MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 111 Unseal the Wordless Book?

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'No matter what, the Heavenly Dao Great Master has been reincarnated into the human world, and something big must happen...'

The thought flashed through Dongyan Great Senior's mind, he took a deep breath, tried his best to restrain the fear and anxiety in his heart, and then said respectfully, "Dongyanqi thanked Mr. Lin for the painting."

"You're welcome, just be careful."

Lin Zhishui shook his head slightly and said, "In the eyes of those who need it, it may be a treasure, but in the eyes of those who don't need it, it's just a piece of waste paper."

"This painting may be nothing to you, but to me, it is a priceless treasure," said Dazun Dongyan.

He understands that the reincarnation of this mysterious Heavenly Dao Great Master is not an exaggeration, and a mere supreme divine object is naturally nothing to this type of person.

When Lin Zhishui heard this, he could not help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

It looks good.

However, this Mr. Dong Yanqi is willing to go all the way to such a remote alley and visit in person. He doesn't need to think about it and knows that he must also be a person who loves traditional culture.

Maybe the other party didn't seem to respect him so much at first because of his age, but after seeing his painting, he was obviously shocked by his realm and skill in calligraphy and painting, and in a short while he was the same as other guests. Impressed!

"Mr. Dongyan, let me wash my hands."

Lin Zhishui smiled slightly and said, "You can enjoy this painting slowly first."

"Please." The Great Venerable Dongyan respectfully said.

Lin Zhishui smiled, then turned around and walked to the bathroom.

After Lin Zhishui walked into the bathroom, Da Zun Dongyan hurriedly walked to the desk and carefully observed the painting.

Every stroke of the ink in the painting seems to be ordinary, but it reveals an extremely mysterious rhythm. He is completely incomprehensible, and even he cannot stimulate the power of the world in this painting.

After all, his Primordial Spirit level is only at the Primordial level. Without the consent of the owner of the Supreme Divine Artifact, he would not be able to control such great magical powers that open up the world.

But this poem in the painting is only in the realm of Primordial Yuan, and he can completely motivate it.

And this poem and this painting are perfectly integrated into one, and they are linked to each other. As long as he uses the Dao, rhyme and law in this poem, he will be able to arouse the power of the world at a deeper level.

Such a whimsical idea, such a mysterious and esoteric method, that only Heavenly Dao can do.

And the Dao contained in it also happens to be based on the Dao of Eternal Light, and the 'Hunyuan Wuji' that evolves and derives all Dao!

As long as the power of Qiankun World is activated, the time can be reversed!

"It's really wonderful..."

Great Senior Dongyan couldn't help but sighed in admiration.

The more he looked at the painting, the more he felt the ingenuity and brilliance of this supreme fetish.

Even if his deity is the supreme state of Hunyuan Wuji, this painting is not as simple as the simple supreme state.

Great Senior Dongyan couldn't help but glance at the paper, ink, pen and inkstone that Senior Lin had placed on the table. Without exception, they were all mundane things, not even a trace of spiritual energy.

That is to say...

Unlike those supreme gods in the heavens that consume a lot of precious materials and treasures, Senior Lin has evolved such a great magical power, just using a piece of ordinary rice paper, some ordinary ink, and an unremarkable brush, Just by instilling the power of the half-immortal in the brush and ink, you can evolve the great power of the world with the way of calligraphy!

Moreover, this fragile and ordinary rice paper has not been affected in the slightest, and it has completely carried such power. How mysterious is this?

This... just touches on areas he can't understand.

Even if his deity is present, he cannot understand the mysterious means.

Only by mastering the power of the Dao of Heaven can it be achieved by means of the Dao of Heaven being omnipresent and invisible.

"Heavenly Dao..."

When Great Senior Dongyan thought of this word, he couldn't help holding his breath for a while.

His deity is only one step away from the Dao of Heaven, but it is so far away that it is beyond reach. Even if he wants to go half a step forward, it is extremely difficult to feel where the Dao of Heaven is, let alone touch the Dao of Heaven.

