MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 45 The whole world is spending money on me (12)

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Only lack of people, no layoffs?

Qian Baizhi explained it herself?

As soon as the announcement on the official website came out, there was an uproar on the Internet—

"What does this mean?"

"Why don't I understand? That is to say, the Qian Group can solve the employment problem of all people in the world?"

"??? Who wouldn't talk big."

"The best solution for you is to close down quickly and stop harming us!"

"My husband is unemployed, and now he works in the Qian's Group, but my husband used to have a decent job, and now he is a worker in the factory! I don't know how many days I can stay in this job, and our mortgage pressure is so great. , If the Qian Group makes us all unemployed, I don't know what I will do, I will go crazy!"

Some people even tried to commit suicide outside the Qian Group, shouting—

"The **** Qian Group has caused me to lose my job!"

On one side, the people who committed suicide shouted that Qian's group was trash and wanted them to give justice, and on the other side was Qian Ming's family, shouting that Qian Baizhi was ruthless, ruthless and ruthless.

Outside the Qian Group, it was extremely lively.

The chaebols who shot against Qian Baizhi gathered together and held up their wine glasses.

Someone looked relaxed, took a deep breath with a cup in hand, and said with enjoyment: "We have been suppressed for so long, and we really think we have no way to do it, Qian Baizhi, Qian Baizhi, you are talented, but unfortunately you are too unruly."

It has to be said that even if Qian Baizhi pushed them to this point, they also thought from the bottom of their hearts that if Qian Baizhi was not the boss of Qian's Group, he did not have such great ambitions, but a technical talent...

Who would not welcome her?

"Yeah, it's a pity, she doesn't give us a way to live, and we don't need to make a way for her." Someone said lightly, picked up the wine glass, and touched another person lightly.

"Yes, cutting weeds is about eradicating the roots." Another said.

Immediately, they lowered their eyes slightly.

If Qian Baizhi is really forced to a desperate situation, if the Qian Group really does not exist...

They may not be sitting together like an alliance, they will go back to the hostile state they were before, and before that, they will do one thing—

Take control of Qian Baizhi first.

Can they master such a terrifying head, can they become the next Qian Group?

It's just that at that time, they will be more calm, and will... leave no handle.

At this time, one of them suddenly said: "Qian Baizhi wants to respond publicly. I always feel...she is not the kind of person who is aimless. What if she really finds a solution?"

"What solution? What solution can she have to solve the employment problem of all people in the world. We can help her figure out problems that she can't think of, and ask her to see if she can solve them."

The man had malicious intentions: "For example... those poor people are living well, won't the population grow rapidly? Don't these people need arrangements?"

"Yes, it's not enough to have a job, but also the nature of the job, what you do, how much the salary is..." The man shook his head, "Qian Baizhi can't solve it, no one can solve this problem."

"Yes, so this time, Qian Baizhi has no choice. We finally waited for the dawn of victory. Come on, let's toast for our upcoming victory." Someone raised the glass.

The others also raised their cups, touched them lightly, and smiled at each other.

After the announcement on the Qian's Group's official website was issued, sure enough, the trend on the Internet was still as usual, with all the voices of disapproval and bad-mouthing.

There was even a wind of smashing robots.

Of course, Qian's Group does not have a storefront, they only sell on the official website, and then they are delivered by Feizhou.

Flying boats and flying buses are in the sky and can't be smashed. Everyone is reluctant to smash protective watches. The simulated pets look like real ones, and they seem to be dead, and they are not harmed.

Therefore, in the end, their "demonstration" behavior is only to smash the quantum intelligent robots in their own homes. After all, the robots are placed in their own homes, and other people's homes cannot be smashed, so they can only smash their own.

Then put it on the Qian Group forum to demonstrate.

[If you smash the quantum intelligent robot at home and oppose the Qian Group, you must start by opposing the Qian Group's products. I know that the existence of robots makes every family a lot more convenient. Everything in the house is done by robots. When I get home every day, there is only ease and low prices.

but! Its existence squeezes our living space, there are only so many jobs, and the existence of robots occupies our opportunities and jobs! Now that the world’s population is under great pressure, it is very difficult to work for capital, so although I am reluctant to give up, I still call for the robot to be smashed! (video)】

As soon as this post was posted, there was a heated discussion below -

"Actually...not really?"

"I don't think so. I have feelings for Dongdong, and I can't bear it."

"Brother, you also paid for the robot, and this one you smashed is a luxury version, worth half a million!"

