MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 71 The all-powerful female marshal in the Republic of China (3)

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She looked at the front calmly, with a calm and calm look, as if the top surface of Mount Tai did not change its color.

Ye Shuai? !

Several people were shocked.

After a while, Zhou De stammered: "Big, big... Ye Shuai?"

- The voice is tentative.

"Well." Bai Zhi nodded and responded.

Zhou De and the others looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Can the eldest lady be Ye Shuai too? !

Yes, of course!

Since the death of the handsome, the eldest lady has changed.

She is brave and resourceful. It was her arrangement that allowed them to rescue her. It was she who set the fire to let them enter Ye Mansion smoothly. At the same time, she was the one who defeated all the pursuers!

Why can't she? !

Originally, he only wanted to rescue Ye Baizhi, but in fact, people who were confused about the future and had no direction, suddenly seemed to have found hope, and their eyes lit up.

They used to follow Ye Chengjun, but now that Ye Chengjun is dead, then they follow Ye Baizhi, isn't it natural for Ye Shuai now? !

"Ye Shuai!" Li Fuyu shouted excitedly.

"Ye Shuai!" Chen Jianye roared.

"Ye Shuai—" Liu Li shouted louder.

Bai Zhi nodded, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth: "Well, go check the car."

"Ah, what are you doing to check the car?" Liu Li, a big man, asked blankly.

Zhou De is the boss, slapped him on the back, and shouted, "What Ye Shuai wants to do, of course, just do it honestly! Is there anything you doubt?!"

"Oh, oh, I was wrong!" Liu Li immediately froze.

The four hurriedly went to check the car. Finally, Chen Jianye reported: "Ye Shuai, one of the cars has been crashed, and the other two can still start."

After a pause, he added a little confusedly: "Ye Shuai, don't we hurry up? Jiang Cheng will definitely not let us go, the second group of chasing troops should be coming soon."

Bai Zhi: "Of course we're going, but we're just driving away."

Chen Jianye: "!!"

Zhou De hurriedly said, "We can't drive!"

Bai Zhi: "I will."

Zhou De: "???"

Several people were shocked again.

Seeing that they had cleaned up the car, Bai Zhi walked over and skillfully selected the best one among the two capable cars.

The cars are all of the same model, and Bai Zhi asked them to help remove the wheels of other cars.

Even Yan Guo plucked his hair and took out the oil from other cars.

The guns on the ground and the other party's bullets, dry food, and water were all swept away.

Bai Zhi drove, Zhou De held Jiang Xiaotian in the co-pilot, the remaining three sat in the back, and the car drove forward along the dirt road.

Riding a car is more comfortable than riding a horse, at least the inner thighs don't hurt.

on the way.

"Ye Shuai... When did you learn your marksmanship and driving?"

"It used to be."

"Ye Shuai, you are so powerful, why is the handsome always worried that you won't be able to live in this troubled world..."

"Because he's my dad."

"Ye Shuai, when did you wear your glasses? You look like a cultural person."

"Bah, don't talk nonsense, Ye Shuai is a man of culture!"

"I mean…"

Along the way, chattering, even Jiang Xiaotian, who was held in Zhou De's arms, smiled.

They never thought that after the "wolverine" escaped, they could still sit in the car and move forward so easily.

at night.

A group of people stopped at the broken temple and sat on the ground.

Ye Baizhi sat at the top, Jiang Xiaotian stayed behind her obediently, and the other four sat respectfully.

Zhou De took out the map and began to analyze—

"We are probably here. Going forward is Yang Province, where Wang Shuai is. Wang Thief and Jiangcheng have a good relationship. If we arrive in Yang Province, we may not be able to live, so we can only leave from Suzhou Province."

Li Fuyu nodded: "Yes, but Zhou Shuai of Su Province is not sure whether he will stand on our side or Jiangcheng's side. Only when Deng Shuai goes north, he has a good relationship with the commander and is definitely willing to shelter us."

"Yes, I also agree to go to Deng Shuai's place. There are relatively few wars in the north. When we get to Deng Shuai's place, we will plan revenge in the future!" Chen Jianye agreed very much.