"I don't know what such a powerful person needs?" He suddenly glanced at the wordless book on the table, and couldn't help but move.

Unexpectedly, Senior Lin actually has Lingyan Pavilion's Wordless Book of Heaven here?

I don't know which layer of the heavenly book it is. It looks like it hasn't been unsealed yet. Maybe it was given to Senior Lin by other practitioners.

However, even if there is no real immortal power in the world like Senior Lin, it is reasonable to find other ways to unblock it. It seems that there is no hurry.

That's right, even if it's those supreme classics on the eighth floor, Senior Lin wouldn't care.

I am afraid that only the legendary books on the ninth floor of Lingyan Pavilion, Senior Lin will be a little bit interested, right?

The Great Senior Dongyan sighed secretly, and glanced at the picture scroll on the desk again, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

I don't know, does Senior Lin care about the gift he is going to give this time?

"Is Mr. Dongyan still satisfied with this painting?"

At this time, Lin Zhishui came out of the bathroom and found that Dong Yanqi was looking at the picture scroll obsessively.

"Satisfied, of course satisfied." Dazun Dongyan continued: "I am fortunate to see Mr. Lin's handwriting, I am really lucky for three lifetimes!"

"Just a little greeting, you're welcome." Lin Zhishui smiled.

He is also very satisfied with his ink painting skills. He has made great progress in recent months. With the help of this pen, he has almost caught up with his calligraphy skills.

Under the touts of this Mr. Dong Yanqi, he couldn't help but swell a little.

Great Senior Dongyan didn't dare to be rude, and asked cautiously, "You gave such a treasure to me, but I don't know how I should return it?"


Lin Zhishui glanced at him, and could not help but secretly said in his heart: 'The opportunity is here! ’

But he still held back, shook his head deliberately and said: "You should understand that I am a man of the Tao, just giving you a painting, just a little thought, must I need your return?"

He was muttering in his heart: This big brother, don't really think that I don't need it...

"What you said is..." The Great Senior Dongyan lowered his head in shame.

Also, how could such a great power of heaven give him treasures, why would he care about the return of such a little fairy? What price can he afford?

'...I vomited, I really didn't mean that...'

Lin Zhishui was speechless, resisting the urge to twitch the corners of his mouth, regretting that he didn't ask for it just now.

But he still bite the bullet and said: "Well, you should know who my family is, right? She just joined your side, and I can't help her too much. If you are free, just take care of her for me a little bit. ."

Great Senior Dongyan was stunned. He didn't expect the request to be so simple, so he quickly said, "Let's leave this trivial matter to me."

Only then did Lin Zhishui breathe a sigh of relief, and he almost broke.


Grand Master Dongyan hesitated for a moment, then took out a simple jade small pot from his arms, offered it with both hands, lowered his head and said, "Mr. It hasn't been opened, maybe you can use this thing?"

Lin Zhishui was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, this person... actually knew that this ancient book was from Lingyan Pavilion?

From this point of view, the 'Lingyan Pavilion' is indeed a high-end antique shop for the upper class...

And it sounds like this 'wordless book' needs a special method to be 'unsealed'?

He couldn't help but glanced at this quaint jade pot, in which a faint red liquid could be seen, perhaps some kind of potion?


He has long suspected that there is something wrong with this ancient book. It may contain the wisdom of the ancients. It needs some special method to see the content. Maybe... the potion in this small pot can make the wordless book reveal its secrets?

It is indeed the wisdom of the ancients of my Great East!

Lin Zhishui admired secretly, maintained his demeanor, and said calmly: "Okay, although this ancient book is of no use to me, it can relieve my boredom by flipping through it occasionally in my spare time. I will accept your gift. ."

Great Senior Dongyan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly put the small jade pot on the table.

This small pot contains the blood of the ancient gods, and it contains the real immortal power that has not dissipated. As long as it is dropped on the book, the content of the wordless book can be unsealed with immortal power.