"I think the landlord is right. It doesn't mean that robots must stay if they are good. Some things that go against human ethics and humanitarianism should not exist."

"The robot has obviously affected us, it's good, but it really shouldn't stay, like the Qian Group..."

"I'm still reluctant. Didn't Ms. Qian Baizhi say to respond? Maybe she can have a good solution."

"What can be done?"

Because of a video of smashing a robot, the Internet has become noisy again.

But for this kind of behavior, Bai Zhi quickly issued an order, and there was another notice on the official website of Qian's Group—

"The first generation of quantum intelligent robots needs to be replaced, and the old robots must be recycled. If the previous quantum intelligent robot was violently damaged by itself, its owner will be blacklisted, and no more quantum intelligent robots can be purchased!"

Now Qian's Group's sales of quantum intelligent robots are on the right track. A family can only buy one for the time being. Unless they live separately from their parents for a long time, they are restricted.

That is to say, the average person has only one quantum intelligent robot at home. If you want to buy another one, you must send the old one back before you can buy it.

If the old one is not sent back, it cannot be purchased.

If the quantum intelligent robot sent back is deliberately smashed, it cannot be purchased.

Of course, you can disagree with this newly added rule, so don't buy it.

To translate the words of the Qian Group is-

"You can smash it as much as you like, and you can't buy it after you smash it!"

Those who posted videos of smashing robots disappeared all at once, including the landlord who started following suit, and also applied to delete the post, but even if it was deleted, his name also appeared on the Quantum Intelligent Robot Sales Black. list.

Smashing or something, suddenly disappeared.

There are also those who do not believe in evil. Even if they are blacklisted, they are frantically resisting robots and the Qian Group with a rhythm on the Internet.

The forum is still talking about and questioning the Qian Group, but there is no video of smashing the robot, so Bai Zhi doesn't care.

The time soon came to nine o'clock at night the next day.

On the official website of Qian's Group, the live link of Angelica is put on time.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, Bai Zhi, wearing a white coat, sat on a chair in the laboratory, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, her hair was curled up, and she was calm and calm.

Behind her is a huge curtain, next to a blackboard and a big screen.

She just sat there, with an unsteady posture, calm.

This scene…


"Damn it! It's a little familiar, everyone!"

"Last time... when Ms. Qian Baizhi showed everyone the flying boat, it was like this!"

"Mom, I was full of doubts, but I don't know why. When I saw Ms. Qian Baizhi's face, I felt like she could solve everything."

"I also believe in the Qian's Group! I believe that the Qian's Group that price a quantum intelligent robot at 50,000 yuan and a flying car at 2 yuan is definitely not really trying to harm mankind."

"...There's been a bit of magic on the Internet these two days. Everyone seems to want to kill Qian Baizhi and Qian's group."

"I also feel that I feel like I'm obsessed, and suddenly the whole network is against it."

As soon as Qian Baizhi's face appeared in the camera, everyone's attitude changed. Looking at her calm expression, it seemed that her head was a little hot, and it suddenly cooled down.

The united chaebols frowned as they watched the live video.

Someone said: "She has such an aura and courage, so that everyone in the world believes in her..."

The rhythm on the Internet was like a demon, of course, they brought it up, and everyone's emotions were aroused. Now is the time to follow the crowd to oppose and boycott the Qian Group.

Unexpectedly, Qian Baizhi just appeared on the face, and before he started to speak, he had already cooled everyone down.

So, someone tapped the table with a finger, and said lightly, "Since the wind has changed, then help her turn it hard and turn it around completely."

The others were stunned for a moment, then understood, and looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

So, those people with black rhythm suddenly changed the rhythm and turned into a compliment—

"Ms. Qian Baizhi definitely has a way! She is so powerful!"

"Yes, she came to solve the problem for us today, and she will definitely be able to help us solve it."

"Employment issues, population expansion issues, monopoly issues, she must have a solution!"

"Yes, she can make robots and let robots do a lot of things instead of humans, so it will definitely solve the troubles of human beings, and will never let robots squeeze our space!"

"I believe in Ms. Qian Baizhi!"

"Ms. Qian Baizhi definitely has a way!"

Kill it!

Those chaebols who united to take action against Bai Zhi saw that the wind direction had changed a bit, and immediately played the trick in the live broadcast room.

You are so powerful, you can definitely give us a perfect solution, right?

