MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 86 The all-powerful female marshal in the Republic of China (18)

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"Is the radio broken?" Walt reached for it.

Legoff watched curiously from the side.

At this time, the sound of "rustling" stopped, and inside, there was a voice that still made them feel very familiar even after half a year—

"Friends from all over the world, hello, I am Ye Baizhi of the Republic of China."

Ye Baizhi!

It's that Ye Baizhi!

The two were stunned, looked at each other, and saw the familiar panic in each other's seriousness.

this woman...

Even if it has been so long, it can still make them so scared, make them so scared!

As if she opened her mouth, as if in front of them.

"She, she, how did her voice come from here?!" Walter stammered, and for a while, he seemed to have lost his ability to think.

Legoff still had two points of reason, and immediately replied: "The radio is made by the Republic of China! Of course she has a way to help us switch channels!"

"That means—she can speak to the world on the radio at any time?!" Walter was startled.

This is a major discovery!

But it must be reported to Her Majesty the Queen immediately!

However, Legoff slapped him and said in a hurried voice: "Shut up first, and listen to what she's talking about!"

On the radio, Ye Baizhi's voice was clear—

"Recently, my country has made TV sets that can watch various videos and live broadcasts, which can greatly enrich the entertainment life of people around the world. In this regard, Ye Baizhi believes that this is an invention that is beneficial to all people in the world,"


Do you think this is beneficial to the existence of all mankind, so you use the radio to advertise and call on everyone to buy it?

The two guessed like this, but the words that came out on the radio greatly exceeded their expectations—

"... Therefore, I will send warships to the capitals of various countries and build large screens in the most prosperous squares as gifts to various countries. Of course, due to the long journey, we also need to bring strategic materials, so our warships The core components and all other materials will be funded by the governments of various countries."

Walter and Legoff looked at each other, and both saw blankness in each other's eyes.

In the language version of the Republic of China, they could only understand half of it, and it took only half a year to learn it.

But later, it was followed by versions in various languages ​​all over the world, and both of them naturally understood, and understood every word.

But just because I understood it, I was stunned.

They seemed to understand every word, but they didn't seem to understand a single word.

Bai Zhi only said this, and at the end, she said lightly—

"The gift has been sent, please accept the gift peacefully by all countries."

Walter: "…"

Legoff: "…"

It was played on a loop, and they also listened to it many times in a row.

But they still suspect they heard it wrong!

Ye Baizhi said that the Republic of China made a TV, and she thought it was very good, and she planned to build a big screen on the main square of each country's capital.

However, she only brought important parts, and everything else was funded by the governments of various countries.

In other words, Ye Baizhi told various countries in a tone of notification that she was coming to give gifts.

The key is-

She sent people to give gifts with warships! !

Can you not charge it?

Ha ha, ask her if the warship promises or not!

Does accepting gifts peacefully mean that there will be no peace if you don't accept them? !

Walt was dumbfounded: "She hasn't made a move for half a year, and when she makes a noise, she makes such a big deal?!"

Legoff swallowed: "Yes, this is really unexpected..." Arrogant as always!

Driving a warship to your door to give gifts, do you accept them?

not accept? beat!

"So what is she thinking? Why install a big screen for every country?!" Walter asked his soul while scratching his head.

Why is it for every country?

What is this woman going to do? !

Legoff looked bewildered.

After a while, the two looked at each other and said together, "Hurry up and report it!"

They reported, and then got the answer from Chaotang—

"Let her fix it!"

Obviously, country F and country Y are going to fight with country D. Ye Baizhi's warships have become famous after fighting against the Japanese country, and they don't really want to cause trouble at this time.

The two sides are staring at each other, and the war is about to break out. Who wants to fight against Ye Jun at this time?

Promise her!

No matter what she is doing, let her go first, and she must not be allowed to affect the battle!

If it can be built, it can be demolished. They are not afraid of her, but there are obviously more important things in front of them, and she is the second.

In just half a year, Ye Jun has added countless warships.

The route is planned, and each warship must follow the route to several countries.

Some countries feel that the big screen is an advantage, and the cost is not too expensive. They want to befriend Ye Baizhi, so they actively cooperate and help Ye Jun's people build it.

