MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 60 all fail

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In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Another late night.

Tonight is looking at the sun, the full moon hangs high, and the cold silver light sprinkles on the ground below, covering everything with a light veil.

In a dark and deep abandoned factory, in the forbidden barrier that mortals cannot detect, the originally thin moonlight continues to gather here under the action of the forbidden barrier, forming a quiet and soft brilliance, illuminating the barrier. internal.

On the ground inside the enchantment, there is a large vat. The vat is filled with dark-colored liquid, and there are various gems such as strange stones, jade, and emeralds faintly visible at the bottom. It is square, like a tablet.

And the brilliance of the full moon in the sky also gathered in this big tank, forming a clear full moon on the water.

If you take out all the strange stones, jade walls, etc. in the big vat, you can find that these tablet-like gems are engraved with names.

At this time, the full moon on the water was casting a phantom in the sky above the vat.

A phantom of a woman who is graceful and luxurious, like a mother in the world, a phantom of a splendid osmanthus tree, a phantom of a human figure that is dreamy and cold like a moonlight elf, a phantom of a beautiful woman...

A total of nine phantoms stood in the air, most of which were female figures, and contained the grand immortal aura of pure yin, filling the interior of the forbidden enchantment.

"The spirit of the laurel tree, the **** of lunar yin, the Queen Mother of the West, Heng'e... Except for the great **** Hou Yi, all the fairies have arrived..."

Below the many shadows, Cheng Qiyue, who looked like a neutral and beautiful girl, was standing next to the water tank, looking at this scene with some shock.

She belongs to the Taiyin Tianyuan Dao Lineage, which belongs to the weaker branch of the many Dao Lineages. There are only ten kinds of Immortals and Gods, and the number is incomparable with the two Dao Lineages of Wuji Heavenly Court and Ji Yeling Mountain. There are more than one hundred kinds of gods.

It is also formerly known as the Eternal Dark Demon Prison of the Underworld, which is weaker than the Taiyin Tianyuan. Although the Eternal Dark Demon Prison includes the Great Emperor Fengdu, the Five Ghost Emperors, the Ten Temples Yama, and the No. 1 who once controlled the 'Book of Life and Death' Judge Cui Jue has seventeen kinds of Dharma bodies, but after the great calamity of ancient times, Hou Yi and the Queen Mother of the West have greatly improved their status, and they are the top Dharma bodies comparable to the Three Emperors, Three Purities and Three Buddhas.

At this time, in addition to Houyi's dharma body, the other nine dharma bodies appeared at this time!

When Cheng Qiyue instilled mana into the 'Altar of Prayer for Heaven', she couldn't help but turn her head to look at the shy and beautiful girl behind her, and couldn't help sighing in her heart: 'This senior She is worthy of being the reincarnation of an immortal god, It can actually attract so many immortals' mind projections. ’

When she was under the altar of praying for heaven, when she chose the body of law, there was only the way of the Taiyin God.

After all, most practitioners in Taiyin Tianyuan basically only have this way.


Cheng Qiyue suddenly discovered that the senior She behind him had a nervous look on his face, and seemed a little uneasy?

'Youchan. ' She Xilu said nervously in her heart: 'The immortal gods of Taiyin Tianyuan, shouldn't they give up on me like the other Sifang Taoists? ’

"This..." Youchan in her mind hesitated for a moment, and said, "Taiyin Tianyuan's Dao Lineage is sparsely populated, and it attaches the most importance to practitioners, especially female practitioners. It suits you well, probably not..."

Even though she said that, her tone was obviously uncertain, and she had completely lost the confidence she had when she performed the altar of prayer for the first time.

Because... In the past few days, She Xilu has failed four times in a row!

Dirty Earth Building Wood, Infinity Heavenly Court, Extreme Night Spirit Mountain, Eternal Dark Demon Prison... She has tried these four great altars for praying for heaven in the past few days, and every time a large number of immortals are present, the scene is very spectacular and also Very shocking.

However, after those immortals observed her, they all chose to leave without exception!

This made She Xilu a little confused, and Youchan didn't understand what was going on at all, so she could only watch the projections of the immortals' thoughts dissipate and leave.

And this time?

next moment-

The virtual shadow of the Queen Mother of the West, who was headed by her, seemed to have scrutinized She Xilu carefully, a hint of surprise appeared on her face, and then she waved her sleeve robe indifferently, and the many virtual shadows disappeared again.

Cheng Qiyue was stunned, what's the situation?

Wasn't it just fine? How do you say it's gone?

"Ah! It's like this again..."

Youchan screamed angrily in She Xilu's mind, and said almost frantically: "What the **** is going on? Why are these guys running away? Even if you find out that you are a reincarnation of an outsider, shouldn't you be invited? What are you running for?!"

She has been out of the control of 'it', and naturally it is impossible to take the path of external demons, and she can only choose to take the path of the cultivator's dharma body.

But now, none of the Five Dao Lineages are willing to accept her!

This made her very puzzling, and she couldn't understand what was going on. Could it be that all the gods in the heavens have changed? The reincarnation of outsiders is no longer welcome?

'What then? ' She Xilu couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Youchan gritted her teeth and said, "But no matter what, we must never go the same way as before. The big deal is that I will take the initiative to reveal my identity and ask myself what is going on with these immortals. I don't believe it anymore! "

The continuous failures and complete failures these days have made her mentally collapse.

Rather than go back to the path of foreign demons and be used and controlled by ‘it’, it is better to take the initiative to reveal your identity to these immortals and talk to these immortals.

'Then which Taoist immortal do you want to talk to? ' She Xilu asked in her heart.

"Taiyin Tianyuan." Youchan snorted coldly: "The immortals and gods of other Taoist lineages have been enemies with me for many years. Taiyin Tianyuan has always been lonely and seldom participated. I have no hatred with the Queen Mother of the West. Taiyin Tianyuan just happens to lack power. Have a good talk, it should work."

She Xilu sighed, and asked in her heart: 'Cheng Qiyue said that the altar of prayer in Taiyin Tianyuan is only useful on the night of the full moon when looking at the sun, so it can only wait until the next month, the night of the next full moon. . UU reading’

"Senior She?" Cheng Qiyue couldn't help asking aloud when she saw that She Xilu didn't speak.

Youchan directly transmitted her voice to her: "There are some unexpected situations today. I will come again next month. I will contact you when the time comes, okay?"

Cheng Qiyue hesitated and nodded.

However, she thought to herself that this matter seemed a little strange, so she should tell the Patriarch or the Great Elder about it. If it really doesn't work, just ask Senior Lin. Senior Lin is also a human immortal. Maybe he still knows this Senior She?

The next day, early in the morning, the sun rose.

East Park, Four Seasons Courtyard, a garden-style villa in the east.

"July, are you sure you're telling the truth?"

In the living room, the elder Cheng family, who looked like a feminine young man, was sitting on the sofa, looking at Cheng Qiyue standing opposite, frowning slightly: "Last night, you were reincarnated on behalf of an immortal and presided over the prayer altar? Other immortal gods other than God Houyi's mind projections? But those mind projections have left?"

"Yes." Cheng Qiyue nodded.

"This matter... is a bit strange, and I don't know much about it."

The elder Cheng family thought about it for a while, and said, "However, don't bother Senior Lin about this trivial matter, you know? Seniors like the reincarnation of immortal gods should be able to understand what is going on."

After a while.

Suddenly, the light in the living room dimmed, and I saw a cold moonlight born out of thin air, turned into a beam of light and projected on the floor of the living room, and the moonlight floated and condensed in the beam, and then formed a slightly illusory figure of a slender woman.

PS: (just short short short short short!)