MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 82 The all-powerful female marshal in the Republic of China (14)

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The translators immediately translated her words in real time.

When the voice fell, whether it was the Emperor of Japan on the opposite side or Zhou De's group behind Ye Baizhi, they all showed expressions of indescribable words.

Love peace?

Don't like fighting?

Looking at the tens of thousands of troops who died, and the now chaotic Japanese seaport, how did she say these words firmly? ?

Wouldn't she feel guilty? !

The Japanese Emperor endured and endured, and finally suppressed his anger, and his voice was hoarse and restrained: "Yes, peace is the most important, and war is a disaster for any country."

Both his and Bai Zhi's voices were hoarse.

But there is a difference.

Bai Zhi's hoarseness is laziness, calm and calm, just like she is reclining on a chair at the moment, full of laziness.

And his hoarseness is nervous, painful and complicated, subconsciously sitting upright, covering his panic.

Liu Li behind Bai Zhi couldn't help but sneer: "Joke, then why did you start a war?"

Whether it was when the Republic of China was launched, the land was raging, or the coalition forces were organized to encircle and suppress Ye Shuai this time, it was all the Japanese who took the initiative and provoked troubles!

Now that we lose, it means that the war is not good?

There is no such thing!

Bai Zhi didn't stop Liu Li from speaking, she didn't even show another expression, just sat there lightly, which made people dare not look at her expression.

Those who looked at her secretly could hardly see anything from her calm face.

The words of the Japanese emperor were blocked, and the other party was so disrespectful that he didn't know how to respond for a while.

"It was the Japanese country's mistake to start a war, so now that Ye Shuai has hit the Japanese country, they deserve it." Legoff looked at Bai Zhi with a kind face, as if he was good at talking.

The Japanese Emperor looked at him in disbelief, and immediately understood.

- Country Y is showing favor!

The Japanese country was a lesson for them, and Legoff didn't want to lead the disaster to their own country, so at this time, he desperately showed his favor to Ye Baizhi.

The Emperor of Japan clenched his hands into fists. At this moment, he suddenly understood that he was negotiating with Ye Baizhi, but he had no right to speak, and the countries Y and F had also defected, and they would not be on his side at all!

They formed a coalition, but when their interests were involved, the alliance between them seemed so fragile.

Country F was showing affection, but Bai Zhi looked at him and frowned.

Legoff was taken aback.

Could it be that Ye Baizhi already hates them? !

Not even showing good?

Bai Zhi's face was full of disapproval: "Why do we hit the Japanese country? We are just here to get the ransom, this gentleman, please pay attention to the wording, we Ye Jun, I Ye Baizhi, love peace the most."

Legoff: "…"

He looked at the translator, and felt that the translation might not be good enough.

How else could he have heard such a thing? ?

However, looking at Walt's expression next to him, you can tell that the translation is not wrong.

This woman is really **** right - she didn't fight Japan! She's just here to get the ransom!

Aren't those who died human? !

Was the fallen General William not a man?

The sunk warships, isn't it because of them? !

At this moment, the eyes they looked at Bai Zhi were extremely complicated.

Both Legoff and the Japanese Emperor were speechless, Walter pulled out a smile and said politely, "Yes, you are right, after all, it was they who invaded first, you captured their 6,000 Japanese soldiers alive, and they should pay compensation. of."

Obviously, even at the expense of a senior naval officer, Country Y still wanted to maintain a friendly relationship with Ye Baizhi.

He could even open his eyes and talk nonsense, denying that Ye Baizhi was calling.

Bai Zhi looked at Walt, nodded reservedly, and agreed with her face.

Seeing this, Legoff was not to be outdone, and quickly said: "Yes, I also agree, our country F is not willing to start a war, and we are willing to maintain friendly relations with Ms. Ye of the Republic of China forever and develop together."

Behind Bai Zhi, Liu Li and several others raised their chins slightly, only to feel extremely proud.

Seeing these people who had opened the door of their country and waged war on their land bowed their heads, I only felt relieved to the extreme.

Ye Shuai, mighty!

Japanese Emperor: "..."

