MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 47 The whole world is spending money on me (14)

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444's voice was angry: "Master! Let's clean him up! We should clean up him early!"

The light group jumped up and down, obviously very emotional.

Bai Zhi pushed her eyes, and there was a sneer in her eyes: "444, if you dealt with him directly, it would give him a pleasure, not punishment, but a gift."

Sun Changdong was the one who killed Qian Baizhi's parents. He was someone who attacked his partners and friends for the benefit. How could such a person be punished?

Bai Zhi didn't shoot him directly before, is he lacking strength?

No, she told him at the beginning - I know you killed my parents.

Then she focused on her own affairs. As the Qian Group became more and more powerful and powerful, Sun Changdong would become more and more afraid and afraid.

He will live in torment every day, struggling, suffering, worrying, seeing hope, and hope being shattered, in an infinite loop, and Bai Zhi only needs to focus on doing his own thing.

Sure enough, his mood has now reached its peak, reaching a critical point where it cannot be sustained.

So he came out and posted this video, hoping to save his life.

444: "...Master, what are you going to do?"

Bai Zhi smiled: "Isn't he afraid that I will kill him? Of course I won't kill him."

For some reason, looking at her smile, 444 felt her back numb, as if a cool breeze was blowing.

It shrank its non-existent neck and disappeared.

After Sun Changdong's video was released, it caused heated discussions on the Internet, but neither Qian's Group nor Qian Baizhi came out to respond, as if the video did not exist.

Gradually, the heat of online discussions disappeared.

But Sun Changdong was not at ease, he was waiting for Qian Baizhi's response, and he could find out his attitude from her response.

However, she didn't respond at all, so naturally he couldn't see her attitude clearly.

It made him anxious.

Sun Jiao: "Dad, does she want to leave it like this?"

Sun Changdong's face was gloomy, and his eyes were filled with obscurity: "How could this be the case? Qian Baizhi is a woman who must be repaid. She can hide her abilities for more than ten years and hide her murderous intentions, which is really normal... "

He was too afraid of death, so no matter what, he felt that she would come to kill him.

"Dad, everyone in the world now knows that she might kill you. If something happens to you, everyone will know that she did it. She... Shouldn't she dare?" Sun Jiao said tentatively.

Sun Changdong took a deep breath, but he still couldn't calm down, and he couldn't let go of his worries.

He looked at Sun Jiao: "Our company's situation is getting worse and worse. What's going on with Gao Ze? Is he willing to marry you or give you a hand?"

Sun Jiao's face suddenly became rare, she gritted her teeth: "That **** Gao Ze! She sees that our family has a grudge against Qian Baizhi, and now our family is in a downturn, so she just ignores me! I called him last time. , he also told me to forget, we are not suitable!"

Thinking about Gao Ze's tenderness and doting on her in the past, but now, when the situation changed, he immediately turned his face.

I even went to give Qian Baizhi as a gift before...

And he was thrown out by Qian Baizhi, obviously he didn't look down on him at all!

Thinking of this, Sun Jiao hated her teeth so much that she didn't even know who she hated.

Sun Changdong's face was also not good-looking, and he said after a while: "It's really not something, I was wrong about him before!"

He sighed: "That's all, the Gao family is in a very bad situation, and they can't save themselves, so naturally they can't pull us."

Sure enough, after a period of time, Gao Ze was going to marry a woman who was more than 20 years older than him, and the other party's children were all the same age as him.

But there is no way. The Gao family is in a very bad situation now. The only one who can marry and benefit the Gao family is this woman.

Sun Jiao hated and ridiculed.

At this time, the official website of Qian's Group issued a message—

[The manufacturing technology of the flying car has been completely mature, the route planning is over, and when the construction of Baizhixing starts, the flying car will be officially launched! 】

This news immediately shocked everyone.

There is a frenzied discussion on the Internet, and everyone is excited and looking forward to it.

That's a flying car!

They have been on the flying bus for half a year, and everyone is used to unmanned vehicles flying around in the sky.