A big screen that will be ready soon.

Some countries are afraid that Ye Baizhi will cause trouble, and they also cooperate and want to send people away quickly.

In some countries, it is quite unconvincing.

Why do you want to come to our country to repair the big screen?

Why should we cooperate with you? !

How old are you?

Absolutely impossible!

Country D is like that.

They had attracted Ye Baizhi before, and wanted to join forces with Ye Baizhi to clean up country F and country Y. Unexpectedly, Ye Baizhi refused directly, neither saving face nor saying a word.

Country D is very angry.

They are big countries in today's world structure, of course they are not happy that someone dares to reject them.

Some people in country F and country Y saw the power of Ye Baizhi's warship with their own eyes, but country D did not, so when the people brought by Deng Qi went to country D, the other party replied—

"We don't agree, our country D doesn't accept this gift!"

Deng Qi: "…"

He was silent for a moment, then waved: "Continue to the harbor."

As a result, the warships of the Republic of China continued to approach.

The head of country D ordered: "Defeat the warships of the Republic of China!"

As a result, the harbour began firing at the warships.


Missed the first shot.

There is no second time.

Because - Deng Qi also ordered to fire.

Today's warships are more powerful than half a year ago, and even country D has absolutely no power to parry.

Her warship is a tyrant in the sea, and if you meet it, if the other party wants to hit you, it will only be a dead end!

The head of State D received news that his port had been bombed, and several warships had been destroyed. At that time, his face turned black with a "swipe".

"This Ye Baizhi of the Republic of China! Come, send troops—"

His subordinates hurriedly suggested: "Head of State! The most important thing for us now is the war with country F and country Y! The Republic of China is far across the ocean, and it is of no significance for us to fight! Besides, we have received news from other countries, they are true After the big screen is built, they leave, their warships are too powerful, we can't waste our combat power with them!"

When they and Ye Baizhi fought first, it would only make Country Y and Country F snicker, and they would even take advantage of the situation to rob them and make Country D suffer a big loss.

The head of state had a dark face, thought and thought, and finally nodded, gnashing his teeth—

"Then let them come in and fix it!"

The warships of the Republic of China had not yet arrived in countries F and Y. Most of the courtiers in the two countries felt that they should be allowed to come. As long as people were careful, they would not dare to do anything when they went ashore.

But some courtiers firmly disagree!

They kept raising objections even though the Queen had ordered it.

Just as the debate continued, the news that the seaport of country D was bombed came.

Immediately, everyone who opposed it wilted.

"Their warships are invincible in the harbor, isn't it just building a big screen? We also took advantage of it, of course they should be repaired!"

"Yes, hurry up and deal with the people of the Republic of China, we still have to fight with the D country."

"I really don't know what Ye Baizhi is thinking, but it can be removed after repairing..."

"Walter is right, this woman is really domineering to the extreme!"

"The seaport of country D was bombed, and a lot of warships were also bombed, which is definitely a good thing for us, and our odds of winning are better!"

"When Ye Jun arrives, be a little more polite to them. At this time, you must not cause trouble."

The entire court unified the voice, and the queen nodded slowly.

In fact, their relationship with the Republic of China is also very general. Half a year ago, the Republic of China asked them to pay sky-high indemnities.

Later, Ye Baizhi did not ask for compensation, but the relationship between the two countries was still bad.

It's just that compared to their relationship with Country D, it's much better.

At least, the most important thing for them now is to fight with country D. As long as Ye Baizhi of the Republic of China no longer talks about the compensation payment, their relationship can still be improved.

As a result, the two countries have no voice of opposition.

After all, if Ye Jun also blew up their seaport because of their opposition...

That is really maddening!

The big countries have all agreed, and who else among the other small countries thinks they can challenge the warships of the Republic of China?

As a result, the warships sent by Ye Baizhi followed the route and successfully built huge screens in the capital squares of one country after another.

When encountering someone who doesn't want to receive a gift, as soon as the warship fires, the other party immediately accepts the gift.

Mandatory gift giving, it's definitely the first time!

For a time, countless countries hated their teeth.

- This Republic of China Ye Baizhi!

