MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 18 apologize

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As evening approached, it was drizzling.

Along a cyan stone road with misty rain and misty rain, it goes straight into the courtyard with pink walls and black tiles, with green pines on the side and many rockeries, it can be seen that there is an elegant oriental-style garden-style villa in the courtyard.

Wearing a white T-shirt, black loose trousers, and a face like a high school girl, Cheng Qiyue walked briskly through the red-painted fenced corridor and came to a pavilion in the courtyard.

Sitting behind the stone table in the pavilion was a tall and thin man in his thirties who was wearing a black ancient-style gown. His medium-length hair was casually draped, and there was an indescribable sense of loneliness on his angular face. , In the past, the eagle-like eyes were also a little drunk, and there were empty wine bottles in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Qiyue couldn't help looking at his father in surprise.

His father is in the family, but he is the proud son of heaven and the direct descendant of the ancestor. He has always been very arrogant and arrogant.

And that proud father, now with disheveled hair and a smell of alcohol... He looks like a down-and-out drunk?

Cheng Qiyue looked at her father in the gazebo and couldn't help but say, "Father, are you looking for me?"

Cheng Buxiu gave Cheng Qiyue a hazy look, and said in a low voice, "Sit."

Cheng Qiyue was slightly startled.

Over the years, her father has become more and more disappointed with her practice progress, and his attitude has become more and more indifferent. This is the first time he has taken the initiative to ask her to sit down in front of him.

She was a little nervous and didn't understand what her father meant.

Cheng Buxiu frowned slightly, and was about to scold him habitually, but when he saw the uneasy look in his daughter's eyes, he couldn't help sighing, and said in a slow tone, "July, sit down."

Cheng Qiyue hesitated for a moment, and then sat down on the stone pier beside his father.

Cheng Buxiu picked up the bottle, took another sip, and then asked casually, "How is the progress of your practice?"

"It is estimated that in the past few days, you will be able to pass the level of 'college students'." Cheng Qiyue whispered.

"You are thirty-seven this year."

Cheng Buxiu nodded lightly, as if to say to his daughter, but also to himself: "It's not bad to pass through the first heavenly gate at the age of thirty-seven. It's mediocre... maybe it's not a bad thing."

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Qiyue couldn't help asking.

Cheng Buxiu smiled a little self-deprecatingly, then slowly shook his head and said: "It's nothing, when you pass the gate of the academy and become a 'walking under the moon', you will be able to protect yourself somewhat. If you want to relax, relax a little, you don't need to sacrifice too much for practice."

Cheng Qiyue was stunned for a moment, her eyes were a little sore.

More than twenty years.

For more than 20 years, she has been working hard all day for her cultivation, in order to wake up her Dharma body as soon as possible and pass the first heavenly gate of 'academy student', disguised as a student. She has also pretended to be a student for more than 20 years. I just want to fight for my breath and try so hard.

And now, that father, who has always been strict and indifferent, actually said such open-minded words?

"In a blink of an eye, you're already thirty-seven."

Cheng Buxiu held the wine bottle, looked at Cheng Qiyue with a slightly confused look, sighed, and said, "I haven't hugged you since you started practicing, let me hug you, maybe this is the end. …”

"Finally? You... what's the matter with you?"

Cheng Qiyue's eyes were red, looking at her somewhat fragile and lonely father, her eyes couldn't help but get wet.

What happened to make the always fierce and proud father become like this?

Is this a last word?

Cheng Buxiu didn't answer her, just stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to hug his daughter, but he hesitated in mid-air, then retracted it, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I haven't hugged you for so many years, I'm still not used to it, a little bit. Excuse me."

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Cheng Qiyue asked in a choked voice.

"Don't ask, I don't want to involve you." Cheng Buxiu glanced at his daughter and shook his head slightly.

He knew that his daughter might have something to do with that Senior Lin, and the copybook hanging in his daughter's bedroom was probably given by that Senior Lin.

It's just... He has also seen the copybook, but there is a faint rhythm of Taoism. It's not like the female cultivator that he met in the calligraphy and painting shop today, with a picture that contains great magical powers. The 'fixed' copybook.

I am afraid that the copybook of my daughter is just a gift from the senior for the sake of the ancestor, and it is only a commemorative meaning.

Those seniors, even the ancestors were willing to give them treasures to please, and even Lu Jianxian, who was known for his ruthlessness, gave the Liangyi pot of magic. God knows what kind of person he is?