This remark is said first, so that people all over the world who watch the live broadcast will leave an impression in their hearts - Ms. Qian Baizhi will definitely be able to solve them perfectly.

If they can't solve it, or can only solve part of it, then they will definitely raise strong resistance and breed dissatisfaction.

You know, if it was just before, as long as Qian Baizhi could come up with a method that people could barely accept, such as expanding the factory and making new products, then everyone would be reluctant to accept it.

But the preconceived impression of "she must be able, she must give them a perfect solution", if she just comes up with a reluctant solution, the result is self-evident.

When these chaebols join forces to deal with people, they are indeed very useful.

Bai Zhi knew that they were killing them. In her headset, people from Qian's Group were reporting to her in real time. This was also the idea of ​​her newly recruited general manager. Give her the headset and let her carry it, and they can report to her at any time. .

At this moment, the general manager's voice was a little angry and anxious.

Obviously, he has seen the minds of those people.

But does Angelica care?

A sneer flashed in her eyes, then she reached out, took off the headset, and threw it on the table next to her.

Immediately, she looked at the camera and said calmly, "Hello everyone, I'm Qian Baizhi."

This live broadcast has been transferred to various worlds. Everyone in the world is paying attention to this live broadcast. Everyone is paying attention to the survival of human beings, and whether the existence of robots will squeeze the living space of human beings.

Even the Qian Ming family stopped shouting, and found a place to watch the live broadcast.

As soon as the voice landed, the various languages ​​in the live broadcast room filled the screen—

"Grass! I just subconsciously prepared to pay!"

"Scary! This woman's voice really left a psychological shadow on me!"

"Uuuuu, me too."

"I just trembled. I probably won't be able to chat face-to-face with Ms. Qian Baizhi in my life, and my mentality will probably collapse."

"Same as above!!"

The topic is a bit skewed, even countless sailors can't stop it. After all, they are huge in number, but they are not comparable to everyone in the world!

The fear of Qian Baizhi's voice is shared by people all over the world!

Bai Zhi has already taken the headset. She doesn't know what netizens are saying, but no matter what they say, it doesn't matter.

She looked at the camera and pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses: "I know that everyone is worried that the existence of the Qian Group will affect the whole world and make huge changes in the whole world."

She paused, then nodded: "Yes, you are right, the existence of the Qian Group does affect the whole world, and it will also bring about great changes in the world."

Another uproar.

But she didn't know, didn't care, picked up a pen and started writing on the blackboard next to her—

"The total population of the world is now 7 billion. The existence of quantum intelligent robots will greatly increase the human birth rate. I think that many families who did not want to have children at first, because of the robots, reduce the trouble of raising children, they will Include childbirth in the plan.

"Then there is the mortality rate. The existence of protective wristwatches will greatly reduce the number of accidental deaths. At the same time, quantum intelligent robots will plan the eating habits for their masters, increase life expectancy and reduce illness.

"It's all a positive effect on the population, and as a result, the population will be in accordance with..."

She started counting.

The strokes are counted very clearly, quickly and clearly.

But it made everyone outside the screen wide-eyed, not understanding why she counted this.

“…With flying boats and flying buses, urbanization will increase, and there will be more and more robots, which are also burdens. So, the burden on our entire world will increase at a very rapid rate.”

She paused and calculated a number in her mind, "That's why, if we continue as normal, after three hundred and seventy years, the burden on this world will reach its maximum value, a turning point where human survival becomes difficult."

"Is she crazy?" A certain chaebol master couldn't believe it.

The other person also frowned, staring at Qian Baizhi on the screen, also unbelievable: "She is overthrowing herself like this! All these influences are brought by Qian's group, and she is demolishing her own platform?!"

What they put forward before were all simple speculations, and the evidence was based on unemployment statistics, just to scare these people.

However, Qian Baizhi's speculation is made up of countless data, and through calculation, it is even more accurate to tell everyone—

If this continues, after three hundred and seventy years, human existence will begin to decline and become difficult.

How can you dismantle your own table? !

Is she crazy? !

"No, I don't think so, Qian Baizhi is not such a stupid person, have we suffered less from her before?!" Someone pursed his lips, stood up, and said in a high voice.

At the beginning, they all thought Qian Baizhi was a fool, but they were so bold that they came out and tried the flying bus by themselves, and even gave them three days' notice to arrange a time.

But then...

Facts tell them that the fool is themselves!

So... now what?

What is Qian Baizhi going to do?