If you give a gift, you should give a gift. How can anyone drive a warship and force someone to accept it? That's not a gift, it's a vengeance!

Obviously, Ye Baizhi didn't care.

Their swearing didn't get into her ears at all.

After the construction of the big screen in Country Y, Ye Jun quickly retreated.

Although everyone thought it was very incredible, it turned out that they came here for this trip just to build a big screen for them in the square!

After the completion of the big screen in country Y, there are still some countries that are still doing it.

Countless people of country Y run to the big screen every day, point at this big screen, and talk about—

"What the **** is this?"

"It's said to be a big screen that can play images!"

"What image?"

"It's like watching a performance, not only with sound, but also with pictures!"


They stared at the screen gossip and curious.

Three nights after the big screen was built, when countless people were still bragging and chatting in the square—

The big screen suddenly lit up.

"Ding - Central Channel No. 1 of the Republic of China TV station is officially operating!"

They couldn't understand it, but there were characters on it, and it was in the Republic of China plus Y.

"Oh, it's bright!"

"Damn, what the hell! What is this?! It's really scary!"

"Wow woo woo mom I'm scared!"

"Is this a TV? Does it have sound and pictures? What's written on it?"

"The above said - this is the Republic of China TV station, and it starts operation today."

"What is the Republic of China TV station?"

"You don't know the Republic of China, it's the country that built this big screen for us!"

They stared blankly at the screen.

"Hello everyone, this is the Central Channel 1 of the Republic of China TV. Next, we will broadcast the first self-made drama of the Republic of China-"The Collection of Small Stories of the Republic of China", I hope you like it!"

Before everyone could understand, the host disappeared, and the video switched scenes.

The words "Episode 1" are written in large letters on it.

It was the evening time in country Y, but it was morning on the screen, and the sun had just risen.

"God, this is amazing!"

"There are people inside, how did they get in?"

"No, they didn't get in, they are from the Republic of China, this is just an image, it was recorded in advance!"

"How do you know so much?"

"When the people of the Republic of China were building here a few days ago, I had a chat with a person from the Republic of China!"

"Oh my God, the Republic of China is too powerful!"

"Yes, they were able to create such a thing!"

Inside the screen, after the sun rose, the door of a family opened.

Gradually, the voice of the discussion died down, and the Y countryman sat on the ground and began to watch TV.

This tells the story of a village where there are rich but stingy and bad businessmen, young and handsome hunters, and beautiful girls from the peasant family at the head of the village.

The girl and the hunter are childhood sweethearts, and the hunter saves money and wants to marry the girl.

Every time the handsome hunter comes back from the mountain, he always picks beautiful flowers and says, "Such beautiful flowers should be matched with my beautiful sweetheart..."

Everyone in the play speaks the language of the Republic of China, but there are subtitles in the Chinese language of Y.

Even people who can't read can understand this uncomplicated plot through their obvious expressions.

The hunter put the flowers on the girl's windowsill, the girl opened the window, took the flowers and began to sing—

"I know that this beautiful flower was given to me by my handsome warrior. He is so tall and handsome. In my life, I will only marry him. My heart for him is like the one on the mountain..."

"It sounds good, this girl is so pretty."

"Yes, she and the young hunter are lovers, and I'm sure they will be together!"

"Beautiful Republic of China girl, beautiful Republic of China scenery."

"Handsome hero of the Republic of China, his heroic fighting with prey is really fascinating, no wonder girls like him."

"O-I want to go to the Republic of China!"

People in Y country are talking about it.

The plot continued.

In order to marry the girl as soon as possible, the hunter decided to enter the deep mountains to hunt a tiger and sell it as a dowry. While he was gone, the girl was betrothed by the family's parents to the stupid son of the rich and rich in the village.

The girl didn't want to marry him, so she sang at the window—

"My hero, when are you coming back?"

The first two episodes ended, the trailer continued tomorrow, and the TV was turned off.

Y people are stupid.

They are looking lively!

"Oh, why not?"

"How can I know what's behind? I want to know if the girl and the hunter are together!"

"Such a beautiful girl, she should marry a hunter!"

"Ahhh, how can I go to the Republic of China? I want to help them!"

The big screen is on!

