power in the beginning is to show the phantom of the land of the beginning with 108,000 paths, and directly kill the enemy, just ask... Besides him, who else can do this kind of thing. Supernatural?"

"That's for sure..." The Demon Ancestor of Vientiane said softly, "It is rumored that in the beginning it was Pangu who was born, and the land of the beginning was opened by Pangu, so only he would make this move... He actually dared to make a move in the world? Could it be that our Guess wrong?"

Suddenly, an invisible roar sounded, and a more grand and terrifying will came down out of thin air.

"Candle Sky, Vientiane."

A warm and soft feminine voice resounded in this world, like the loving tone of a mother when she whispered to her child.

"The ancestors of the common people."

"common people."

Vientiane Demon Ancestor and Candle Heaven Demon Ancestor greeted.

The weakest of any Demon Ancestor is enough to compete with the Heavenly Dao Great Power in the divine position, and the Cang Sheng Demon Ancestor is the top among them, an existence on the same level as the Youchan Demon Ancestor.

"Your guess is not necessarily wrong." The gentle voice of the ancestors of the common people whispered: "Although I can't find the real body of Taichu across the boundary between heaven and man, but from the confrontation between you and Taichu in the world, he is just Just sent an avatar, not necessarily not afraid of 'it'."

Zhutian Demon Ancestor said in a low voice: "In the beginning, such a powerful person was in the human world, and a single thought could suppress the entire human world. For him, what is the difference between a real shot and an incarnation shot?"

"Indeed." The Ancestor of Vientiane also said in agreement: "Could it be that you have a different opinion?"

The real body of Heavenly Dao Great Master in the human world has only the ultimate cultivation of the half-immortal, and the incarnation formed in the air is also the ultimate cultivation of the half-immortal, and there is no difference.

"Zhutian, you talk about it first," the ancestor of the ancestors whispered: "Can your causal attack be useful to the beginning?"

"cause and effect…"

Zhutian Demon Ancestor said thoughtfully: "I can feel that the primordial spirit in the beginning has been shattered by my karma attack, but... his incarnation suddenly descended on the mind, killing me directly, it is true that some strangeness."

"The Primordial Spirit is broken?" Vientiane Demon Ancestor was taken aback and said, "Did you not resist in the beginning?"

Zhutian Demon Ancestor hummed and said, "Although Heavenly Dao Dao has already fit into the Heavenly Dao, he can recover at any time with the help of the Heavenly Dao. Unless it is dedicated to 'it', he cannot be killed at all, but... I still can't figure out why he has to endure it. What about my blow?"

"This... may be the secret of the beginning."

The gentle voice of the ancestors of the living beings sounded: "I suspect... in the beginning, I may have researched some of the rules of my heresy and integrated it into the way of heaven, so I can use some special method to hide from 'it'."

"Study the rules of my heresy? How is that possible?"

"On the side of heaven, how can you understand outsiders?"

Vientiane Demon Ancestor and Zhutian Demon Ancestor were extremely shocked and couldn't believe it at all.

"Why not?"

The Demon Ancestor of the Cangsheng said softly: "In the final analysis, Heavenly Dao and Outer Dao are just the rules for the operation of the Three Realms. Since Heavenly Dao and Outer Dao coexist, outer demons can be reincarnated as beings under the Heavenly Dao, then... Why can't they understand the outer Dao if they understand the Heavenly Dao?"

"This..." Vientiane Demon Ancestor hesitated.

If other demon ancestors said this, he probably wouldn't believe it, but... this common demon ancestor is the second demon ancestor born after the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

Even the name 'Cangsheng' was given by 'it'.

"Heavenly Dao can also understand outsiders?" Zhutian Demon Ancestor also wondered: "I also understood Heavenly Dao, but now I have become a Outsider Demon Ancestor. After being abandoned by Heavenly Dao, I have forgotten my perception of Heavenly Dao."

"Abandoned by the Tao of Heaven, one will naturally forget the perception of the Tao of Heaven."

The Demon Ancestor of the Cangsheng laughed lightly and said, "But what if he knew the outsider way himself, but became the power of the heavenly way? The outsider way is inclusive of everything, even if he is reincarnated, he will not forget the outsider's perception, but he doesn't have the power of the outsider, so he can't It's just to display the perception of the outsider."

Realm and cultivation complement each other.

As for the perception of the Tao of Heaven, naturally only the mana of the Tao of Heaven can be displayed.

As for the perception of outsiders, only the power of outsiders can be exerted.

"Like... 'she'."

The Demon Ancestor said: "'Her' is the biggest secret chess player. She has been hiding in the heavens for so long. She not only understands the outside world, but also understands the heavens. Although she is a great power of heaven, she can also come to incarnate in the world."

"Can 'she' come to incarnate in the human world?" Vientiane Demon Ancestor said in surprise.

"She has studied for so many years, and her research on the rules of outsiders and heavens is equally profound." The Demon Ancestor said softly: "With the superficial combination of heaven and outsiders, she has achieved this. Six thousand years ago, the savior of the world was this one. A chess piece that I asked her to arrange in the world."