When the speed car is officially released, as long as it is affordable, who doesn't want to buy it? !

And Baizhixing has begun to build, in the future... Can the Baizhixing immigration plan be realized? !

As a result, all the industries under the Sun family suddenly turned yellow.

The speeding cars are all out, and the price of cars that are destined to run on the ground will plummet. Even with flying cars, who would be willing to drive their own cars?

"I was going to buy a car, but now it seems that I have to wait and wait for the speeding car!"

"Hey, me too, waiting for the speeding car."

"What if the flying car is too expensive? I'm a little afraid that I can't afford it."

"Then take the flying bus and save money. When Bai Zhixing starts to emigrate, will you still worry about more money? I really want to know how much Bai Zhixing will cost to buy a house. My house is sold, is it enough to buy one?"

Since the introduction of flying buses, the industry of Sun Changdong's family has been shrinking wildly. Now, as soon as the news comes out, the industry of Sun's family is completely over.

And he didn't know what was going on. He was bumping into walls everywhere, and some of the family properties that he could barely keep were not kept at all!

Half a year later, when Qian's group's flying boat was heading for Baizhixing construction, the Sun family was completely bankrupt.

Their big house is gone, and they can only live in a small house. All the servants in the family have left, and there is not one left.

Now is not the time of the past. Now the Qian Group needs countless employees. The servants go out to work and earn more than taking care of the rich, and they are more free.

Fortunately, Qian Baizhi did not prohibit the Sun family from using Qian's Group's products. They can also use robots now, but unfortunately they can only afford the poor version.

On the TV, the news channel is broadcasting the spacecraft to Baizhixing.

Qian Baizhi stood in front of the spaceship, wearing a white coat and those familiar gold-rimmed glasses, and said calmly—

"The construction of the protective cover takes about ten years. Because the workers who build the protective cover have to stay directly on the surface of Angelica without a protective cover, the first batch of employees to go to the construction are the second-generation quantum intelligent robots. This generation of robots Specifically designed for Angelica construction shields, they protect against high temperatures and…

"Of course, it doesn't mean that after ten years of construction, humans can set foot on Baizhixing. After one year, Baizhixing can be inhabited one after another, and humans can also go to Baizhixing to build. Therefore, a year later, Baizhixing will be built. Some of the land on the site is officially auctioned, and those who are interested can prepare funds in advance. At the same time, the spacecraft to and from Baizhixing belongs to the Interstellar Transportation Department of Qian's Group, and Interstellar Transportation will be officially launched in half a year..."

"Bang—" Sun Jiao threw the remote control pad and smashed the TV.

"Sun Jiao!" Sun Changdong's face turned dark all of a sudden, and looked at her with a stern face, "What did you smash it for? Didn't you hear that Qian Baizhi wanted to auction the land?!"

Since the bankruptcy of the Sun family, Sun Jiao has long lost respect for Sun Changdong, gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, Qian Baizhi is going to auction the land, but are we rich?!"

Sun Changdong was taken aback.

"Besides, Dad, do you think she will sell it to us? She may have been forced to do so by your previous video for half a year, but it doesn't mean that she has really forgotten our grievances!" Sun Jiao gritted her teeth.

She already knows the grievances between the two families, and just because she bullied Qian Baizhi at school, she will definitely not let her go!

Sun Changdong's face was sullen, and he didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, he said, "At least she didn't make a move, which means that she is afraid of rumors, and we still have a chance."

He looked up at Sun Jiao: "We can't take pictures, but someone can take pictures. The son of Mr. Li... Didn't he always like you before? Maybe we can talk about it."

"Dad! He's a fool!" Sun Jiao couldn't believe it.

"Then are you willing to live the current life? As long as you marry Mr. Li's son, we will have a chance to turn around. If Mr. Li is willing to help me take a small piece of land, we can make a comeback. After we get up... "Sun Changdong's voice was full of expectations.

Sun Jiao pursed her lips and said nothing.