His hands tightened, and after a while, he said slowly: "Yes, it was our fault, so we paid the price for it. We hope to sign a peace agreement with Ye Shuai to ensure that no war will be waged in the future. , the two countries establish peaceful and friendly relations and develop together."

The situation is stronger than people, Ye Jun's warship is still outside the harbor, the muzzle is aimed at the harbor.

They can only admit defeat, they can only ask for peace.

"As for the 6,000 Japanese soldiers who are still in the Republic of China, our country is grateful to Ms. Ye Baizhi for taking care of them, and we are willing to pay the ransom, but the ransom of 20,000 taels of silver per person is too expensive for us, even if we spend All of it is really difficult to pay." The Japanese Emperor said sincerely.

"But the ransom is clearly marked, both internally and externally, and for people from other countries. The ransom of 20,000 taels per person cannot be changed."

Bai Zhi looked at him, and was also very sincere: "How about you calculate how much silver you can get out of your finances, and then send a team to Bei Province to kill those who can't be redeemed?"

"Pfft—" Behind the scenes, someone couldn't help but snickered.

Immediately hold back and keep quiet.

On the opposite side, the blue veins on the forehead of the Japanese Emperor were throbbing, and his eyes were even blackened.

The ransom wasn't enough, so they sent people to kill some of them themselves?

If this is true, after being known by the Japanese people, let alone whether this emperor can become the emperor, he will always be the greatest shame in the history of the Japanese country!

Not only that, the entire Japanese country will be ridiculed by the whole world!

And if that's the case, wouldn't she tell anyone else?

This is ridicule and persecution!

This woman is so cruel!

The Emperor of Japan was trembling all over, and even his voice was trembling uncontrollably: "I'm sorry, we can't do it... and the ransom you asked for, we really can't get it..."

"It can be installed in installments. How did you ask Da Zheng to pay in the regulations, we also ask you to do so, don't worry, our Ye Shuai is very humane, and she is very talkative." Officer Ye Jun next to Liu Li suddenly said with a smile.

After the Japanese defeated Da Zheng, they forced them to sign the humiliating regulations, and also demanded sky-high indemnities from them, but Da Zheng could not get it. Did they give up because of this? Is there anything humane about it?


-Payment in installments, with principal and interest!

This person is a newly promoted officer, very skilled, and loyal to Bai Zhi.

Probably because she admires Bai Zhi too much. The officers under her are all approaching her in character. All of them like to speak "kindly", but Bai Zhi's "harmony" is creepy, and their "harmony" is a bit strange.

Now, if the same method is used on the Japanese themselves, they can't accept it.

But in the beginning, they treated others the same way.

The Emperor of Japan opened his mouth: "We...really can't get so much silver, we can send back all the silver we asked for from your court..."

This ransom not only requires them to spit out what they ate and occupied, but also adds a huge sum to hollow out their entire country!

It's already uncomfortable to spit out what you eat, let alone hollow yourself out?

Bai Zhi was taking off her glasses and wiping lightly with a handkerchief.

Hearing this, she raised her eyes to look at him, and said lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm here to collect the ransom, not to bargain with you. This is a notification, not a negotiation."

The voice was calm, without anger and other emotions, and it was light.

But it was as if a cool wind had blown, causing the air in the entire conference room to cool down, and the Japanese emperor and his party on the opposite side were even more chilled.

She can absolutely do it!

This woman is not a good person. If they don't agree, what will the other party... do to them?

Baizhi: "As I said, the price is clearly marked, and the price is uniform for everyone in the world. Although my Ye Baizhi is kind, there is no room for negotiation. You can only choose to give or not to give, not how much to give. "

She put on her clean glasses, reached out and took an agreement from the man behind her.

Pressing the agreement with two fingers, he slowly pushed it to the opposite side of the Japanese Emperor—

"I very much hope for world peace and no more wars. Out of humanitarianism, I can live in peace with you. This is our peace agreement. Sign it."

There was no room for negotiation in his tone.

All peace talks usually have some room for negotiation, even if it is only a small amount, but it does not give the diplomats of the other side leeway.