Their hearts clenched and they stared at the screen, trying to see what she was going to say.

Sun family.

"Dad, there is definitely a problem!" Sun Jiao stood up, "Qian Baizhi is not such a simple person, she must have a backer, what is she going to do?!"

She was a little anxious.

In the past six months, the situation of the Sun family has been getting worse and worse, the assets have been shrinking, and they are almost completely bankrupt.

The three words Qian Baizhi are already their curse.

This is their last hope.

If they can't defeat Qian Baizhi, then their Sun family is completely over!

"Sun Jiao! Calm down!" Sun Changdong's hands trembled a little, but he still said, "You can't look at her like this and think she still has something to do. Yes, maybe she has something to do, but she still has a way to solve it. Is it the world's problem? Can her back-up do this? If she can't, then she can't save the Qian Group!"

Saying so, he gradually calmed down.

In the beginning, the problem she had to solve was the employment problem of all people in the world, but now, she has calculated such a statistic by herself, showing the terrible future before everyone's eyes.

Therefore, if she really wants to solve it, she must solve the problem of human survival!

Trouble yourself?

Sun Jiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, it seems that she has a backer, but she is not a god, she can't change the world, she can't make the whole planet bigger, and increase resources and opportunities."

She sat down, relaxed a lot, and continued to watch the screen with Sun Changdong.

These people think highly of Qian Baizhi, and feel that she is definitely not a simple person, and that she will not aim at nothing.

—Besides, predicting her backhand is an attitude towards the enemy.

But ordinary people all over the world are different. They looked at the screen and listened to these words, and immediately panicked—

"What's the meaning?!"

"Ou, is this imperial woman a revenge social personality? Otherwise, how could it create so many products that we humans will perish in more than three hundred years?"

"...not extinction, it's human existence that begins to decline, but it's also very bad."

"It's all because of the Qian Group, and now I'm starting to want to boycott the Qian Group!"

"Yes, people can't be selfish. After more than 300 years, we really can't live, but we don't want human beings to gradually become extinct."

"Qian Baizhi, this is the solution you said???"

Many people became angry and began to question.

Those who firmly believed in Qian Baizhi were also a little shaken, began to hesitate, and began to look at the woman in the video, falling into silence.

In the video, Bai Zhi didn't stop counting, she continued—

"Assuming a premise, there is no premise of the Qian Group. Then the birth rate in this world will remain at the previous level, and the death rate will also be calculated according to the original level, then..."

She continued to count at a very fast speed. For her, she did not need a computer at all to calculate the huge number, and she didn't even need to think about it, she calculated it directly—

"Okay, that is to say, without the Qian Group and without the Qian Group's products, the burden on the world will reach its peak in 832 years. Without the Qian Group, after 823 years, mankind will Start going downhill."

Listening to these words in the ears of different people will produce different reactions.

"Pfft—" Sun Jiao laughed.

She looked at Sun Changdong: "Dad, she wants to tell everyone that if there is no Qian Group, human beings will go downhill, but it will be later. Do you think everyone will accept the Qian Group?"

Sun Changdong's brows relaxed a little, looking at the blackboard in the camera, the two numbers up and down were in sharp contrast.

He said: "Qian Baizhi's scientific research strength is too strong. The people of Qian's Group are right. She is a chaebol at the helm, but she is also a scientist. Scientists are always different. Between a genius and a lunatic, she may I think it's better to enjoy three hundred years than the original eight hundred years."

This makes sense, but how many people in the world can accept this answer?

They want a solution, not a consolation.

This problem is caused by you, and those selfish ordinary people will ask you to solve it.

What's more, there are other chaebols who contribute to the flames, and few people can accept Qian Baizhi's rhetoric.

Sun Changdong's heart was put down a little bit. If Qian Baizhi only said this today, she would be finished.

Obviously, the capitalists think so too.

The originally frowning frowns gradually loosened, and their expressions relaxed a little.

They let the robot pour some fine wine, then looked at the robot and smiled—

"Robots are indeed very good. If they are put into production, they don't need money, no complaints, and no rest... What a lot of labor."

"Yeah, it will be ours after a while."


This is the essence of capitalists. They use robots to squeeze the living space of ordinary people to attack Qian Baizhi and Qian's group, but in their minds, what is the matter of ordinary people's survival?

If they had this technology, they wouldn't let robots serve ordinary people at low prices.

They want to put into production and squeeze the labor force without complaint and rest!

inside the screen.