Such poor days...

She doesn't want to miss a day!

Sun Jiao agreed, and President Li was also very willing. The two hit it off and decided to choose a good day to hold the engagement ceremony.

Sun Changdong's weather has been much better these two days, and there is hope for the future. Even if he lives in a small house, he can finally look forward to it.

"It will be fine, I will definitely make a comeback." Sun Changdong said.

However, that night, after he closed his eyes and fell asleep, he was haunted by nightmares. In the dream, Qian Tong and Zhou Fang were haunting him, questioning him why he wanted to kill himself.

He struggled and was in great pain, but he couldn't wake up.

Of course, if he wakes up, he'll be able to see the robot he's using at home, standing beside his bed.

At dawn the next day, Sun Changdong opened his eyes, and he was soaked with sweat as if he had been pulled out of the water.

"It's a dream, just a dream..." Sun Changdong let out a sigh of relief.

However, for seven consecutive days, he had this dream.

With naked eyes, he has lost weight, and has lost his appearance. His eyes are blue and black, and his eyes are full of terror, like a bird with a bow.

- He said it.

Sun Changdong confirmed.

"Who?! Who shot me?! Qian Baizhi, isn't it you?! How did you do it!" He roared in the room.

Sun Changdong is not a person who believes in ghosts and gods. If he believed in ghosts and gods, he would not be able to do so many disgusting things.

Back then, he killed Qian Baizhi's parents. He hadn't had nightmares for so many years, and he's only having nightmares now. No matter how you think about it, there's a problem!

It must be Qian Baizhi who shot him!

He knew that it was absolutely impossible for Qian Baizhi to let him go like that!

But how did she do it? !

This night, Sun Changdong was lying in bed again, struggling again. This time, he finally struggled to wake up.

In the air, a voice sounded—

"Sun Changdong."

"Ahhhhh!!" Sun Changdong yelled wildly.

—It's Qian Tong's voice!

"What the **** is your family doing? Can you stop yelling?!"

"Yes, next time, I will find the property to deal with you!"

"Really, did you do something wrong to make you yell at midnight?"

"You look like a man, talk about your dad well!"

"It's so noisy, do you want anyone to sleep?"

Being accused by the ordinary poor who had been looked down upon in the past, Sun Jiao's face was very ugly. She bit her lip and her face changed.

In the past, these people looked at her only respectfully, who dared to point to her nose and say her?

After a while, she responded, "I know!"

Immediately slammed into the door.

The neighbors were stunned, looked at each other, and said in shock, "Who is this!"

Inside, Sun Jiao was also losing her temper: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"Qian Baizhi shot at me! It's a robot!" Sun Changdong's red eyes were full of madness, staring at the robot, as if he was about to pounce.

Sun Jiao was taken aback.

The Baizhixing robot is building a protective cover. Qian Baizhi has disappeared since the last time the spacecraft set sail.

There are many discussions about Angelica and Speed ​​on the Internet every day.

It was at this time that Sun Changdong appeared again.

Compared to half a year ago, he was skinny and skinny, his eyes looked a little scary, his eyes were blue and black, and his lips were purple. In the video, he frantically complained—

"Qian Baizhi shot at me! There is a problem with the robot. She shot me through a robot! This kind of robot can be controlled by Qian Baizhi!"

"Help me, everyone save me!"

The video is just such a paragraph, Sun Changdong's mental state is obviously very bad, and it looks a little scary.

"Is he...really?"

"Why do I feel abnormal? Half a year ago, he said that Qian Baizhi was going to kill him, but didn't he live well? And it felt like he had a mental problem."

"What's wrong with the robot?"

"But think about it, if the robot hurts us, it's easier to do it."

"Take it down, robots are programs and machines, they can't hurt people, and don't they have a protective watch?"

"So... is this person telling the truth or is it fake?"

This time, the Qian Group finally responded—

[Bullshit, you can slander people, but you can't slander your works. The Qian Group is willing to invest in installing a live camera in your home, so that people all over the world can see how robots hurt you! 】

Sun Changdong agreed.

