MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 15 Certainly!

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There are mortals present!

Cheng Buxiu stared at the mortal deliveryman with an ugly face, and with a flick of his fingers under the sleeve of his windbreaker, a silver needle flew out without a sound.

I saw a flicker of cold light in the air, and the silver needle went around behind the delivery boy and pierced into his scalp instantly.

Before the delivery guy at the door could speak, he felt dark in front of him and fainted softly to the ground. The plastic bag with the breakfast takeaway in his hand also fell to the ground, and the soy milk and soup flowed out.

"Forget the needle? It's too late!"

Han Su said with a cold heart and a low face.

She knew that the cultivator of the Cheng family just released the needle of forgetting the gods, erasing the memory of the mortal at this moment, trying to avoid being noticed by the external demon.

But just now Qingyang was hanging in the air, and the movement of the fighting method was so big, unless it was a blind man, who could not see it?

next moment-

When the deliveryman fell to the ground, a strange change suddenly occurred in the surroundings. The distant scene seemed to be distorted. The warm golden sunlight began to slowly turn pale green, and a layer of white slate appeared on the slate. The green light is penetrating, and even the sky outside the window seems to have been splashed with a bucket of green paint...

At this moment, everything around seemed to be dyed with a hazy green like an oil painting.

Only Cheng Buxiu and Han Suxin were not affected.

Any practitioner who sees this scene will understand what this means—

The aliens are coming!

When Cheng Buxiu saw this scene, his face became more and more ugly.

Although his temperament is as his name suggests, once he recognizes one thing, he will not give up if he does not do it, but he will still plan carefully to avoid causing trouble.

When he sensed the genuine Qingyang Ruler, he also noticed the woman whose cultivation was not inferior to him. He suspected that the other party might have just discovered the Qingyang Ruler and hadn't had time to refine it, so he didn't care so much. After arranging the illusion and the silent ban, I started to grab it.

Now it seems that Qingyang Ruler belongs to the owner of this calligraphy and painting shop. He seems to have provoked a great person!

What made him even more unbearable was that his fighting skills were even noticed by mortals, attracting external demons!

But at the moment of the outer demon, he can't escape, and it's useless to escape.

When the outer demons come, the area where the practitioners who attracted the outer demons are located will be distorted and divided into the real world. This green demonic realm is the proof!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, a sound like knocking on a stone came from outside the door, making both of them feel chills in their hearts.

The two immediately walked out of the calligraphy and painting shop and looked towards the deep alley where the voice came from.

I saw a strangely shaped beast slowly appearing in the deep alley. It looked like a red leopard, with a sharp horn on its forehead and five tails. The roar from its mouth was like hitting a stone. Weird.

Most of its copper bell-like eyes were exposed outside the sockets, covered with twisted blood threads, bloodthirsty and frantically staring at the two human practitioners in front of them.

"It's 'evil'!"

Han Suxin's eyes changed, and she immediately recognized the alien beast in front of her. Among the many alien beasts and demons, 'Hero' might just be in the lower reaches, but it is impossible for ordinary practitioners to deal with it!

"Her?" Cheng Buxiu's pupils also shrank suddenly, and despair was born in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing miserably, "I didn't expect that I would die here?"

The terrifying of 'evil', he had seen it decades ago. At that time, he was ordered to hunt down a scorpion that had obtained free will and was lurking in the mortal world. There were also more than ten people who were not inferior to him in cultivation. Cultivators higher than him joined forces, but they didn't expect that hideous beast to be so terrifying. They paid an extremely heavy price to reluctantly destroy that hideous beast!

In the end, only he and one other person survived.

The current situation is even worse, and it is almost impossible for anyone to support it, because once other practitioners break into this outer demon domain, it is possible to attract more and more powerful outer demons!

With just the two of them, how to deal with this terrifying hideous?

Even those peerless masters who are about to ascend will never risk breaking into the outer demon realm.

It's a dead end situation!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

In the abnormal sound as if it was quickly hitting a stone, the sturdy limbs slammed hard, and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the two!

too fast!

Han Suxin's complexion changed drastically, and she was about to take out the magic weapon to delay desperately, but suddenly she felt a change in her sleeve robe.

She was slightly startled, and before she had time to think, she waved her sleeves—


I saw an ordinary white copybook unfolded in the wind and flew out of her sleeve robe.

The slightly yellowish white rice paper was flying in the air, and a black and white character 'Ding' could be seen on it. At this moment, the copybook seemed to have come to life. It fluttered in the air automatically without wind. The dragon and phoenix danced on the copybook. The words moved with the copybook, as if they were about to jump out of the copybook.


Suddenly, a calm and indifferent voice with a hint of laughter, like a thunderous explosion, reverberated in this strange outsider demonic realm.

After Han Suxin heard this somewhat familiar voice, she immediately looked at the copybook flying in the air with excitement, and her heart filled with infinite hope.

She heard it, it was Senior Lin's voice!

As the dull voice sounded, the dark word 'Ding' suddenly flew out from the copybook flying in the air, broke away from the copybook, and flew over the green demonic realm, and the word began to amplify sharply.

In an instant, this huge fixed character was enlarged enough to cover the sky, and then slowly pressed down towards the 'evil' below!

This giant ink letter, as it stands, declares its rules—


Under the oppression of Ding, the ferocious and terrifying alien beast, 'Hero', trembled frantically and tried to break free, but it couldn't move at all!

The ink words that cover the sky and the sun are pressing down, and it seems that even the green demonic realm is trembling!


Cheng Buxiu watched this scene in shock, "She still has such precious treasures? Could it be that the senior, the owner of this painting and calligraphy shop, gave it to her?"