Maybe it was exile, or maybe it was the reincarnation of an immortal... In short, it must be the power of immortals and gods that surpassed the five heavenly gates.

How could such a powerful person care about his daughter just by presenting an ordinary copybook?

Therefore, he never thought of asking his daughter for help.

The worst result he can accept is that the senior kills him on the spot, but he cannot involve the only descendant of the family and daughter.


Seeing her father said nothing, Cheng Qiyue just drank wine in loneliness, like a prisoner on death row before being executed. She couldn't help biting her lips and whispered, "Father... Maybe I can help you?"

Cheng Buxiu glanced at his daughter, shook his head slightly, and said, "With your cultivation base, if I'm gone in the future, I'm afraid it won't be too easy for you in Cheng's family, but as long as life is worry-free, wealth and well-being will be fine, ordinary is Fu... You need to think twice about your actions in the future, just keep this in mind."

Cheng Qiyue took a deep breath and said, "Father, in fact, I know a senior with great powers, and my ancestor is also an old acquaintance with him. If he..."

Before she could finish speaking, Cheng Buxiu sighed and laughed at himself: "I know, you mean the owner of the calligraphy and painting shop called 'He Mingxuan', right?"

"Father, do you know him?" Cheng Qiyue couldn't help but startled slightly.

Cheng Buxiu was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's okay to tell you, the one I messed with today... is that Senior Lin."

Cheng Qiyue was struck by lightning, and was sluggish for a while before asking in a trembling voice, "You... how did you provoke Senior Lin?"

Cheng Buxiu raised his hand to signal her to shut up, and then said lightly: "No need to mention this again, the mistake has already been made, and tomorrow I will go to that senior to plead guilty, whether it is life or death I admit it, but I will never get involved To you and me Cheng's house."


Cheng Qiyue even said: "Father, I have also had some conversations with Senior Lin. In my opinion, Senior Lin is not the kind of indifferent and fierce evil way, nor is he too forgetful, but he is friendly and respectful. Etiquette is easy to know but difficult to comprehend, and it should be a peerless master with an open mind."

Cheng Buxiu heard the words, but shook his head and sighed: "Mortal people still wear masks to live, and such unfathomable powers, I don't know how many years have passed, it is not surprising that there are thousands of faces, and now they are still living in seclusion in the mortal world. Even if he pretends to be a mortal in his words and deeds, I'm afraid you won't see any clues, how can you judge his character with only a few words?"

Cheng Qiyue couldn't help but be stunned.

Cheng Buxiu reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry too much. Being a father is only about preparing for the worst outcome. What will will be known tomorrow."

Cheng Qiyue bit his lower lip and said, "Then I will accompany you tomorrow."

"No need." Cheng Buxiu said slowly: "It doesn't make sense for you to go. Maybe the ancestor still has some opportunities. After all, the ancestor even gave the Qingyang ruler to Senior Lin, but you are such a little girl..."

Having said this, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"Qingyang Ruler? It turned out to be with Senior Lin, no wonder..." Cheng Qiyue's heart moved and said: "Father, why don't you apologize too? If you can win the favor of Senior Lin, maybe you can be forgiven for your crimes. Wrong?"


Cheng Buxiu was silent.

He didn't even think about this, because even the Cheng family's treasure 'Qingyang ruler', that Senior Lin's place was just a ruler for pressing paper, and even Lu Jianxian's treasure 'Liangyi Jufa pot' It's just a tool for washing the pen, the other party obviously doesn't care about the so-called treasure in the world.

Before the ancestor left, although he distributed some treasures to him, it was far from being on a par with the treasures.

"Father, since Senior Lin likes the plain and mundane life, it proves that he pays more attention to keeping secrets, maybe... a treasure that is ordinary in appearance, but ingenious inside, is more in line with Senior Lin's mind?" Cheng Qiyue said cautiously.

Cheng Buxiu pondered for a while, and felt that the same was true.

Even if it is a treasure, in the eyes of that senior, I am afraid it is not much better than ordinary mortal things.

Even if he took out the magic weapon at the bottom of the box, the other party would not take it to heart.

But if it was an apology that was more in line with the senior's appetite, it might be useful.


Cheng Buxiu suddenly remembered a treasure that he hadn't taken out for a long time, and his drunken eyes became clearer, "Maybe...this is useful?"