There will also be stories played in it, but it's so beautiful!

The news spread all of a sudden, and countless people came from all over the place and sat in the square, eagerly watching when the TV would light up.

During the day, the big screen is usually on.

But "The Collection of Little Stories of the Republic of China" is only available in the evening. During the day, videos introducing the Republic of China and TV sets of the Republic of China are broadcast on a rolling basis.

It is probably too rare, even if it is such a content, everyone can watch it with relish.

Many people in country Y do nothing every day, just sit in front of the big screen with bread and legs crossed, watching the content playing on it curiously.

The night time is the most lively, but there are many people during the day.

Right now, a video introducing the Republic of China is playing. The Republic of China has a vast land and resources, everything is available, the scenery is beautiful, the four seasons of the year, different landscapes, the Republic of China has many large houses, which is very interesting.

At the same time, the Republic of China is engaged in infrastructure construction, which is really amazing!

Railways, roads, schools, hospitals, various factories and lively markets...

They watched and discussed—

"Oh, God, what a blessing to live in the Republic of China!"

"I want to go to the Republic of China. I feel that the Republic of China is very interesting. Look at the clothes that girl is wearing. It's so beautiful. I wonder if the Republic of China sells it?"

"The transportation and cities of the Republic of China are even better than ours!"

"Their people's life is also very good, the wages are high, and there is no capitalist oppression!"

"I want to go to the Republic of China."

"I want to go to the Republic of China!"

"I want to go to the Republic of China, and I also want to buy a TV!"

"Some merchants have already bought it in the Republic of China. It is said that it is not cheap, at least this amount!"

"So expensive?!"

"Yeah, probably only the rich can afford it now, let's look at this big one."

"It's very cheap in the Republic of China, but we bought it and we have to ship it back thousands of miles, and what kind of signal is needed, which makes it very expensive!"

They looked at the screen with envy and longing.

Because of a big screen, ordinary people in country Y are lively, but the queen of country Y and the courtiers of country Y are not happy!

"The atmosphere is very bad now. Everyone says that the Republic of China is very good, and many people want to go to the Republic of China!" Some courtiers said unhappily.

"There are also TV sets in the Republic of China. Many merchants have already bought them by boat. The prices are very expensive. The reason for the Republic of China is to let us a lot of money flow into their country!"

"Yes, and the propaganda video of the Republic of China is to induce everyone to think that the Republic of China is better than ours!"

"Your Majesty, we should turn off that big screen, no, we should smash it!"

The courtiers made a fuss and suggested.

The queen is also very unhappy. Every day in her own country, she hears that another country is good. As a leader, how can she hold back her anger?

"Your Majesty! This is a cultural invasion! It seems like a small thing, but the impact is huge!"

"Yes, and as far as I know, other countries also have this phenomenon, even some poor countries, the problem is more serious, everyone has a lot of opinions!"

The Queen's eyes flickered: "Since everyone is dissatisfied... then let's ask them, and let's all protest together. No matter how powerful Ye Jun is, even if their warships are the overlords of the sea, they can't withstand the anger of the whole world."

Yes, no matter how powerful the whole world is against her, what can she do?

She only has warships, and she can only run wild at sea.

And they all live on land!

As soon as the Queen of Country Y sent the news, countless countries immediately responded, expressing their dissatisfaction and anger.

It was also at this time that the big screens in all countries were built.

The warship returned to the Republic of China.

The queen of country Y sent someone to cut off the power of the big screen. It was at this time that the big screen that had been playing the promotional video suddenly rang.

They were stunned, but didn't respond.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that because of the Queen's protest, the people of the Republic of China shut down the propaganda film themselves?"

The voice just landed, and a person suddenly appeared on the screen.

She was wearing a black military uniform with the word "leaf" embroidered on it, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, her delicate and beautiful face seemed a little indifferent.

Her eyes glowed with cold light, making people feel cold inexplicably at a glance, she slowly opened her mouth—

"Everyone, all the big screens have been installed. Starting today, it will become a tool for me, Ye Baizhi, to communicate directly with various countries. Please inform the leaders that I have something important to announce. Wait ten minutes for you."

Ten minutes later, for whatever reason, whatever the mood.