Angelica is obviously a special case!

Her attitude is to tell everyone - no negotiation.

The agreement has been prepared in multiple copies, both in the Republic of China and Japanese languages.

Therefore, the emperor can understand every clause of the agreement.

Not to mention the content of the regulations, it is impossible for him to sign the indemnity in person, let alone agree on the spot.

So, he didn't look at the agreement, but just looked at Bai Zhi: "Ye Shuai, can you give us some time to discuss? This is not something I can decide alone."

This period of time is obviously at least several days.

Negotiations are a tug-of-war, and negotiating and negotiating contracts also takes time.

Bai Zhi: "Sorry, I don't have that much time, two hours, I only wait for you two hours."

She looked at him, her gold-rimmed glasses glowing with cold light.

A judgment, only give them two hours!

This Ye Baizhi!

The Emperor of Japan wanted to turn his face on the spot, and even wanted to kill Ye Baizhi, completely tearing his face with the Republic of China!


They didn't know what cards Ye Baizhi had.

When the six thousand Japanese soldiers were arrested, they thought her trump card was those "bombers", but now, she has launched two invincible warships.

Does she have any other cards?

Moreover, he cannot make any major decisions by himself, otherwise, if something goes wrong, he will be the eternal sinner of the Japanese country.

The Emperor is eager to discuss with the Japanese ministers, and this is no longer something he can decide independently.

However, Bai Zhi was firm, she only gave two hours.

Her cold eyes told them plainly—

She is a determined person.

In just two hours, her attitude was astonishingly resolute, and even the men behind her were all shocked and serious.

The Emperor of Japan didn't want to say anything, stood up, took the agreement and left with his sleeves.

On the opposite side, only part of the Japanese were left, and all the important people left.

Legoff and Walter smiled and wanted to say something to Bai Zhi, but they were swept away by her eyes, and both of them closed their mouths tightly.

- This woman is really scary!

The conference room fell into silence, Bai Zhi played with a strange watch in her hand and waited quietly, not impatient at all.

Another place not far away was not at all calm at this moment.

The Japanese courtiers who arrived were all bombed.

This so-called peace is really unacceptable!

In the above regulations, the other clauses are barely able to hold back. Most of them are similar to the terms of the treaty they signed with the Dazheng Dynasty.

But there are three things that make them unbearable—

One, the ransom is 20,000 taels of silver per person, plus interest and other various amounts, the Japanese country needs to pay her a total of 160 million taels of silver!

Second, the Japanese emperor publicly apologized to the Republic of China, publicly apologized for all the acts that invaded the Republic of China and on the territory of the Republic of China, and admitted his mistakes.

Third, the Japanese state issued a special pass to Ye Baizhi. Since the signing of the agreement, Ye Baizhi and her pro-army can step into and pass through the territory of the Japanese state at any time, including the sea and the air.

These three points not only seriously damage their interests in all aspects, but also beat them in the face!

"No! Absolutely cannot agree!"

"Yes, these terms are too overbearing, we can't come up with so much silver!"

"It is even more impossible to ask the emperor to apologize. That would be stepping on the face of our Japanese country. Our empire must not agree!"

"There is also the matter of the pass, it is even more impossible. Why does she want to come? Doesn't that mean that she can bring troops over at any time in the future?!"

"Can her plane be allowed to pass through our Japanese sky at any time? Absolutely not!"

"Impossible, absolutely cannot agree!"

"This is a shame, we would rather die in battle than suffer this shame!"

"Calm down, the contract can't be signed, but think of a way."

The attitude of the Japanese courtiers was very firm.

In their view, this agreement is a great humiliation.

Of course the Emperor knew that, but he also felt very humiliated and unacceptable.

"Their warships are still outside the harbour..." Someone said, his voice hoarse.

"Then fight! All our coastal people are moving to the land. Her warships can attack the coast and hit the land? If she hits our territory, then kill them all!" Has a grumpy temper said immediately.

Someone responded: "Yes, as long as we give us time, we will definitely be able to develop weapons to deal with them!"