Liu Li scratched his head and nodded.

Bai Zhi did not speak, she looked at the map, was silent for a moment, then raised her hand, and pointed to a location with her slender fingers—

"Let's go here."

Zhou De and several people's expressions changed greatly.

"Northern Province?!"

"No, Ye Shuai, although there is no warlord rule in the North Province, it is because the place is too chaotic, no one wants to control it, and no one can control it! The position of Linhai is in the hands of the Japanese, and there are leased land from other countries, over there. There are often scuffles." Zhou De disagreed.

Chen Jianye nodded: "Yes, a few warlords sent troops together a few years ago, and they just fought there with the Japanese, and ... they failed, and now there is a lot of chaos. It is difficult for ordinary people to survive, and I don't know how many people flee to the south every year. "

"I don't know the specific situation of Bei Province. I only know that Feng Kunjun, the warlord of Liao Province next to Bei Province, is a two-faced person. Our commander used to scold him before!" Liu Li interjected.

Bai Zhi understood their disapproval, she looked at the map, her eyes were placed on the position of Bei Province, and a sullen look flashed in her eyes—

"No, this place may be dead to others, but to me, no place is dead!"

"Go to Bei Province, the word peace, start from Bei Province."

Bai Zhi's voice was firm and unequivocal.

During the period of the Republic of China, chaos was rampant, wars were fought everywhere, and the people were struggling to survive.

But there has never been a place as chaotic as Bei Province. Along the way, there are corpses everywhere, and people who are so hungry that only a handful of bones are left are often seen.

The land that was supposed to be fertile was extremely desolate because of years of wars.

As soon as they entered the northern province, they encountered one thing when the car entered the first village—

When the Japanese entered the village, the villagers were "making offerings". A group of men who were starving to the bone could only kneel on the ground and beg for mercy when they were pointed at by the Japanese with guns.

As the car approached, both the villagers and the Japanese all looked at them.

This car has experienced a lot of things along the way. They are not afraid of danger. The main reason is that the road is not good. Basically, it is a dirt road. Even if they walk along the official road, they are still very worn.

But it is a car after all.

immediately attracted attention.

"Who are you?" A man spoke in a less innocent native language, with their Japanese accent.

The guns were all aimed at them, with contempt from above.

"Yo, what is this?" The car window rolled down, Zhou De pressed Jiang Xiaotian's head down, and then looked at the Japanese.

In the back row, Chen Jianye's guns were all aimed at the Japanese.

Bai Zhi turned a blind eye and drove the car beside them.

She glanced at it from a distance, and frowned instantly.

The villagers were all dressed in tatters, with yellow faces and thin skin. There was a child lying on the ground. There was no meat all over his body. His head was big and his body was small, like a matchstick.

He had already been killed, and Bai Zhi knew at a glance that the shooter had a bad head, and he shot twice.

Obviously, the child died painfully.

The direction the child held out his hand was a piece of meat, and there were several pieces of bacon and a broken plate scattered on the ground.

When Japanese people enter the village, the villagers offer rare bacon.

But the Japanese were dissatisfied, and immediately turned over the plate. The child was so hungry that he subconsciously went to pick it up, but they were directly beaten to death.

Next to him was a man who was pressed by several men and covered his mouth.

He was also ragged and inhumanly thin, but his eyes stared fiercely at the Japanese.

— That child may be his son.

But the villagers stopped him, not because they were on the side of the Japanese, but because they were afraid that he would die.

It's really ridiculous, many of these people are afraid that many of them have not filled their stomachs, but they are forced to provide food to these Japanese people, because it is just bacon, they don't like it, and they are knocked on the ground.

Killed another starving child.

Bai Zhi didn't speak, she looked so calm, but those eyes stared at those Japanese people without any emotion.

- Only 444 knows that the devil is angry.

"Bastard, you turned your guns on our Taijun, you know—" a Japanese man said angrily.

This is to threaten, intimidate them.

"Get down!" Bai Zhi suddenly shouted, interrupting his words.

The tacit understanding along the way led to the three people in the back row, Zhou De and Xiaodian in front, all fell down instantly and hid in the car.