However, the Lingyan Pavilion booklet was of no use to Senior Lin.

I'm afraid... I just accepted it at will to make him feel at ease.

"But... one size is one size."

Lin Zhishui said casually: "Since you have this intention, I also have a copybook for you, which may be of some help to you."

"This... You have already sent me this copybook, but I haven't been able to help you. You are really ashamed of me for sending me a copybook." Great Senior Dongyan said somewhat ashamed.

"It's just a copybook."

Lin Zhishui shook his head, feeling that he had one more die-hard fan, and said, "What's more, you know, in this day and age, ours is actually in decline, while those outsiders are constantly spreading. Expansion, my situation... I really can't get involved, and I should be able to contribute now."

Although the national style is on the rise in recent years, there are more people who love traditional culture than he imagined, but they are still excluded by foreign things from other countries. The fans of these traditional cultures are really rare.

Of course he cherished it.

"Mr. Lin really knows righteousness..."

The Great Senior Dongyan couldn't help but be shocked, took a deep breath, and said with some moving: "I understand your inconvenience to come forward, you can leave it to us... I will thank you for the people in my generation, I can't repay it. You look at it."

He couldn't help sighing to himself, the practitioners in the world, even the immortals in the heavens, with the leadership of Senior Lin who knows the general situation and the overall situation, maybe they can really solve the threat of external demons in the future, right?

He understands.

Senior Lin, such a great power of heaven, is willing to be reincarnated in the world, and to make such a huge sacrifice, it must be an immeasurable plan to hide in this world, and he is unwilling to take action in person.

But doing so diligently and giving them all kinds of magical treasures without asking for anything in return is obviously really paying for the world.

Such a perfect and holy great Lianshi, even if he regarded him as a chess piece on the chessboard of this world, Dong Yanqi willingly recognized him!

"It's serious."

Lin Zhishui slowly shook his head.

He suddenly felt that there was a lot of pressure on his shoulders. He had to bear the spirit of promoting traditional culture and make more people like the national style. He still had to make more progress and let his fame spread.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Dongyan, and Miss Xiao Sui."

Lin Zhishui pondered for a while and said, "I trust you two. If you have the opportunity, you can properly recommend my calligraphy and painting shop to people you trust, and it will be considered a contribution."

This kills two birds with one stone. It can not only make more people like traditional culture, but also bring him business!

One of these two is a star and the other is a big shot in the entertainment and culture industry. Eighty percent of the people they know also like traditional culture. People they trust will naturally like traditional culture!


Having said that, Lin Zhishui coughed again and said, "My calligraphy and painting shop is open in the secular world. Even if there are more people in the future, the price of my calligraphy and painting will never exceed 129,600 yuan."

The price cannot be too low, but this also means that even if he becomes a famous calligrapher in the future, he will not 'increase the price'.

This can be regarded as a little sacrifice and contribution he made to traditional culture.


Xiao Sui and Great Senior Dongyan looked at each other, and immediately nodded respectfully, "Thank you, I'll understand."

They all understood what Senior Lin meant.

Senior Lin must have known about saving people from the world. He must have expected a great catastrophe in the world, but it was inconvenient to take action in person, so he planned to send more rare treasures to practitioners, so that practitioners could have Let's deal with the strength of the external demon.

Of course, regarding the example of Shiyin's reincarnation of an external demon into the cultivator's camp, it must be "trustworthy" in order to be eligible to receive the treasure from Senior Lin.

As for the price can not exceed the number of one dollar ... the meaning is very simple.

Worldly money is meaningless. Senior Lin only regards 129,600 as perfect. A practitioner can get a copybook worth 129,600 yuan at most, which means that the number of copybooks a practitioner gets is also equal. Restricted, after all, the number of copybooks is limited, so it must be carefully considered.

"Well, this matter is left to the two of you."

Lin Zhishui nodded slightly and said casually, "It just so happens that I also have some tips that may help you. When the time comes, try it out and you'll know."

He also has some plans in mind.