"I don't recommend continuing to play. They must have other cards, such as easing the relationship, and then seize the time to develop, and then fight back hard."

"Then don't we just swallow it? This agreement must not be signed!"

"Can't fight, can't sign..."

"Ye Baizhi's attitude is too tough, I don't know if I can continue to negotiate..."

"But if we sign this agreement, we are all sinners in history, how can we face our people with face!"

The people below had already started quarreling with each other, arguing like a vegetable market, but they couldn't come up with a suitable idea at all.

- Neither fighting nor signing this agreement.

This is their opinion.

The Emperor of Japan took a deep breath and looked at them: "The time is almost up. That woman, Ye Baizhi, is not an ordinary person. She looks a little crazy and doesn't necessarily think about the overall situation."

And obviously, Ye Jun's side is her word, basically what she says is what she says, no one will object, and naturally no one will stop her wrong decision.

If Ye Baizhi recklessly insisted on fighting with them, or even doing something bad, her subordinates would obviously not stop her.

"Your Majesty, what is your opinion?" the Prime Minister asked.

"Continue to talk with her! She must make concessions on these three points, otherwise... then organize the coastal people to retreat immediately and continue to fight!" The Japanese emperor's attitude became tough.

Leaving the place where he negotiated with Ye Baizhi, his IQ returned and he began to think seriously.

The others looked at each other and nodded.

Currently, this is the only way.

The emperor stood up and ordered the prime minister and several other ministers: "You come to negotiate with me, and... dispatch the army here, find someone to ambush, if the negotiation collapses... shoot Ye Baizhi directly!"

His eyes flashed fiercely.

As His Majesty the Emperor who sent troops to wreak havoc on the land of the Republic of China, of course he is not a good person.

If Ye Baizhi is not willing to give in, then they will continue to fight!

If you can't beat it at sea, then go to land!

As long as they reach the land, they may not be able to fight!

As long as they take some time to develop weapons, they will definitely find a way...

The internal situation of the Republic of China was complicated, as long as Zhao Baizhi died...

Even if there are people who have powerful weapons, they may not have such a strong attitude!

Therefore, once the talk collapses, Ye Baizhi must die!

The Prime Minister and others nodded their heads in agreement.


The Emperor of the Japanese Kingdom brought a group of ministers over with arrogance. Obviously, this time their aura was much stronger than when they just left.

Before the port was bombed, the Emperor of Japan was uneasy, and the questions and contracts that Bai Zhi suddenly threw up caught him by surprise, so that his arrogance went out.

But now, after some discussion, they have made a decision in the Japanese state, and the natural momentum is different.

Even Legoff and Walter gave them a surprised look.

Bai Zhi just lowered her eyes and looked at the time. Seeing that it was just two hours, she raised her eyebrows.

The Japanese emperor and others just sat down, and their prime minister, diplomats and others immediately took the lead—

"Ms. Ye, I think the contract you proposed is very unfriendly to our Japanese country!"

"Yes, this is not a peace treaty, and we didn't see your willingness to negotiate with us in your treaty."

"I think, if you keep this attitude, Ms. Ye, then there is no need for us to talk about it."

"This is our Japanese attitude. If Ms. Ye is unwilling to make some concessions, then there is no need for us to talk!"

They are tough, as if impulsive and furious.

Beside him, Legoff and Walter looked at each other, and both saw approval in each other's eyes.


Negotiations are like this!

Ye Baizhi took a tough attitude at the beginning, saying that these conditions were not discussed, so that the Emperor of Japan was passive.

But now, the Japanese country has also taken this attitude, and the passive ones have become Ye Baizhi and the others!

Unless they really don't want to talk anymore, they have to let it go.

And once you let go, some terms are easy to talk about.

-At least, talk about the next acceptable agreement.

The Japanese country has done a great job!

Sure enough, the Emperor didn't react for a while before, but now that he has reacted, Ye Baizhi may not be able to win the negotiation.

Legoff and Walter couldn't help nodding in their hearts. Their eyes were the same as those of the Japanese, they all looked at Ye Baizhi, waiting to see how she would let go.


Ye Baizhi nodded.