Bai Zhi looked at what was calculated on her blackboard with satisfaction, then she dropped the pen, pushed the blackboard away, and sat back in the chair.

Her eyes turned to the camera again—

"Everyone, it is inevitable that the burden of this world will reach its peak. Even if there is no Qian Group, this will happen. At that time, human beings will still start to think about solutions. Qian Group, take this thinking time. Earlier."

There was another uproar, and her words ignited the anger of countless people—

"What are you kidding?!"

"The world is sure to perish, so you can perish ahead of time?!"

"So unreasonable! There is no such thing!"

"If this is what you told us, then we won't accept it!"

"I'm so angry! I came to watch this live broadcast with anticipation, and it just gave me such an answer!"

"Yes, if the Qian Group wants to say this, it is unreasonable!"

"Boycott the Qian Group! Without the Qian Group, there are at least 800 years, and more than 800 years, enough people in the future to think of a way! But three hundred years is not necessarily!"

"Yes, we can't help too much to prolong this time, but we can stop it from shortening! Boycott the Qian Group!"

"Ahhh, it sounds so desperate, we can't patronize our own enjoyment."

"Qian Baizhi is really too selfish and self-interested! You caused it, you should solve it!"

Bai Zhi didn't read everyone's remarks, she always remained calm, even if she could actually guess what everyone would say and how to resist her "scourge".

"I'll say it again - after-sales of Qian's Group, please rest assured." She turned on the computer.

Next to it, large pictures began to appear on the big screen.

The light from the screen was reflected on the gold-rimmed glasses, as if the streamers in her eyes were flickering and shining.

"So since I said that the Qian Group will solve the employment problem of all people in the world, it will definitely solve it." Bai Zhi's lips curled slightly.

"Bah, is it important to solve the employment problem now?!"

"Because of your existence, the demise of mankind will be earlier in the future. Even if you give me a job, what's the use?!"

"Yes, the Qian Group should not exist! Flying boats, flying buses, and robots should not appear! It should not accelerate the demise of mankind and increase the burden on the world!"

"Boycott the Qian Group! The Qian Group must be boycotted!"

She didn't look at the anger of the netizens, she started typing on the computer, and a large picture began to appear on the screen. Looking at the picture, the light in her eyes was even more—

"When the world's burden is at its greatest, if you can't think of a solution, survival will become more difficult. And there are only two so-called solutions."


Hearing these four words, many people gave a slight pause, and even forgot to type to express their anger, they only looked at Bai Zhi to see what she would say.

Bai Zhi released a picture: "The first method is competition, which is also the screening standard of nature. The fittest will survive, the excellent will remain, and the less excellent will be eliminated. In that way, the population will decrease, the world's burden will become lighter, competition will become smaller, and survival will also be reduced. It has become relatively easy. The part of the people who are not easy to survive has been eliminated.”

A circle is drawn on the picture, inside the circle is alive, outside the circle is dead.

Many people were slightly shocked, their bodies tense subconsciously.

It seems that they have entered that kind of competition, a life-and-death competition, and who can guarantee that they are the part of the people who will not be eliminated?

This screening mechanism is too cruel!

What about the second way?

Someone couldn't wait to ask.

Bai Zhi didn't see it, but she was continuing: "There is a second method. The first method is like a glass of water, which overflows when it is full. The water is still there, but the part that can't hold it is lost. And the second method, It's a big cup instead."

Everyone was stunned.

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"What was she trying to say? Why am I getting more and more confused."

"Confusion plus one."

"So... what explanation is the Qian Group going to give us?!"

"Ah, ah, let's be clear, okay? Don't perfunctory us!"

Bai Zhi looked at the camera, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, with a smile: "Everyone, in my previous calculations, with the Qian Group, the turning point of mankind will appear in 370 years, without the Qian Group, the turning point will be eight One hundred and twenty-three years later, do many people think that they should boycott the Qian Group?"

Everyone: "..." You still have some ideas in your heart.

Angelica's voice is decisive—

"No, you shouldn't boycott Qian's group, because I said it when I calculated, under normal circumstances! You should thank Qian's group, thank me, Baizhi, Qian Baizhi. Qian's group, not going to take this normal situation The way we are, we are an unusual situation in this world!"

Everyone: "???"

"What is she talking about?!" Sun Jiao's eyes widened again.

This woman, who has reached this point, is still so arrogant? !

Sun Changdong frowned: "Does she have something behind?"