He was about to be tossed insane, he had not slept for a long time, and he had nightmares when he fell asleep. He was about to be driven crazy.

There is a problem with the robot, there is definitely a problem with the robot!

He wanted to throw the robot out, but Sun Jiao didn't agree. Their family couldn't afford a servant, and no one could do housework.

If the robots are lost, how will they live? Even eating is a problem!

Sun Jiao didn't think there was a problem with the robot, she thought it was her father's mental problem.

In this way, Sun Changdong agreed to install the live broadcast camera, which was installed in his bedroom.

He thought, with the camera, Qian Baizhi shouldn't be able to attack him, right?

If the robot does something, he can also get the evidence and claim against Qian Baizhi! can use this to turn around.

So, that night, Sun Changdong went to bed under the watch of the live broadcast camera.

Most people are not interested in an old man live streaming to sleep, but some people are curious, is there any problem with the robot? Did Qian Baizhi really take action against Sun Changdong?

So, there are still a lot of people watching.


At three in the morning, the robot finished the housework and found a corner in the living room to stay quietly.

Sun Changdong began to struggle again on the bed.

And this time is different from before. This time, he struggled more violently, shouting while struggling—

"Go away! Go away!"

"Don't look for me! Don't look for me, you deserve it, Qian Tong, Zhou Fang, you all deserve it!"

"Your money is mine, it's all mine! Your plans are mine too! It's all mine! Get out of your way! Your skills are not as good as others, you should admit defeat! I don't regret it! Damn you!"

"Ahhh- don't touch me! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Ah ah ah, I shouldn't kill Qian Baizhi, I shouldn't toss her! I shouldn't find someone to kill you, I was wrong!"

"I was touched! Qian Baizhi, I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

At this time, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, Sun Jiao rushed over, grabbed Sun Changdong, and shook him to wake him—

"Dad! What nonsense are you talking about?! You are a nightmare. Dreams are different from reality. Don't talk nonsense!"

She just wanted to beat her dad!

He just agreed to live broadcast, what did he say at night? !

He actually admitted in his dream that he killed Qian Baizhi's parents and tossed Qian Baizhi!

Can this kind of talk be heard by others? !

Sun Changdong really woke up, he didn't know what he saw, he held Sun Jiao's hand tightly, raised his voice, trembling and scared, full of panic—

"Qian Baizhi didn't hide her clumsiness, she didn't hide it for more than ten years, she was reborn as a ghost, and she came to take revenge!"

That's why she can have so many technological products that surpass the times, so she can change the world.

It's not how well she hid in the past, it's just that she is the return of a demon!

He saw it with his own eyes!

Absolutely true!

Sun Jiao lost control, slapped her father for the first time, and yelled loudly, "What nonsense are you talking about?! You are dreaming, this is nonsense!"

After speaking, she stood up and rushed over to smash the live broadcast.

The live broadcast was interrupted, and the screen was quiet.

But the next day, the Internet was lively—

"Fuck! Eyes open!"

"This reversal is even scarier than the Qian Ming family last time. He actually killed Ms. Qian's parents!"

"The revenge of killing father and mother, my God, how could he be so embarrassed to appear in the image of a benefactor?!"

"There's something wrong with the robot. It's obviously because I've done too many disgusting things. I'm starting to get scared and have nightmares!"

"I threw up, was sent to a noble school by him, and has been bullied all the time. It's truly a blessing to God that Ms. Qian can be where she is today."

"Sun Changdong, go to hell! This turtle grandson is too scary!"

"So disgusting, I have never seen such a disgusting person, go to hell!"

Sun Jiao looked at the comments on the Internet, her face was completely pale.

Looking at Sun Changdong on the side, he gritted his teeth with hatred, and scolded: "Sun Changdong, you are really crazy, why are you dragging me to death?! If you hadn't killed Qian Baizhi's parents, how could we have become what we are today? !"