"Okay, let's not talk about it." She raised her chin.

Liu Li, who was behind him, was stunned for a moment, before he immediately stepped forward to withdraw the contract, and stood respectfully behind Bai Zhi.

- Ye Jun is the one-word hall of Bai Zhi.

—What she said, they would not have any objection.

Even if she decided not to talk, none of them expressed any objection.

As a result, the entire Ye army was ready to retreat.

After the contract was put away, Bai Zhi took the watch, stood up, and was about to leave.

On the opposite side, Japanese and others were stunned.

and many more!

Why are you really not talking about it? !

how is this possible? !

Don't you want benefits? !

Are you willing to win this game for nothing? !

They didn't talk about it just to see, but Bai Zhi actually stood up and left?

It can be said that Ye Baizhi's behavior was far beyond the expectations of the Japanese, as well as Legoff and Walter. They looked at Baizhi like hell.

I really can't understand this woman!

"Ms. Ye! Are you really not going to talk about it? Are you going to break the net with us in Japan?!" Someone in Japan couldn't hold back and said it.

Bai Zhi turned back and looked at him: "correct you a question - you will die, but we will not break."

She raised her foot in the sight of everyone's shock, but just took a step, but suddenly stopped.


Just kick the law!

As long as they hold on, she will surely let go!

This Ye Baizhi is definitely a master negotiator, she is playing psychological warfare with them!

- The Japanese told themselves firmly in their hearts.

They exchanged glances with each other, all reassuring and admonishing each other to stay still.

As long as all of them have the same caliber, Ye Baizhi's only choice is to let go.

Bai Zhi did stop, and she did continue to speak again, she said—

"You are actually afraid of our warships, right? This is a warship built by us in Bei Province. It is far more powerful than the warships of all your countries now, so you are afraid that our warships will blow up your Japanese country."


The prime minister looked at her and said calmly: "Your warships are very powerful, but it is impossible to blow up our entire Japanese country. You can only make a fortune on the coastal border. As long as you land, we can make you go back and forth!"

Pressure, who wouldn't?

Bai Zhi nodded, raised her hand, and pointed at the Prime Minister: "clever, your idea is very good."

Others were stunned.

How could she suddenly compliment others?

When negotiating like this, how can anyone agree with the other party? !

Bai Zhi continued: "Our warships are very good. Whether it is range or attack power, they are far from comparable to your warships, so you are afraid that I will hit you and these warships that will threaten you."

She pushed her eyes and said calmly: "Of course, our warships are very powerful, but the range is limited. As long as you move to the central area and stop staying on the coast, I will have nothing to do with you. Unless we land, You just said that if we log in, you can let us go back and forth, which is our shortcoming."

Japanese Emperor: "..."

Legoff, Walter: "..."

There are still people who raise other people's flames to destroy their own prestige!

This Ye Baizhi, is it self-confidence? Or stupid?

Even Ye Jun behind Bai Zhi was full of shock at the moment.

But soon, they all put away the emotions on their faces and became serious again, their ears pricked up, and they listened carefully to Bai Zhi's words.

Legoff and Walter looked incredulous.

In the process of negotiation, Ye Baizhi is definitely the first person they see who constantly exposes their shortcomings!

She didn't know, the more she said that, the more Japan would firm up her attitude? !

"Since you've already realized it, why are you still unwilling to make concessions on the terms?" The Japanese Emperor spoke slowly.

Bai Zhi raised her hand, and her eyes under the glasses were a little bright: "Don't worry, wait for me to finish."

She took another step back, watching them Japanese-

"In fact, the shortcomings of warships are more than that. After all, the ammunition we can carry is limited. As long as you keep consuming us, we will not be able to occupy this land, nor will we be able to beat you to your convictions! Moreover, we only have two warships. These two warships will not be able to pacify the Japanese country."

Japanese Emperor: "..."

Liu Li and others: "..."

- Ye Shuai! Please stop talking!

However, the Japanese on the opposite side were excited.

As if hope had been rekindled, the whole body began to be excited.

The Japanese diplomat couldn't wait to say: "Ye Shuai, we will never agree to your terms!"