At the same time, on the desk in the calligraphy and painting shop behind the two, the bluestone ruler, which was lying quietly on the table, suddenly floated up spiritually. It also flew out of the calligraphy and painting shop, turned into a dazzling cyan sun in the air, and pressed down on the monster!

Cheng Buxiu was extremely surprised. This round of Qingyang was much more powerful than the power of his fake Qingyang ruler!

Unexpectedly, the Qingyang ruler in the house actually flew out of the house. It seemed that no one could control it. It was all based on its own spirituality. What gave it the power?

Seeing this scene, Han Suxin suddenly remembered the ink dot she had seen on the Qingyang ruler.

That was the ink Senior Lin used to write, and it contained a very high concentration of spiritual energy. Although it was only a little bit, it was enough to motivate Qingyang Ruler.

Just like a little bit of ink left in the two-meter polyphony basin, it can also be activated by itself!

Originally, she thought that Senior Lin accidentally touched the ruler with the tip of the pen, so she left a dot of ink. At that time, she thought that such a high-level person should not make such a mistake.

But now it seems that Senior Lin deliberately left an ink dot on the ruler!

Could it be... Senior Lin had already considered this situation to happen?


The mighty azure sun pressed down, and in an instant, this terrifying 'evil' was engulfed in the dazzling azure light!

When the azure sun dissipated, there was only a faint green shadow left, and it was already shattered, leaving only the Yuan Ling, which was slowly sinking into the depths of the void, as if preparing to escape.

"Can't let it escape! Or it will come back again!"

Han Suxin and Cheng Buxiu had just flashed this thought in their hearts, and before they acted, they suddenly felt a monstrous suction coming from behind, and they couldn't help turning their heads to look, and they found out that—

On the small table at the entrance, the two-meter gathering pot, which was not smudged in autumn, actually floated up at this time, and the mouth of the pot was just aimed at that hideous Yuanling!

In the basin, the two taiji diagrams are slowly rotating, and the invisible vortex shrouded the faint green shadow, and it was sucked into the basin in an instant. Broken into nothingness.

Immediately, the miserable green sunlight regained its warm golden color, and the faint green slate in front of the door also returned to its worn-out, whitish appearance.

The Qingyang ruler consciously flew back into the house and landed on the desk again, as if it was still the inconspicuous bluestone ruler.

The gray iron basin on the small table at the door also returned to calm, it seemed to be just an ordinary iron basin.

The fixed characters in the sky also shrunk and fell back to the copybook, but became slightly lighter, and the copybook flew back to Han Suxin's sleeve in one roll.

Calm and calm, everything is business as usual.

It seemed that it was just a hallucination, nothing happened.

The delivery boy who was lying on the ground also woke up leisurely. He was stunned for a while, then he got up, glanced at the takeaway plastic bag that fell on the ground, and then looked at Han Cheng Er who was standing not far away. Man, he scratched the back of his head in confusion.

He also doesn't remember how he fell to the ground. Could it be because he didn't eat breakfast, suffered from hypoglycemia, and passed out?

However, the most important thing is work. He was distressed to find that the soy milk and the soup in the crab roe buns spilled out. He quickly looked at the two of them apologetically and said, "I'm really sorry, I don't know what's wrong with this. I suddenly fainted, and I will help you exchange a new one now, the two of you will wait a while, I'm really sorry."

Han Suxin suddenly thought that this was the breakfast ordered by Senior Lin, so she nodded and said, "Then hurry up."

"Okay, two wait!" The delivery boy nodded quickly, then turned around with the bag and walked away quickly.

After the delivery boy walked away, Cheng Buxiu, who was silent on the side, suddenly whispered, "You said just now that Qingyang Chi is the owner of this calligraphy and painting shop... That senior's stuff? Your copybook..."

"That's right, just now suppressing that hideous word was given to me by Senior Lin."

Han Suxin said lightly: "I'm afraid your ancestors also received the words from Senior Lin, otherwise, how could they use the Qingyang ruler so easily and survive the calamity? Presumably, the Qingyang ruler is also your elder. Zu gave it to Senior Lin. UU Reading"

Cheng kept breathing and suffocated.

Now, he finally understood why the ancestor didn't say where Qingyang Ruler was going.

Such a senior with great supernatural powers, and hidden in this mortal world, I am afraid that the ancestors would not dare to casually pull the banner of this senior, so as not to make this senior unhappy.

"I advise you, you should take the initiative to confess your guilt to Senior Lin as soon as possible. Senior Lin is broad-minded, kind-hearted, and acquainted with your ancestors. If you are sincere, maybe Senior Lin will forgive you."

Han Suxin glanced at him and sighed again: "After all, Senior Lin doesn't really care about this so-called treasure... I'm afraid you don't know, in this calligraphy and painting shop, your Cheng family's treasure, Qingyang ruler, is just used by Senior Lin as a The ruler for pressing the paper, and this two-meter polyphonic basin is just the water basin that Senior Lin used to wash the pen."

"The ruler? Washing the pen? So..."

Cheng Buxiu was stunned when he heard the words.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the Qingyang ruler was obviously an ownerless thing, but he was still willing to guard this small calligraphy and painting shop for others...

It turned out that this senior didn't care about this Qingyang ruler at all, but Qingyang ruler took the initiative to submit.

From this point of view, the reason why Liangyi Jufa and Qingyang Chi took the initiative to guard the calligraphy and painting shop was to please the senior Lin...

He took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the nearby shadow, only to leave a low sentence:

"I'll go back and deal with the funeral. I'll come tomorrow to apologize to Senior Lin. Whether it's life or death... I'll leave it to Senior Lin to deal with it. I also ask you to help tell the story, and don't want to affect my Cheng family."

PS: (It’s another three or four thousand words and one chapter, and it’s me who has no broken chapters. I’m really a good author duck…)