She selectively forgets—

If Sun Changdong hadn't done that, she wouldn't have had such a good life as she is today.

At this time, the phone rang.

She just picked it up. On the opposite side, Mr. Li's voice sounded—

"I think we should forget it! You and Qian Baizhi are revenge for killing your father and mother, and now whoever seeks death will marry you!"

"I don't want me to be killed suddenly one day, goodbye!"

After speaking, the other side hung up the phone immediately, obviously not wanting to say a word to them.

Sun Jiao's eyes were red.

However, something worse happened.

The official website of Qian's Group issued a notice-

[Because there is no evidence, Sun Changdong cannot be sent to prison, but the blood feud cannot be forgotten. Starting today, Sun Changdong and Sun Jiao's family will never be able to use any products of Qian's Group! Blacklist forever! 】

Sun Changdong's mental state is not right, and his mourning cannot be regarded as evidence.

And Qian Baizhi didn't want to send him to prison. If she wanted to, she would have sent him in a long time ago. The reason why she dealt with them like this was to let them—

Every minute and every second of my life is in pain.

Everyone in the world, no one thinks that Qian Baizhi is doing something wrong, they even think that she is too cheap for the Sun family, that is the revenge of killing her father and mother!

Madam Qian, she is really kind!


The Sun family can really slander her!

Then Sun Jiao looked at the notice, and her whole body trembled.

What is the life of Qian Ming's family...

In the future, they will only get worse.

Sun Jiao couldn't imagine what would happen to her. She wanted to say on the Internet that it had nothing to do with herself, and Sun Changdong was just having a nightmare, not real.

But no one believed her.

As soon as she appeared, she was insulted and disgusted by the whole network.


"Knock knock." Someone knocked on the door.

As soon as Sun Jiao opened the door, a basin of dirty water was poured over—

"Murderer! Why don't you get out of here!"

Sun Jiao's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief: "You, you..."

"Cough cough." The property also came over, coughed, then frowned and looked at Sun Jiao, "Other owners have a lot of opinions on you, and you can't ride on a flying car in the future, this house doesn't mean much to you, it's better after selling it. , move away."

"Yes, move away now!"

"Murderers, although there are protective watches now, who knows what you will do!"

"Staying in the same community with you, I'm afraid it will affect the air!"

"Get out now!"

"You don't deserve to be here!"

Hearing this voice, Sun Jiao's body trembled.

She suddenly thought of a long time ago, when Qian Baizhi was still in school.

From elementary school to junior high school, high school, and even university, she always smiled and watched Qian Baizhi being scolded by others as a "poor ghost", "being with a poor ghost like you affects the air", "go away poor ghost", "you" don't deserve to be here"…

At that time, when she saw this scene, she just showed a smile.

In her heart, she also thought so.

Now, it's her turn...

And she only felt humiliation and embarrassment in her heart, and hatred was full of hatred.

If at first...

Too bad there is no if.

She was an accomplice, and her father was the culprit.

Sun Jiao thought about the future, that they had no money, that they had to do housework, that they couldn't find a job and couldn't live on...

Thinking of her face being recognized by everyone in the world, no one will bear not using Qian's Group products, so no one will marry her or pull her...

Sun Jiao grabbed her head and cried out in pain, "Ah—"

In the room, as soon as Sun Changdong closed his eyes, he seemed to see Qian Tong again, and he shouted—

"Help! Let me go! Let me go!"

"Xiao Bai, has the robot taken it back?" Bai Zhi asked.

Xiaobai Mengmeng's voice sounded: "Take it back! According to the owner's request, destroy Sun Changdong's quantum intelligent robot, Xiaobai saw it with his own eyes!"

Bai Zhi: "Well, good."

In his mind, 444 asked in confusion: "That is an upgraded version of the robot you made, or it can be said to be the third generation of quantum intelligent robots. Why should it be destroyed? Isn't it on sale?"

"The release of this generation of robots is not necessarily a good thing for human beings. Some technologies have to have a degree." Bai Zhi pushed her glasses.

