MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 6 Seven Zero Scientists (6)

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Li Shuanmin entered the room in a daze.

When Li Dazhu's family left, they evacuated the house, and even smashed the windows, making a mess everywhere. Obviously, it was because he was having a hard time, and he didn't let others feel better.

Li Shuanmin's originally happy mood suddenly fell, and his face was distressed.

"Oh, this is the house that your great-grandfather asked someone to build back then, how could it be ruined like this!"

"This is also made by your great-grandfather's carpenter. It used good wood. Now they have destroyed it like this."

"And this house. This is the house where your parents lived back then. Oops, how did it become like this."

Li Shuanmin's face was distressed.

Bai Zhi brought in the things they had cleaned up from the collapsed house next door, and put them in the yard. It was already dark now, she lit the lights, fetched water and prepared to start cleaning.

"Grandpa, let's clean up. After a while, we will repair it and restore it to the original." Bai Zhi's voice was calm.

She had long known the virtues of this family, and she was not at all surprised that the house became like this.

Li Shuanmin's depression was swept away, and his voice was smiling: "You really are a child, where can you afford to repair it, and it will return to its original state..."

They all depend on digging wild vegetables for food now, so how can they afford to build a house?

Every family is poor these days, and even a family of four strong workers like the next door can't save much money.

He shook his head and hurried to help clean up.

After the depression, his footsteps became brisk again. Although the house was ruined a lot by them, the original appearance is still there. exist.

Li Shuanmin was very happy to get back what belonged to him.

This is the biggest wish of him and Bai Zhi's parents.

"Xiao Zhi, you should pay attention to safety when you go out. We have offended Li Dazhu's family hard, and this time we are too tough, and the villagers will definitely not like us."

"it is good."

"We have a place to live now, save money to buy books for you early, study hard, and go to university next year. Only when you are admitted to university can you go out and leave here."

"You can go to university without taking the test."

"You kid..."

The light of the oil lamps illuminates the old and the young, and the atmosphere is warm.

The Li Dazhu family, who had just moved to the educated youth point, was different. Chen Guifang scolded a few words from time to time, and Li Xiangxiang also had an obscure expression and tidied up the house.

This house is indeed very good, after all, Gu Xinchen lived in it.

It's just that it's not as spacious as the original blue-tiled house. They can't live in the house, so the three brothers can only live in one house.

At this moment, the third of the three brothers woke up. Seeing that he did not live in the original place, he immediately asked the reason.

"This bitch! I'm looking for her!" Li Laosan's eyes were grim and he wanted to get out of bed.

Immediately froze.

"What's wrong with my legs?!"

"my leg!"

That night, the entire village could hear the mourning of Li Dazhu's family.

In the next few days, Li Dazhu's family looked very bad.

Boss Li is blind in one eye and doesn't want to see people, so he doesn't come out to earn work points. Old Li has to be supported and disfigured. He stays at home and doesn't want to come out. The family howled and insulted Bai Zhi and the others.

Occasionally, I hate them so much that I scold Li Xiangxiang and the others.

Li Dazhu, Chen Guifang, and Li Xiangxiang have lost weight to the naked eye. Li Dazhu is much older, and Chen Guifang's face is even more bitter and mean. When he sees Li Shuanmin, he must be insulted for a while.

Even Li Xiangxiang, who has always been like a little princess in the village, is now blue and black, and her expression has become obscure.

The villagers were afraid of the bad luck of Li Dazhu's family and dared not approach them.

Regarding Li Shuanmin and Li Baizhi, they also had opinions and ignored them, leaving Chen Guifang to scold others while working.

But this only lasted for a few days.

Bai Zhi felt that there was no need to go out to earn work points, but Li Shuanmin felt pressured in life and had to go out.

He was old, and the village allotted him was threshed corn.

After the corn from the village is recovered, it is dried to remove the corn kernels, dried, bagged, and handed over to the commune.

There are tasks that must be completed every day. When Li Shuanmin came back yesterday, his hands were red, and he was a little unsteady with his chopsticks.

His hands are very rough and have thick calluses, but even so, and rubbing his hands like that, it can be seen that he was pushed out and the workload exceeded the normal allocation.

Seeing this, Bai Zhi frowned instantly.