"But Dad, didn't you say that if her backhand is not to solve the problem of human survival, then her backhand is not a backhand, and it is impossible to satisfy the people of the world!" Sun Jiao looked at Sun Changdong.

Sun Changdong's brows did not loosen: "That's right, yes, but Qian Baizhi is too evil..."

Sun Jiao's heart, which had been put down, brought it up again. Could it be that Qian Baizhi can still solve the problem of survival in the world in a few hundred years?

After a while, she said, "Let's see, let's see what else she has to say."

inside the screen.

The corners of Bai Zhi's mouth still had a smile: "If there is no me, there is no Qian Group, maybe you can find a solution in 800 years. But in the middle of 800 years, you can't enter the current era of technology. Ways to enjoy the care of a robot, ride a flying car, be protected by a protective watch…”

also? !

Can you find a solution too? !

In other words - she has found it? !

Everyone stared at the screen, whether it was ordinary people or those who wished her bad luck, they were all looking at the screen at the moment, without blinking their eyes, not daring to miss a word!

Bai Zhi's slender and tender fingers tapped the keyboard, and a large starry sky map appeared on the screen.

"Our world is here." She drew a circle at a small point on the map and continued: "According to the current scientific and technological exploration, among all the known planets, only the world we live in is suitable for human life. I I know, some empires have invested a lot of money to explore, but they have found nothing."

"That's not your problem, it's just that—you're not skilled enough."

She drew another circle on the picture, and the corners of her lips twitched: "This planet belongs to the same galaxy as us, has the same seasons, and is twice the size of our planet. It doesn't matter what its original name is, but Now, it's called Baizhixing."

"You will ask, why? Why?" Bai Zhi didn't watch the live broadcast room, but she seemed to know the questioning that was swiping the screen, "Just because I will make it a second place to live!"


How insane! it really possible?

Baizhi continued to click on the next page, and the details of that planet appeared—

"The current scientific exploration has already learned something about this planet. Of course, it is relatively one-sided. Next, I will introduce the situation of Baizhixing in detail. The temperature difference between day and night is too large, and the highest temperature is as high as... the lowest temperature... and..."

She was introducing, and the live broadcast room was frantically swiping the screen—

"The idea is good, but how to solve these problems? With such a large temperature difference between day and night, how can I live?!"

"More than 100 degrees, can you still live?"

"Yes, and change the life of the planet, don't be so whimsical, okay?"

"Ms. Qian, you are indeed an excellent scientist. Even at present, there is no scientist in the world who can match you, but you are not a god, so don't be too confident in yourself!"

The unfavorable factors for human habitation have been listed on a whole page, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to live in the past.

However, in the next step, Angelica drew a big "X" on the entire page—

"It's a problem, but it's not a problem, I said it can live, it can live, the temperature and all the negative factors, I have found a solution for all of them!"

After a pause, she tilted her head to look at the camera: "The protective cover, a protective cover that covers the entire planet, is different from the protective cover on the first-generation quantum communication watch. This protective cover is combined with the magnetic field of this planet. Design, as long as the protective cover is done well, it is time for you to consider the past development..."

Everyone: "!!"

"The construction of an entire planet, the living space of two planets... So I said that the Qian Group has only a shortage of people, but no layoffs. Whether it is the future of mankind or the employment of all people in the world, the Qian Group will solve it. We After-sales service, you will be satisfied."

She smiled, again with that wicked and arrogant smile—

"So, work for the Qian Group."


Is it true to migrate to other planets? !

and many more-

There are still questions!

Bai Zhi: "I know, you will also ask a question - how to go to Bai Zhi Xing? How to ensure that the protective cover can be built?"

She closed the computer and stood up: "I can guarantee that the protective cover will be built in ten years at most. As for how to get to Angelica Star..."

She smiled, turned around, and walked to the curtain behind her under the astonished gaze of everyone.

Everyone thought this curtain was the background, but she never expected that at this moment, she actually opened the curtain!

The woman who made everyone shout "devil" stood in front of the opened curtain. Behind her was a one-to-one model of a huge spaceship that had been built. The silver-white light was eye-catching, and the smooth lines were shocking.

She opened her hands gently, just like when she was on the stage of the design competition, she also opened her hands. At that time, she said—

Welcome to the age of technology, everyone.

At this moment, she still opened her hands, the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and her hoarse magnetic voice whispered like a devil—

"Everyone, the transitional technological era is coming to an end."

"Welcome to the interstellar age."