For example, if a certain classic article is excerpted, divided into several copybooks and circulated, so that some people will want to collect these copybooks and get a complete set of copybook collections.

In this way, the activity of traditional culture can be improved invisibly.

"Then thank you in advance for your help."

Xiao Sui and Great Senior Dongyan thanked them sincerely, and they couldn't help but feel at ease.

Yes, the external demons are terrifying, making them feel a lot of pressure, but now that there is a great master of the heavenly way like Senior Lin behind their backs, what is there to worry about?

"Just a little thing."

Lin Zhishui smiled and then said, "Then I'll send a message to Mr. Dongyan first."

"Then I'll trouble you." Great Senior Dongyan immediately respectfully said.

Lin Zhishui moved the scroll on the desk to the side, pressed it with a paperweight, cut out another piece of rice paper, and after re-grinding the ink ingot, the ink was soaked in the ink. Write the next line.

Immediately, after signing the letter, he returned to the front and put the brush aside, put the brush on the mountain of brushes aside, and said with a smile: "It's just a very cliché poem, but it's quite suitable for Mr. Dongyan, I hope this copybook will be useful to you. help."

Dongyan Dazun looked at it and saw a line of verses with a mysterious artistic conception written on the copybook:

"once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking."

This poem is indeed very common and cliché, but he doesn't care about the literary style in it, he just feels carefully in this copybook, the way of the Primordial Primordial that is intertwined with Dao, rhyme and law, and investigates the great magical powers hidden in it.

He just checked it a little and found that this way of Primordial Primordial is extremely rare, and it actually involves the way of Divine Soul and Consciousness!

Divine souls are inherently mysterious, and they can be reincarnated without losing themselves after they have cultivated into the primordial spirit.

And the mind is the foundation of a person's existence. It is even more mysterious than the soul. The biggest difference between external demons and immortals is that one is divine consciousness and the other is demonic consciousness!

Senior Lin actually has such a unique insight even in the spirit of the soul?

Although it is only the way of Primordial Primordial, there are very few Supremes who know the soul and consciousness in the huge heaven, and even those who reach the Primordial level are extremely rare, even rarer than the number of Supremes!


Under the careful perception of Dongyan Great Master, he immediately understood the effect of the great magical power contained in this copybook. It is rare, and the magical power of using this way of Primordial Yuan is even more mysterious and unique!

"There is such an incredible magical power..."

He was secretly startled, and instantly confirmed... the effect of this copybook on him is even greater than that of a supreme fetish!

Thinking of this, the Great Senior Dongyan couldn't help but take a deep breath and said sincerely, "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for the words."

"Small things, it's good to help you." Lin Zhishui smiled.

It seems that he guessed the temperament of the guest very accurately. This kind of down and lazy decadent man broke up with his wife, obviously because of love. This poem is more suitable.

He glanced at Xiao Sui next to him and smiled: "Xiao Sui, you should understand the copybook I gave you soon."

Xiao Sui was slightly startled, and said softly, "Yes."

In her heart, she thought to herself, does Senior Lin mean that she will be able to use the copybook of "The Birds Love the Old Forest, The Chi Fish Thinks About the Ancient Abyss"?

Lin Zhishui didn't say anything.

After all, this is a personal choice. Recently, he read the rumors on the Internet, saying that Xiao Sui pushed back most of the recent announcements, which seems to be a bit away from the entertainment industry. Netizens have speculated that she may want to quit the entertainment industry.

He also felt that Xiao Sui didn't seem to have any interest in filming, and it seemed that it was coming soon.

At that time, this copybook may be able to help her strengthen her determination.


Great Senior Dongyan didn't dare to waste the senior's time, so he said, "Senior Lin, I'll leave after I wait."

"Go." Lin Zhishui nodded slightly and said casually, "Just remember what I said."

He was still waiting to try the potion that Dong Yanqi had sent. After unsealing the wordless book, what content could he see? Naturally, he was too lazy to keep the two of them.