444 doesn't quite understand.

Bai Zhi didn't intend to explain, but just smiled: "Okay, although this world is very bad, I have rectified some of the problems in this world, so now this world is still very good for me."

"Huh?" 444 looked blank.

"Unlimited funds, manpower all over the world, any research can be tested... You said, should I try to make robots have intelligence next?" Bai Zhi chuckled.

444: "!!"

"It's not that simple, but you can try it first. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely be a partner for you, called 444 clone, okay?" Bai Zhi's voice was faint.

444: "…"

"Wow" cried out.


Devil master!

It held its head and ran away in fear.

Something flashed in Bai Zhi's eyes, and then she continued to smile and devoted herself to research.

The construction of the Baizhixing shield is in full swing. When people are in City A, they can look up from time to time to see the spaceship over the Qian's Group base, and occasionally fly back.

Everyone is used to this scene.

Until a year later, the land on Baizhixing was partially auctioned, and many chaebols who were still alive were moved and started to auction the land. The construction team of Qian's Group has already gone up, and the first batch of people who went up to build will be paid Very very rich.

Now that the chaebols have taken the land, there are more spaceships going to the sky every day. The Interstellar Transportation Department of the Qian Group pulls people up to build one ship after another every day.

Some people with small wealth, or people who are poor and poor, also want to take advantage of this opportunity to go up and fight.

In building a new world, those who seize the opportunity are the ones who get rich first.

But now, the world is no longer monopolized by major chaebols, but only by the Qian Group. The Qian Group has given the whole people opportunities through macro-control.

Everyone is full of fighting spirit and wants to seize the opportunity and earn a place.

Construction is a matter for everyone in the world, but how to build it is planned by the Qian Group.

To travel to and from Baizhixing and the current world, you only need to buy a spaceship ticket, which is as convenient as flying in the past, and spaceship fields have been built in major cities.

Thirty years later.

Wan Xinxing is an ordinary employee of a certain company.

He lives in Baizhixing now, mainly because of work reasons, so his family also came.

There are countless people like him.

At the moment, he is having breakfast.

The robot at home has already prepared breakfast, this weekend, so breakfast is a little late.

Wan Xinxing sat down, his wife and two children were already eating, and his wife handed him the chopsticks and said, "I'm going to take the children back to Earth, a friend of mine is married, and the children also want to go back to play for a few days. By the way, see your parents, mine, and grandparents."

"Oh, isn't it just me at home?" Wan Xinxing was a little reluctant.

The little daughter's cute voice sounded: "Dad, you still have Xiao Bei, Xiao Bei will accompany you!"

Next to it, the robot spoke: "Yes, Xiaobei will accompany you!"

Wan Xinxing: "Okay, then you have to pay attention to safety, listen to your mother's words, come back early, and don't delay your studies. The Qian Group values ​​the theoretical classes that you will take from childhood to adulthood, you know?"

"Got it!" The two children responded obediently.

So, after breakfast, the wife bought the spaceship ticket after lunch.

Wan Xinxing is ready to send them.

They went out, but did not go downstairs.

Bai Zhixing's house construction is based on the drawings given by Qian's Group. The houses are almost all villa types, and the price is not particularly expensive. At least Wan Xinxing and his wife have middle-level incomes and can afford them with loans.

But they didn't buy a small villa, they bought a high-rise, with only two households on the first floor, an elevator and a small parking lot in the middle, and of course flying cars were parked.

In other words, their flying car is parked right next door to their house.

There are also some houses whose garages are at home. Anyway, it depends on the needs. Just like buying a villa or a high-rise, it all depends on the preferences and needs.

Wan Xinxing got on the speeder with his wife and two children.

After starting, after selecting the address, the windows of the parking car automatically open, and the speeding car slowly drives away.

After sending his wife and children to the spaceship field, Wan Xinxing sat in the car, a little reluctant, and after a while, he smiled again.

"Hey hey, it's time to play games!"