That night, she dug out some things from the scraps she bought, and went back to find some wooden boards, and she didn't sleep until half the night.

The next morning, Li Shuanmin was ready to go out.

"Grandpa, wait, I made something for you."

Sun Valley.

The villagers are threshing corn kernels under the eaves of the factory warehouse next to the grain drying field, and everyone has a lot of tasks to complete in front of them.

But these people were not in a hurry to work. Instead, they surrounded Li Shuanmin, who was squeezed into the sun to bask in the sun and threw corn kernels. They surrounded him tightly, exclaiming from time to time.

"What are you doing?!" The captain followed the young men who were breaking corn, carrying corn on their backs, and frowned when he saw this.

If you don't work hard, what are these people doing?

"Captain, come and see! Uncle Shuan Min has brought a machine!" The voice of the speaker was unbelievable.

Such a thing as a machine is a very rare thing in today's commune.

The brigade captain frowned and led the person forward.

Even if he was the captain, no one gave him a place, and the young men at the back were curious and helped him squeeze in. Only then did he see Li Shuanmin who was surrounded.

I saw him sitting on a high bench with a strange thing under his feet.

There was a big hole in the top of the thing, and Li Shuanmin didn't need to take action. The villagers next to him quickly put the whole corn in. Then Li Shuanmin stepped on it and stepped on it with a relaxed expression. in.

Accompanied by several exclamations from the crowd.

Captain: "!!"

"Uncle Shuanmin, come and come, sit inside, it's too sunny outside!"

"Uncle Shuanmin, this thing of yours is too convenient!"

"I've seen a hand-cranked one before. It doesn't have the convenience of Shuanmin Shuan, and it's very difficult to make."

"I'll step on, I'll step on, Lord Shuan Min, I'll help you with your work today!"

"Bah, you just want to use the machine to do your work. I'll do it. I'll help Uncle Shuanmin to remove the corn kernels in the future."

"Uncle Shuanmin brought this machine, and then there will be no need to thresh corn kernels. Don't take advantage of it. Come, come, Uncle Shuanmin, drink some water!"

Because of the lack of tools, the corn thresher made by Angelica is very simple, and even because the material is mostly wood, it will break down after a few days.

But for the villagers, it was still very shocking.

So that Li Shuanmin became extremely popular instantly from being excluded.

They pulled him to rest under the eaves, poured him water from an enamel cup, and the excited people sat on them curiously and began to step on them.

Li Shuanmin was a little flattered.

"My little Zhi made this. She stayed up late last night to make it." Li Shuanmin couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"What?! It turned out to be made by Baizhi?!"

"Oh my god, Bai Zhi is so powerful!"

"Sure enough, she is a cultural person, and Bai Zhi has achieved good results."

"If she takes the college entrance examination, she will definitely get a good grade in the exam!"

"It's all to blame for the three brothers of Chen Guifang's family!"

"But they also got their retribution. I heard them howling last night."

The captain is relatively calm. Although he has seen similar products, he is still two points excited when he hears that Li Shuanmin said that it was made by Baizhi.

This thing only needs to be stepped on with the feet to take off the corn kernels. It is really many times faster than hand rubbing, and the hands are not uncomfortable at all, which is very convenient.

This year, when it comes to harvest, it is time to grab time.

The captain could hold back his curiosity, but others couldn't hold back.

A young man who followed him immediately squeezed the person who was stepping down, sat on it, put another corn on it, accumulated strength, and then stepped on it hard.

"Ah! It's broken!"

"Er Gouzi, you have caused a big disaster!"

When Bai Zhi was called from home, a lot of people surrounded the rice drying field.

The man who stepped on the broken corn thresher was crying and worried, and his mother was standing next to him, tugging at his ears and cursing, obviously very angry.

"Xiao Zhi, it's broken..." Li Shuanmin's voice actually contained two points of grievance.

He only froze for a whole morning, and it broke down, which is really aggrieved.

"Baizhi, your Ergou brother is ignorant and accidentally trampled you. We'll pay you, whatever you say." The Ergouzi's mother gritted her teeth.

She was full of distress, but she was a responsible person and knew how to compensate.

"It's okay, the wood is useless, just replace it." Bai Zhi said, holding a wrench and other tools to repair it.