All the leaders stood in front of the TV.

Some are in front of the big screen, some are in front of the small TV in the palace.

The Queen of Country Y is in front of the small TV.

She looked at the people on the TV, and her voice was angry: "This Ye Baizhi! Starting today, TV sets from the Republic of China are not allowed to be imported. We produce them ourselves! The big screen in the square must be completely destroyed!"

The big screen on the square, the imported TV, everyone can see, but it is controlled by the leader of another country, the consequences are unimaginable!

Inside the screen, Ye Baizhi, who had been wiping his glasses, put on his glasses and put down his handkerchief—

"Ten minutes are up, what I'm going to say next is very important. I hope the leaders of various countries, as well as the ordinary people who are watching the live broadcast at this moment, can remember it."

The queen sneered.

You say remember to remember?

Can you have the ability to be so rampant? !

"Here, I must warn everyone that war has brought indelible disasters to the people of the world. My Ye Jun's slogan is - everything is for peace, so we have the obligation and confidence to maintain world peace and prevent war. When this happens, I, Ye Baizhi, work hard for peace all my life." On the screen, Baizhi said calmly.

She said this in the Japanese country, and after she said it, the Japanese emperor apologized.

At this moment, she said it again.

This is the first time for most people to hear this, and the head of country D immediately became furious when he heard it: "Who do you think you are? Maintain world peace? Hehe, you have to see how you stop it!"

Does anyone think she can make the world peaceful?

What is she kidding? !

It is very difficult to make peace within a country, let alone make the whole world peaceful?

That's basically impossible!

Ye Baizhi is talking in her sleep!

Could it be that he didn't want to waste his combat power and gave this woman such confidence without fighting Ye Jun? !

The capital of country D was about to laugh angrily.

Inside the screen, Bai Zhi said lightly—

"I know, you must be thinking at this moment, why should I say that?"

Leader of country F: "..." Since you know it, why are you so arrogant? !

Leader of country X: "This woman must be crazy, she won the Japanese country, and country D made concessions to her temporarily, so she thought she was invincible and the master of the world?"

Queen of Country Y: "Oh, Ye Baizhi probably forgot the backwardness of their country, and the experience of being beaten by us, almost becoming a colony! Their country is not strong enough to command the whole world!"

These chiefs sneered in their respective countries.

Some of them even said, "We must be insane to waste time listening to her nonsense!"

"Of course, I will be so confident, and I would also like to thank the Japanese country for the hundreds of millions of ransoms you provided, so that I can have the power to make the world peaceful." Bai Zhi smiled slowly.

Japanese Prime Minister: "..." I'm so angry!

The new emperor of the Japanese country: "This woman is too arrogant. She will pay the price for her arrogance one day. She took it from our country, and one day, we will definitely take it back!"

Really angry!

The more you think, the more angry you are!

Leader of country F: "Let the world peaceful force? Does she think she is a god?!"

The power to make the whole world at peace, unless she is a god!

Legoff and Walter, who were together, looked at each other.

Walt: "Does she really want world peace? She's said it several times..."

Legoff: "But the power to make the world peaceful? Do you think there will be?"

Walt: "Well, I don't think so!"

Legoff shrugged: "I think so too, so she's destined to be daydreaming."

Last time, she asked them for hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation. Later, the two countries refused to give it. Isn't there anything she can do?

Ye Baizhi…

It's actually not as scary as they thought, right?

Bai Zhi stretched out **** and knocked on the table. Her eyes looked at the camera through the lens, as if looking at people outside coldly, with a sharp-

"From today onwards, no one is allowed to start a war. Those who start a war will be regarded as unpeaceful factors, and all unpeaceful factors can be eliminated!"

Outside the screen, the leaders were stunned.

what does she mean?

Is it to destroy the country that started the war?

Hehe, what is she kidding!

On the screen, Bai Zhi smiled, like a child sharing a gift with a friend, and said like a treasure—

"Next, I would like to introduce something to everyone. I have already given gifts to every country. In the future, I will send another expensive gift to the country that provoked war."

"I named this expensive gift, Intercontinental Missile Angelica No. 2. Do you think it sounds good?"