I have to say that the Qian Group is really awesome.

After the housework is solved by robots, because there are too many jobs, the demand for manpower is relatively large, so most people have very considerable income.

Considerable income, many positions, no need to work overtime, housework is done by someone, travel is convenient, and entertainment needs come out?

As a result, the Qian Group released a holographic game!


Wan Xinxing's wife didn't like him playing games very much. He cherished the time when he could meet someone playing games at home very little.

The Qian Group and Qian Baizhi have really changed the whole world, making everyone relaxed, living a free life and living and working in peace and contentment.

Wan Xinxing felt that the overall quality of their generation was higher than that of the previous generation.

Because they all have to take some courses, the previous generation was basically money-oriented, but in their generation, the situation is much better.

And their next generation, the generation of their children, pays more attention to the quality of character.

Qian's Group's business covers a wide range, and both planets are short of people, but the threshold of Qian's Group's head office is still very high. Of course, Qian's Group's head office is also the best place to work, with excellent benefits.

Want to enter?

Let's talk about quality first.

Many people say that the Qian Group has never destroyed the world, but saved the world. One of Qian Baizhi's two nicknames is called the Savior.

Of course, she has another nickname...

Wan Xinxing started the speeding car to go back, and then a voice that accompanied him growing up sounded—

"The energy bill for the speeding car has been used up, please pay on time."

Wan Xinxing: "…"

He skillfully used his watch to successfully pay the bill.

However, the car still did not start.

Ms. Qian's voice sounded again—

"The management fee for flight orbit planning has expired, please recharge."

Wan Xinxing: "..." Yes, today is No. 1.

Alas, he pays with his watch again.

This time, the car finally took off. Because of the distance, it took 20 minutes to finally get home.

After returning home, Wan Xinxing couldn't wait to rush to the study.

"Xiao Bei, order me a fried chicken burger."

"Okay." Xiaobei responded.

Immediately came over, a familiar voice sounded—

"The order has been placed, please pay."

Wan Xinxing sighed and quickly paid the money.

It took about ten minutes for the delivery to arrive. He was just able to start the game. He hadn't played for a long time, so he might have to update it first.

Sure enough, the game was updated.

The fried chicken burger was picked up by Becky and delivered.

Wan Xinxing eats happily.

At this time, his wife's video call suddenly sounded.

Wan Xinxing was shocked, wiped his hands cleanly, ran to the living room with his watch, picked up a book, and then answered the phone.

He smiled: "Are you on the spaceship?"

"Yes, the spaceship opened, and they were very excited." The wife was a little helpless, and the camera swept to the two children.

"Haha, it's normal. I've been sitting for decades, and I'm still very excited every time I get on the spacecraft." Wan Xinxing smiled happily.

The wife said, "I just called to tell you, don't eat junk food, let Xiaobei cook for you, and don't play games, do you hear?"

Wan Xinxing blinked: "I heard!"

The two said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Then, before he rushed back to the study, the familiar and terrifying voice sounded inside the watch—

"Sorry, your watch has been used up, please pay in time."

Wan Xinxing: "..." No. 1 has to pay not only the orbit management fee, but also the phone bill!

I cried and cried.

He paid the fee again and rushed back to the study.

Start the updated game while eating fried chicken.

However, it was the same voice—

"The game was updated successfully, your membership fee has expired, please pay."

Wan Xinxing: "...Qian Baizhi, you devil!"

Yes, in addition to "Savior", another title of Qian Baizhi - "Devil".

They worked for the Qian Group, received wages from Qian Baizhi, and then...

They will all spend this money on Qian Baizhi!

All the people in the world, there is no one who does not give money to Baizhi!

They live in the age of science and technology, in the interstellar era, and in the era dominated by Qian Baizhi!

Qian Baizhi is fifty years old this year and is in good health. His grandfather can't wait.

Can his father and him wait until the day when they are not dominated by the devil's money Baizhi?

Fortunately, his child is young, so he can definitely wait!