"Heavenly Dao can understand foreign ways, so can you do this..."

Zhutian Demon Ancestor murmured, then frowned and said, "What does the Demon Ancestor of Cangsheng mean... He also knew outsiders from the very beginning? He was born earlier than outsiders, and he was the first creature in the world. He is not the reincarnation of a Demon Ancestor. , how can you understand outsiders?"

Vientiane Demon Ancestor nodded and said: "Indeed, 'she' is the reincarnation of the Demon Ancestor under the Heavenly Dao to become the Heavenly Dao Great Master, but when the Absolute Beginning was born, the outsiders didn't exist, how could he understand the outsiders?"

The Demon Ancestor sighed and said, "I'm not sure, but I already have a guess."


"The ancestors of the common people, please speak."

Zhutian Demon Ancestor and Vientiane Demon Ancestor said together.

The Demon Ancestor pondered for a while, and then said: "As you all know, I am the second outer demon born in this world, the first born in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so I have the longest understanding of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The state he was in when he was first born is also relatively clear, at that time he had just become a demon ancestor, and it was different from now."

She hesitated for a while and said, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it gave me the feeling... more like the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of time."


Zhutian Demon Ancestor was slightly startled, "In the beginning of time, the Heavenly Emperor?"

The Demon Ancestor of Vientiane was also stunned, and wondered: "Which aspect is like the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning? Is it because both are the first creatures to be born?"

"It's the behavior, the temperament and the eyes... These are very personal aspects." The ancestors of the ancestors said softly: "So, even if there is no evidence, I have always suspected that there may be some kind of connection between the early Yuan Dynasty and the Taichu Heavenly Emperor."


Zhutian Demon Ancestor suddenly said: " this the reason why Cangsheng Demon Ancestor thinks that the Heavenly Emperor of the beginning of the world knows the outsider?"

"That's right." Cangsheng Demon Ancestor said: "I used to think that maybe I was just thinking too much, but since I knew that in the beginning, I could help Nuwa form an incarnation in the human world, I began to doubt, perhaps, the Emperor of Heaven really knew the outside world in the beginning. But he can't be the reincarnation of the demon ancestor, so..."

She whispered: "I doubt... Yuanchu, will it be his second spirit?"

"What? Second Primordial Spirit!"

"In the beginning, the Emperor of Heaven had a second primordial spirit?"

As soon as she said these words, both Vientiane Demon Ancestor and Zhutian Demon Ancestor were shocked.

The first person in the way of heaven, the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of time.

The first outsider, the demon ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty.

These two exist at the top of the two sides... is it possible that they are the same person?

"I've been feeling weird for a while now."

The Demon Ancestor of Cangsheng said: "In the early days, the Heavenly Emperor mastered 108,000 ways, which can be said to be omnipotent. Any one can be regarded as the first in the Three Realms. The second primordial spirit involves the primordial spirit. , even the first 108,000 Dharma gates between heaven and earth were created by the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning, how could they not cultivate the second primordial spirit?"

Cultivating the second primordial spirit method is indeed dangerous.

The stronger the primordial spirit, the more dangerous it is to practice the second primordial spirit method. That is because one only understands the method and does not understand the deeper principles of heaven and earth. The stronger the primordial spirit, the less help from heaven and earth.

But if you understand the Tao, understand the deepest truth, and even create the second primordial spirit method, how can there be danger?

"I thought it was the Heavenly Emperor in the early days that he was unique among the heavens and the earth in order to 'I am the only one', so he did not cultivate the second primordial spirit."

The Demon Ancestor of Cangsheng said softly: "But some time ago, when I learned that Taichu could help Nuwa to condense her incarnation in the human world, I began to doubt it again. What about the second primordial spirit of the Heavenly Emperor in Taichu? Could it be Yuanchu?"

The Vientiane Demon Ancestor and the Zhutian Demon Ancestor were also extremely terrified after hearing about it at this time.

In the beginning...the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty...

There was a second primordial spirit in the Heavenly Emperor in the very beginning, but no one knew about it, and after the advent of the heretics, there happened to be a demon ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty similar to the Heavenly Emperor in the very beginning...

Now, the Heavenly Emperor in the early days seems to know the rules of heresy, which is even more doubtful!

"If the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is really the second primordial spirit of the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning, then all this can be explained."

The Demon Ancestor of Cangsheng said: "The memories of the second primordial spirit and the deity can be blended. Six hundred years ago, after 'it' woke up, he personally took action to destroy the Heavenly Palace in the beginning. It is reasonable to say that the Heavenly Palace in the beginning has no reason to survive. At the beginning of the day, the Emperor of Heaven escaped, and the Demon Ancestor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty just didn't show up."

"Could it be..." Vientiane Demon Ancestor thought of a possibility.

Zhutian Demon Ancestor also fell silent.