When she just went out, she heard that the corn thresher was broken, and she knew the situation in her heart.

Soon, as soon as the wood was changed, the corn thresher was operational again.

Li Shuanmin smiled again, he lost a lot of teeth and laughed, his face wrinkled, it was rare to be so happy.

"Huh - Bai Zhi is so powerful!"

"It can still be repaired, how did you know, Baizhi?"

"Yeah, Bai Zhi, you can still do this!"

"She went to school." Bai Zhi lightly stood up.

"A literate person is indeed a literate person. Baizhi, you have to continue to study, so that you can find a way out. Anyway, the Li family will pay you rations. Study hard, and you must take the college entrance examination next year!" The villagers advised.

The captain's expression changed: "Baizhi, then this thing... can you still make it?"

"It's enough if you have the materials." A smile flashed in Bai Zhi's eyes.

The fish is hooked, and the second goal is achieved.

Sure enough, the captain and the people from Lijiacun rubbed their hands excitedly.

Machines are equal to saving trouble, saving time, being popular, being able to rent out, and being able to exchange food!

Bai Zhi went to the county town for the second time. This time, she was followed by two strong laborers. They brought the food given by the captain, followed Bai Zhi to the waste station, and moved back to the two big carts with all kinds of "garbage". and scrap steel.

These two strong laborers will not go to the ground for the next few days, and they will help Bai Zhi to help her "manufacture" more corn threshers.

Originally, the captain only arranged one, Bai Zhi only said one sentence, and there was one more helper.

-Milling Machine.

As long as there are enough materials, she can also build a rice mill.

Of course, even if the material is not enough, a simple rice mill can also make it.

- This is the pride of the most knowledgeable scientist in the universe.

Because of a simple corn thresher and a rice milling machine that has not yet been built, Angelica and Li Shuanmin's status in the village has been unprecedentedly improved.

The village recorded the work points of a cadre for Bai Zhi, not to mention the work points of a cadre, but also gave two helpers, and the two helpers were in the hands of Bai Zhi. Whether it was to build a rice mill or do something Bai Zhi wanted them to do, it was Bai Zhi who had the final say.

The electricity bill is also covered by the village. The captain is a visionary. Not to mention the rice mill, he firmly believes that the value of the corn thresher is greater than the electricity bill.

Li Shuanmin stopped working in the grain drying field, as long as he stepped on his foot twice from time to time.

Bai Zhi wanted him to "help" her at home and not work, but he was not willing, feeling that he couldn't help Bai Zhi, it was better to go to the drying farm to "work".

"My little Zhi is like this when she was young, like her father!" Li Shuanmin's hearty voice sounded.

"Yeah, I also remember that Xiaozhi's father used to be a maintenance worker. He is the most powerful in Shili Ba Village and can repair anything."

"Yes!" Li Shuanmin raised his chin proudly.

Bai Zhi and Li Shuanmin's status was high, and the village mentioned them with admiration, and Li Xiangxiang's family suddenly became excluded from the village.

Originally, they were afraid of their bad luck, but now they stay away.

"What kind of thing, isn't it that you can make some kind of machine, what's the use?! It's impossible to be a maintenance worker, and the factory won't want her, so proud of it!" Chen Guifang scolded loudly.

But before she scolded people, Li Shuanmin and the others who lived next door could hear her, but now they were not next door.

"Be quiet, you have to read a book!" A male voice sounded.

Oh, and now there are educated youths next to them, and these educated youths have to read books.

Chen Guifang wanted to scold, but was pulled by Li Xiangxiang.

"Mom, forget it, stop scolding!" She disliked the people in the village, but she had always had a good relationship with the educated youth, and now she was naturally extremely embarrassed.

"I just can't get over it. Your three brothers are like this, and they are still so proud. It's really a thing that will never die." Chen Guifang is about to start again.

Li Xiangxiang pulled her: "Mom, the results of the college entrance examination are about to come down, and then I will make you proud!"

Her eyes are full of disdain, isn't she a repairman?

Can there be college students Jin Gui?

She is going to the capital to go to university!

From the day her brothers burned Li Baizhi's admission ticket, she was someone Li Baizhi could never compare with!

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