"Bang bang bang—" A gunshot rang out.

Change it again.

"Bang bang bang-"

Change it again.

"Bang bang bang—" There was another continuous gunshot.

The twenty or so Japanese were all lying on the ground.



"I'm going to kill you!"


Bai Zhi wasted more than 20 bullets on them, because she hit both of their wrists and ruined their hands.

In the first round, the hand holding the gun was abolished, and only a few people had time to shoot, but none of them were accurate.

In the second round, the other hand was abolished, and both hands were completely useless.

More than 20 Japanese people were all rolling on the ground and wailing.

The villagers were so frightened that they lay on the ground, their faces pale.

Seeing that the fight was over, Zhou De got out of the car, picked up a gun, and shouted, "Come on, kill them!"

None of the villagers dared to move.

"Kill them, don't you want to kill them? Use a gun, a hoe, whatever you want!" Liu Li roared.

The first man to do it was the man with his mouth covered. He rushed up, grabbed the Japanese gun, and slashed wildly at a Japanese with the sharp knife above—

"I killed you! Let you kill my son, I will kill you!"

Soon, the villagers suddenly rushed up.

Bai Zhi did not get out of the car.

"Are you afraid?" She looked at the child beside her.

Jiang Xiaotian nodded and shook his head: "A little bit, but even more angry, they should be damned."

"Yes, they should be damned." Bai Zhi touched his head.

"Are you angry?" Jiang Xiaotian asked.

Bai Zhi: "But it's useless to get angry, it's useful to solve them."

Jiang Xiaotian nodded thoughtfully.

The Japanese first cursed, then begged for mercy, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed desperately, how could they look like Taijun just now.

All were killed.

It was also at this time that the villagers suddenly felt that these Taijuns, who wanted to eat the best, asked them to make offerings, and were high above them, were actually the same as them, they were all human beings.

Zhou De left them two guns and some dry food by the way.

"Where are you going? Killing the Japanese is for revenge, and you must leave Bei Province..." An old man who was too thin to walk steadily walked over, an old voice sounded, and his eyes were worried.

"Someone killed them before and got revenge?" Bai Zhi rolled down the car window and asked.

"Yes, after killing a Japanese pirate, the entire village was slaughtered..." When the old man said this, his body shook again.

The villagers behind him turned pale at the same time and shivered. They were already skinny and skinny, but with such a sway, it was as if they were about to fall down in the next moment.

"You still continue to live here, farm well here, they won't come to retaliate against you." Bai Zhi said lightly.

The villagers were stunned.

The car started, the window slowly rolled up, and her steady voice sounded—

"Hold on, get through this time, trust me, Bei Province, you will be safe in the future."

"Because, Ye Baizhi is here."

When the car drove outside the northern capital of Bei Province, Bai Zhi and the others hid the car a little bit. Of course, they wouldn't care if it was stolen by others.

Several people entered the northern capital on foot.

The North is the most chaotic place, and there is not even a gatekeeper, so they walked directly into the North.

Chaos, and everyone has it.

There are traces of fighting everywhere, and there are very few people on the road.

"The Northern Province is really chaotic. We have encountered so many things since we entered the Northern Province." Zhou De sighed a little.

They have been living in the south, fighting wars and chaos, but they are far less exaggerated than those in the northern province.

"Ye Shuai, where are we going now?" Chen Jianye asked.

Bai Zhi: "Restaurant."

After finishing speaking, she took the lead and entered a restaurant.

After ordering a few dishes, several people were also hungry and ate them seriously.

In the northern capital, foreigners and Japanese people have the highest status. They are basically not dared to provoke outside. People from the Republic of China always have to avoid them when they encounter them.

"Master, what do you want to eat, we have reserved a private room for you." Xiao Er greeted the Japanese people in flattery.

Those few people put their arms around the two beautiful women, raised their chins, and walked into the box as if they were superior.

After they went in, there was a discussion.

"There's going to be another war..."

"Yes, I heard that I want to fight Qin Dashuai from Central Province."