I still have to discuss it just now, but at this time it is absolutely not to be discussed!

Who asked Ye Baizhi to sell her own shortcomings?

They only guessed before, but now they are sure that Ye Baizhi's warships can't destroy the Japanese country, so naturally they are no longer as scared as they were just now.

If they find a peace treaty unacceptable, then they don't talk about it!

The Japanese people became more confident than ever before, and the emperor sat up straighter, and the anxiety and worry on his face gradually faded a lot.

-This peace treaty, they will never sign it!

Bai Zhi raised her hand and pushed the glasses, and then the hand stretched out, raised a finger, and shook—

"Don't be in such a hurry, I said it, please let me finish. I knew the shortcomings of the warship early on, so I thought about these problems very early, and before I left, I took someone to make another thing out."

With her hands on the table, she leaned forward slightly: "Missile."

Walter wanted to speak.

Bai Zhi shook her head at him, tilted her head and continued: "What I made is absolutely different from what everyone thinks."

After a pause, she said, "It may be difficult for you to understand what I said, so let's test it."

The others were taken aback.

All the Japanese people looked at her, including Legoff and Walter.

They can still understand the front, but why do they feel more and more unable to understand the latter?

What does she mean? Test what? How to test?

Bai Zhi raised the watch in her hand, showed them the front, and then said, "This is the watch I made, but it is also a communication tool. Press the red button to send the message back to Bei Province."

Her slender and beautiful fingers pressed down in the blank eyes of everyone, and then her red lips slightly parted—

"I'm Ye Baizhi, all departments pay attention, now, launch!"

A clear answer came from the watch: "Received!"

Then, fell silent.

The meeting room was also extremely quiet.

Everyone's eyes were blank, especially the Japanese, Legoff and Walter.


"Boom—" The whole huge sound came, and the entire conference room shook.

The ground trembled, and some of the surrounding furnishings fell to the ground.

"Ah! Is there an earthquake?!"

"what happened?!"

"what's going on?"

"It's an earthquake! Japan often has earthquakes, don't be afraid!"

The meeting room was in chaos for a moment.

They were all people with identities, and they didn't run out immediately, but a sudden accident caused a commotion.

After the vibration stopped for a moment, the conference room became a little quieter.

But Bai Zhi always stood there firmly, her black military uniform looked particularly cold, which made her skin pale. Her eyes were full of light, through the lenses of her glasses, like Shura in the dark night, making her whole body stand upright.

Everyone was dazed, flustered, and confused, but she was the only one with clear eyes and a calmness in which everything was under control.

Her hands rested on the table again, her body leaned forward slightly, the corners of her mouth rose, and her voice was smiling—

"Don't be afraid, it's alright, it's just a missile was launched, and it's located in the northern part of the Japanese country where there are no people. However, the lethality is a bit large, probably the entire northern part of the Japanese country has been affected, at least there will be some loss of property, you still Send someone to check as soon as possible."

"Really don't be afraid, our positioning is very accurate and will not hurt you."

Japanese: "..."

Legoff: "..."

Walter: "..."

Damn, it's the precise positioning that scares you the most, okay? !

It didn't hurt anyone because it was located in the northern part of the Japanese country. What if it was located in the capital of the Japanese country? !

This is a missile launched from Bei Province, directly targeting and bombing the Japanese country!

This is a terrible existence that can completely destroy a country, beyond their imagination!

Can you **** be scary? !

Except for Ye Baizhi, everyone's legs softened.

Especially the Emperor of Japan, the large beads of sweat fell from his forehead, the whole person's eyes began to turn black, his back was also wet with sweat, and his whole body was trembling.

He shook his head, his eyes barely focused.

However, when he opened his eyes, what he met was Bai Zhi's eyes.

At that moment, the chill climbed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and the hairs stood up, as if being stared at by the devil.

Bai Zhi pushed her glasses, her lips twitched, and she whispered like a devil—

"Look, the shortcomings of the warship have been made up. I even gave it a name, the medium-range missile Baizhi No. 1, does it sound good?"