"Yes... I'm thinking, could it be because the Demon Ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty discovered that 'it' was going to destroy the Heavenly Palace in the beginning, so he deliberately went to reunite with the beginning of time, or merged his memory with the Heavenly Emperor of the beginning?"

The Cangsheng Demon Ancestor's tone was slightly solemn, and he said slowly: "Heavenly Dao is naturally restrained by outsiders, and under the action of 'It' personally, the Emperor of Heaven in the beginning could not have survived, nor could he have escaped, but if the Emperor of Heaven in the beginning knew the Outsider Dao, there would still be Yuan Dynasty. If the first demon ancestor helps, there may not be no chance to escape from 'it'."

Vientiane Demon Ancestor frowned slightly and said, "There have been foreign demons who have tried it. The second primordial spirit is reincarnated as an adult. It is difficult for the second primordial spirit and the deity to be one."

"Huh?" Zhutian Demon Ancestor thought of something, and made a surprised voice.

"Candle Tian, ​​have you thought of it too?"

The Demon Ancestor of Cangsheng said softly: "After you came to the human world, the Heavenly Emperor deliberately formed an incarnation and deliberately revealed flaws to you, perhaps to lure you to attack his Primordial Spirit with cause and effect. , the fusion of Yuanshen fragments is naturally easier, and perhaps Taiyuan used this opportunity to reunite with Yuanyuan's Yuanshen."

Zhutian Demon Ancestor's voice was low: "Then... is he actually plotting against me?"

"Otherwise... why did the dignified celestial emperor give you such an obvious flaw?"

The Demon Ancestor of the Cangsheng sighed and said, "Perhaps, the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning was really worried about awakening 'it', so he never took action, but because of your 'help', he was reunited with the Yuanshen at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. With the help of the cover at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was sure to hide from 'it', so I dared to take action against you."

"Because of my help?" Zhutian Demon Ancestor murmured, somewhat unacceptable, "How is it possible... Is this even calculated?"

"After all, he is the Emperor of Heaven in the beginning."

The Demon Ancestor of the Cangsheng sighed softly: "He was the first to step into the Dao of Heaven back then, and all the 108,000 Dao touches the Dao of Heaven. His knowledge of the world is unparalleled, and the layout is the most terrifying. "

Vientiane Demon Ancestor frowned and said: "If he and Yuan Chu are really the relationship between the deity and the second primordial spirit, then he knows the outside world, and it can be explained completely. No wonder he can research the means of making the heavenly Dao almighty come incarnate in the human world. ...Among all the demon ancestors of the outer Dao, the Yuan Dynasty was also the one with the deepest and most complete knowledge of the outer Dao."

"Trouble." Cangsheng Demon Ancestor said helplessly: "The first person in the outside world, the first person in the heavenly way... The combination of the two is still in the human world. It's really a big trouble."

"But it's also the most hopeful chance to kill him, right?"

Zhutian Demon Ancestor said in a low voice: "He is in the human world and can only exert the cultivation of a human immortal. No matter how high his realm is, as long as there are multiple Demon Venerables working together, they can suppress him. If his incarnation is raised to a high enough level, he can also be killed."

In terms of realm, the Heavenly Emperor in the early days was indeed much higher than ordinary demon ancestors and Taoist masters.

But after all, it is in the human world, and the upper limit of the cultivation base on the side of heaven is half-immortal. As long as these demon ancestors do not hesitate to pay, the foundation can be raised to a very high level.

For example, the Dark Night Demon Ancestor is just an ordinary Demon Ancestor, but after raising his incarnation cultivation to a very high level in the human world, he has the ability to suppress Nuwa, the leader of filthy earth and wood, which is brought about by cultivation. Advantage.

"At any cost..." The Demon Ancestor of Vientiane sighed and said, "Zhutian, have you forgotten the fate of Ming Ye? He was willing to devour at all costs, but was placed in a lot of chess pieces at the beginning. Calculated to fall asleep."

"So, those Demon Venerables sealed in the world must be released."

Zhutian Demon Ancestor said solemnly: "Even if it is to expose the biggest hidden chess of 'her', it is totally worth it."

The Demon Ancestor of Vientiane asked, "Cangsheng, what do you think?"

The Demon Ancestor pondered for a moment, then said softly, "It would be best if the Heavenly Emperor of the beginning of time could be killed in the human world. This is a rare opportunity for countless years. If you just rely on me to wait for the Demon Ancestor to come and incarnate, and you want to kill that In the beginning, the price to pay was too great, and even the outsiders would be weakened because of this, and they might be pushed back by the heaven."

She paused and said: "So, unless necessary, I can't pay the price at will, let the external demons in the world try it first, and try to force the Heavenly Dao side to reveal their trump card, and when necessary... let 'she' appear. Bar."

Vientiane Demon Ancestor chuckled and said: "Her status is not what it used to be on the side of heaven, and I don't know... Is she willing?"

"At the beginning of the world, an incarnation was prepared for her in the world, maybe you can take advantage of this..."