"Yes, it is said that the Japanese country has let the canning factory step up production and provide military supplies in the past two days!"

Someone lowered his voice: "Huang Ping, the dog day, produces canned food for Japanese people. Qin Dashuai is a good person, and he is willing to fight against Japanese pirates..."

"Shh! Don't say it! Don't be overheard by the Japanese!" The people next to them hurriedly stopped them.

Bai Zhi and the others ate slowly, and when they finished eating, the group walked out of the restaurant.

Liu Li hiccupped and asked, "Ye Shuai, where are we going next?"


"Aren't we going to do anything?!" Chen Jianye was a little dazed.

"Let's do it in the middle of the night."

at night.

Several people got up, including Jiang Xiaotian.

Bai Zhi originally wanted to keep him, but he grabbed the corner of Bai Zhi's clothes and didn't let go, so he just took it with him.

This child is obedient and doesn't make trouble, so it's okay to take it with him.

They went directly to the outside of Huang's house, a wealthy businessman in Northern Province.

"We're going to kill Huang Ping who provided canned food to the Japanese?" Zhou De asked.

Bai Zhi waved his hand: "Be polite, we are here to discuss business. Now that the world is chaotic, he may not be sincere in providing canned food to Japanese people."

"???" Is Ye Shuai so kind tonight? ?

Why do they feel so psychedelic? !

Huang Ping was tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep.

The Japanese want another batch of canned food.

How could he possibly want to provide them with canned food? !

How do you want to provide benefits to the aggressor? And there is no money at all!

But there is no way, if he doesn't give it, he won't survive!

This time, the Japanese country asked for too much canned food. Food is too scarce these days. How many people are hungry, and where can they get enough food to provide them with so many canned food? !

Huang Pingchou died.

He was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, when suddenly he felt a sound, he just pricked up his ears, and then, a female voice sounded—

"Boss Huang, I'm here to talk to you about business."

The voice fell, and someone turned on the light.

Huang Ping was startled.

Jumped out of bed suddenly.

I saw a young woman in her early twenties sitting at the table. Behind her, stood two strong men with guns, and a child.

There are also two strong men, they are...

stand beside him.

with a gun.

Huang Ping: "..." Is this a **** business stance? !

He swallowed and asked, "Who... are you? What business are you talking about?"

Bai Zhi looked at him, slowly took off the gold-rimmed glasses, and nodded: "Please come and sit down with Boss Huang, the business is to be discussed slowly."

Liu Li pushed Huang Ping to the side of the table, and the fat Huang Ping sat down tremblingly.

He is very fat, which means that he still does not worry about eating and drinking.

But at the moment it's blue and black, and the hair is a little bald, obviously the pressure is not small.

"It's the business of your cannery. I know you didn't make much money from this cannery, and you were always forced to buy and sell by Japanese people. It was very distressing. Therefore, you might as well leave it to me." Bai Zhi said. .

Huang Ping: "..." Want a cannery? !

He ignored the strong man next to him and raised his voice: "You want my cannery?!"

"Don't be so impatient, I'm talking about cooperation, just leave it to me to manage it." Bai Zhi took out a glasses cloth and slowly wiped the gold-rimmed glasses, calm and calm.

"I know, you don't actually want to cooperate with the Japanese, so cooperate with me. You hand over the cannery to me, and we will work together to make the world peaceful." Bai Zhi smiled.

Huang Ping: "???" World peace? !

He was doubting his ears.

"Boss Huang, I know that you are also an ambitious person. The world is at peace, everyone's life is better, and you will be a hero, not a traitor."

Bai Zhi's voice was calm: "I'm here to talk business with you sincerely. Although we don't have money, in this troubled world, money doesn't matter. What matters is peace and world peace. Do you agree?"

"I do not-"

Just as he made a sound angrily, Bai Zhi moved.

She took out a gun from the side of her waist and slapped it on the table with a "pop". The cold weapon was placed on the table like that. It was full of deterrence. She said lightly, "It's a little embarrassing."

After that, she put on her clean gold-rimmed glasses and looked at Huang Ping again, expressionless—

"Boss Huang, I just asked you, do you agree?"